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Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).

You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The challenge of writing a powerful cove letter(附信) can lead job candidates to search endlessly for advice, but be careful. While you likely will find some valuable advice, you may come across a few tips that could mislead you.

“You need a lengthy cover letter. ” This probably is one of the “bad cover letter tips. ” Think about it :hiring managers have piles of resumes and cover letters to review. If yours is longer than the rest, it might not get read at all. Aim to get all of your points across in three brief paragraphs: a clear introduction that lets employer know which job you are applying for and why you are interested in the position; a paragraph that includes a few specific examples of how to have excelled(擅长) in past roles that are relevant to the open position; and a concluding paragraph that tells employers how you will benefit their company and requests a future meeting.

“Your cover letter is less important than your resume. ” Some hiring managers shove(随手扔) cover letters to the side, but most do not. Because you never know what type of hiring manager you are dealing with, it is best to submit a nice cover letter. While some employers place less emphasis on cover letters, others decide who to interview based on them. Remember that the point of a cover letter is to tell employers something that makes them want to meet you.

36.Why should job candidates be careful when searching for advice to write a cover letter?

A.Some tips are not practical.

B.Some tips could be misleading.

C.It is impossible to get useful tips.

D.It is difficult to find valuable tips.

38.According to the passage, the introductory paragraph of a cover letter should include .

A.your request for a job interview

B.the position you are interested in

C.some examples of your achievements

D.your education background and degree

39.Which of the following should be included in the concluding paragraph of a cover letter?

A.Your expected salary.

B.Your hobbies and interests.

C.Your request for a meeting.

D.Your professional background.

37.Why shouldn’t you write a lengthy cover letter?

A.Hiring managers may not read it at all.

B.Well-written cover letters may be read first.

C.It is difficult to write a good long cover letter.

D.You are unable to express your points clearly.

40.According to the writer, the purpose of a cover letter is to .

A.urge the employer to read your resume

B.please your potential employer

C.get the employer to meet you

D.show off your achievements


更多“Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini”相关的问题


Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

If you have an AT&-T BusinessDirect account, you can have your telephone bill paid automatically each month. You can make payments online with a bank account or use one of the following credit cards (信用卡): Visa , Master Card, Discover Network or American Express. When you make an online payment, please follow the instructions given below.


1. To make your payment online, click (点击) the "Pay Now" link under the "Account Overview (概览) summary.

2. If your business has more than one registered account, first select the account you need from the "Account Number" menu, and then click the "Pay Now" link.

3. If you have never made an online payment before, you will be asked whether you want to make a payment by using a bank account or credit card. Select either "Bank Account" or "Credit Card" from the "Select Payment Method" menu.

The online payment system is available Monday through Saturday, from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Midnight) Eastern Time.

An AT&T BusinessDi red account helps you______.

A.earn an interest from a bank account

B.make the first month's payment only

C.pay your telephone bill automatically

D.enjoy all the available banking services



Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

Most insurance companies in the world are stock insurance companies or mutual insurance companies. A stock insurance company is owned by stockholders, who share in profits earned by the company. A mutual insurance company is owned by the policyholders(投保人). Profits earned by a mutual insurance company are returned to the policyholders as dividends(股息) or used to cut future insurance cost.

In addition to the private insurance organizations, certain types of insurance are provided in the U.S. by governmental organizations. A notable instance is the system of social security operated by the federal government through the Social Security Administration.

An insurance company may require a policyholder to provide proof of the ownership and the value of lost or damaged property before it pays compensation. For this reason, policyholders should have such evidence of their possessions as lists, sales receipts, appraisals(估价单), or photographs. The evidence should be kept in a safe-deposit box or other secure place outside the home.

Many companies that sell health insurance policies(保险) provide cash benefits to the insured person. A cash benefit is a fixed dollar amount for each medical expense or day of hospitalization. If the cash benefits do not cover the entire cost of medical care, the policyholder must pay the rest.

The profits earned by a mutual insurance company______.

A.are shared by the stockholders

B.are all given to the policyholders as stocks

C.are used to reduce future insurance cost

D.are used in some investment



Task 1Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statement

Task 1

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 1 to 5

Flying Blue is a frequent flier rewards program offered by Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Flying Blue members enjoy the ability to earn and spend air mile points on flights and services offered by Air France, KLM, and its various airline partners.

Flying Blue also offers other ways to spend your points with select travel and transportation companies for things such as car and hotel rentals (租借). Award miles can be used to purchase discounts, gifts and free flights.

Flying Blue offers several different levels of membership dependent on how often you fly and how many air mile points you have accumulated The levels are in the order of Ivory (象牙), Silver, Gold, and Platinum (白金). As one increases in membership level, one will receive increased benefits such as first class promotion on flights and extra baggage allowances. Members also are allowed entrance into SkyTeam VIP rooms.

Members must fly on a paid flight at least once every twenty months or their miles will no longer count. The Flying Blue reward program is a great way for frequent fliers and travelers to get a little bit more out of their Airline travels. As the first membership level, Ivory is your gateway to enjoying all that Flying Blue has to offer. With Ivory membership, you can start earning and spending Miles on a large number of flights and services. There are so many reasons to join the Flying Blue program--and it all starts with Ivory.

Flying Blue is a rewards program specially intended for ______.

A.first class travelers

B.business executives

C.frequent passengers

D.VIP members

Flying Blue members have the right to use their award miles to ______.A.get free tickets

B.visit local scenic spots

C.shop in the supermarkets

D.go through the VIP passage

To make their miles count, members must ______.A.pay their membership fees regularly

B.fly overseas at least once every year

C.take a domestic flight with Air France once a month

D.pay for their flight at least once within twenty months

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.All the members enjoy equal benefits.

B.Ivory is the starting membership level.

C.Fliers can choose any membership level.

D.VIP rooms are only for the Platinum level.

The title of the passage could be ______.A.Introduction to Flying Blue

B.Flying with Air France and KLM

C.Accumulation of Air Mile Points

D.Levels of Flying Blue Membership




Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

The purpose of any selection interview is to choose the right person for the job in question or to select someone who shows potential for more senior posts. Interviews may not be the ideal method of selecting staff. For one thing, you will not know whether you have selected wisely until long after the interview. The period you have to wait will depend on the job in question. The lower the level of the job is, the quicker you will discover how good you were with your selection. Be clear what you are trying to achieve by the interview and how you intend to do it.

Interviewing requires many skills which typically only develop with practice. Be careful that you are not being subjective in your judgments(判断); try to be objective wherever possible. An example may illustrate the point. If you interview a long-haired male applicant, you may be put off by the length of his hair; you may associate the long hair with untidiness, dirt or laziness.

This is a subjective judgment—another interviewer may not be affected by hair length in the same way.

Subjective misjudgment is sometimes called the "halo and horn" effect. We meet someone neatly dressed and well-spoken, and from this we assume that they are all things good; that they will be reliable, honest, hard working, etc. We are blinded by their halo. Conversely, on meeting a roughly-spoken, scruffy(褴褛的)individual we decide they will be unreliable, careless and lazy. We only see their horns. This problem needs to be overcome, since we could so easily overlook first-class candidates(候选人)for vital posts because we have not been objective.

Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the essay?

A.Things to pay attention to when interviewing job applicants.

B.Things to pay attention to when applying for a job.

C.Advice to how to be subjective.

D.The importance of a selection interview.



Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

College is a place to explore many possibilities; you really can't do it all—unless you manage your time wisely. Here are some tips I have found very helpful for managing my time and maximizing my study efforts:

1. Determine your goals. What do you want to get out of a college education? Academic (学术的)knowledge? Leadership experiences within a club? Decide what is most important to you.Then devote proportionate (成比例的) amounts of time to those efforts.

2. Plan ahead.You may think you can keep everything in your head,but as the activities on your schedule start piling up, making a schedule can really help organize even little tasks.

3. Study at strategic (关键的) times.Don't wait until you're falling asleep to study.Study first.Save those e-mails to check later, because tasks that don't require much energy and attention can still be done when you're tired.

4. Motivate (激励) yourself! You know that TV show you've been dying to see, or that game of chess you've been waiting all week to challenge your friend to. These and many other special activities can be used for motivation. Promise yourself that you'll finish your biology assignment before you go off and "play". That way, you'll force yourself to work efficiently.(Don't rush through the assignment, though.)

5. Take a nap. Sometimes even a 20-minute nap in the afternoon will give you the extra energy you need to get through the day.

We need to plan ahead in order to________.

A.keep a record of all the events

B.better organize our activities

C.store everything in our head

D.pile up little tasks neatly



Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 1 to 5. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Car servicing is something that every car owner has to experience at least some time of the year. The best method to service your car is to go to your car service station and have the servicing done methodically (有条理地) according to your car maker. Consider this: Your car is up and running smoothly but the mileage (里程) figures indicate that you need to have it serviced Certainly, this is the right thing to do but have you wondered what actually goes in to make you pay that servicing bill every 6 months?

Servicing your car is a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) job that you can learn quickly and easily save some good money.

If you have never serviced your car before personally, here&39;s your resource: Servicing Basics

Car servicing essentially means inspecting the ear thoroughly for any damaged components, and replacing some parts regularly that wear out over time. If you review carefully it is certainly possible to do all this by yourself, as below:

You will need a complete set of tools as provided by your car maker when you purchased the vehicle. This will usually consist of all the spanners (扳手) that you might need

Completely servicing your ear will need a few hours but you will end up saving a lot of money. Besides, it&39;s fun too and a lot of learning.

What is the best way to service your car?

A.To service your car by yourself.

B.To turn to other ear owners for help.

C.To send your ear back to the ear maker.

D.To have your car serviced at the service station.

What indicates that your ear needs servicing?A.Weather conditions.

B.Gas consumption.

C.Mileage figures.

D.Servicing bills.

Why does the author suggest servicing your car by yourself?.A.It is money-saving and easy to learn.

B.It is a simple way to save energy.

C.It is convenient and challenging.

D.It is done more efficiently.

Some component parts should be replaced regularly because ______.A.they are outdated

B.they need to be oiled

C.they become worn out

D.they are easily available

What is included in the set of tools provided by the ear maker for self-servicing?A.Spare parts.

B.Cleaning brushes.

C.Measuring meters.

D.All kinds of spanners.




Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).

You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The challenge of writing a powerful cove letter(附信) can lead job candidates to search endlessly for advice, but be careful. While you likely will find some valuable advice, you may come across a few tips that could mislead you.

“You need a lengthy cover letter. ” This probably is one of the “bad cover letter tips. ” Think about it :hiring managers have piles of resumes and cover letters to review. If yours is longer than the rest, it might not get read at all. Aim to get all of your points across in three brief paragraphs: a clear introduction that lets employer know which job you are applying for and why you are interested in the position; a paragraph that includes a few specific examples of how to have excelled(擅长) in past roles that are relevant to the open position; and a concluding paragraph that tells employers how you will benefit their company and requests a future meeting.

“Your cover letter is less important than your resume. ” Some hiring managers shove(随手扔) cover letters to the side, but most do not. Because you never know what type of hiring manager you are dealing with, it is best to submit a nice cover letter. While some employers place less emphasis on cover letters, others decide who to interview based on them. Remember that the point of a cover letter is to tell employers something that makes them want to meet you.

36.Why should job candidates be careful when searching for advice to write a cover letter?

A.Some tips are not practical.

B.Some tips could be misleading.

C.It is impossible to get useful tips.

D.It is difficult to find valuable tips.

38.According to the passage, the introductory paragraph of a cover letter should include .

A.your request for a job interview

B.the position you are interested in

C.some examples of your achievements

D.your education background and degree

39.Which of the following should be included in the concluding paragraph of a cover letter?

A.Your expected salary.

B.Your hobbies and interests.

C.Your request for a meeting.

D.Your professional background.

37.Why shouldn’t you write a lengthy cover letter?

A.Hiring managers may not read it at all.

B.Well-written cover letters may be read first.

C.It is difficult to write a good long cover letter.

D.You are unable to express your points clearly.

40.According to the writer, the purpose of a cover letter is to .

A.urge the employer to read your resume

B.please your potential employer

C.get the employer to meet you

D.show off your achievements
























判别负反馈电路稳定性的条件是:在 AF=±()

A.| AF|>1

B.| AF |<1

C.| AF |=1

D..|AF |≥1


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