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the famous saying to be or not to be is said by whom how to understand this famous saying ?

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The famous saying "to be, or not to be" is said by whom? How to understand t
his famous saying?



“To be, or not to be” is uttered by whom How to understand this famous saying?



Who said this famous saying "Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get? ()

A、Ray Kroc.

B、Bill Gates

C、Steve Jobs

D、Nick Vujicic



Passage Five A warm-hearted nurse on her first day's work came to a patient who had come

Passage Five

A warm-hearted nurse on her first day's work came to a patient who had come to London for a visit to the famous doctor. She asked the patient whether there was anything that she could do for him. But he only waved his hand, shook his head and said something she couldn't understand. With a pleasing smile she asked him again and he just kept doing the same and saying the same words, but in about 3 minutes, he closed his eyes. the nurse felt his pulse and found out that the patient had died.

The nurse felt so sorry for the poor patient who had ended his llfe very far away from his home that she ran to the doctor in a hurry and repeated to the doctor the sounds she had heard. "My dear girl," said the doctor after listening to what she repeated,"you've just killed him. He was saying, You've been standing on my oxygen pipe."

52. The patient had come to London ______.

A. to see whether he could make friends with the nurse

B. to get the medical treatment from the doctor

C. to do some business to make money

D. to visit the world-famous city



Euphemism(委婉语)as a figure of speech(修辞手段)is more than just saying something unp

Euphemism(委婉语)as a figure of speech(修辞手段)is more than just saying something unpleasant in a pleasant way. In the words of a famous sociolinguist(社会语言学家), “The euphemism is a recognition(认知)by man of man’s imperfection(不完美;缺憾), and at the same time a recognition by man that he belongs to better things. It is a false word substituted for(代替)the true word in order to soften the chock of reality(现实的混乱).”

It would seem then that the urge to speak euphemistically is a universal trait(普遍特征), but varying in scope and motive with different individuals in different circumstance (环境). Sometimes in some cases euphemisms go so far as some writers condemn(谴责) euphemisms as demoralizing(道德败坏). “In the hearings(听证会), criminality (犯罪行为) is given scores of numbing (使麻木) disguises(隐藏)… the roster(名册)seems endless: dirty tricks (卑劣行为), laundered money(洗钱), telephone anomalies(电话异常)—all perform. the same function: the separation of words from the truth.” However, the fact remains that euphemisms are very much part of the language, it is more important for us to be able to read into them to get the real meaning from them.

Since the purpose of using euphemism is to reduce the unpleasantness of a term or notion, it is natural to find many euphemistic terms used in governments’ announcements(公告), in international relations, and in the military(军事). For example, the former(前任)President of United States Ronald Reagon(里根)who had promised the American public to cut taxes called for(号召)revenue enhancements (加强预算)instead of “tax increases”. The term for “the third world countries” was at first underdeveloped nations(不发达国家), then developing countries(发展中国家)and then emerging nations(新兴国家)took its places.

1. Euphemism, as a figure of speech, is simply saying something unpleasant in a pleasant way.()



2. To some sociolinguist, people use euphemisms in order to avoid being cheated.()



3. People everywhere use euphemisms.()



4. Since euphemisms tend to separate words from truth, we have to be able to understand the real meaning from them.()



5. One seldom sees euphemisms used in international relations.()





Passage Four Equal pay for equal work is a phrase used by the American women who feel th

Passage Four

Equal pay for equal work is a phrase used by the American women who feel that they are looked down upon by the society. They say it is not right for women to be paid less than men for the same work.

People who hold the opposite opinion(mainly men)have an answer to this. They say that men have more responsibility than women; a married man is expected to earn money to support his family and to make important decisions, and therefore it is right for men to be paid more. There are some people who hold even stronger opinion than this and are against married women working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children are given no attention to. If women are encouraged by equal pay to take full-time job, they will be unable to do the things they are supposed to. Women are best at making a comfortable home and bringing up children. They will have to give up their present position in society.

"This is exactly what they want to give up, "the women who disagree say. "They want to escape from the limited place which society expects them to fill, and to have freedom to choose between a job and home life, or a mixture of the two. Women have the right of equal pay and equal opportunities."

These women have expressed their opinions forcefully by using the famous saying, "All men are created equal." They point out that the meaning of this sentence is "all human beings are created equal."

48. The women use the phrase "equal pay for equal work" to demand that______.

A. women's work shouldn't be harder than men's

B. men should be paid less than women

C. people doing harder work should earn more

D. men and women should be paid the same amount of money for the same work



The rich have traditionally passed their wealth on to their children. But an increasing nu
mber of billionaires are choosing not to. The reason? They want their children to live on themselves — and not to turn into spoiled successors. Nicola Horlick or " supermom" , a famous British billionaire, owing to the fact that she has high-flying jobs and five kids — has spent her career making a report £ 250m. She now seems determined to throw off large parts of it. She already gives away about 25% of her income each year; she has just revealed, in a report on the state of charity in the city, that she will not be leaving most of the remainder to her children. " I think it is wrong to give too much inherited wealth to children," Horlick told the reports authors. "I will not be leaving all my wealth to my children because that would just ruin their lives. " She is by no means the first to go public with this convition. Bill Gates has put an estimated $ 30bn into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This was supplemented, in 2009, by another $ 24bn or so from his friend Warren Buffett. Buffett has always been colorful, quotably clear on where he stands. His daughter often tells a story of finding herself without change for a car parking ticket — her father lent her $ 20, then promptly made her write him a check. "To suggest that the children of the wealthy should be just as wealthy," he has said, " is like saying the members of Americas 2004 Olympic team should be made up only of the children of the 1980 Olympic team. " Antia Roddick, the late founder of the Body Shop, told her kids that they would not inherit one penny. The money that she made from the company would go into the Body Shop Foundation, which isnt one of those awful tax shelters, like some in America. It just functions to take the money and give it away.

The billionaires mentioned in the passage dont want to leave much of their wealth to their children because______.

A.they prefer to give their wealth to charity

B.they want their business to go on healthily

C.they believe too much wealth will harm their children

D.they hope their children can make more money themselves



Harry Truman didn't think his successor had the right training to be president. "Poor Ike-
--it won't be a bit like the Army," he said. "He'll sit there all day saying 'do this, do that, ' and nothing will happen." Truman was wrong about Ike. Dwight Eisenhower had led a fractious alliance---you didn't tell Winston Churchill what to do--in a massive, chaotic war. He was used to politics. But Truman's insight could well be applied to another, even more venerated Washington figure: the CEO-turned cabinet secretary.

A 20-year bull market has convinced us all the CEOs are geniuses, so watch with Astonishment the troubles of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul O'Neill. Here are two highly regarded businessmen, obviously intelligent and well-informed, foundering in their jobs.

Actually, we shouldn't be surprised. Rumsfeld and O'Neill are not doing badly despite having been successful CEOs but because of it. The record of senior businessmen in government is one of almost unrelieved disappointment. In fact, with the exception of Robert Rubin, it is difficult to think of a CEO who had a successful career in government.

Why is this? Well, first the CEO has to recognize that he is no longer the CEO. He is at best an adviser to the CEO, the president. But even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is diffuse and horizontally spread out. The secretary might think he's in charge of his agency. But the chairman of the congressional committee funding that agency feels the same. In his famous study "Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents," Richard Neustadt explains how little power the president actually has and concludes that the only lasting presidential power is "the power to persuade."

Take Rumsfeld's attempt to transform. the cold-war military into one geared for the future. It's innovative but deeply threatening to almost everyone in Washington. The Defense Secretary did not try to sell it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, the budget office or the White House. As a result, the idea is collapsing.

Second, what power you have, you must use carefully. For example, O'Neill's position as Treasury Secretary is one with little formal authority. Unlike Finance Ministers around the world, Treasury does not control the budget. But it has symbolic power. The secretary is seen as the chief economic spokesman for the administration and, if he plays it right, the chief economic adviser for the president.

O'Neill has been publicly critical of the IMF’s bailout packages for developing countries while at the same time approving such packages for Turkey, Argentina and Brazil. As a result, he has gotten the worst of both worlds. The bailouts continue, but their effect in holstering investor confidence is limited because the markets are rattled by his skepticism.

Perhaps the government doesn't do bailouts well. But that leads to a third rule: you can't just quit. Jack Welch's famous law for re-engineering General Electric was to be first or second in any given product category, or else get out of that business. But if the government isn't doing a particular job at peak level, it doesn't always have the option of relieving itself of that function. The Pentagon probably wastes a lot of money. But it can't get out of the national-security business.

The key to former Treasury secretary Rubin's success may have been that he fully understood that business and government are, in his words, "necessarily and properly very different.' In a recent speech he explained, "Business functions around one predominate organizing principle, profitability…Government, on the other hand, deals with a vast number of equally legitimate and often potentially competing objectives---for example, energy production versus environmental protection, or safety regulations versus productivity.”

Rubin's example shows that talented people can do well in g

A.regard the president as the CEO

B.take absolute control of his department

C.exercise more power than the congressional committee

D.become acquainted with its power structure



Ray Charles, a black singer and pianist of the USA. He had won 12 Grammy Awards (格莱
Ray Charles, a black singer and pianist of the USA. He had won 12 Grammy Awards (格莱美奖) and performed at 10,000 concerts around the world. Many musicians called him simply “the Genius”(天才).Ray Charles was born into a poor family, without a father. When he was 5 years old, his younger brother died, and around the same time, Charles started to lose his sight. By the age of 7 he was completely blind. He had already been learning the piano for a year, and when he went blind, his mother knew this would be the only way he would make any money in the future. All his life, Charles remembered her saying: “Do it right, or don’t do it at all.”

Later he went to a school for blind and deaf children. There the teachers also encouraged him to study music. Sadly, while he was still at school, his mother died. He left school and in the early 1950s Charles organized a group of players. He sang, played the piano and wrote music.

He made many classical CDs with famous artists such as Elton John and the Beatles. In 2003 a film of his life Ray was made. The part of Charles was played by a younger actor and musician called Jamie Foxx. The film director brought Foxx to meet Charles. After they had been playing together for two hours, Charles, then aged 73, jumped up and said: “He’s the one ... he can do it.” A year later Charles died aged 74. The film of his life has been as popular as his songs and means that the memory of Charles’ music will live on.

(1)What can we learn from Ray’s childhood story?

A、His father died when he was 5 years old.

B、He started to go blind at the age of 7.

C、He was born in a rich musician family.

D、He started to learn the piano at the age of 6.

(2)Ray Charles’ mother encouraged him to play music because ().

A、his father was a musician as well

B、because it would help him get used to being blind

C、it was a good way for a blind person to get money

D、his teacher thought he was a genius

(3) Ray Charles went to a school for ().

A、normal children

B、deaf and blind children

C、talented children only

D、children without parents

(4)Ray Charles thought that Jamie Foxx ().

A、was the right person to play him in the film

B、was a good film maker

C、was the wrong person to play him in the film

D、was a good director

(5) What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A、Becoming a musician.

B、Childhood story.

C、The film of Ray’s life.

D、Master of many styles.



I came away from my years of teaching on the college and university level with a convictio
n that enactment (扮演角色), performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching. Students must be incorporated, made, so far as possible, an integral part of the learning process. The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case. Of Ezekiel Cheever, the most famous schoolmaster of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, his onetime student Cotton Mather wrote that he so planned his lessons that his pupils "came to work as though they came to play", and Alfred North Whitehead, almost three hundred years later, noted that a teacher should make his/her students "glad they were there"

Since, we are told, 80 to 90 percent of all instruction in the typical university is by the lecture method, we should give close attention to this form. of education. There is, I think, much truth in Patricia Nelson Limerick's observation that "lecturing is an unnatural act, an act for which God did not design humans. It is perfectly all right, now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak, and to speak while others remain silent. But to do this regularly, one hour and 15 minutes at a time.., for one person to drag on while others sit in silence? ... I do not believe that this is what the Creator.., designed humans to do".

The strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that many professors, just as they feel obliged to write dully, believe that they should lecture dully. To show enthusiasm is to risk appearing unscientific, un-objective; it is to appeal to the students' emotions rather than their intellect. Thus the ideal lecture is one filled with facts and read in an unchanged monotone.

The cult (推崇) of lecturing dully, like the cult of writing dully, goes back, of course, some years. Edward Shils, professor of sociology, recalls the professors he encountered at the University of Pennsylvania in his youth. They seemed "a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform. in their bearing; they never referred to anything personal. Some read from old lecture notes and then haltingly explained the thumb-worn last lines. Others lectured from cards that had served for years, to judge by the worn edges... The teachers began on time, ended on time, and left the room without saying a word more to their students, very seldom being detained by questioners... The classes were not large, yet there was no discussion. No questions were raised in class, and there were no office hours" .

The author believes that a successful teacher should be able to______.

A.make study just as easy as play

B.improve students' learning performance

C.make inspired play an integral part of the learning process

D.make dramatization an important aspect of students' learning


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