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He was my personal () at university.





更多“He was my personal () at university.”相关的问题


I dont get five good, genuine,personal letters a year. The time is coming when the lette
r written with penand ink and sent as a personal message from one person to another will be as muchof a rarity as the gold pocket watch carried on a chain. Its a shame.

There is something special abouta personal letter. Its better than a phone call, no matter what the telephonecompany says. A phone call disappears into the air as soon as the receiver is putback on the hook. A good letter can last a lifetime.

Some of my most preciouspossessions are letters that have been written to me sometime in the past. Idont have a single memorable phone call stored in a box in my attic() or basement. Ivenever thrown away a good letter and, like any real treasure, I dont even haveto look at them to enjoy having them. I know I have them. The telephone callscome and go. They make no permanent impression on me and have no place in mymemory.

A personal letter is a good thingbecause you say things you cant say in a crowd and might not even say to theperson face to face. If you feel like it, a letter allows you to take yourselfand your thoughts more seriously than you would dare take them in conversation.And you can say things without interruption.

A good letter is, in many ways,the exact opposite of a political speech. A politician addressing a crowd hasto talk so broadly and generally about the issues in order not to offendanyone of the thousands of people listening that he usually ends up sayingnothing. A letter can be specific, and if the writer has some bias orprejudice, he can even reveal his true self by letting this show. Writing afriend, you shouldnt have to be careful. Abraham Lincolns letter to hisstep-brother telling him he wasnt going to loan him the eighty dollars heasked for tells you more about Abraham Lincoln than the Gettysburg Addressdoes.

Some of our best history has comethat way, from personal letters of famous people that scholars have dug up. Youget a better idea of what someone is really like from a personal letter theywerent expecting you to read than you get from a carefully considered publicstatement theyve made. We say real things in letters.

36.What is a shame according to the author?

A. People sometimes write letters with pen and ink.

B. People hardly carry a gold pocket watch.

C. People never receive anypersonal letters.

D. People rarely send any personal letters.

37.Whats the main idea of paragraphs 2 and 3?

A. What a good personal letter is.

B. What advantage personal letters have.

C. Why people dont write personal letters.

D. Why writing personal letters is so special.

38.What do “issues” in paragraph 5 mean? .

A. The key points of a political speech.

B. The speakers bias and prejudice.

C. Problems that the audiences have.

D.Questions thatarise for discussion.

39.Why does the author use Abraham Lincolns example?

A. To show that a political address has to be general.

B. To show that letter writing sometimes offends people.

C. To show that people say real things in personal letters.

D. To show that even a great man has his dark side.

40.Whats the best word to describe the tone of the author?

A. Objective

B. Persuasive

C. Humorous

D. Ironic



Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: what personal qualities are (1)_

Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: what personal qualities are (1)_____ in a teacher? Probably no two people would (2)_____ exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generally (3)_____.

First, the teacher's personality should be pleasantly (4)_____ and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically (5)_____, or even ugly, because many such have great personal (6)_____. But it does rule out such types as the (7)_____, melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, frustrated, and over bearing: I would say too, that it (8)_____ all of dull or purely negative personality.

Secondly, it is not merely desirable (9)_____ essential for a teacher to have a genuine (10)_____ for sympathy—a capacity to tune (11)_____ to the minds and feelings of other people, especially, to the minds and feelings of children. (12)_____ related with this is the capacity to be (13)—not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which (14)_____ people, and again especially children, to make mistakes.

Thirdly, I (15)_____ it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean being a saint. It means that he will be aware of his intellectual strength and (16)_____, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be (17)_____. There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a (18)_____ of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to (19)_____ an act—to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or (20)_____ praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life.







Many people invest in the stock market hoping to find the next Microsoft and Dell. However
, I know 【C1】______ personal experience how difficult this really is. For more than a year, I was 【C2】______ hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a day in investing in the market. It seemed so easy, I dreamed of 【C3】______ my job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris, of traveling around the world. But these dreams 【C4】______ to a sudden and dramatic end when a stock I 【C5】______ , Texas cellular pone wholesaler, fell by more than 75 per cent 【C6】______ a one year period. On the 【C7】______ day, it plunged by more than $ 15 a share. There was a rumor that the company was 【C8】______ sales figures. That was when I learned how quickly Wall Street 【C9】______ companies that, in one way or another, misrepresent the 【C10】______ .

In a 【C11】______ , I sold all my stocks in the company, 【C12】______ margin debt with cash advances from my 【C13】______ card. Because I owned so many shares, I 【C14】______ a small fortune, half of it from money I borrowed from the brokerage company. One month, I am a 【C15】______ the next, a loser. This one big loss was my first lesson in the market.

My father was a stockbroker, as was my grand- father 【C16】______ him. (In fact, he founded one of Chicago's earliest brokerage firms. ) But like so many things in life, we don't learn anything until we 【C17】______ it for ourselves. The only way to really understand the inner 【C18】______ of the stock market is to invest your own hardeamed money. When all your stocks are doing 【C19】______ and you feel like a winner, you learn very little. It's when all are losing and everyone is questioning your stock picking 【C20】______ that you find out if you have what it takes to invest in the market.








Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Directions: There are four passages in this

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or statements. Choose the best answer to each question or decide T/F for each statement. Passage One People often say that the Englishman's home is his castle. They mean that the home is very important and personal. Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them personal, and change them in any way they like- Most houses have a garden, even if it is a small one, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private space of a person. In a crowded city a person knows that he or she has a private space which is only for him or herself and for invited friends. People usually like to mark their space. If you are on the beach you may have spread your towels around you; on the train you may have put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you may spread your books around you. Once I was travelling on a train to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man opposite to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no space on my side of the table at all. I was unhappy. I thought he thought that he owned the whole table. I had been reading a book about nonverbal communication, so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on his case! When I did this he suddenly became angry and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I had taken up his space! A few minutes later I took my papers off in order to read them. He immediately moved his case to his side of the table.

(1).The home matters greatly to Englishmen.



(2).They love houses more than gardens.



(3).person often likes to use something to mark his / her space belonging to himself / herself.



(4).On the train to London, the man beside the writer placed his briefcase on the table.



(5).The writer tried to get back his space by taking all his papers out.





I belong to that group of people known as wives.I am a wife.And,not altogether incidenta
lly,I am a mother.Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a divorce(离婚).He had one child,who is,of course,with his ex-wife.He is obviously looking for another wife.As I thought about him while I was cooking one evening,it suddenly occurred to me that I,too,would like to have a wife.Why do I want a wife?I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent,support myself,and,if need be,support those dependent upon me.I want a wife who will work and send me to school.And while I am going to school I want a wife to take care of my children.I want a wife to keep track of the children's doctor appointments.And to keep track of mine,too.I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean.I want a wife who will wash the children's clothes and keep them mended.I want a wife who arranges for their schooling,makes sure that they have an adequate(足够的)social life with their peers(同伴),and takes them to the park,the zoo,etc.I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs.I want a wife who will keep my house clean.I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean,mended,replaced when need be,and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it.I want a wife who cooks the meals,a wife who is a good cook.I want a wife who will plan the menus,do the necessary grocery shopping,prepare the meals,serve them pleasantly,and then do the washing up while I do my studying.I want a wife who will care for me while I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school.I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and change of scene.If,by chance,I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have,I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one.Naturally,I will expect a fresh,new life:My wife will take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free.When I am through with school and have a job,I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care of a wife's duties.My God,who wouldn't want a wife?

1. The author is _____.

A. a married man

B. a married woman

C. a single man

D. a single woman

2. According to the passage,a man wants a wife because _____.

A. he needs someone to help with his studies

B. he feels lonely without her

C. he cannot have clean clothes to wear without a wife

D. material comforts can not be attained without a wife

3. According to the author,a husband usually wants all of the following EXCEPT _____.

A. being able to marry a new wife whenever he pleases

B. being bound for life with his wife by marriage

C. being able to insist that his wife take a job while he is at school

D. having the right to demand that his wife perform. a wife's duties entirely at home when he has got a job

4. What is implied in the last paragraph_____

A. The wife is often in great despair.

B. The wife is a little disappointed.

C. The wife feels discouraged.

D. The wife feels her sacrifice unpaid for.

5. What is the general tone of the essay_____

A. Sad.

B. Cheerful.

C. Ironical.

D. Arrogant.



Stop () me about my personal business.







in order to tell you what I believe, I must briefly bring up something from my personal


The enclosed resume will tell you more about my personal information, including my references, to whom I can refer you as to my character and ability.



Many people invest in the stock market hoping to find the next Microsoft and Dell.However,

Many people invest in the stock market hoping to find the next Microsoft and Dell. However, I know 【C1】______ personal experience how difficult this really is. For more than a year, I was 【C2】______ hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a day in investing in the market. It seemed so easy, I dreamed of 【C3】______ my job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris, of traveling around the world. But these dreams 【C4】______ to a sudden and dramatic end when a stock I 【C5】______ , Texas cellular pone wholesaler, fell by more than 75 per cent 【C6】______ a one year period. On the 【C7】______ day, it plunged by more than $15 a share. There was a rumor the company was 【C8】______ sales figures. That was when I learned how quickly Wall Street 【C9】______ companies that, in one way or another, misrepresent the 【C10】______ .

In a 【C11】______ , I sold all my stocks in the company, 【C12】______ margin debt with' cash advances from my 【C13】______ card. Because I owned so many shares, I 【C14】______ a small fortune, haft of it from money I borrowed from the brokerage company. One month, I am a 【C15】______ , the next, a loser. This one big loss was my first lesson in the market.

My father was a stockbroker, as was my grandfather 【C16】______ him. (In fact, he founded one of Chicago's earliest brokerage firms.) But like so many things in life, we don't learn anything until we 【C17】______ it for ourselves. The only way to really understand the inner 【C18】______ of the stock market is to invest your own hard-earned money. When all your stocks are doing 【C19】______ and you feel like a winner, you learn very little. It's when all are losing and everyone is questioning your stock picking 【C20】______ . that you find out if you have what it takes to invest in the market.








Distance Education affords me an opportunity to()my own goals and personal work.






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