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翻译A new food market will be built in our community next month.A. 下个月我们社区就已经

翻译A new food market will be built in our community next month.

A. 下个月我们社区就已经建了一个新的食物市场。

B. 我们社区正在建一个新的菜市场。

C. 下个月我们社区将新建一个菜市场。

更多“翻译A new food market will be built in our community next month.A. 下个月我们社区就已经”相关的问题


翻译A new food market will be built in our community next month.A. 下个月我们社区就已经

翻译A new food market will be built in our community next month.

A. 下个月我们社区就已经建了一个新的食物市场。

B. 我们社区正在建一个新的菜市场。

C. 下个月我们社区将新建一个菜市场。



A new food market will be built in our community next month. {A、B、C}A.下个月我们社会就已

A. {







4 Chris Jones is Managing Director of Supaserve, a medium-sized supermarket chain faced wi
th intense competition

from larger competitors in their core food and drink markets. They are also finding it hard to respond to these

competitors moving into the sale of clothing and household goods. Supaserve has a reputation for friendly customer

care and is looking at the feasibility of introducing an online shopping service, from which customers can order goods

from the comfort of their home and have them delivered, for a small charge, to their home.

Chris recognises that the move to develop an online shopping service will require significant investment in new

technology and support systems. He hopes a significant proportion of existing and most importantly, new customers,

will be attracted to the new service.


(a) What bases for segmenting this new market would you recommend and what criteria will help determine

whether this segment is sufficiently attractive to commit to the necessary investment? (10 marks)



Passage 2

International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countries. Almost every kind of product can be found on the international market:food, clothes, spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, currencies and water. Services are also traded: tourism, banking, consulting and transportation. A product that is sold to the global market is an export, and a product that is bought from the global market is an import.

International trade can benefit us a lot. Trading globally allows us to expand our markets for both goods and services that otherwise may not have been available to us. If you walk into a supermarket and are able to buy Indonesian bananas, Brazilian coffee and a bottle of French wine, you are experiencing the effects of international trade.

International trade brings US both advantages and disadvantages. For instance, international trade may also make the world economy easily affected by factors like prices,supply and demand, as well as global events. Political change in As a, for example, could result in an increase in the cost of labor, thereby increasing the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker company based in Malaysia, which would then result in an increase in the price that you have to pay to buy the tennis shoes at your local mall. A decrease in the cost of labor, on the other hand, would result in you having to pay less for your new shoes.

26.International trade exchanges goods and services between different countries and regions.

27.Every kind of goods and services can be found on the global market.

28.A product that is bought from the global market is an export.

29.International trade may easily affect world economy.

30.Political change in one country has nothing to do with international trade.



The physical distribution of products has two primary aspects: transportation and stor
age.Both aspects are highly developed and specialized phases of marketing.The costs of both trans-porting and storing are built into the prices of products.Transportation can be by truck, rail-way, ship, or barge.For some items, such as exotic plants and flowers, or when rapid delivery is essential, air freight may be used.

Storage, or warehousing, is a necessary function because production and consumption of goods rarely match: items generally are not sold as quickly as they are made.Inventories build up,both in warehouses and at retail establishments, before the foods are sold.The transporta-tion function is involved in bringing goods to a warehouse and taking them from it to retail stores.

Storage performs the service of stabilizing market price.If, for example, no agricultural product could be stored, all food would have to be put on the market immediately.This would, of course, create a glut and lower prices drastically.There would be an immediate benefit to consumers, but in the long run they would suffer.Farmers, because of low prices, would be forced off the land, and the amount of food produced would decrease.This, in turn, would raise consumer prices.

Warehouses for storage are of several types.Private warehouses are owned by manufactur-ers.Public warehouses, in spite of their name, are privately owned facilities, but they are in-dependent of manufacturer ownership.General-merchandise warehouses store a great variety of products.Cold-storage warehouses store perishable goods, especially food products.Grain ele-vators are a kind of warehouse used to keep wheat and other grains from spoiling.A bonded warehouse is one that stores foods, frequently imported, on which taxes must be paid before theyare sold.Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are common examples.

The distribution center is a more recently developed kind of warehouse.Many large com- panics have several manufacturing plants, sometimes located outside the country.Each plant doesnot make every company product but specializes in one or more of them.The distribution center allows a manufacturer to bring together all product lines in one place.Its purpose is to minimize storage and to ease the flow of goods from manufacturers to retailers rather than build up extensive inventories.It reduces costs by speeding up product turnover.Very large corporations will have several distribution centers regionally or internationally based

1.The main subject of this passage is______.

A、transportation and storage

B、storage of products

C、distribution center

D、two main aspects of product distribution

2.Warehousing is important in that ______.

A、inventories build up before the goods are sold

B、the prices will go down

C、more goods are produced than can be consumed

D、the food has to be put on the market immediately

3.How many types of warehouses for storage are discussed in the passage?()





4.Where might one find meat and milk?()

A、Grain elevator

B、Cold-storage warehouse

C、Private warehouse

D、Bonded warehouse

5.What is NOT true of a distribution center?()

A、It is a relatively new type of warehouse

B、Product is replaced more quickly and costs are down

C、Some distribution centers are not built in the sane country as the factory

D、It builds up extensive inventories to minimize storage



Organic food is now a huge market segment, driven by consumer demand for food that’s hea

The biggest misconception held by many organic lovers is that organic produce is not grown with fertilizers (肥料) or pesticides (杀虫剂). That’s simply wrong. Organic fertilizers and pesticides are manufactured by all the major producers. Pests attack crops whether they’re certified organic or not; and all plants take nutrients (营养物) out of the soil that have to be replaced.

Many think organic farms handle that through soil management. And so they do, but so do all farms. Every farm rotates crops as much as possible to keep the soil healthy and reduce the spread of pest; by no means is this unique to organics. It’s been a farming fundamental for centuries.

Chemicals are one of a farm’s biggest expenses, and both organic and conventional farms strive to reduce that expense. Modern agriculture depends on efficient fertilizers that deliver the needed nutr

1What is a traditional method used to keep the soil healthy?

A、Avoiding too much use of chemicals.

B、Replacing soil nutrients with fertilizers.

C、Using the soil for organic produce only.

D、Rotating crops as much as possible.

2What is one characteristic of organic practices?

A、They use no fertilizers or pesticides.

B、They use more efficient fertilizers.

C、They ban the use of new seed strains.

D、They adopt the latest farming techniques.

3From Paragraph 6 (the paragraph beginning with “at the end of the day, …”), we can infer that ______________.

A、organic food is no different from conventional produce

B、the quality of organic produce can be highly unstable

C、the results of the tests in the videos are not fair enough

D、volunteers participating in these tests are not qualified

4At the end of the passage, the writer tends to suggest that _____________.

A、the benefits of organic food are overstated by marketing

B、organic practice involves no scientific knowledge at all

C、people should be practical and consume less organic food

D、it is easy for people to be fooled by bad science today

5What is the main purpose of the passage?

A、To compare organic food with conventional produce.

B、To correct people’s wrong beliefs about organic food.

C、To explain why organic food is so popular with people.

D、To convince that conventional produce is better for health.



The Gene IndustryMajor companies are already in pursuit of commercial applications of the

The Gene Industry

Major companies are already in pursuit of commercial applications of the new biology. They dream of placing enzymes in the automobile to monitor exhaust and send data on pollution to a microprocessor that will then adjust the engine. They speak of what the New York Times calls "metal-hungry microbes that might be used to mine valuable trace metals from ocean water". They have already demanded and won the right to patent new lifeforms.

Nervous critics, including many scientists, worry that there is corporate, national, international, and inter-scientific rivalry in the entire biotechnological field. They create images not of oil spills, but of "microbe spills" that could spread disease and destroy entire populations. The creation and accidental release of extremely poisonous microbes, however, is only one cause for alarm. Completely rational and respectable scientists are talking about possibilities that stagger the imagination.

Should we breed people with cow-like stomachs so they can digest grass and hay, thereby relieving the food problem by modifying us to eat lower down on the food chain? Should we biologically alter workers to fit the job requirement, for example, creating pilots with faster reaction times or assembly-line workers designed to do our monotonous work for us? Should we attempt to eliminate "inferior" people and breed a "super-race"? (Hitler tried this, but without the genetic weaponry that may soon issue from our laboratories.) Should we produce soldiers to do our fighting? Should we use genetic forecasting to pre-eliminate "unfit" babies? Should we grow reserve organs for ourselves, each of us having, as it were, a "savings bank" full of spare kidney, lives or hands?

Wild as these notions may sound, every one has its advocates (and opposers) in the scientific community as well as its striking commercial application.-As two critics of genetic engineering, Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard, state in their book Who Should Play God'? "Broad Scale genetic engineering will probably be introduced to America much the same way as assembly lines, automobiles, vaccines, computers and all the other technologies. As each new genetic advance becomes commercially practical, a new consumer need will be exploited and a market for the new technology will be created".

According to the passage, the exhaust from a car engine could probably be checked by ______.

A.using metal-hungry microbes

B.making use of enzymes

C.adjusting the engine

D.patenting new life forms



The age of space science began less than thirty years ago. But already people have mad
e great discoveries and have done exciting things. They have walked in space, visited the moon, and lived in space laboratories for long periods of time. Some scientists are now working on ways to make it possible for people to live on other planets. They are trying to solve problems of living in space, even though they don’t yet know what all of the problems will be. For example, they don’t’ yet know what problems people would have if they loved being weightless for several years.

If you were a space traveler you might have to spend several months, or even years, in a spaceship. While you were in the ship you wouldn’t live as you usually do. You might have to find new ways to spend your time. Your body would have to adjust to different conditions. And you would have some problems that you never think about here on earth. For example, you would have to have a huge supply of food with you because you can’t go to the supermarket when you’re halfway to another planet. You also would need fresh water and a way to get rid of waste. In fact, there would be many problems to solve in order to live in space.

1. This passage tells us that__________.

A. if you were a space traveler, you had to live in space for some time

B. scientists are trying to solve problems of living in space

C. while you were in the ship you wouldn’t live as you usually do

D. scientists are finding ways to make people live on other planets

2. The sentence “what problems people would have if they loved being weightless” (Para. 1) is probably closest in meaning to ________.

A. people who were light had many problems

B. many problems people would face in space

C. many people who loved to be very light

D. weightless people who loved to have problems

3. The phrase “a huge supple of food” (Para.2) means ________.

A. a huge piece of food

B. the food that is largely supplied on the market

C. a large amount of food

D. the food at the supermarket

4. While you were in the spaceship, you would NOT _______.

A. need fresh water and a way to get rid of waste

B. have some unusual problems

C. go to the supermarket when you were halfway to another planet

D. find new ways to spend your time

5. It can be concluded from the passage that _________.

A. life in space was interesting and exciting

B. if you were a space traveler, you had to stay in space

C. there would be many problems if you wanted to live in space

D. it was easy to enjoy oneself in space



Genetically-modified (GM) foodstuffs are here to stay.That’s not to say that food prod
uced by conventional agriculture will disappear, but simply that food-buying patterns will polarize: there will be a niche market for conventional foodstuffs just as there is for organic food.It may even be that GM food will become the food of preference because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of reduced pesticide use.

Currently there are some 20,000 chemicals in use, but the scientists only have detailed information around 1,000 of them.To see the advantages of GM food you have only to consider the recent press revelation that the average lettuce receives eleven pesticide applications before it reaches the supermarket shelf.I’m sure chemicals and their role in disease will become a big issue in the 21st century as the population of the developed world worries increasingly about its health.

The reason GM food will not go away is that we need a three-fold increase in food production by the year 2050 to keep pace with the world’s predicted population growth to ten or eleven billion.It’s not just a question of more mouths to feed either.What is often forgotten is that all these extra people will take up space, reducing the overall land available for agriculture.

The world has 800 million hungry people.Until now, food supplies have been increased by improved varieties, pesticides and artificial fertilizers: the green revolution.Now we’re on the edge of a new one: a genetic revolution.

It may well be that in the long term it is the developing world that benefits most from GM food.It is true that for the next years or so GM crops may be too expensive.

6. According to the passage, food supplies have been increased by all the following except_____________.


B.artificial fertilizers

C.improved varieties


7.How many chemicals are still less familiar to the scientists?()





8.Why will people prefer GM food in the future?()

A.Because it uses less pesticides.

B.Because it is much cheaper.

C.Because the production is increased.

D.Because it is organic food.

9.Which of the following is NOT true?()

A.By 2050, the world population will grow to ten or eleven billion.

B.In the 21st century, GM food will take the place of conventional food.

C.More and more people will reduce the overall land available for farming.

D.More and more people will consume more food and occupy more space.

10.The author’s attitude towards GM food is _______.







翻译 food chain


翻译 food chain

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