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Some parents believe that chatting online can be _____.





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From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of o
urselves and the world about us. When humans first【C1】______, they were like newborn children, unable to use this【C2】______tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for mankind's future【C3】______and cultural growth increased.

Many linguists believe that evolution is【C4】______for our ability to produce and use language. They【C5】______that our highly evolved brain provides us【C6】______an innate language ability not found in lower【C7】______. Proponents of this innateness theory say that our【C8】______for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually,【C9】______a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical【C10】______times for language development.

Current【C11】______of innateness theory are mixed; however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable.【C12】______, more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in【C13】______grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being【C14】______to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the【C15】______of their first language have become firmly fixed.

【C16】______some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been【C17】______from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that【C18】______with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language【C19】______than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior.【C20】______, children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their child's language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.








阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误。CAUSES FOR JUVENILE DELINQUENCYJuvenile Delinquency refer



Juvenile Delinquency refers to criminal acts committed by children or teenagers, specifically anyone below the age of eighteen. These crimes hurt society and the children themselves.

There are many factors that cause juvenile delinquency.

Some children want to test their parents' or society's limits. Sometimes juvenile crimes happen because of a lack of rules and supervision. For example, many times children commit crimes after school and while their parents are at work.

Additionally, mental illness and substance abuse are main factors. 15-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses, when the range of mental illnesses widens,the percentages increase to 30-90%.

Also, many people believe, a child's environment and family are greatly related to their juvenile delinquency record. For example, the dynamics of a family can affect a child's delinquency rate.

Poverty level is another factor.

Finally, another cause could be the relationships a child grows in school or outside of school. A positive or negative friendship can influence the chances of children becoming delinquents. Peer pressure is also at play. Relationships and friendships can lead to gangs, these are major factors in violent crimes among teens.

These are just some of the causes of juvenile delinquency.


1. Juvenile Delinquency hurts the children themselves only. {T; F}

2. There are five reasons for juvenile delinquency according to the text.{T; F}

3. Parents should take some responsibility for juvenile delinquency.{T; F}

4. Poverty has something to do with juvenile delinquency.{T; F}

5. Peer pressure has no connection with juvenile delinquency.{T; F}




Causes for Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile Delinquency refers to criminal acts committed by children or teenagers, specifically anyone below the age of eighteen. These crimes hurt society and the children themselves.

There are many factors that cause juvenile delinquency. Some children want to test their parents'or society's limits. Sometimes juvenile crimes happen because of a lack of rules and supervision. For example, many times children commit crimes after school and while their parents are at work.

Additionally, mental illness and substance abuse are main factors. 15-20% of juveniles convicted of crimes have serious mental illnesses, when the range of mental illnesses widens, the percentages increase to 30-90%. Also, many people believe, a child's environment and family are greatly related to their juvenile delinquency record. For example, the dynamics of a family can affect a child's delinquency rate. Poverty level is another factor.

Finally, another cause could be the relationships a child grows in school or outside of school. A positive or negative friendship can influence the chances of children becoming delinquents. Peer pressure is also at play. Relationships and friendships can lead to gangs, these are major factors in violent crimes among teens. These are just some of the causes of juvenile delinquency.

操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。

1.Juvenile Delinquency hurts the children themselves only.()

2.There are five reasons for juvenile delinquency according to the text.()

3.Parents should take some responsibility for juvenile delinquency.()

4.Poverty has something to do with juvenile delinquency.()

5.Peer pressure has no connection with juvenile delinquency.()



Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The number of parents teaching their offspring at home will increase if the current public school system continues to be viewed as an irrelevant institution that can hinder a child's ability to learn.

The rise of home-schooling reflects broadening dissatisfaction with formal education in the US. Discontent is high for two reasons. First, public schools are turning out a poor product--illiterate and unprepared graduates. For example, American 13-year-olds have been documented as having math skills that rank below their counterparts in 14 other developed countries. One survey noted that just one-third of high school juniors could place the Civil War in the correct half-century. Equally troubling, public schools have become scenes where drugs are sold, teachers are robbed, and homemade bombs are found in lockers.

Compounding the situation, teachers' unions, school officials, and many politicians adamantly(坚决地) oppose the use of public monies(钱) for innovative solutions, such as vouchers and charter schools. Those alternatives, although not a panacea(万能) for all the present problems, are at least promising vehicles that could help poor and middle-income parents to find better schools for their children and break up the monopoly of a "one-size-fits-all" philosophy of education.

In light of the educational quagmire(沼泽) the US finds itself in, many parents, impatient for reform, are taking matters into their own hands. One alternative that is gaining growing public acceptance is the educational option known as home-schooling. Home-schooling is defined simply as the "education of school-aged children at home rather than at a school". Home-schoolers believe that students who receive instruction simultaneously from the home and the community at large will be more culturally sophisticated than those whose bulk of learning experience is confined to a school. Home-schooling families believe they are using their liberties well and wisely. The American can-do spirit is evident in the home-schools and households parents manage simultaneously. Those families, however, could use some further deregulation, be it through home-school tax credits or a loosening of compulsory attendance school laws, to make their task easier.

According to the text, the number of children being schooled at home has increased because ______.

A.children don't want to go to school

B.parents are dissatisfied with pubic schools

C.home-schooled children learn better

D.public schools are too crowded



Increasing numbers of parents in the U.S. are choosing to teach their kids at home. In fac
t, the U. S. Department of Education estimated that, in 1999, around 850,000 children were being homeschooled. Some educational experts say the real figure is about double this estimate, and the ranks of homeschooled children appear to grow at a rate about 11 percent annually.

At one time, there was a stigma associated with homeschooling. It was traditionally used for students who could not attend school because of behavioral or learning difficulties. Today, however, more parents are taking on the responsibility of educating their children at home due to dissatisfaction with the educational system. Many parents are unhappy about class size, as well as problems inside the classroom. Teacher shortages and lack of funding mean that, in many schools, one teacher is responsible for thirty or forty pupils. The result is often that children are deprived of the attention they need. Escalating classroom violence has also motivated some parents to remove their children from school.

Critics of homeschooling say that children who are not in the classroom miss out on learning important social skills because they have little interaction with their peers. Several studies, though, have shown that the home-educated appear to do just as well in terms of social and emotional development as other students, having spent more time in the comfort and security of their home, with guidance from parents who care about their welfare. In spite of this, many critics of homeschooling have raised concerns about the ability of parents to teach their kids effectively. Many parents whose homeschool have no teacher training and are not competent educators of all the subjects taught in schools. In terms of academic achievement, however, homeschooled children do just as well as those who have been in the classroom and many walk the campuses of Harvard and Stanford alongside the conventionally-educated.

With an increasing number of disgruntled parents taking their children out of class, schools are receiving less money in per pupil funding. Some see this as a threat to the system, and argue that schools will never be able to improve their situation and restore parents' confidence in the educational system. Many schools have opened their doors to homeschoolers on a part-time basis, allowing these children to attend classes once or twice a week, or take part in extra-curricular activities such as playing football or taking ballet lessons. While parents will not completely put their confidence back into the system, many of them have reached a compromise that allows their children the extra benefits of peer interaction and access to a wider choice of activities.

Whatever the arguments for or against it, homeschooling in the U.S. has become a multimillion dollar industry, and it is growing. There are now websites, support groups, and conventions that help parents assert their rights and enable them to learn more about educating their children. Though once the last resort for troubled children, homeschooling today is an accepted alternative to an educational system that some believe is failing.

What is the reason that more parents are taking on the responsibility of educating their children at home?

A.Teacher shortages and lack of funding.

B.Escalating classroom violence.

C.Large class and problems inside the classroom.

D.Dissatisfaction with the educational system.



It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame the
m for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships. I believe it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.

Young people often irritate (激怒) their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in music and entertainers. This is not their motive. They feel isolated from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles annoy their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style. and taste.

Sometimes you are resistant, and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the loser; you cannot win but at least you keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents’ control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself.

If you intend to control your life, cooperation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially your parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will offer you the authority to do what you want to do.

1.This passage is primarily meant for().




D、psy chologists

2.the libraray resources can be helpful when we().

A、want to find a berrer way to measure attitudes toward music

B、are preparing a paper for a professional jouornal

C、are writing a dissertation

D、all of the above

3.The familiarity of readers with different resources().

A、is more or less the same

B、varies slightly

C、difers greatly

D、should not be different

4.The chapter in question().

A、mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing

B、 presents information on publishing papers in professional journals

C、 introduces some library services

D、describes some professional meetings

5.When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often,().

A、publish it in a professional journal

B、attend professional meetings

C、get access to it in the library

D、make use of some library services

6.The author believes that().

A、library resources should be used frequently and completely

B、 library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us

C、one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available

D、one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources



阅读材料,回答题。Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the next 30


Man cannot go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the next 30 years man will faca period of crisis. Some experts believe that there will be a widespread food___ 51 ____. Other experthink this is too pessimistic (悲观的), and that man can prevent things from___ 52 ____worse tha they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished or stmving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit the___ 53 ____of babies born. The need for this is obvious but it is not easy to achieve. People have to be___ 54 ____to limit their families. In the countries of the population___ 55 ____, many people like big families. The parents think that this makes a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look___ 56 ____them in old age.

Several governments have___ 57 ____birth control policies in recent years. Among them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some cases the results have not been successful. Japan has been an___ 58____The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1921~3. People were___ 59 ____to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34.3 per thousand per year to about 17.0 per year___ 60 ____ present.

________ 查看材料







A recent poll indicated that half the teenagers in the United States believe that communic
ation between them and their parents is【1】and further that one of the prime causes of this gap is【2】listening behavior. As a(an)【3】in point, one parent believed that her daughter had a severe【4】problem. She was so【5】that she took her to an audiologist to have her ear tested. The audiologist carefully tested both ears and reported back to the parent:"There's nothing wrong with her hearing. She's just【6】you out. "

A leading cause of the【7】divorce rate (more than half of all marriages end in divorce) is the failure of husbands and wives to【8】effectively. They don't listen to each other. Neither person【9】to the actual message sent by the other.

In【10】fashion, political scientists report that a growing number of people believe that their elected and【11】officials are out of【12】with the constituents they are supposedly【13】Why? Because they don't believe that they listen to them. In fact, it seems that sometimes our politicians don't even listen to themselves. The following is a true story: At a national【14】conference held in Albuquerque some years ago, then Senator Joseph Montoya was【15】a copy of a press release by a press aide shortly before he got up before the audience to【16】a speech. When he rose to speak,【17】the horror of the press aide and the【18】of his audience, Montoya began reading the press release, not his speech. He began, "For immediate release. Senator Joseph M. Montoya, Democrat of New Mexico, last night told the National... " Montoya read the entire six page release,【19】with the statement that he "was repeatedly【20】by applause. "








It is difficult to estimate the number of youngsters involved in home schooling,where
children are not sent to school and receive their formal education from one or both parents.Legislation and court decisions have make it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home,and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity.

Supporters of home education claim that it is less expensive and far more efficient than mass public education.Moreover they quote several merits: relief of school overcrowding,added curricular and pedagogical (课程和教学法) alternatives,strengthened family relationships,lower dropout rates,increased motivation,higher standardized test scores,and reduced discipline problems.Supporters of home schooling also believe that it provides the parents with the opportunity to reinforce their moral values through education.

Critics of home schooling movement claim that it creates as many problems as it solves.They acknowledge that,in a few cases,home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools,but few parents can provide such educational advantages.Some parents who withdraw their children form. the schools in favor of home schooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children.Typically,parents have fewer,not more technological resources available than do schools.However,the relatively inexpensive computer technology that is readily available today is causing some to challenge the notion that home schooling is in any way not so good as more highly structured classroom education.

Finally,a sociological (社会学) concern is the restricted social interaction experienced by children who are educated at home.Technology will never replace the pupil-teacher relationship.Also,while relationships with parents and brothers and sisters may be improved,children taught at home may develop a distorted (歪曲的) view of society.

31.The main idea of the passage is that_____.

A.more and more parents are in favor of home schooling

B.home schooling is superior to school education because it has been legally approved

C.though home schooling has its advantages,it creates as many new problems at the same time

D.school education is no doubt better than home education

32.Those who support home schooling think that_____.

A.it's less expensive and more efficient apart from other merits

B.it has added curricular and pedagogical alternatives

C.it will cause fewer discipline problems

D.it's more important to reinforce moral values

33.Critics believe that_____.

A.few parents can afford computers and technology when providing home education

B.few parents are qualified enough to provide a satisfactory home education

C.school teachers are better than parents

D.classroom environment can provide most satisfactory education

34.According to the author,home schooling cannot help children_____.

A.acquire social knowledge

B.build up a relationship with family members

C.build up pupil-teacher relationship

D.develop a right view of society

35.The attitude of the author toward home schooling is_____.



C.totally negative




Man cannot continue【C1】______his numbers at the present rate. In the【C2】______thirty years
man will face a period of crisis.【C3】______experts believe that there will be a widespread food【C4】______Other experts think this is【C5】______pessimistic, and that man can keep things【C6】______worse than they are now. But【C7】______that two-thirds of the people in the world are undernourished or starving now.

One thing that man can do is to limit【C8】______of babies born. The need【C9】______this is obvious, but it is【C10】______to achieve. People have to【C11】______to limit their families. In the countries of the population【C12】______, many people like big families. The parents think that this【C13】______a bigger income for the family and ensures there will be someone in the family who will look【C14】______them in old age.

Several governments have【C15】______birth control policies in recent years.【C16】______them are Japan, China, India and Egypt. In some【C17】______the results have not been【C18】______. Japan has been an exception. The Japanese adopted a birth control policy in 1948. People【C19】______to limit their families. The birth rate fell from 34. 3 per thousand per year to about 17. 0 per thousand per year【C20】______.



B.to increase

C.and increase

D.with increasing


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