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It ’s humans that decide whether to use science creatively or() (毁灭性地).A、sufficientl





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Passage TwoThroughout history, humans have suffered from a condition that they have never

Passage Two

Throughout history, humans have suffered from a condition that they have never been able to escape—ageing. Some researchers, however, believe we may be thinking about it in the wrong way. They say we should start treating ageing itself as a disease—one that can be prevented and treated.

Their hopes are founded on recent discoveries that suggest biological ageing may be entirely preventable and treatable. From a biological preventive, the body ages at different rates according to genetic and environmental factors. Tiny errors build up in our DNA and our cells begin developing faults that can grow into tissue damage, which leads to ageing and ageing—related diseases.

One of the leading figures in human life research, Aubrey De Grey, explains in an interview that their goal is to develop a set of therapies for middle-aged and older people that will leave them physically and mentally equivalent(相当的) to someone under the age of 30. “Of course, without wiping their memories,” he adds. But he doesn’t think that is will be possible to stop ageing altogether. He sees a future where “rejuvenation technologies” can be applied to old people in order to revert their cells to what they were like when they were in their youth, buying them extra time. The idea is that someone who is treated at the age of 60 will be biologically reverted to 30. But because the therapies are not permanent fixes. Their cells will end up becoming 60 years old again in another 30 years time.

21. By “treating ageing itself as a disease”, some researchers mean _____

A.Aged people are liable to diseases

B.Ageing can be dealt with like a disease

C.Ageing is a disease hard to cure

D.Ageing should be treated carefully

Humans age at different rates due to _____ reasons.A.Physical


C.Genetic and environmental

D.DNA and cell-related

What will happen if someone is treated with De Grey’s technology?A.He will stay young for a longer time

B.He will no longer grow old

D.He will live up to at least 60 years old

F.He will not get ageing-related diseases.

What does “rejuvenation” (para.3) possibly mean?B.Relating to cells

C.Relating to genes.

D.Becoming healthy.

E.Becoming young

The goal of De Grey’s research is to _____.A.Freeze people’s age

B.Make people younger

C.Stop ageing altogether

D.Adjust people’s memories




Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text b

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 (40 points)

Text 1

Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human,” with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it all too monkey, as well.

The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, cooperative creatures, and they share their food tardily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of “goods and services” than males. Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan’s and Dr. de waal’s study. The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different.

In the world of capuchins grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers). So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber. Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to reduce resentment in a female capuchin.

The researches suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a cooperative, group living species. Such cooperation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.

21. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ________.

[A] posing a contrast

[B] justifying an assumption

[C] making a comparison

[D] explaining a phenomenon



Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a co
lleague has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behaviour is regarded as "all too human", with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it all too monkey, as well

The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food tardily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of "goods and services" than males. Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan's and Dr. Dewaal's study. The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of eucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in sepa rate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their became markedly different.

In the world of capuchins grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers). So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to; accept the slice of cu cumber indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to reduce resentment in a female capuchin.

The researches suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a co-operative, groupliving species. Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems form. the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.

In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by______

A.posing a contrast.

B.justifying an assumption.

C.making a comparison.

D.explaining a phenomenon.



The scholars who put forward interaction hypothesis hold () .A.language acquisition is
The scholars who put forward interaction hypothesis hold () .

A.language acquisition is a process of “stimulus- response”

B.humans are predisposed to acquire a language

C.human‟s linguistic potentiality must be combined with the environment.

D.human‟s linguistic environment can be ignored as long as humans have language acquisition device.



Latso s’est proposé de raconter l’histoire du voilon tout de suite après la question de Wolfgang?()


Here's a familiar story.You're sitting at the dinner table with a furry, four-
legged friend scratching at your feet.When you look down, those cute eyes are almost impossible to resist.

What is it about a dog's gaze that makes it so charming? A new study by Japanese scientist Miho Nagasawa seems to have found the answer, and it has to do with something called the cuddle(爱抚)chemical.

The cuddle chemical has another, more scientific name: oxytocin.Oxytocin is a substance in the blood that encourages bonding.Levels of oxytocin increase, for example, when a mother feeds her newborn baby.According to Nagasawa's study, the same is true when we look deeply into the eyes of a dog.

The results of this study can tell us a lot about the history of the bond between humans and dogs.It all started somewhere tens of thousands of years ago.Scientists believe that wolves used to follow humans who were hunting large animals.The wolves would eat the food left behind by the humans.

Humans realized that they could use the wolves to help with the hunt, and eventually both species began to work together toward survival.

Over time, the wolves that interacted with the humans began to change.They became more loyal to their human partners.The wolves and humans started to depend on each other and bond with each other.These changes are what caused some of the wolves to turn into what we now know as dogs, a new specie evolved to better survive in their environment.

This process depended a great deal on the bond humans formed with them.And according to Nagasawa's study, this bond was formed with the help of oxytocin, the cuddle chemical.

11.What do we know about oxytocin?()

A.It regulates blood flow

B.It promotes bonding

C.It is in the human gene

D.It is good for health

12.When we look deeply into a dog's eyes, the levels of our oxytocin ____.

A.reduce over time

B.go either up or down

C.are on the rise

D.remain unchanged

13.At the beginning wolves followed humans to ____.

A.eat the food left by humans

B.guard against large animals

C.take humans for food

D.hunt large animals together

14.Over time some wolves turned into dogs ____.

A.due to their loyalty

B.due to the changing environment

C.for better survival

D.for better cooperation

15.What does Nagasawa9s study aim to do?()

A.Explore the role of human-wolf partnership

B.Show the characteristics of the cuddle chemical

C.Explain the bond between humans and dogs

D.Understand the evolution of species











A.Santiago de hoy es símbolo del rápido desarrollo de Chile, es aún más una metrópoli internacional de prestigio mundial.

B.Santiago de hoy es símbolo del rápido desarrollo de Chile, es más bien una metrópoli internacional de prestigio mundial.

C.Santiago de hoy es símbolo del rápido desarrollo de Chile, y, además, una metrópoli internacional de prestigio mundial.



A través de que trabajo formal el culteranismo decora su estilo poético?

A.Exagerado y retorcido trabajo formal

B.A través de la agudeza de ingenio

C.Múltiples significados


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