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Every worker has a highly developed sense of how much work______(expect)of him.

Every worker has a highly developed sense of how much work______(expect)of him.

更多“Every worker has a highly developed sense of how much work______(expect)of him.”相关的问题


Every man in the country has the right to live where he wants, _______ the color of h

A.with the exception of

B.regardless of

C.in the light of

D.by virtue of



On-the-job smoking is a hot issue for both smokers and non-smokers, and many managers now
see smoking as a productivity(生产力) problem. Although some people question whether smoking really affects one's productivity, it has, in fact, been proven that a smoker costs a company more than a non-smoker. According to Professor William Weis, a smoking employee costs his or her employer about $5,700 more a year than a never-smoker. These costs include medical care, lost earnings and insurance. And absence due to smoking breaks is one of the productivity problems, yet it accounts for a great deal of employer costs.

(78)When the issue of smoking at the workplace is discussed, perhaps the most important problem is the health risk that smoking causes to both smokers and never-smokers. It has long been proven that smoking is linked to lung cancer. Now many health experts warn that passive smoking can cause lung cancer and other illnesses in healthy never-smokers. Passive smoking can be defined as exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in enclosed areas. Anyone who has been with smokers indeed knows that their smoke can cause eye irritation(刺激), coughing, headaches and throat soreness. While eye irritation may seem a small thing to some smokers, it nevertheless is a problem that occurs every workday in offices and break-rooms and can lead to greater health problems. Employees who do not smoke should not be subjected(遭受) to the risks of passive smoking and need to be able to work in a safe environment. Surgeon General Koop states that the right of the smoker stops at the point where his or her smoking increases the disease risk of those occupying the same environment.

All the following cases are on-the-job smoking except that______.

A.an employer smokes while working in the office

B.a taxi driver smokes while driving the car

C.a worker smokes while working in the workshop

D.a worker smokes while reading in the train



The company required that every worker be there () .

A.on time

B.off time

C.in time

D.at times



回答题。Technology has been an encouragement of historical change.It acted as such a force


Technology has been an encouragement of historical change.It acted as such a force in Eng-land beginning in the eighteenth century, and across the entire Western World in the nineteenth.

Rapid advances were made in the use of scientific findings in the manufacture (制造) of goods,which has changed ideas about work.One of the first changes was that other forms of energy havetaken the place of human power.Along with this came the increased use of machines to manufac-ture products in less time.

People also developed machines that could produce the same parts for a product: each nail wasexactly like every other nail, meaning that each nail could be changed for every other nail.Thismeans that goods could be mass produced, though mass production required breaking productiondown into smaller and smaller tasks.

Once this was done, workers no longer started on the product and labored to complete it.In-stead, they might work only one thousandth of it, other workers completing their own parts in cer-tain order.There is nothing strange about this manufacturing work by today' s standards.Highlyskilled workers were unable to compare with the new production techniques, as mass production al-lowed goods of high standard to be produced in greater number than could ever be done by hand.

But the skilled worker wash' t the only loser, the common workers lost too.Similar changes forcedfarmers away.The increased mechanization(机械化) of agriculture freed masses of workers fromploughing the land and harvesting its crops.They had little choice but to stream toward the rapidlydeveloping industrial centers.Increasingly, standards were set by machines.Workers no longerowned their own tools, their skill was no longer valued, and pride in their work was no longer pos-sible.Workers fed, looked after and repaired the machines that could work faster than humans atgreatly reduced cost.

In this passage, which of the following is NOT considered as a change caused by the use of scientific findings in the production of goods? 查看材料

A.Other forms of energy have taken the place of human power.

B.The increased exploitation of workers in the 19th century.

C.The increased use of machines to make products in less time.

D.The use of machines producing parts of the same standard.



Ours has become a society of employees. A hundred years or so ago only one out of every fi
ve Americans at work was employed, i. e. , worked for somebody else. Today only one out of five is not employed but working for himself. And when fifty years ago "being employed" meant working as a factory laborer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education, holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. Indeed, two things have characterized American society during these last fifty years: middle-class and upper-class employees have been tile fastestgrowing groups in our working population—growing so fast that the industrial worker, that oldest child of the Industrial Revolution, has been losing in numerical importance despite the expansion of industrial production.

Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. You can also find a good deal of work in a chosen field, whether it be the mechanist's trade or book-keeping(簿记). Every one of these trades requires different skills, sets different standards, and requires a different preparation. Yet they all have employeeship in common. And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employeeship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. Certainly more people fail because they do not know the requirements of being an employee than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade; the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge.

It is implied that fifty years ago _______.

A.eighty per cent of American working people were employed in factories

B.twenty per cent of American intellectuals were employees

C.the percentage of intellectuals in the total work force was almost the same as that of industrial workers

D.the percentage of intellectuals working as employees was not so large as that of industrial workers



Passage ThreeWhen it comes to singling out those who have made a difference in all our liv

Passage Three

When it comes to singling out those who have made a difference in all our lives, you cannot overlook Henry Ford. A historian a century from now might well conclude that it was Ford who most influenced all manufacturing, everywhere, even to this day, by introducing a new way to make cars--one, strange to say, that originated (超源于) in slaughterhouses (屠宰场).

Back in the early 1900's, slaughterhouses used what could have been called a "disassembly line". Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto (磁电机). Rather than have each worker completely assemble a magneto, one of its elements was placed on a conveyer, and each worker, as it passed, added another part to it, the same one each time. Professor David Hounshell of the University of Delaware, an expert on industrial development, tells what happened.

"The previous day, workers carrying out the entire process had averaged one assembly every 20 minutes. But on that day, on the line, the assembly team averaged one every 13 minutes and 10 seconds per person."

Within a year, the time had been reduced to five minutes. In 1913, Ford went all the way. Hooked together by ropes, partially assembled vehicles were pulled past workers who completed them one piece at a time. It wasn't long before Ford was turning out several hundred thousand cars a year, a remarkable achievement then. And so efficient and economical was this new system that he cut the price of his cars in half, to $260, putting them within reach of all those who, up until that time, could not afford them. Soon, auto makers the world over copied him. In fact, he encouraged them to do so by writing a book about all of his innovations (革新), entitled Today and Tomorrow. The Age of the Automobile has arrived. Today, everything from toasters to perfumes is made on assembly lines.

To what extent does the writer agree with the historian a century from now?

A.He agrees only slightly.

B.He agrees almost completely.

C.He almost disagrees.

D.He disagrees completely.



Although the old worker has limited technical knowledge,he has a lot of experience.


The most fundamental group to which a person belongs is the family. The institution of the family exists in almost every

The most fundamental group to which a person belongs is the family. The institution of the family exists in almost every human culture. It is considered by behavioral scientists to be one of the oldest institutions in human history.

The family unit serves many important functions. The performance of these functions is he reason for the family's importance. Above all , the family serves as a mechanism of species survival (生存,幸存) .

Families also have important economic functions. In primitive societies, the tasks of gathering food and providing shelter were divided among family members. Today, both husband and wife may work and share the duties of homemaking and child rearing.

In addition to its survival and economic functions, the family gives its members social status. In many societies, a person is not considered a complete member until he has married and produced children. Finally, the family helps to meet the basic emotional needs of a person through the love and support received from parents, siblings (兄弟姐妹), and relatives.

21. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage? ____________.

A. The family has changed greatly over time

B. Many of the functions of the family today are being performed by government agencles

C. The most important role for the family is to gather food

D. The family has served many useful functions throughout history

22. According to the passage, which of the following is an example of the role of the family in giving status?____________.

A. A child is taught to respect his elders

B. A couple work for several years to save for the purchase of a home

C. A politician makes a campaign commercial with his family

D. A mother comforts a child after he skins his knees

23. It can be concluded from the passage that the family is ____________.

A. undergoing many changes

B. the only useful social institution

C. likely to exist in future societies

D. not the same today as it was in the past

24. As it is used in the second paragraph of the passage, the word "mechanism" means ____________.

A. parts of an organism or system which work together

B. racial group united by language, religion, custom, etc.

C. the people living in one place, district or country, considered as a whole

D. a worker skilled in using or repairing machines or tools

25. Based on the information in the passage, you can infer that the passage is 一一一一一一·

A. about the family's mechanism of species survival

B. about the social, economic, and emotional usefulness of family throughout human history

C. about duties of the family shared by both husband and wife

D. about the emotional needs received from parents, siblings, and relations



It is necessary that an efficient worker his work on time.A.accomplishesB.can acc


B.can accomplish


D.has accomplished



His bike _______badly.The worker it now.

A.was damaged; is repairing

B.had damaged; has repaired

C.damaged; repaired

D.is damaged; will repair


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