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In one year, about twenty million dolls were bought before Christmas. Dolls were by f

In one year, about twenty million dolls were bought before Christmas. Dolls were by far ______ Christmas toys.


B.most popular

C.the popularest

D.the most popular

更多“ In one year, about twenty million dolls were bought before Christmas. Dolls were by f”相关的问题


Visiting the Bank: Last week Tom Walker arrived in London where his company has a new office.

Visiting the Bank

Last week Tom Walker arrived in London where his company has a new office. His company started up six months ago in Hong Kong. Now they are expanding their business in Europe. He had to open a new bank account for his company at ABHK Bank. When he arrived at the bank, he couldn't find where to open an account. He asked at the customer service desk. They told him to go up to the Foreign Department on the fourth floor. The bank which has a branch in Hong Kong arranged everything for him. They transferred the funds, and completed everything electronically. He thought thanking was very efficient Then the bank manager Introduced him to their accountants who advise companies about international taxation.

21. Where is Tom Walker's company?

A. Hong Kong

B. Beijing

C. London

22. When did his company start?

A. One year ago.

B. One year before

C. About hail a year ago

23. Where did he open a new account?

A. At the customer service desk

B. in the Foreign Department

C. In the Accounting Department

24. What did the Hong Kong branch send to London?

A. Money

B. Papers

C. Books

25. What do the accountants help with?

A. Keeping books

B. Directors' reports

C.Tax laws



Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not u
ntil in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. " Wasn't it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home? " I said yes. "Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don't know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.

From the passage, we understand that______.

A.the author did not understand the importance of giving until he was in late thirties

B.the author was like most people who were mostly receivers rather than givers

C.the author received the same education as most people during his childhood

D.the author liked most people as they looked upon life as a process of getting



For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping—watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries, people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes, food, toys and many other things. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden, for example, the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in European countries, and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels, and the French spend about $20 million a year to buy things through those channels.

In Germany, until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for 1 hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can open for telebusiness, including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24 hour teleshopping company. German businesses are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things. Some people would like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their homes. With all the problems of traffic in the cities, this is an important reason. But at the same time, other Europeans do not like the new way of shopping. They call teleshopping "junk on the air."

1. Teleshopping is becoming popular in Europe.()



2. People like teleshopping because they can buy something at a lower price.()



3. Some Europeans don' t like teleshopping because they don' t watchTV.()



4. In Germany, teleshopping has developed at a good pace.()



5. The best title of this passage is "Teleshopping in the United States and Europe."()





Car crashes are the leading cause of injury and death among U.S. children, and though most
of us now think of car seats as standard baby equipment, about half of all children under the age of four who died in vehicle accidents last year were not restrained. It is calculated that only about two-thirds of children ages five to fifteen buckle their seat belts.

Moreover, the traffic-safety agency estimates that even among parents who always strap their children in, 85% are not doing it properly. They often don't know where best to place the kids, don't use the proper restraint for their age and weight, or don't install the safety seats properly. Despite the reports about front seats collapsing onto back seats when certain car models get in accidents, the safest place in the car for any child up to the age of 12 is still the back seat. Babies up to 9 kg and one year old should ride in rear-Facing infant seats.

Never place a child under age 12 in the front seat with a working passenger-side air bag. These devices are discharged at 320 km/h and can be triggered by low-speed fender benders. They have killed 77 kids in the U.S. since 1993. If you must place a child in front, make sure the paasengar-side bag is switched off.

Children over age one should ride in forward-facing safety seats with a five-point harness system. A child who weighs at least 18 kg or at least 1m high can graduate to a booster seat that elevates her so that the standard shoulder and lap belt fits properly.x

What does the author mainly discuss in this passage?

A.How to avoid car crash.

B.How to design safer baby equipment.

C.How to educate children properly.

D.How to properly secure children in the ear.



听力听写题:When you look up at the night sky, what do you see?

When you look up at the night sky, what do you see? There are other(26)_____bodies out there besides the moon and stars. One of the most(27)_____of these is a comet.

Comets were formed around the same time the Earth was formed. They are(28)_____ice and other frozen liquids and gases.(29)_____these "dirty snowballs" begin to orbit the sun, just as the planets do.

As a comet gets closer to the sun, some gases in it begin to unfreeze. They(30)_____dust particles from the comet to form. a huge cloud. As the comet gets even nearer to the sun, a solar wind blows the cloud behind the comet, thus forming its tail. The tail and the(31)_____fuzzy atmosphere around a comet are(32)_____that can help identify this(33)_____in the night sky.

In any given year, about a dozen known comets come close to the sun in their orbits. The average person can’t see them all, of course. Usually there is only one or two a year bright enough to be seen with the(34)_____eye. Comet Hale-Bopp, discovered in 1995, was an unusually bright comet. Its orbit brought it(35)_____close to the Earth, within 122 million miles of it. But Hale-Bopp came a long way on its earthly visit. It won’t be back for another four thousand years or so.



Who designed the first helicopter? Who(1)one of the most famous pictures in th

e world? Who knew more about the human body than most(2)? There is an answer

(3)all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇),Leonardo may have been the greatest genius(4)have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn' t(5)a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. But Leonardo(6)an inventor. He was one of the greatest a rtists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master painter, and as he got older he became(7)more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways(8)he was ready to paint.Many of Leonardo' s wonderful paintings are still with(9) today. You may know one of his most famous works the(10)woman known as theMona Lisa.

1.A. took












4.A.the scientists

B.the artists

C.the world






6.A.was just

B.wasn't just


D.was no longe



















Before the summer of 2000, the 54 year old John Haughom could accomplish just about any th
ing at work. "I could move mountains if I put my mind to it."he says of those days. But that summer Haughom found he couldn't move them any more. On the phone with his wife one morn ing, Haughom broke down. A couple of days later Haughom checked himself in for a three-week stay at the Professional Renewal Center, an in-patient clinic 30 miles outside Kansas City that helps him deal with stress.

Haughom is far from alone. A host of new studies and plenty of anecdotal evidence show that stress in the workplace is skyrocketing. Whatever the cause, stress levels are at record highs. The statistics are startling. According to a new study by the federal government's Nation al Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, more than half the working people in the U.S. view job stress as a major problem in their lives. This year the European Community officially dubbed stress the second-biggest occupational-health problem facing the continent.

Ten years ago experts warned that stress was out of control, in part because of a shaky economy. What's notable about today's wave of stressed-out workers is that it rises all the way to the top. Lack of control is generally considered one of the biggest job stressors, so it used to be thought that middle managers carried the brunt: sandwiched between the top and the bottom, they end up with little authority. Powerful chief executive officers (CEOs) were seen as the least threatened by stress. But in today's tough economy, top executives don't have as much control as they used to. "Stress is just part of the job, fortunately or unfortunately, stress'is part of our character building," Lebenthal says. "But I think I don't need any more character building. What I need is a vacation."

But if you think that going on vacation is hard—and studies show that 85%of corporate executives don't use all the time off they're entitled to. Being able to handle stress is perhaps the most basic of job expectations. So among the corporate elite, succumbing to it is considered a shameful weakness. Stress has become the last affliction that people won't dare admit to. Most senior executives who are undergoing treatment for stress—and even many who aren't—refused to talk on the record about the topic."Nothing good can come out of having your name in a story like this," one CEO said through his therapist.

What is this passage mainly about?

A.Increasingly serious lack of work places.

B.The second biggest disease in the world.

C.The most serious problem people have to face.

D.Increasingly serious stress faced by working people.



One way that scientists learn about man is by studying animals, such as mice and monke
ys.科学家了解人类的一种方法是研究如老鼠、猴子这样的动物。The scientists in this laboratory are

experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time, over one hundred experiments are being done in this laboratory.

In one of these experiments, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second group is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.

After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Most of the day, they are running, playing with one another, and using the equipment in their cages. Also, they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years.

The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two years, not the three years or more of the thinner mice.

The last group of mice is receiving more food than the other two groups. Most of the day, these mice are eating or sleeping. They are not very active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought - about a year and a half. But they aren't as healthy. They're sick more often than the other two groups.

(1)、The scientists in the laboratory are studying the relationship between the amount of food and diet.



(2)、The first two groups are receiving the most food.



(3)、The first group is the thinnest because they do not have a healthy diet.



(4)、Normal mice usually live for two years.



(5)、The text tells us that people who eat less and exercise more will live longer.





Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not u
ntil in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. " Wasn't it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home? " I said yes. "Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don't know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.

From the passage, we understand that______.

A.the author did not understand the importance of giving until he was in late thirties

B.the author was like most people who were mostly receivers rather than givers

C.the author received the same education as most people during his childhood

D.the author liked most people as they looked upon life as a process of getting




Generations of Americans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is one life’s essentials. Eating

breakfast at the start of the day, we have all been told, and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the

family car before starting a trip.

But for many people the thought of food first thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure. So despite all the

efforts, they still take no breakfast. Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures are available, the

number of people who didn’t have breakfast, increased by 33 percent.

For those who feel pain of guilt about not eating breakfast, however, there is some good news. Several studies

in the last few years indicate that, for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast.

“Going without breakfast does not affect performance,” said Arrold E. Bender, former professor of the nutrition

at Queen Elizabeth College in London, “nor does giving people breakfast improve performance.”

Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better performance is surprisingly inadequate, and most

of the recent work involves children, not adults, “The literature”, says one researcher, Dr. Erresto at the University

of Texas, “is poor”.

The latest year for which figures could be obtained is _______.

A. the year the author wrote the article

B. 1977

C. any year between 1997 and 1983

D. 1983



Why did Rebecca want to enter this year’s writing

In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a child occupied. Yet, despite the competition, my 8-year-old daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories. She wants to enter one of her stories into a writing contest, a competition she won last yes.

As a writer I know about winning contest, and about losing them. I know what it is like to work hard on a story only to receive a rejection slip from the publisher. I also know the pressures of trying to live up to a reputation created by previous victories. What if she doesn’t win the contest again? That’s the strange thing about being a parent. So many of our own past scars and dashed hopes can surface.

Why did Rebecca want to enter this year’s writing contest?

A) She believed she possessed real talent for writing.

B) She was sure of winning with her mother’s help.

C) She wanted to share her stories with readers.

D) She had won a prize in the previous contest.


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