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The person who told the story is probably a______. A. policeman B. farmer C. newspa

The person who told the story is probably a______.

A. policeman

B. farmer

C. newspaper reporter

D. country doctor

更多“The person who told the story is probably a______. A. policeman B. farmer C. newspa”相关的问题


Which of the following is NOT true about Stevies childhood?A.Stevie often told people that

Which of the following is NOT true about Stevies childhood?

A.Stevie often told people that a blind person was not necessarily disabled.

B.He learnt to concentrate on things that he could do.

C.He played as often as possible with his brother, who had normal sight.

D.He tried very hard to train his sense of heating.



听力原文: A friend of mine told me that when he was a young man, he went to work as a teac
her in one of the states of India.

One day, he received an invitation to join at the ruler's palace. Very pleased, he went to tell his colleagues. They laughed and told him the meaning of the invitation. They had all been invited and each person who was invited had to bring with him a certain number of silver' and gold coins. The number of coins varied according to the person's position in the service of the government. My friend's income was not high, so he did not have to pay much.

Each person bowed before the ruler. His gold went onto one heap; his silver went onto another heap. And in this way he paid his income tax for the year.

This was the simple way of collecting income tax. The tax on property was also collected simply. The ruler gave a man the power to collect a tax from each owner of land or property in a certain area, if this man promised to pay the ruler a certain amount of money. Of course, the tax collector managed to collect more money than he paid to the ruler. The difference between the sum of money he collected and the sum of money he gave to the ruler was his profit.

What do we know about the speaker's friend?

A.He was once a friend of the ruler.

B.He was a tax collector.

C.He was a government official.

D.He was once a school teacher in India.



A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real effort, because he feels that it would be useless. He won't go at a job with the confidence(131)for success. He is therefore(132)to fail, and the failure will strengthen his belief in his incompetence. Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had an experience(133)illustrates this. When he was a small boy, he was poor at arithmetic. His teacher got the idea that he had no ability in arithmetic, and told his parents what she thought in order that they would not expect(134)much of him. One day Adler succeeded in solving a problem which(135)of the other students had been able to solve. This gave him confidence. He rejected the idea that he couldn't do arithmetic and was determined to show them that he could.

131.A.well  B.necessary  C.in  D.good

132.A.possible  B.possibly  C.likely  D.like

133.A.to  B.when  C.what  D.which

134.A.too  B.very  C.so  D.that

135.A.any  B.none  C.each  D.no 



To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good examp
le oversimplified. No child imitates every action he sees. Sometimes, the example the parent wants him to follow is ignored while he takes over contrary patterns from some other example. Therefore we must turn to a mom subtle theory than "Monkey see, monkey do".

Look at it from the child's point of view. Here he is in a new situation, lacking a ready response. He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and cannot reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.

There is a second element at work in this situation. The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people who observe him. When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message, he is told emphatically that such a racket is unpleasant, that he should walk into the next room and say his say quietly. Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly. One of the early things the child learns is that he gets more affection and approval when his parents like his response. Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others. If one is to maintain the support of others and his own self-respect, he must adopt responses his social group approves.

In finding trial responses, the learner does not choose models at random. He imitates the person who seems a good person to be like, rather than a person whose social status he wishes to avoid. If the pupil wants to be a good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players; while some other person may most influence his approach to books.

Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much that they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.

The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because______.

A.they only imitate authorities and experts

B.they are not willing to copy their parents

C.the process of identification has been ignored

D.the nature of their imitation as a form. of behavior. has been neglected



To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good examp
le is a bit oversimplified. No child imitates every action he sees. Sometimes, the example the parent wants him to follow is ignored while he takes over contrary patterns from some other ' example. Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory than "Monkey see, monkey do".

Look at it from the child's point of view. Here he is in a new situation, lacking a ready response. He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and cannot reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.

There is a second element at work in this situation. The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people who observe him. When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message, he is told emphatically that such a racket is unpleasant, that he should walk into the next room and say his say quietly. Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly. One of the early things the child learns is that he gets more affection and approval when his parents like his response. Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others. If one is to maintain the support of others and his own self-respect, he must adopt responses his social group approves.

In finding trial responses, the learner does not choose models at random. He imitates the person who seems a good person to be like, rather than a person whose social status he wished to avoid. If the pupil wants to be a good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players; while some other person may most influence his approach to books.

Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much that they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.

The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because ______.

A.they only imitate authorities and experts

B.they are not willing to copy their parents

C.the process of identification has been ignored

D.the nature of their imitation as a form. of behavior. has been neglected



The statement that "Love is blind" is all too true. People in love need to depend on other
s to help them separate their idealization of who they think their lover is from the reality of who their counterpart(对方) really is. That is one reason why I don't advise Internet dating since it is very difficult to get realistic impressions of supposed Internet counterparts.

Sadly, students have told me that as soon as people finally reach the point of marriage, "true love dies". I disagree. It is not the end of true love, but the beginning of realistic love. I have been married for 21 years in a cross-cultural marriage. Despite the difficulties of such marriage, I love my wife now more than ever before. But that does not mean my emotions are always the same as when I first fell in love. As a matter of fact, love is more than emotion; it's both a decision and a commitment(承诺,奉献).

True love must include making a self sacrificial(自我牺牲的) commitment to always work for another person's good. I like to think that falling in love is like a match lighting a candle. It can start a love relationship. But it doesn't "hold a candle" to the true lifelong realistic commitment that makes true love last for life. Unlike a candle, true love will not grow tired and eventually bum out, but will grow ever deeper throughout a lifetime.

People in love usually can't ______ their idealization of their lover from the reality.



C.depend on




阅读理解:判断题A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his


A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.

The air hostess was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's ring for service sounded, she hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused.

In the following hours on the plane, each time the air hostess passed by the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never answered a word.

When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers' booklet. She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, but with a smile she handed it to him.

Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and smiled, for the passenger put it. “On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”

That's right! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?


* A passenger wants a cup of water because he is thirsty. {T、F}

* The air hostess forgot to give him the water on purpose. {T、F}

* The passenger refused the cup of water. {T、F}

* The passenger didn't write down any sharp words. {T、F}

* This passage tells us that a sincere smile is of no use. {T、F}



The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious (1) is often not so obvious

The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious(1)is often not so obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career(2)People often ask(3)anybody in their right mind would want to be a child protection caseworker, habitually dealing(4)the most disadvantaged and troubled families in their community. Caseworkers routinely(5)disturbing cases of child abuse and neglect, and clients who are not cooperative. Being a caseworker means being an agent of positive change,(6)when the welfare sector is not just a job to you,(7)a professional vocation.

Child protection is a difficult and(8)career path to follow, but the rewards do exist. Many of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to(9)to the community. To be part of a process can(10)change a family's life, and caseworkers may(11)their intervention equip a young person so that his or her future(12)are improved. Of course, this does not(13)with every intervention. But when it happens, it is a(n)(14)experience. And if you are wondering whether this experience makes the job worthwhile, the answer is YES!

A good indicator of how outside people(15)the caseworker career has been the feedback from university students. In 2006 there were 118 students on placements (实习) of caseworker career. Those students who completed their placements in child protection told us about the great(16)they have had to(17)theory to practice; the many chances of learning new skills and trying new tasks; the sound knowledge(18)through training; and how(19)becoming familiar with different welfare services was(20)their future career.



A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when
the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.

The air hostess was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's ring for service sounded, she hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused.

In the following hours on the plane, each time the air hostess passed by the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never answered a word.

When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers' booklet. She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, but with a smile she handed it to him.

Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and smiled, for the passenger put it. “On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”

That's right! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?


A passenger wants a cup of water because he is thirsty.

The air hostess forgot to give him the water on purpose.

The passenger refused the cup of water.

The passenger didn't write down any sharp words.

This passage tells us that a sincere smile is of no use.



填空:Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular

Questions 36-45 are based on the following passage.

Years ago, doctors often said that pain was a normal part of life. In particular, when older patients ____36____ of pain, they were told it was a natural part of aging and they would have to learn to, live with it.

Times have changed. Today, we take pain ____37____. Indeed, pain is now considered the fifth vital, as important as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in ____38____a person's well-being. We know that chronic(慢性的) pain can disrupt (扰乱的) a person's life, causing problems that ____39 ____ from missed work todepression.

That's why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who ____40____ in pain medicine. Not onlydo we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help providecomprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social ____41____ related to chronic pain. Suchcomprehensive therapy often ____42 ____ the work of social workers, psychiatrists (心理医生) and psychologists, aswell as specialists in pain medicine.

This modem ____43____ for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effectiveand with fewer side effects than ever before. Decades ago, there were only a ____44 ____number of drugs available, andmany of them caused ____45 ____ side effects in older people, including dizziness and fatigue. This created a double-edged sword: the medications helped relieve the pain but caused other problems that could be worse than the painitself.

















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