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Many parents try hard to protect their kids from TV and Internet advertising. But how can

you protect a child form. a large fast-food ad painted on her school locker(小柜)? Or a toy ad on the side of his school bus?

As school budgets get smaller, a growing number of schools in the US are selling advertising space on lockers and buses and in gyms and cafeterias. It is an easy way for schools to make money. And ads may provides relief for parents exhausted by making each donations to support schools.

While parents can always turn off the television or the computer, they can’t keep advertising out of schools. This isn’t the first time the issue has come up. For example, a news program for teens has been criticized for including ads in its 12-month classroom broadcasts.

Parents groups successfully fought a plan by a company called Bus Radio to put music and ads into school buses.

But now things are different. Just last month, Los Angeles approved a plan to allow companies to advertise in the district’s schools. Officials say the plan could provide as much as $ 18 million for the school.

In St. Francis, Minn, school recently agreed to cover 10% to 15% of their lockers with ads. Edward Saxton, a teacher in the school, say, “So far, parents are accepting this as a way to bring in needed money. The money pays for programs like arts, sports, and music. Parents don’t like to see programs getting cut. Neither do I.. Besides, schools are thinking about the effects on kids all the time.”

However, Susan Linn, an educational experts, says, “Kids have already seen enough ads on TV, in magazines and on products they use daily. School is no place for advertisements at all.”

Reader, what about you? Would you rather help run yet another school fundraiser, or expose your child to ads on lockers and buses? Is keeping ads out of schools worth raising taxes, or increasing your own cash support for schools through donations?

47. Why do schools allow ads into schools?

A. To reduce parents’ burdens.

B. To solve their finanical problems.

C. To offer kids a wide choice of goods.

D. To improve their students’ living conditions.

48. Edward Saxon thinks that _____.

A. schools choose ads carefully

B. ads in schools should not be too much

C. shcools should be a place free from ads

D. in-schools do no harm to young kids.

49. What is this passage mainly about?

A. The negative efect of ads on kids.

B. Efforts to stop in-school advertising.

C. Whether ads should be allowed in schools.

D. Whether Parents should run fundraisers for schools.

50. Who are intended readers of the text?

A. Parents B. Teachers C. Educators D. Businessmen

更多“Many parents try hard to protect their kids from TV and Internet advertising. But how can”相关的问题


We may draw a conclusion that______. A. latchkey children enjoy having such a lar

We may draw a conclusion that______.

A. latchkey children enjoy having such a large amount of time alone

B. latchkey children try to hide their feeling

C. latchkey children often watch TV with their parents

D. it's difficult to find out how many latchkey children there are



_____, I could not memorize the text.However hrd did I tryB.However hrd I triedC.However I
tried_____, I could not memorize the text.However hrd did I try B.However hrd I tried C.However I tried hrd D.However I hd tried hrd

A.However hard did I try

B.However hard I tried

C.However I tried har

D.However I had tried hard



阅读理解:Acculturation, which begins at birth, is the process of teaching new generations of children

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Acculturation, which begins at birth, is the process of teaching new generations of children the customs and values of the parents' culture. How people treat newborns, for example, can be indicative of cultural values. In the United States it is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room that belongs only to the child. This helps to preserve parents' privacy and allows the child to get used to having his or her own room, which is seen as a first step toward personal independence. Americans traditionally have held independence and a closely related value, individualism, in high esteem. Parents try to instill these prevailing values in their children. American English expresses these value preferences: children should "cut the (umbilical) cord" and are encouraged not to be "tied to their mothers' apron strings." In the process of their socialization children learn to "look out for number one" and to "stand on their own two feet".

Many children are taught at a very early age to make decisions and be responsible for their actions. Often children work for money outside the home as a first step to establishing autonomy. Nine-or ten-year-old children may deliver newspapers in their neighborhoods and save or spend their earnings. Teenagers (13 to 18 years) may baby-sit neighbors' homes in order to earn a few dollar a week. Receiving a weekly allowance at an early age teaches children to budget their money, preparing them for future financial independence. Many parents believe that managing money helps children learn responsibility as well as appreciate the value of money.

21. According to this passage, the way people treat newborns _____.

A) is a sign of their customs

B) is an indication of their level of knowledge

C) symbolizes their social system

D) varies from culture to culture

22. The expression, "to cut the cord", is used to show that _____.

A) children don't like their parents

B) parents don't feel close to their children

C) parents would not like to live together with their children

D) independence from one's family is an important personal goal in USA

23. Children who are "tied to the apron strings" _____.

A) are caught in their mothers' aprons

B) must always wear an apron when they eat

C) are very dependent on their mothers

D) are independent from their parents

24. American people often let their children work for money outside the home at a very early age because _____.

A) children have to earn money to help the family

B) they need more money

C) they want them to begin establishing autonomy

D) children have to save money for future use

25. It can be inferred from this passage that _____.

A) Americans are money lovers

B) Americans admire independence

C) Americans are good at decision-making

D) Americans are all responsible



HomeschoolingJust in last year, more than one million children in the United States chos


Just in last year, more than one million children in the United States chose homeschooling but not traditional school education.This surprising figure was published by the National Center for Education Statistics.Homeschooling is a recent development in education.Not very long ago, it was still considered to be too radical by many education experts.Today, it has been accepted n almost every state.Thousands or even millions of children have tried homeschooling and many more parents are seriously considering it.The interesting thing was what led to such a change.There have been many recent surveys to show that parents are getting impatient and fed up with our public schooling system because it doesn't teach children any practical or real-life skills.

Parents are also concerned about the negative news from schools.For example, some students take drugs in schools, fight with schoolmates and even bring guns and knives to school.Parents are deeply worried about how the behavior. of these students would affect their children's healthy growth.

Homeschooling, on the other hand, allows parents to bring up their children in a natural and loving environment.It is especially important in the early years of the children's development (between three and twelve years old) because this is the period when they are easily affected by negative influences and peer pressure.And during this time most of them cannot tell what is right and what is wrong.Obviously, homeschooling can keep them from some of these bad influences.

Homeschooling has some other benefits, Since parents and children spend more time together, a nice relationship or a stronger bond can be formed between them.This bond can connect with them closer than they have ever thought before.If parents choose homeschooling, they can easily pass their moral values and beliefs on to their children since they stay together longer or maybe they are even the teachers themselves.

So what major factors are stopping parents from adopting homeschooling? One important thing is that homeschooling costs a lot of time and money.For most families, both parents have to work full-time to support the family.Many homeschooling families depend on one parent for the income, while the other parent has to spend all the time on teaching the child.Therefore in some cases, it is not possible to adopt homeschooling if the family doesn't have stable income.

To help and guide homeschooling families, more and more homeschooling support groups are appearing in the neighborhood.Some have even gone online.If parents do decide to choose homeschooling, they can always get advice from a homeschooling support group.

Read this passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions

21.What did many American education experts think of the new trend of homeschooling______

A.They thought it to be a too much revolutionary idea

B.They believed that this trend would develop very fast

C.They encouraged parents to support the new idea of education

D.They hoped that governments would provide more support

22.A growing number of American parents have been accepting and choosing homeschooling as They ______.

A.realized that homeschooling is the only best way to develop their children

B.have found more and more weak points in the public education system

C.thought that public schools can spoil talents more than train them

D.began to realize that public school educators are not worth trusting

23.What do parents try to avoid in educating the kids in their early years______

A.Giving their children less knowledge from books

B.The negative effect from some bad news at school

C.Hiring non-professional educators to teach their children

D.The natural environment for their children to grow in

24.All the following except______are the main advantages brought forth by homeschooling

A.Students got more actively involved in social or community activities

B.Parents invest more time and energy in developing their children

C.Children benefit more from homeschooling than from public schools

D.The environment for learning is much better for children's healthy growth

25.When parents decide to choose homeschooling, they have to consider carefully the following major factors except the______.

A.time and energy parents have to invest

B.environment for children to learn and interact

C.Stable Income to afford the cost for children's learning

D.relationship between their children and other students



Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are encou
Upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years), children are encou

raged, but not forced, to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life.After children leave home they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family.Parents do not arrange marriages for their children,nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married.Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in the United States; young adults meet their future spouses (配偶)through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions.Although children choose their own spouses, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.

In many families, parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves.A parent may try to influence a child to f ollow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another career.Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to assert their independence.A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father’s business because of a fear that he will lose his autonomy in his father’s workplace.This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family.Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence.

1.The writer discusses the marriage of young adults in order to show that they ().

A.enjoy the freedom of choosing their spouses

B.want to win the permission of their parents

C.have a strong desire to become independent

D.try to challenge the authority of their parents

2.Most young adults in America would get married for the sake of ().


B.financial concern

C.their parents

D.family background

3.Based on the passage, it can be inferred that ().

A.American young adults are likely to follow the suit of their parents.

B.most American parents never make major decisions for th eir children.

C.American young adults possess cultural values of independence.

D.when a young adult steps into his twenties, he will leave his home permanently.

4.A son is unwilling to work in his father’s business mainly because he ().

A.wishes to make full use of what he has learnt in school

B.wants to prove his independence

C.likes to do the opposite of what his parents approve of

D.tries to show his love for his parents

5.The subject matter of this passage is ().

A.cultural values in the American family

B.marriage arrangements

C.young adult’s pursuit of a career

D.decision making



Why do Westerners love their pets so much, almost as if they were their children? I su
Why do Westerners love their pets so much, almost as if they were their children? I suppose one reason is that for more than one hundred years many children's books in England and in America were animal stories.By this we mean stories that gave the animals human names, human voices, human emotions, and even faces that look almost human.Many of these stories taught a moral lesson, like honesty or kindness or hard work.My mother read animal stories to me as a child, and my wife and I read some of the same animal stories to my boys when they were small, and now they read animal stories to their children.Some are the same stories about dogs and cats and rabbits and horses.So children in America grow up with good feelings toward animals. Many families would like to have a purebred dog or cat, that is an animal whose parents come from a single kind of animal.But purebred animals are expensive.And those that are registered with a special dog or cat club are even more expensive since there is a written record of their ancestors for many generations.What often happens is that a family's first pet will come from some friend whose pet has had babies.Or they may get a pet from an animal shelter.Every city and many smaller towns have a humane society which cares for animals that are found and for animals which people no longer want.They try to find the owner of lost pets and to find homes for the others.Over the years my wife and I and our children have gotten some very nice dogs for our family from animal shelters, usually at no cost.

But some families do not want a house dog or a house cat.They want an outside dog or cat.So the animal stays outsides the house most of the time.Special dog houses are made for such dogs to use, especially at night in the colder parts of North America.

1.Why do Western people love their pets so much? ()

A.Because their children don't have many friends.

B.Because they have leisure time and enough money.

C.Because they are influenced by animal stories.

D.Because they regard pets as their children.

2.Since they have heard a lot of animal stories, American children tend to () .

A.love animals when they grow up

B.treat animals rudely

C.live with animals

D.dislike animals

3.A purebred dog refers to a dog()

A.which is brought up by one family

B.whose parents come from the same area

C.whose parents belong to the single kind of dog

D.which is bred in a pure house

4.How do most Americans get their first pet? ()

A.They buy it from a pet shop

B.They pick up one from the street

C.They always get one from the animal shelter

D.They get it from their friends

5.Not all pets stay with their masters in the house all the time for().

A.it's good for them to stay outside

B.people think they are dirty

C.Some people don't want a house dog or a house cat

D.they don't like to stay in their masters' house



Both parents and children should try to______ the generation gap between them.







Both parents and children should try to______ the generation gap between them.







Digital NativesDavid is not very comfortable with new technology and he does not have ma

Digital Natives

David is not very comfortable with new technology and he does not have many gadgets. Lucy loves new technology. She owns a games console, an MP3 player, and a mobile phone with a built-in digital camera. David is a teacher. Lucy is his student.

Like Lucy, many children grow up using computers almost every day and often know more about technology than adults. Educator Marc Prensky calls children like Lucy “digital natives”. Digital natives can quickly learn how to use new gadgets and new software, while non-digital natives spend a lot of time reading manuals and worrying about computer viruses. In fact, many parents try to save time by asking their children to teach them how to use new technology!

The divide between digital natives and non-digital natives can cause problems at school because students and teachers grow up with very different ideas about technology. Many teachers think that playing computer games is a waste of time and that technology has made children unable to concentrate. However, many students think their classes are slow and boring, and want to use computers to study.

Prensky believes that digital natives have learned a lot from technology, but that they learn things in a different way. For example, reading a website is different from reading a book, so digital natives are good at finding the information they need and choosing what they want to read. So perhaps teachers need to change the way they teach and use more technology in class – because the number of digital natives will keep increasing!

1.David is a digital native.()

2.Marc Prensky is interested in teaching with technology.()

3.Digital natives are comfortable using laptops and flash drives.()

4.Many teachers think computer games are only for having fun or killing time.()

5.People read books and websites in the same way.()



Both parents and children should try to______ the generation gap between them.






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