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Sometimes your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people () about you than the words you use.




更多“Sometimes your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people () about you than the words y…”相关的问题


Sometimes your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people_________about you than the words you use.






Which of the following statements is true?A.Body languages are not as important as verba

A.Body languages are not as important as verbal ones in career etiquett

B.A light makeup is necessary for female interviewees.

C.Taking notes is not important when making phone interviews.

D.Sometimes, talking with your mouth full when making dining interviews is not very offensiv



Exercise, everyone advises! But immediately, when you try, you run into trouble. There is so much contradictory, sometimes incorrect advice about exercising that you become confused. Test yourself on the following true false quiz. It will tell you what you need to know.

1. To lose weight you should always "work up a good sweat" when exercising.

False. Sweating only lowers body temperature to prevent overheating; it does not help you reduce weight. You may weigh less immediately after a workout, but this is due to water loss. Once you replace the liquid, you replace the weight.

2. You burn more calories jogging one mile than walking the same distance.

False. You use the same amount of energy whether you walk or jog the mile, since in both cases you are moving the same weight the same distance. The speed doesn't matter. Of course, if you jog rather than walk for 30 minutes, you'll cover more distance, and therefore burn more calories.

3. If your breathing doesn’t return to normal within minutes after you finish exercising, you' ve exercised too much.

True. Five minutes or so after exercising, your breathing should be normal, your heart shouldn't be pounding, and you shouldn’t be exhausted. Beneficial exercise is not too difficult, unpleasant, and exhausting; it is enjoyable and refreshing.

4. Walking is one of the best exercises.

True.. Walking helps circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health.

This article explains ______.

A.the difficulties of exercising

B.why exercising is good for your health

C.important information to know about exercising

D.why people have some wrong ideas about exercising



The body of a business email sometimes contains a signature block at the end.()

The body of a business email sometimes contains a signature block at the end.()



Health Care and Epidemics (流行病)Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another.Ho

Health Care and Epidemics (流行病)

Everyone suffers from disease at some time or another. However, millions of people around the world do not have good health care. Sometimes they have no money to pay for medical treatment. Sometimes they have money, but there is no doctor. Sometimes the doctor does not know how to treat the disease, and sometimes there is no treatment. Some people are afraid of doctors. When these conditions are present in large population centers, epidemics can start.

Epidemics can change history. Explorations and wars cause different groups of people to come into contact with other. They carry strange disease to each other. For example, when the Europeans first came to North and South America, they brought diseases with them that killed about 95 percent of the Native American population.

People are very afraid of unknown things, especially diseases. People have all kinds of ideas about how to prevent and treat disease. Some people think that if you eat lots of onions or garlic, you won' t get sick. Others say you should take huge amounts of vitamins. Scientific experiments have not proved most of these theories. However, people still spend millions of dollars on vitamins and other probably useless treatments or preventatives. Some people want antibiotics whenever they get sick. Some antibiotics are very expensive. Much of this money is wasted because some diseases are caused by a virus. Viruses are even smaller than bacteria, and they cause different kinds of diseases. Antibiotics are useless against viruses.

Because of their fear, people can be cruel to victims of disease. Sometimes they fire them from their jobs, throw them out of their apartments, and refuse them transportation services.

In the plague (瘟疫) epidemics a few hundred years ago, people simply covered the doors and windows of the victim' s houses and left them to die inside, all in an effort to protect themselves from getting sick.

Doctors know how most epidemic diseases spread. Some, like tuberculosis, are spread when people' s sneeze (喷嚏) sends the bacteria shooting out into the air. Then they enter the mouth or nose of anyone nearby.

Others are spread through human contact, such as on the hands. When you are sick and blow your nose, you get viruses or bacteria on your hands. Then you touch another person' s hand, and when that person touches his or her mouth, nose, or eyes, the disease enters the body. Some diseases spread when people touch the same dishes, towels, and furniture. You can pick up a disease when you touch things in public buildings.

Other diseases are spread through insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.

One disease that causes frequent, worldwide epidemics is influenza, or flu for short. The symptoms (症状) of influenza include headache and sometimes a runny nose. Some victims get sick to their stomachs. These symptoms are similar to symptoms of other, milder diseases. Influenza can be a much more serious disease, especially for pregnant women, people over sixty-five, and people already suffering from another disease, such as heart problems. About half of all flu patients have a high body temperature, called a fever. Flu is very contagious. One person catches the flu from another person; it doesn't begin inside the body as heart disease does.

Sometimes medicine can relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make a person cough less, make headaches less intense, and stop noses from running for a while. However, medicine can ' t always cure the disease. So far, there is no cure for many diseases and no medicine to prevent them. People have to try to prevent them in other ways.

Some diseases can be prevented by vaccination (接种疫苗). A liquid vaccine is injected into the arm or taken by mouth and the person is safe from catching that






It’s a little inconvenient because my mind didn’t 80 but my body did, and I find that sometimes my mind follows my body too! ()






Body language can sometimes lead to_since people of different cultures often have di

Body language can sometimes lead to_since people of different cultures often

have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have different

interpretations of the same signal

A. misunderstanding

B. communication

C. agreement

D. effectiveness



Stress may be defined as the response of the body to any demand. Whenever people experienc
e something pleasant or unpleasant, we say they are under stress. We call pleasant kind “eustress”, the unpleasant kind “distress”.

People sometimes compare our lives with that of the cave man, who didn’t have to worry about the stock market or the atomic bomb. They forget that the cave man worried about being eaten by a bear or about dying of hunger—things that few people worry about today. It’s not that people suffer more stress today; it’s just that they think they do.

It is inconceivable that anyone should have no stress at all. Most people who are ambitious and want to accomplish something live on stress. They need it. But excessive stress is by all means harmful. Worse, chronic exposure to stress over a long time may cause more serious diseases and may actually shorten your life.

The most frequent causes of distress in man are psychological – lack of adaptability, not having a code of behavior. So the secret of cooping with stress is not to avoid it but to do what you like to do and what you were made to do, at your own rate. For most people, it is really a matter of learning how to behave in various situations. The most important thing is to have a code of life, to know how to live.

The modern man is suffering _____.

A.more stress than the cave man

B.less stress than the cave man

C.different stress from the cave man

D.same stress as the cave man

According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Every one will suffer certain kinds of stress in his life

B.Chronic exposure to stress may shorten your life

C.Excessive stress is especially harmful to health

D.Most people can learn to avoid stress.

In the second sentence of the third paragraph, “live on stress” implies that ___.A.stress is necessary to them.

B.they can control stress.

C.stress is by all means harmful to them.

D.they have too much stress.

According to the passage, one should _______.A.try to avoid as much stress as possible

B.cope with stress in different ways

C.learn to do things at his own rate

D.have the response of the body to any demand

Which of the following is not an example that causes distress?A.Lacking in adaptability and code of life

B.Killing a bear in hunting

C.The failure to pass final examinations.

D.Having an economic problem.




Body language can sometimes lead to () since people of different cultures often have d

Body language can sometimes lead to () since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal.







Body language is the “silent language” of every culture. It is important to know the body
language of every country, or we may be misunderstood.

In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet a friend with a hug.

Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about two and a half feet away and at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say “Pardon me” or “Excuse me”.

Americans like to look the other person in the eye when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But when you stare at someone, it is not polite.

Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.25、Suppose you are meeting a new customer from the United States, how will you greet him?()

A. Greet him with a hug

B. Place a hand on his arm

C. Shake his hand firmly

26、Suppose you are meeting a good friend from the United States, how will you greet her?()

A. Greet her with a hug

B. Place a hand on her arm

C. Shake her hand firmly

27、If you stand too close to Americans, they will ______.

A. face you directly

B. move back

C. stare at you

28、Which of the following statements is true according to the text?()

A. Americans stand side by side when taking with friends

B. Americans show their respect by shaking hands weakly

C. Americans like to look the other person in the eye when talking

29、If you know nothing about a culture’s body language, you can ___.

A. hide your opinions

B. smile

C. stare at others


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