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Advertising is now a___business.

A、highly developing

B、highly developed

C、high developing

D、high developed

更多“Advertising is now a___business.”相关的问题


Companies still cannot gauge the effectiveness of advertising now as they failed to do 100 years ago.()


What is happiness? We Americans believe that the right to 【C1】______ happiness is issued t
o us with the birth 【C2】______ , but no one seems quite sure 【C3】______ way it ran.

【C4】______ , we Americans seem to be 【C5】______ to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have 【C6】______ it to Heaven when we 【C7】______ enough.

And at the same time the 【C8】______ of American commercialism are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately 【C9】______ .

Advertising is one of our major 【C10】______ , and advertising exists not to 【C11】______ desires but to create them--and to create them faster than any man's 【C12】______ can satisfy them. We are taught that to 【C13】______ is to be happy, and then we are 【C14】______ to want. We are even told it is our 【C15】______ to want. It was only a few years ago, to 【C16】______ a single example, that car dealers across the country were flying banners that 【C17】______ "You Auto Buy Now". They were calling 【C18】______ Americans, as an act approaching patriotism, to buy at once, 【C19】______ money they did not have, automobiles they did not really need, and which they would be required to grow tired of by the time the next year's 【C20】______ were released.








Xiaoyan tells David about the people she works with.David: So who do you usually work wi

Xiaoyan tells David about the people she works with.

David: So who do you usually work with in Shanghai?

Xiaoyan: I work in an office with three other people, Jung, Lee and Liu – they are the Marketing Department and I am their IT expert.

David: do you like it there?

Xiaoyan: Yes, they’re great people.Lee is the Sales Manager.He is responsible for 25 sales people in China.He’s planning a sales campaign for companies at the moment, but he’s visiting the New York office right now.

David: What about the others?

Xiaoyan: Liu is the advertising manager.He’s responsible for the advertising.He’s currently working on TV advertisements.Actually, he’s on holiday in Bali right now.

David: So the office is empty at the moment.

Xiaoyan: Oh no.Jung is always there.She’s the secretary.She’s responsible for the office.

At the moment she’s working on new databases.But actually – it’s 1.00 o’clock in the morning in Shanghai, so I think she’s sleeping right now.

1、How many people does Xiaoyan work with in Shanghai? ().




2、What does Xiaoyan do in the Marketing Department in Shanghai? ().

A.She is a secretary

B.She is an IT expert

C.She is the Sales Manager

3、What is Lee responsible for? ().

A.The advertising

B.The sales people

C.The office

4、What is Liu doing right now? ()

A.He is on holiday.

B.He is working on TV advertisements

C.He is visiting the New York office.

5、What is Jung’s current project? ()

A.A sales campaign.

B.TV advertisements.

C.New databases.



A survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians.
A similar survey carried out 5 years ago showed that 50% of people thought that what politicians said was usually not true, and that 35% of people thought that what they saw on the television or read in newspapers was not true. Now both those figures have increased sharply, to 80% of people not believing politicians and 70% not believing the television or newspapers. Experts think that these figures are not going to come down in the near future.

Stories about politicians and journalists taking money from businessmen have caused the public to stop trusting them. Also politicians keep making promises that they do not keep. Mr Smith of York said, ‘When the politicians make new laws, they only help their friends, not people like me’. Mrs Marley of Leeds said, ‘The newspapers and television are not interested in what is true; they are only interested in money for advertising’.

It has got worse recently as more people can get news from the Internet and learn if the journalists and politicians are telling the truth or not. What can our politicians and journalists do? The only answer is to be more honest.

1.The number of people believing politicians and journalists has __________.


B.not changed


2.Experts think this problem ____________.

A.will get better soon

B.will not get better soon

C.will get worse soon

3.Stories say businessmen give money to _______.


B.politicians and journalists


4.Mr Smith thinks politicians make laws __________.

A.to help their friends

B.to help him

C.to help everybody

5.People can now check stories using _________.

A.the newspapers

B.the television

C.the Internet



Overall,men are more likely than women to make excuses.Several studies suggest that me
n feel theneed to appear competent in all 26,while women worry only about the skills in which they'veinvested _ 27_.Ask a man and a woman to go diving for the first time,and the woman is likely tojump in,while the man is likely to say he's not feeling too well.

Ironically,it is often success that leads people to flirt with failure.Praise won for _ 28_a skillsuddenly puts one in the position of having everything to lose.Rather than putting their reputation on theline again,many successful people develop a handicap—drinking,_ 29_,depression—that allowsthem to keep their status no matter what the future brings. An advertising executive 30_ fordepression shortly after winning an award put it this way:“Without my depression,I'd be a failure now;with it,I'm a success 'on hold.’”

In fact,the people most likely to become chronic excuse makers are those 31 _ with success.Such people are so afraid of being 32a failure at anything that they constantly develop onehandicap or another in order to explain away failure.

Though self-handicapping can be an effective way of coping with performance anxiety now and then,in the end,researchers say,it will lead to_ 33_. In the long run,excuse makers fail to live up to theirtrue_ 34_and lose the status they care so much about. And despite their protests to the _35they have only themsclves to blame.

A) contrary F) labeled K) potential

B) fatigue G) legacies L) rcalms

C) heavily H) mastering M) reciprocal

D) heaving l) momentum N) ruin

E) hospitalized J) obsessed o) viciously



Questions 下列各 are based on the following passage. A day after the mobile phone celebra
ted its 40th birthday, Facebook has produced something that it hopes will make certain of the devices even more useful. On April 4th the giant social network 36 Home, new software that is designed to give it more prominence on mobile phones powered by Android, an operating system developed by Google. This matters because more and more folk are now accessing social networks from mobile devices rather than from desktop computers and because mobile advertising 37 are growing fast, albeit from a low base. Without a robust mobile 38 , Facebook could see some of its users siphoned off by rivals born in the mobile era. And it could miss out on a 39 massive source of new revenue. There had been 40 that Facebook was working on a phone of its own, or at least on a mobile operating system to rival Android or Apples IOS. But dabbling in hardware at this stage of its development would be a huge risk for Facebook and developing a rival operating system would risk 41 Apple and Google, whose mobile platforms have helped power its advertising growth, eMarketer, a research firm, 42 Facebook is on track to win 11% of the $13.6 billion likely to be spent around the world on mobile ads this year. Home, which is a group of Facebook apps, avoids both pitfalls. Among other things, it 43 a phones home screen (and lock screen) to Facebooks Newsfeed, allowing people to get updates on what their friends are doing without having to launch a 44 app each time they want news. A phone using Home will also notify you when your friends are doing something new, as well as alerting you to new data from other apps. Another feature is a tool called "Chat Heads" that 45 Facebooks message system to a phones regular SMS message offering. This means messages pop up on the home screen along with the senders profile picture, which is enclosed in a small circle.Questions 下列各 are based on the following passage. 请回答(36)题__________.



Massive changes in all of the world's deeply cherished sporting habits are underway. Wheth
er it's one of London's parks full of people playing softball, and Russians taking up rugby, or the Superbowl rivaling the British Football Cup Final as a televised spectator event in Britain, the patterns of players and spectators are changing beyond recognition. We are witnessing a globalization of our sporting culture.

That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French, is a good case in point. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental affair with France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Italy taking part in. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irish riders.

The people who really matter welcome the shift toward globalization. Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams. So it does them literally a world of good to see this unofficial world championship become just that.

This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology, but made to happen because of marketing considerations. Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well.

The skillful way in which American football has been sold to Europe is a good example of how all sports will develop. The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major money-making events. The economics of the Superbowl are already astronomical. With seats at US $125, gate receipts alone were a staggering $10,000,000. The most important statistic of the clay, however, was the $10,000,000 in TV advertising fees. Imagine how much that becomes when the eyes of the world are watching.

So it came as a terrible shock, but not really as a surprise, to learn that some people are now suggesting that soccer change from being a game of two 45-minute halves, to one of four 25-minute quarters. The idea is unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relies for its essence on the flowing nature of the action.

Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers also grows, we will demand to see them played at a higher and higher level. In boxing we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to see anything less than a "World Title" fight, and this means that the title fights have to be held in different countries around the world!

Globalization of sporting culture means that ______.

A.more people are taking up sports

B.traditional sports are getting popular

C.many local sports are becoming international

D.foreigners are more interested in local sports



A: Hello, Mr.Kubat.I am glad to meet you here at the fair. B: Likewise.Take a seat, please.How abou

A: Hello, Mr.Kubat.I am glad to meet you here at the fair.

B: Likewise.Take a seat, please.How about a cup of tea?

A: Sure.Thank you.It seems your business is prosperous.There are many customers here.

B: Yes, it's not too bad.Our sales are going up year after year.And we still have a large potential production capacity.

A: Well, what do you think of choosing a commission representative or agent abroad to promote your sales?

B: That's a good idea.So far, we have several agents abroad.

A: We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-held tools.What do you think?

B: That sounds good.

A : Then , what's your usual commission rate for your agents?

B: Usually, we give a commission of 3% to our agents.

A: 3% is too low, I think.You see, we have a lot of work to do in sales promotion such as advertising on radio or TV, printing booklets, leaflets, catalogues and so on.It all costs money.3% is not enough.

B: Don't worry.We'll allow you a higher commission rate if your sales score a substantial increase.

A: You mean to say.--

B: Now, if you sell US $2 million worth of hand-held tools annually, we can only allow 3% commission.If the annual turnover exceeds US $5 million, you can get 5% commission.What do you think of that?

A: It sounds OK.Then how do you pay the commission?

B: We may deduct the commission from the invoice value directly or remit it to you after payment.

A: All right.If it's okay, we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately.

B : Think it over.We hope to keep a good business relationship with you.

A: Thank you for your help.



Many parents try hard to protect their kids from TV and Internet advertising. But how can
you protect a child form. a large fast-food ad painted on her school locker(小柜)? Or a toy ad on the side of his school bus?

As school budgets get smaller, a growing number of schools in the US are selling advertising space on lockers and buses and in gyms and cafeterias. It is an easy way for schools to make money. And ads may provides relief for parents exhausted by making each donations to support schools.

While parents can always turn off the television or the computer, they can’t keep advertising out of schools. This isn’t the first time the issue has come up. For example, a news program for teens has been criticized for including ads in its 12-month classroom broadcasts.

Parents groups successfully fought a plan by a company called Bus Radio to put music and ads into school buses.

But now things are different. Just last month, Los Angeles approved a plan to allow companies to advertise in the district’s schools. Officials say the plan could provide as much as $ 18 million for the school.

In St. Francis, Minn, school recently agreed to cover 10% to 15% of their lockers with ads. Edward Saxton, a teacher in the school, say, “So far, parents are accepting this as a way to bring in needed money. The money pays for programs like arts, sports, and music. Parents don’t like to see programs getting cut. Neither do I.. Besides, schools are thinking about the effects on kids all the time.”

However, Susan Linn, an educational experts, says, “Kids have already seen enough ads on TV, in magazines and on products they use daily. School is no place for advertisements at all.”

Reader, what about you? Would you rather help run yet another school fundraiser, or expose your child to ads on lockers and buses? Is keeping ads out of schools worth raising taxes, or increasing your own cash support for schools through donations?

47. Why do schools allow ads into schools?

A. To reduce parents’ burdens.

B. To solve their finanical problems.

C. To offer kids a wide choice of goods.

D. To improve their students’ living conditions.

48. Edward Saxon thinks that _____.

A. schools choose ads carefully

B. ads in schools should not be too much

C. shcools should be a place free from ads

D. in-schools do no harm to young kids.

49. What is this passage mainly about?

A. The negative efect of ads on kids.

B. Efforts to stop in-school advertising.

C. Whether ads should be allowed in schools.

D. Whether Parents should run fundraisers for schools.

50. Who are intended readers of the text?

A. Parents B. Teachers C. Educators D. Businessmen



Massive changes in all of the world's deeply cherished sporting habits are underway.-Wheth
er it's one of London's parks full of people playing softball, and Russians taking up rugby, or the Superbowl rivaling the British Football Cup Final as a televised spectator event in Britain, the patterns of players and spectators are changing beyond recognition. We are witnessing a globalization of our sporting culture.

That annual bicycle race, the Tour de France, much loved by the French, is a good case in point. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental affair with France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Italy taking part in. But in recent years it has been dominated by Colombian mountain climbers, and American and Irish riders.

The people who really matter welcome the shift toward globalization. Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams. So it does them literally a world of good to see this unofficial world championship become just that.

This is undoubtedly an economic-based revolution we are witnessing here, one made possible by communications technology, but made to happen because of marketing considerations. Sell the game and you can sell Coca Cola or Budweiser as well.

The skillful way in which American football has been sold to Europe is a good example of how all sports will develop. The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major money-making events. The economics of the Superbowl are already astronomical. With seats at US $125, gate receipts alone were a staggering $10,000,000. The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $ 10,000,000 in TV advertising fees. Imagine how much that becomes when the eyes of the world are watching.

So it came as a terrible shock, but not really as a surprise, to learn that some people are now suggesting that soccer change from being a game of two 45-minute halves, to one of four 25-minute quarters. The idea is unashamedly to capture more advertising revenue, without giving any thought for the integrity of a sport which relies for its essence on the flowing nature of the action.

Moreover, as sports expand into world markets, and as our choice of sports as consumers also grows, we will demand to see them played at a higher and higher level. In boxing we have already seen numerous, dubious world title categories because people will not pay to see anything less than a "World Title" fight, and this means that the title fights have to be held in different countries around the world!

Globalization of sporting culture means that ______.

A.more people are taking up sports

B.traditional sports are getting popular

C.many local sports are becoming international

D.foreigners are more interested in local sports


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