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The doctor tried to ______ the patient with a new drug.





更多“The doctor tried to ______ the patient with a new drug.”相关的问题


The doctor suggested that he___to lose his weight._







This story is about a young man. He worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy
to have a rest. At last, he couldn't go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. “I just can't go to sleep at night. What should I do?” “I have a suggestion,” said the doctor. “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you'll be asleep. I am sure of it.”

The next day the man reached the doctor's office. “Well,” said the doctor, “how are you today? Did you try my suggestion?”

The man still looked tired. “Yes,” he said, “I tried counting one, two, three...up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand, but then I still couldn't fall asleep.”

6.The young man couldn’t go to sleep because he had worked too hard and became ill.



7.The doctor asked the young man to count numbers while he was lying in bed.



8.The young man returned to the doctor’s office the next day because he wanted to thank the doctor.



9.The young man counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea.



10.The young man in fact was not able to count numbers.





My doctor advised me to go on a diet immediately, so I tried cutting down on fattenin
g foods,but without any success.




D)医生建议我马上节食,于是我尝试着少吃增肥食品,但是毫无成效 。




Everyone knows what a needle is. Of course there are needles for sewing machines, nee
dles for injection, you nameit. But few people think of the wonder a needle works in the hands of those who practice acupuncture.

During the past ten years of so, I have been suffering from a terrible headache. It seems to be getting from bad to worsethese days. Last night I got a sudden pain in my head. It was so terrible that I could hardly bear it. Although I swallowed all kinds of pain-killers, I didn't feel any better. It seemed that there was nothing I could do but phone for a doctor.

One of our neighbors happened to be with us. He was not a doctor, but he timidly offered his help, saying "Do you mind if I tried acupuncture on you? These needles may possibly do you some good."I agreed. In a moment, he had taken out a few needles from his purse. Without a moment's delay, he fixed a few needles into the skin on my head here and there. Before long, I felt thoroughly relieved.

Just then, the doctor sped through my house and said,"Where is our patient?"

"Sorry, Doctor, You are too late. It's killed!" I answered in delight.

It's a miracle, isn't it?

1)、The word ''name'' in the first paragraph means to give a name to the needles.



2)、The underlined phrase “from bad to worse”in the second paragraph refers to the state of the man's health.



3)、According to the passage,soon after the acupuncture, the man was completely recovered.



4)、"You are too late. It's killed." means that the pain was killed because the doctor came late.



5)、The passage tells us that the effect of acupuncture on the patient was unbelievable.





Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, examined him and said, "You will be well again in a few days if you take bull’s (公牛的) milk." The king was very surprised, for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. "How is it possible " he asked.

"Order Gulbo, the scholar, to get it for you. He can do anything." The doctor was an enemy to Gulbo, and thought this would be a way of making him suffer. When the king told Gulbo what the doctor had said and ordered him to get bull’s milk, Gulbo immediately understood what the doctor was trying to do. When he got home he sat thinking how to get out of the difficulties. His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the matter. On hearing what the king had asked for, she said, "Don’t worry, father. I’ll help you." The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace, and chose a place below the king’s bedroom window. In the middle of the night, when everyone was in bed, she started to do her washing. She made so much noise that the king could not sleep. The king got very angry and sent a guard to find out what was the matter. The soldier found the girl, and led her to the king. "Why do you wash your clothes here at night " asked the king. The girl pretended to be afraid and said, "I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father had a baby. I was busy all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean clothes for the baby, so I had to come and wash them now." "What!" cried the king, "Are you trying to make a fool of me Who ever heard of a man having a baby " "Well, if the king himself orders someone to get bull’s milk for him, why can’t a man have a baby " The king smiled and said, "You must be Gulbo’s daughter. Go and tell your father that he may keep the bull’s milk for his baby.

6. According to the doctor in the story, the king’s illness can be cured by ().

A. making Gulbo suffer

B. drinking bull’s milk

C. seeing another doctor

D. feeding him with cow’s milk

7. The doctor told the king to ask Gulbo to find bull’s milk because he ().

A. admired Gulbo greatly

B. hated Gulbo very much

C. thought Gulbo was a scholar

D. tried to make Gulbo another doctor

8. How did Gulbo feel after getting the king’s order?()

A. He was upset.

B. He was excited.

C. He was surprised.

D. He was disappointed.

9. Why did Gulbo’s daughter wash clothes below the king’s bedroom window at night?()

A. Because she was forced to do it.

B. Because she often washed clothes there.

C. Because she enjoyed washing clothes there.

D. Because she wanted the king to notice her.

10. From the dialogue between the king and the girl, we know that after hearing the girl’s story, the king().

A. wanted to see the baby

B. became angry with her

C. thought the girl was a fool

D. understood the girl’s meaning



“Stop making excuses for him, Mom, ”I said.“But maybe he is feeling unwell...” Mom said.
“Maybe nothing,” I interrupted. I had been tending Mom since her health began to decline and this would be the first time in a year that my husband and I had a night out together. Jerry had promised to stay with Mom. But again he let us down. And more often than not, his drinking had a lot to do with it. His irresponsibility upset me.

I remembered our happy growing­up years in a small town in West Virginia. With good family education, Jerry had been a kind kid. He was only 15 when Dad died. Unlike him, I got over the sorrow soon, but he started drinking. Soon he began hanging out with bad guys.

Jerry and I didn’t see each other often, but we talked on the phone. Usually, though, we ended up fighting. When Mom came to live with us, Jerry dropped in regularly at first, but after a while his visits became sporadic. He explained he couldn’t handle seeing Mom in such a bad condition. Another excuse, I thought.

One day I went to see the doctor about my back.It had been aching for months.“I can’t find anything wrong with you physically,”the doctor said.“But I can tell you’re very tense. Is something bothering you?” I poured out my story about Jerry.“Do you think he’s likely to change?” he asked. I shrugged.“Probably not.”“But,you can, ”he said gently.

Me? Why did I have to change? He was the one who constantly let us down.But what had I done? Maybe the doctor was right. I couldn’t love his behavior, but I could love him—the way I did when we were little. As I walked into the house I sensed a relief.

Jerry died young due to drinking .I miss him. But I’m grateful I was given the opportunity to show him I loved him—as he was, not as I wanted him to be.

A-31.When Jerry failed to carry out his promise that night,his mother_____.

A、felt very angry

B、tried to defend him

C、was indifferent about it

D、phoned him to ask him to come back

32阅读A-31题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。

A-32.Jerry got into the habit of drinking mainly because_____.

A、he was influenced by bad guys

B、his mom left to live with his sister

C、nobody cared for him after his father died

D、he couldn’t get over the sadness of losing his father

33阅读A-31题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。

A-33.The underlined word “sporadic” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_____”.





34阅读A-31题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。

A-34.What did the author think of the doctor’s suggestion at first?

A、It was acceptable.

B、It gave her much hope.

C、It was unreasonable.

D、It made her confused.

35阅读A-31题干中Passage One材料,完成本题。

A-35.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A、Love can help a person give up bad habits.

B、Too much tension will destroy a person’s health.

C、We shouldn’t expect too much of a person.

D、We should try to love a person as he is.



He was an old man with a white beard and huge nose and hands. Long before the time durin
g which we will know him, he was a doctor and drove a jaded white horse from house to house through the streets of Winesburg. Later he married a girl who had money. She had been left a large fertile farm when her father died. The girl was quiet, tall, and dark, and to many people she seemed very beautiful. Everyone in Winesburg wondered why she married the doctor. Within a year after the marriage she died.

The knuckles of the doctor&39;s hands were extraordinarily large. When the hands were closed they looked like clusters of unpainted wooden balls as large as walnuts fastened together by steel rods.He smoked a cob pipe and after his wife&39;s death sat all day in his empty office close by a window that was covered with cobwebs. He never opened the window. Once on a hot day in August he tried but found it stuck fast and after that he forgot all about it.

Winesburg had forgotten the old man, but in Doctor Reefy there were the seeds of something very fine. Alone in his musty office in the Heffner Block above the Paris Dry Goods Company&39;s store, he worked ceaselessly, building up something that he himself destroyed. Little pyramids of truth he erected and after erecting knocked them down again that he might have the truths to erect other pyramids.

Doctor Reefy was a tall man who had worn one suit of clothes for ten years. It was frayed at the sleeves and little holes had appeared at the knees and elbows. In the office he wore also a linen duster with huge pockets into which he continually stuffed scraps of paper. After some weeks the scraps of paper became little hard round balls, and when the pockets were filled he dumped themout upon the floor. For ten years he had but one friend, another old man named John Spaniard who owned a tree nursery. Sometimes, in a playful mood, old Doctor Reefy took from his pockets a handful of the paper balls and threw them at the nursery man. "&39;That is to confound you, you blithering old sentimentalist," he cried, shaking with laughter.

The story of Doctor Reefy and his courtship of the tall dark girl who became his wife and left her money to him is a very curious story. It is delicious, like the twisted little apples that grow in the orchards of Winesburg. In the fall one walks in the orchards and the ground is hard with frostunder foot. The apples have been taken from the trees by the pickers. They have been put inbarrels and shipped to the cities where they will be eaten in apartments that are filled with books, magazines, furniture, and people. On the trees are only a few gnarled apples that the pickers haverejected. They look like the knuckles of Doctor Reefy’ s hands. One nibbles at them and they are delicious. Into a little round place at the side of the apple has been gathered all of its sweetness.One runs from tree to tree over the frosted ground picking the gnarled, twisted apples and filling his pockets with them. Only the few know the sweetness of the twisted apples.

The girl and Doctor Reefy began their courtship on a summer afternoon. He was forty-fivethen and already he had begun the practice of filling his pockets with the scraps of paper thatbecame hard balls and were thrown away. The habit had been formed as he sat in his buggy behind the jaded grey horse and went slowly along country roads. On the papers were written thoughts, ends of thoughts, beginnings of thoughts.

One by one the mind of Doctor Reefy had made the thoughts. Out of many of them heformed a truth that arose gigantic in his mind. The truth clouded the world. It became terrible and then faded away and the little thoughts began again.

The tall dark girl came to see Doctor Reefy because she was in the family way and hadbecome frightened. She was in that condition because of a series of circumstances also curious.

The death of her father and mother and the rich acres of land that had come down to her had seta train of suitors on her heels. For two years she saw suitors almost every evening. Except twothey were all alike. They talked to her of passion and there was a strained eager quality in their voices and in their eyes when they looked at her. The two who were different were much unlikeeach other. One of them, a slender young man with white hands, the son of a jeweler in Winesburg, talked continually of virginity. When he was with her he was never off the subject. Theother, a black-haired boy with large ears, said nothing at all but always managed to get her into the darkness, where he began to kiss her.

For a time the tall dark girl thought she would marry the jeweler&39;s son. For hours she sat in silence listening as he talked to her and then she began to be afraid of something. Beneath his talk of virginity she began to think there was a lust greater than in all the others. At times it seemed to her that as he talked he was holding her body in his hands. She imagined him turning it slowly about inthe white hands and staring at it. At night she dreamed that he had bitten into her body and that his jaws were dripping. She had the dream three times, then she became in the family way to theone who said nothing at all but who in the moment of his passion actually did bite her shoulder sothat for days the marks of his teeth showed.

After the tall dark girl came to know Doctor Reefy it seemed to her that she never wanted to leavehim again. She went into his office one morning and without her saying anything he seemed to know what had happened to her.

In the office of the doctor there was a woman, the wife of the man who kept the bookstore in Winesburg. Like all old-fashioned country practitioners, Doctor Reefy pulled teeth, and the woman who waited held a handkerchief to her teeth and groaned. Her husband was with her and when the tooth was taken out they both screamed and blood ran down on the woman&39;s white dress.The tall dark girl did not pay any attention. When the woman and the man had gone the doctor smiled. "I will take you driving into the country with me," he said.

For several weeks the tall dark girl and the doctor were together almost every day. The condition that had brought her to him passed in an illness, but she was like one who has discovered the sweetness of the twisted apples, she could not get her mind fixed again upon theround perfect fruit that is eaten in the city apartments. In the fall after the beginning of her acquaintanceship with him she married Doctor Reefy and in the following spring she died. During the winter he read to her all of the odds and ends of thoughts he had scribbled on the bits of paper. After he had read them he laughed and stuffed them away in his pockets to become round hard balls.

According to the story Doctor Reefy’s life seems very __________







I was 15 when I walked into McCarley Bookstore and began to look over the titles of th
e books on the shelves.The man behind the counter, the owner of the bookstore, asked me if I would like a job.I needed to start saving for college, so I said yes.

I worked after school and during summers for minimum wages and the job helped pay for my freshman year of college.I worked at many other jobs afterwards: I made coffee in the student union during college.I made maps for the U.S Forest Service.But selling books was one of the most satisfying.

One day a woman asked me for books on cancer.She seemed fearful.I showed her everything we had and found other books we could order.She left the shop less worried and I've always remembered the pride I felt in having helped her.

Years later, as a television reporter, I heard about a poor child who was born with his fingers of the left hand linked together.His family could not afford the corrective surgery, and the boy lived in shame, hiding his left hand in his pocket.

I persuaded my boss to let me do the story on TV.After my story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform. the surgery for free.

I visited the boy in the recovery room after the operation.The first thing he did was hold up his repaired hand and say, ―Thank you.‖ I was overjoyed and filled with a strong sense of reward.

At McCarley Bookstore, I always felt I was working for the customers, not just for the store.Today it's the same.NBC news pays me the salary.But I feel that I work for the viewers, helping them make sense of the world.My working experience in McCarley Bookstore helped me find a good sense of the world, and most importantly, it helped me find a good sense of myself.

1.How did the author get the job in McCarley Bookstore?

A.He happened to walk into the shop and got it by chance.

B.He had always wanted to have a job in that bookstore and he succeeded.

C.He liked reading books, so tried to get a job there.

D.He did not go to school, so he looked for a job when he was 15.

2.According to the author, selling books was one of the most satisfying job experiences, because().

A.he only had to work after school and got good wages

B.it helped him understand the world and himself

C.it helped him pay for his freshman year of college

D.he did not feel that he was working for the store

3.After he helped the fearful lady looking for books on cancer, the author was().

A.worried about her B.less worried about her

C.unable to forget her D.proud of himself

4.The author decided to help the poor boy by().

A.persuading his boss to do the story on TV

B.persuading his boss to let him do the story on TV

C.asking a doctor to perform. the operation for free

D.visiting the boy in the recovery room after the operation

5.The main reason that the author thinks his present job is the same as the one in the bookstore is().

A.it gives him salary

B.it makes him feel excited

C.it helps people make sense of the world

D.it enables him to work



The new engine must be thoroughly()before being out on the market.

A.tried out

B.tried to

C.tried in

D.tried with



Every means_____but it’s not so effective()

A.have been tried

B.has been tried

C.have tried

D.has tried


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