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foreigners always pretend to be modest. they don’t like to tell others what they think.()

更多“foreigners always pretend to be modest. they don’t like to tell others what they think.()”相关的问题


Ezra Pound has made another comment that literature is “news that stays news.” This pr

A.that literature repeatedly occurs in news headlines

B.that literature remains to be readers’ favorite choice

C.that literary writing will not go out of date

D.that literature always concerns itself with social issues



Americans believe so much in moving ahead that they are 【C1】______ researching, experiment
ing and exploring. They treat time as if it 【C2】______ real—a precious resource. They budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it and 【C3】______ for it. A foreigner's first impression 【C4】______ the U.S. is that everyone is in a rush and often 【C5】______ pressure. City people always appear to be 【C6】______ to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention or elbowing 【C7】______ . Foreigners who miss smiles, brief conversations, or leisurely exchanges with strangers should not feel 【C8】______ by this. Americans value time so 【C9】______ , they dislike anyone "wasting "it beyond an 【C10】______ amount. New arrivals to the States will miss the custom of social talk 【C11】______ a business call because Americans generally 【C12】______ or enquire about their visitors professionally rather than socially. They start talking business very quickly; time is always 【C13】______ in their heads. They work 【C14】______ at saving time through labor-saving devices so they communicate rapidly by fax, phone or E-mall rather than 【C15】______ personal contact; The 【C16】______ of electronic communication has 【C17】______ to do with the significance of the matter 【C18】______ hand.

【C19】______ a job or solving a problem rapidly in the U.S. is considered a sign of 【C20】______ .


A.engaged to

B.committed to

C.devoted to

D.contribute to



Marketers and advertisers are always looking for new ways to create demand for the pr







contacts(交往)between japan and the rest of the world have grown a great deal in the twentieth century .in the last thirty years , business contacts between japan and the west have become very important .many foreign companies now have offices in japan and japanese businessmen do business around the world .

differences between japanese and western ways of doing business , however , often bewilder the foreign businessman and make doing business in japan difficult for foreigners .

the american businessman , for example , wants to start talking business immediately .he wants quick decisions .he does not wait .the japanese , on the other hand , likes to arrive at decisions gradually after giving them a great deal of thought .another thing foreign businessmen have difficulty in understanding is when a japanese means “ yes ” or “ n o ”.this is because of cultural difference between japanese and western society which makes it difficult for a japanese to say “ no ”directly .

in english , it is easy to say “ no ” to something we do not want to do .but in japan it is very difficult to say “ no ”, to refuse an invitation or a request with “ no ”, or a similar phrase , is felt to be impolite .it is thought to be selfish and unfriendly .so instead of saying “ no ”.these enable them to avoid hurting other people 's feelings .however , this often makes communication with the japanese difficult for foreigners to understand and folow .

49.Paragraph one tells us that().

A.It is not always easy for foreigners to do business in Japan

B.Japan is a very important country for businessmen

C.business contacts between japan and the west are important

D.Japanese businessmen do business all around the world

50.The word “ bewilder ” in the paragraph 2 probably means().





51.From the passage we can know that().

A.American businessmen do things more quickly than Japanese ones

B.american businessmen like to say “ yes ” and “ no ”

C.Americans usually say what they are thinking

D.Americans do not express themselves clearly

52.It is not easy for Japanese to say “ No ” to something because Japanese().

A.are very selfish

B.are very polite

C.have different cultures from others

D.can not communicate wel

53.The passage tell us that().

A.Japanese businessmen are good at business

B.Foreign businessmen should first try to understand Japanese

C.Foreign businessmen must be more polite

D.if you want to succeed you must learn from japan



In recent years, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the Uni
ted States. Both the advantages and the disadvantages of using foreign faculty 【26】______ teaching positions have to be 【27】______ , of course. It can be said that the foreign 【28】______ that makes the faculty member from abroad an asset also 【29】______ problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the 【30】______ The foreign research scholar usually 【31】______ himself in the laboratory as means of protection; however, what he needs is to be fitted 【32】______ a highly organized university system quite different from 【33】______ at home. He is faced in his daily work 【34】______ differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students lack a(an) 【35】______ ground in each other' scultures. Some 【36】______ of what is already in the minds of American students is 【37】______ for the foreign professor. While helping him to 【38】______ himself to his new environment, the university must also 【39】______ certain adjustments in order to 【40】______ full advantage of what the newcomer can 【41】______ It isn't always known how to make 【42】______ use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. This is thought to be a field 【43】______ further study is called 【44】______ . The findings of such a study will be of 【45】______ to colleges and universities with foreign faculty.








(阅读理解题)How do you acquire confidence? Speak English with friends first because w

(阅读理解题)How do you acquire confidence? Speak English with friends first because with them you can speak freely without feeling shy.Then try your ability with your teachers and with foreigners if you have an opportunity to meet them.Don’t be afraid of mistakes.Nobody is above mistakes; and don’t be afraid to ask questions about things you don’t know.This is the way to acquire knowledge.Not until you begin to think in English rather than Chinese can you be said to know the language.This is not a superhuman achievement—only a question of practice.Thinking in English will help you to truly understand how the language is spoken.Read novels to build vocabulary, thus gaining confidence.Start with small volumes of 30 to 40 pages.Write down any new word you discover and look it up in your dictionary.Learn how to use the new word by making sentences with it.Bring the word to your teacher to have it explained more fully.Don’t be angry when you learn a new word today and forget it tomorrow.To forget is a natural process; to remember is unnatural and requires effort.Of 10 new words learnt in a day, only two or three will remain in the memory.The others you will forget and have to relearn.When learning them for the second time, they will come more easily, and this time you probably will remember nearly all of them.A small minority, however, may elude you again, and have to be learnt for a third time.Constant repetition is necessary.

(1).You can gain confidence by speaking English with the following people but ______?

A、 foreigners

B、 teachers

C、 family members

D、 friends

(2).When can you be said to know English?

A、 When you have confidence with English.

B、 When you have built vocabulary.

C、 When you can think in English.

D、 When you are not afraid to ask questions.

(3).We can build vocabulary in the following ways except ______.

A、 reading novels

B、 often speaking with foreigners

C、 constant repetition of new words

D、 looking up the new words in a dictionary, making sentences with them, etc.

(4).What are suggested to do if you always forget the new words?

A、 To relearn constantly.

B、 To practice more.

C、 To read novels.

D、 To be angry.

(5).What's the best title for the passage?

A、 Thinking in English

B、 Learning New Words

C、 Ways to Gain Confidence with English

D、 Communicating in English



Foreigners experience different degrees of culture shock. The symptoms 1_____ from great to small. Some people are only ill at ease and some others are seriously 2_____. Feeling homesick,

Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank. Each choice in the Word Bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words more than once.

Word Bank

A. complain B. adjust C. adaptD. range E. negative

F. positive G. mature H. hostilityI. moralityJ.ease

K. frustrations L. depressed M. neglected N. temporary O. contemporary

Foreigners experience different degrees of culture shock. The symptoms 1_____ from great to small. Some people are only ill at ease and some others are seriously 2_____. Feeling homesick, unhappy, and very sensitive are other signs of culture shock. It is easy to understand that the endless 3_____ of the early days in a new country would produce dissatisfaction. It is also easy to understand why 4_____ might grow in a person. People are always at 5_____ in a familiar environment. It is natural for an average person to experience mild, 6_____ symptoms; however, the insecure newcomer suffers more seriously from culture shock.

During the unavoidable period of adjustment, the international student tends to 7_____ about everything in the new environment. In fact, the student is likely to exaggerate the problems. When the student meets another person from the same country, he will pour out his unhappy feelings. Together they can complain in their native language. Although this complaining provides temporary satisfaction, it certainly does not help him 8_____to a new society. Being 9_____ will never get rid of the feelings of frustrations. The 10_____ person understands that a positive attitude is important in making the change successful. A sense of humor is a big help.



Despite Denmark's manifest virtues, Danes never talk about how proud they are to be Danes.
When Danes talk to foreigners about Denmark, they always begin by commenting on its tininess, its unimportance, the difficulty of its language, the general small-mindedness and self-indulgence of their countrymen and the high taxes.

It is the land of the silk safety net, where almost half the national budget goes toward smoothing out life's inequalities, and there is plenty of money for schools, day care, retraining programs, job seminars—Danes love seminars: three days at a study centre heating about waste management is almost as good as a ski trip. It is a culture bombarded by English, in advertising, pop music, the Internet, and despite all the English that Danish absorbs—there is no Danish Academy to defend against it. It is the land where a foreigner is struck by the sweet egalitarianism that prevails. It's a nation of recyclers—about 55 percent of Danish garbage gets made into something new—and no nuclear power plants. It's a nation where things operate well in general.

A brochure from the Ministry of Business and Industry says, "Denmark is one of the world's cleanest and most organized countries, with virtually no pollution, crime, or poverty. Denmark is the most corruption-free society in the Northern Hemisphere." So, of course, one's heart lifts at any sighting of Danish sleazo: skinhead graffiti on buildings ("Foreigners Out of Denmark!"), broken beer bottles in the gutters, dmnken teenagers slumped in the park.

Nonetheless, it is an orderly land. However, Danes don't think of themselves as a waiting-at-2-a, m.-for-the-green-light people. Danes see themselves as jazzy people, improvisers, more free spirited than Swedes, but the troth is that Danes are very much like Germans and Swedes. Orderliness is a main selling point. Denmark has few natural resources and limited manufacturing capability; its future in Europe will be as a broker, banker, and distributor of goods. You send your goods by container ship to Copenhagen, and these bright, young, English-speaking, utterly honest, highly disciplined people will get your goods around to Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Russia. Airports, seaports, highways and rail lines are ultramodern and well-maintained.

The orderliness of the society doesn't mean that Danish lives are less messy or lonely than yours or mine, and no Dane would tell you so. But there is a sense of entitlement and security that Danes grow up with. Certain things are yours by virtue of citizenship, and you shouldn't feel bad for taking what you're entitled to, you're as good as anyone else. The rules of the welfare system are clear to everyone, the benefits you get if you lose your job,the steps you take to get a new one; and the orderliness of the system makes it possible for the country to weather high unemployment and social unrest without a sense of crisis.

The author thinks that Danes adopt a(n) ______ attitude towards their country.







材料:When expenses are incurred the liability under this insurance shall not exceed the pr


When expenses are incurred the liability under this insurance shall not exceed the proportion of such expenses that the amount insured hereunder bears to the value of the Vessel as stated herein,or to the sound value of the Vessel at the time of the occurrence giving rise to the expenditure if the sound value exceeds that value.Where the Underwriters have admitted a claim for total loss and property insured by this insurance is saved,the foregoing provisions shall not apply unless the expenses of suing and labouring exceed the value of such property saved and then shall apply only to the amount of the expenses which is in excess of such value.

When a claim for total loss of the Vessel is admitted under this insurance and expenses have been reasonably incurred in saving or attempting to save the Vessel and other property and there are no proceeds,or the expenses exceed the proceeds,then this insurance shall bear its pro rata share of such proportion of the expenses,or of the expenses in excess of the proceeds,as the case may be,as may reasonably be regarded as having been incurred in respect of the Vessel,but if the Vessel be insured for less than its sound value at the time of the occurrence giving rise to the expenditure,the amount recoverable under this clause shall be reduced in proportion to the under-insurance.


Of the following,_______ only is correct.

A.The stated value of the vessel is always higher than its ensured value

B.The sound value of the vessel at the time of the occurrence is always higher than its ensured value

C.The sound value of the vessel at the time of the occurrence is always higher than its stated value

D.The sound value of the vessel at the time of the occurrence is always higher than its saved value

Assuming the sound value of the vessel at the time of accident is $10 millions,the insured value $9 millions,the stated value $8 millions,the expense incurred $2 millions,the liability under this insurance is likely to be _______.A.$2.0 millions

B.$1.8 millions

C.$1.6 millions

D.$1.4 millions

Under afore-said conditions,assuming the expense of suing and labouring is $3 millions,the proceeds $2 million,and the Underwriter has admitted a claim for total loss,the liability under this insurance is likely to be _______.A.$0.9 million

B.$0.8 million

C.$1.0 million

D.$2.0 millions

Under previous conditions,assuming the saved value is $1 million,the expense of suing and labouring $3 millions,and the Underwriter has admitted a claim for total loss,the liability under this insurance is likely to be _______.A.$2.0 millions

B.$1.8 millions

C.$1.6 millions

D.$1.4 millions




A foreigner.s first impression of the U.S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush

- often under pressure. City people appear always to be hurrying to get where they are going restlessly, seeking attention in a store, and elbowing others as they try to complete their errands (任务). Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Working time is considered precious. Others in public eating places are waiting for you to finish so that they too can be served and get back to work within the time allowed. Each person hurries to make room for the next person. If you don.t, waiters will hurry you. You also find drivers will be abrupt and that people will push past you. You will miss smiles, brief conversations, and small courtesies with strangers. Don.t take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else "wasting"it beyond a certain courtesy point. The view of time affects the importance we attach to patience. In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority. Many of us have what might be called "a short fuse." We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return - be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest. Those coming from lands where time is looked upon differently may find this matter of pace to be one of their most difficult adjustments in both business and daily life. Many newcomers to the States will miss the opening courtesy of a business call, for example, they will miss the ritual socializing that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be traditional in their own country. They may miss leisurely business chats in a café or coffeehouse. Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over prolonged small talks. We seek out evidence of past performance rather than evaluate a business colleague through social courtesies. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly.

1.Which of the following statements is wrong? ___________

A.Americans seem to be always under pressure

B.Americans attach less importance to patience

C.Americans don.t care much about ritual socializing

D.Americans are impolite to their business colleagues

2.In the fourth paragraph, "a high priority"means ___________.

A.a less important thing

B.a first concern

C.a good business

D.an attractive gift

3.Americans evaluate a business colleague ________.

A.through social courtesy

B.through prolonged business talks

C.by establishing business relations

D.by learning about their past performance

4.This passage mainly talks about __________.

A.how Americans treasure their time

B. how busy Americans are every day

C.how Americans do business with foreigners

D. what American way of life is like

5.We can infer from the passage that the author.s tone in writing is ________.






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