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With the American style, you hold the fork in your right hand and the knife in your le

更多“With the American style, you hold the fork in your right hand and the knife in your le”相关的问题


To many American readers, the most entertaining part of the newspaper is the comic st


In American society,young people often______. A. rely on their parents to make a lifeB. st

In American society,young people often______.

A. rely on their parents to make a life

B. stay with their parents in order to get an opportunity for higher education

C. seek the best advice from their parents

D. have very little in common with their parents



回答题。Nowadays,a standard for measuring power has changed.These changes foretell a new st


Nowadays,a standard for measuring power has changed.These changes foretell a new standardfor measuring power.No longer will a nation' s political influence be based solely on the strength ofits military forces.Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary measure of power.But po-litical influence is also closely tied to industrial competitiveness.It' s often said that without its mili-tary the Soviet Union would really be a third-world nation.The new standard of power and influencethat is evolving now places more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete effectively in the e-conomic markets of the world.

America must recognize this new course of events.Our success in shaping world events over thepast 40 years has been the direct result of our ability to adapt technology and to take advantage of thecapabilities of our people for the purpose of maintaining peace.Our industrial prowess(威力) overmost of this period was unchallenged.It is ironic (有讽刺性的)that it is just this prowess that hasenabled other countries to prosper and in turn to threaten our industrial leadership.

The competitiveness of America' s industrial base is an issue bigger than the department of de-fense and is going to require the efforts of the major institutional forces in our society, govemment,industry, and education.That is not to say that the defense department will not be a strong force inthe process.But we simply cannot be, nor should we be, looked upon by others as the savior(救星)of American industry.

Now a nation‘s political influence depends on__________. 查看材料

A.the strength of its military forces

B.its ability to compete in industry

C.economic markets

D.both A and B



If the population of the earth goes on increasing at its current rate, there will eventual
ly not be enough resources left to sustain life in the planet. By the middle of the 21 st century, if present trends go on, we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars, for example. Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on the earth will make it necessary for us to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, however, has recently been suggested by an American scientist, Professor Cart Sagan.

Sagan believes that before the earth's resources are completely exhausted it will be possible to change that atmosphere of Venus and so create a new world almost as large as the earth itself. The difficulty is that Venus is much hotter than the earth and there is only a tiny amount of water there.

Sagan proposes that algae organisms that can live in extremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen should be bred in conditions similar to those on Venus. As soon as this has been done, the algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceships will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere. In a fairly short time, the algae will break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon.

When the algae have done their work, the atmosphere will become cooler but before man can set foot on Venus, it will be necessary for the oxygen to produce rain. The surface of the planet will still be too hot for man to land on it but the rain will eventually fall and in a few years something like earth will be reproduced on Venus.

If the experiments are successful, life will become possible there but it will not be pleasant at first. When they go to Venus, the first colonists will have to take plenty of water with them and get used to days and nights lasting 60 earth-days. But there will also be some advantages. The colonists will live longer because their hearts will suffer less strain than on the earth. Apart from that, they will be exploring a new world while those still in the earth are living in closed, uncomfortable conditions. Perhaps it will be the only way to ensure the survival of the human race. The prospect might be very promising but before all these come true, it is every one's responsibility to protect the earth.

In the author's opinions, which one would be the most insolvable problem caused by population growth?

A.Lack of oil.

B.Lack of food.

C.Lack of space.

D.Lack of resources.



The mainstream of American population are __________________ ()


American food is tasteless and innutritious.()

American food is tasteless and innutritious.()



ADR(American Depository Receipts)



It is pretty hopeless as a venue for opera, it took years to build, its architect was forc
ed to resign and it was never properly finished inside. None of this matters. The Sydney Opera House, by the reclusive Danish architect Jorn Utzon, is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings. It has come to define not only a city, but an entire nation and continent.

Beyond that, it is a global expression of cultural modernity. Everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House looks like. First designed in 1956 and finally declared completed in 1973, the opera house was the single best known modern building in the world until the arrival of Frank Gehry's equally extraordinary Bilbao Guggenheim in 1997. But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon--because it did all the difficult work tint.

In the pantheon(万神殿) of classic modern buildings, Utzon's creation has the status of myth. The myth states that the unknown architect, then in his thirties, submitted rough sketches to the competition judges, that he ignored most of the rules, that his as only selected after being plucked at the last moment from the rejected pile by one of the judges, and that the design was unbuildable.

But Sydney is remarkable for another reason: it is a complete one-off. It does not fit into any stylistic or chronological category. None of Utzon's other buildings--churches, government departments, house. looks anything like it, and architects today who try to copy his concept always end up looking very second-rate indeed. It is "modern", certainly, but it is an expressive modernism that was quite at odds with the rectilinear(直线的) "international style" of its time. It has more in common with the work of the American genius Frank Uloyd Wright, for whom Utzon worked briefly. Of course its location is an enormous help, sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides and the famous Sydney Harbor Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop. But Utzon masterly exploited the site as nobody else could.

Utzon left Australia in high indignation in 1966, never to return, before he could finish designing the interiors.

As with Sir Christopher Wren at St Paul's Cathedral, Utzon was humiliated and removed from overseeing the final stages of his masterwork. But for all his manifold difficulties, which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement? The Sydney Opera House showed us that anything is possible, and it demonstrated that sheer, seductive beauty for its own sake is nothing to be ashamed of.

It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A.the Danish architect Join Utzon totally failed in his design of Sydney Opera House and was forced to resign

B.the Danish architect Jorn Utzon has been made known as the founder of all the modern landmark buildings, in spite of his part failure in his design of Sydney Opera House

C.Sydney Opera House is hopelessly ugly and has never been finished inside

D.Sydney Opera House is the single best known modern building in the world up to now



______ exemplified the secular ideals of the American Enlightenment.



American president can be elected for 3 terms.()

American president can be elected for 3 terms.()




A.American Society of Anesthesiologists

B.American Stomatological Association

C.American Surgical Association

D.American Standard Association


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