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Children who live in the rural areas are very () to be poor.





更多“Children who live in the rural areas are very () to be poor.”相关的问题


Children who live in the rural areas are very like to be poor.()



Children who live in the rural areas are very () to be poor.







Children who live in the rural areas are very alike to be poor.()



In America, older people rarely live with their adult children. But in many other cultures
children are expected to care 【C1】______ their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the percentage of adult children who 【C2】______ with their parents 【C3】______ 65% to 70%. in Thailand, too, children are expected to look after their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live 【C4】______ . What explains these differences in living arrangements across cultures? Modernization theory 【C5】______ the extended family to low levels of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their children in large extended family units for economic reasons. 【C6】______ with modernization, children move to urban areas, 【C7】______ old people after in 【C8】______ rural areas. Yet modernization theory can't 'explain why such households were never common in America or England, or why families in fully modernized Italy 【C9】______ a strong tradition of intergenerational living. Clearly, economic development alone cannot explain 【C10】______ living arrangements.

Another theory associated intergenerational living arrangements with inheritance 【C11】______ . In some cultures, the stem family pattern of inheritance overtakes. 【C12】______ this system, parents live with a married child, usually the oldest son, who then 【C13】______ their property when they die. The stem family system was once common in Japan, but changes in inheritance laws, 【C14】______ broader social changes brought 【C15】______ by industrialization and urbanization, have 【C16】______ the usage. In 1960 about 80% of Japanese over 65 lived with their children; by 1990 only 60% 【C17】______ — a figure that is still high 【C18】______ American standards, but which has been 【C19】______ steadily. In Korea, too, traditional living arrangements are 【C20】______ : the percentage of aged Koreans who live with a son declined from 77% in 1984 to 50% just 10 years later.








In the United States, older people rarely live with their adult children. But in many othe
r cultures children are expected to care 【C1】______ their aged parents. In some parts of Italy, the percentage of adult children who 【C2】______ with their parents 【C3】______ 65 to 70 percent. In Thailand, too, children are expected to care for their elderly parents; few Thai elderly live 【C4】______ .

What explains these 【C5】______ in living arrangements across cultures? Modernization theory 【C6】______ the extended family household to low levels of economic development. In traditional societies, the elderly live with their children in large extended family units for economic reasons. But with modernization, children move to urban areas, 【C7】______ old people behind in isolated 【C8】______ areas. Yet modernization theory cannot explain why extended family households were never common in the United States or England, or why families in Italy, which is fully modernized, maintain a strong 【C9】______ of intergenerational living. Clearly, economic development alone cannot explain 【C10】______ living arrangements.

Another theory associated intergenerational living arrangements with inheritance patterns. In some cultures, the stem family pattern of inheritance 【C11】______ . 【C12】______ this system, parents live with a married child, usually the oldest son, 【C13】______ then inherits their property when they die. The stem family system was once common in Japan, but changes in inheritance laws, 【C14】______ broader social changes brought 【C15】______ by industrialization and urbanization, have 【C16】______ the tradition. In 1960 about 80 percent of Japanese over 65 lived with their children; by 1990 only 60 percent did — a figure that is still high 【C17】______ U.S. standards, but which has been 【C18】______ steadily. In Korea, too, traditional living arrangements are 【C19】______ : the percentage of aged Koreans who live with a son declined from 77 percent in 1984 to 50 percent just 10 years later. 【C20】______ most elderly Koreans still expect to live with a son, their adult children do not expect to live with their children when they grow old.








Passage Three It's Christmas again. We live on a dirty street in a shabby house amon

Passage Three

It's Christmas again. We live on a dirty street in a shabby house among people who aren't much good. You can't see how pitiful it is that our neighbors have to make happiness out of this filth (污秽) and dirt. My children must get out of this. But how? The money that we've saved isn't nearly enough.

The McGaritys have money, but they are show-offs with it. The McGarity girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of cookies while a group of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts, and when she couldn't eat any more, she threw the rest down the sewer (阴沟).

Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House (教育中心) isn’t rich, but she knows things, she understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. Everyboby else here looks away because they'rs ashamed of their lives. I'd like to see the children be like Miss Jackson when they grow up.

41. The writer suggests that her family______.

A. is extremely rich

B. is an unhappy one

C. live with nice and kind people

D. long for a change in their life



Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for peopl
e to live in.Around this dry part are large sheep and cow farms.A few of them are as large as the smallest states in America.Often the nearest neighbors are several hundred kilometers away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms.It works much like a telephone.A person can listen to someone else talk and then give an answer.For example, people on the large farms could talk to a doctor far away.They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill, and the doctor could let them know how to look after the sick person.

As the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school.Radio schools were started for them in some places.At a certain time each day, boys and girls turn on their radios and listen to teachers in cities far away.

Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbors.The program "Round Robin" talks by radio was started to keep families in touch with each other.They could talk about who was going away and who was ill.The men could talk about their sheep and cows and how much money the markets would pay for them.In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.

1、From the first paragraph, we know there are some very large farms in Australia.()

2、"The two-way radio" in the 2nd paragraph is useful for children only.()

3、The "the sick person" in the second paragraph means the person who is ill.()

4、The children on the large farms far away could have lessons on the radios.()

5、All the Australians live on dry places, and they use radios in many ways.()



Passage Three My husband and children feel very happy to live here. They can't see that we

Passage Three

My husband and children feel very happy to live here. They can't see that we live on a dirty street in a dirty house among people who aren't good. They can't see that our neighbors have to make happiness out of all this dirt. I decided that my children must get out of this. The money that we've saved isn't nearly enough.

The McGaritys have money but they are so proud. They look down upon the poor The McGarity girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of candy while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts; and when she couldn't eat any more she threw the rest down the sewer (下水道). Why? Is it only because they have money? There is more to happiness than money in the world, isn't there?

Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isn't rich, but she knows things. She understands people. Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. She can read your mind. I'd like to see the children will be like Miss Jackson when they grow up.

44. This passage suggests that the writer______.

A. is easy to get along with

B. is never pleased with her neighbors

C. is unhappy with the life they are living

D. is good at observing and understanding people



PassageFive AustraliaisnearlyaslargeastheUnitedStates,butmostofitistoodryforpeopletolivei

Passage Five

Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for people to live in. Around

this dry part are large sheep and cow farms. A few of them are as large as the smallest states: of America.

Often the nearest neighbours are several hundred kilometers away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms. It works much like a

telephone. A person can listen to someone else talk and then gives an answer. For example, people on

the large farms could talk to a doctor far away. They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill,

and the doctor could let them know how to look after the sick person.

As the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school. Radio schools were

started for them in some places. At a certain time each day, boys and girls turn on their radios and

listen to teachers in cities far away.

Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbours. The programme Round Robin

Talks by radio was started to keep families in touch with each other. They could talk about who was

going away and who was iii. The men could talk about their sheep and cows and how much money

the markets would pay for them. In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.

52. In the passage "the two-way radio" is______.

A. important to Americans

B. useful for children only

C. used as a telephone

D. only used by doctors



Memory is very important in our life. A good memory is a great help for learning a langu
age. Everybody learns(1)own language by keeping in mind what he hears when he is a small child. Some children like those who(2)abroad with their(3), seem to learn two languages easily as they do one. In school, it's not easy for pupils(4)a second language because they have very (5)time for it. Memory is like a diary that we keep every day.

(1)A. live

B. little

C. parents

D. his

E. to learn

(2)A. live

B. little

C. parents

D. his

E. to learn

(3)A. live

B. little

C. parents

D. his

E. to learn

(4)A. live

B. little

C. parents

D. his

E. to learn

(5)A. live

B. little

C. parents

D. his

E. to learn



选词填空:Contrary to popular belief, older people generally do not want to live with their children. Moreover, most adult children

Section A(2016年6月英语四级卷2真题及答案)

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.

Contrary to popular belief, older people generally do not want to live with their children. Moreover, most adult children _provide____(27)every bit as much care and support to their aging parents as was the case in the "good old days", and roost older people do not feel __abandoned___(28).

About 80% of people 65 years and older have living children, and about 90% of them have _frequent____(29)contact with their children. About 75% of elderly parents who don't go to nursing homes live within 30 minutes of at least one of their children.

However, __merely___(30)having contact with children does not guarantee happiness in old age. In fact, some research has found that people who are most involved with their families have the lowest spirits. This research may be __ biased___(31), however, as ill health often makes older people more _dependent____(32)and thereby increases contact with family members. So it is more likely that poor health, not just family involvement, __dampens___(33)spirits.

Increasingly, researchers have begun to look at the quality of relationships, rather than at the frequency of contact, between the elderly and their children. If parents and children share interests and values and agree on childrearing practices and religious ___commitment __(34)they are likely to enjoy each other's company. Disagreements on such matters can ___understandably__(35)cause problems. If parents are angered by their daughter's divorce, dislike her new husband, and disapprove of how she is raising their grandchildren, ___chances _(36)are that they are not going to enjoy her visits.


B.advanced 年老的;先进的

C.biased 有偏见的

D.chances 机会;偶然

E.commitment 承诺,保证

F.dampens 潮湿;丧气

G.dependent 依赖人的

H.distant 遥远的,冷漠的

I.frequent 频繁的

J.fulfillment 履行,实行

K.grant 同意

L.merely 仅仅

M.provide 提供

N.understandably 可理解地

O.unrealistically 不切实际地


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