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One of the powers of a shareholder is his or her right to elect the board of directors.()

更多“One of the powers of a shareholder is his or her right to elect the board of directors.()”相关的问题


Frderalism is a system of government in which ________.

A、power is given to a central government which deals with all matters of national interest

B、power is distributed between two tiers of government,each exercising its allotted powers independent of the other

C、a central government has no real power and it must depend on the other tier of government

D、one tier of government must depend on the other tier of government



Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. The sea is the common pr

Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

The sea is the common property of all nations. It belongs equally to all. None can appropriate it exclusively to themselves;nor is it “foreign” to any. This was the decision of John Marshall, chief justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835. It was stated as a fundamental rule the sea that no one, and therefore everyone, owns the ocean. This means that outside territorial waters(the waters within three miles of a country's coast), the law is whatever nations agree on in peacetime and whatever the strongest naval powers can enforce in wartime. After the United States purchased Alaska, Americans began to seize Canadians who were hunting seals outside Alaskan territorial waters. The Americans claimed that the seals were American property because they often came in to the Alaskan shores owned by the United States. International arbitrators disagreed with this reasoning. In some cases, however, the special rights of a nation that makes use of an open-sea area are recognized.

All of the sea's rules of the road are established by international conferences and treaties.

The fundamental rule of the sea means that______.

A. the sea should be equally divided among all the nations in the world

B. any area of the sea belongs to the nation closest to it

C. no nation has any sea rights

D. no nation has exclusive right to the open sea



The Security Council is the most powerful body in the UN. It is responsible for maintainin
g international peace, and for restoring peace when conflicts arise. Its decisions are binding on all UN members. The Security Council has the power to define what is a threat to security, to determine how the UN should respond, and to enforce its decisions by ordering UN members to take certain actions. The Council convenes(召集)any time there is a threat to peace. A representative from each member country who sits on the Council must be available at all times so that the Council can meet at a moment’s notice. The Security Council also frequently meets at the request of a UN member - often a nation with a grievance about another nation’s actions.

The Security Council has 15 members; five of which hold permanent seats. The Assembly elects the other ten members for two-year terms. The five permanent members - the United States, Britain, France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), and China - have the most power. These nations were the winning powers at the end of World War II, and they still represent the bulk of the world’s military might. Decisions of the Council require nine votes. But any one of the permanent members can veto an important decision. This authority is known as the veto right of the great powers. As a result, the Council is effective only when its permanent members can reach a consensus(一致同意).

The Council has a variety of ways it can try to resolve conflicts among countries. Usually the Council’s first step is to encourage the countries to settle their disagreements without violence. The Council can mediate a dispute or recommend guidelines for a settlement. It can send peacekeeping troops into a distressed area. If war breaks out, the Council can call for a ceasefire. It can enforce its decisions by imposing economic sanctions on a country, or through joint military action.

Which is TRUE in the following statements according to the passage?

A.The Security Council convenes annually.

B.All UN members should abide by the decisions adopted by the Security Council.

C.Although one member seriously complains about another member’s action, the Security Council will not convene at its request.

D.The five permanent members of the Security Council hold less than one half armed forces in the world.

The Security Council is effective only when its permanent members can reach a consensus because ____.A.every permanent member has the veto right of great powers

B.all the permanent members won in the World War II

C.the other members of the Security Council are in the charge of the permanent members

D.of some other reasons not mentioned in this passage

One motion(提议)is adopted by the Security Council only if ____.A.14 of 15 members accept this motion

B.all the members have no objection to the motion

C.9 members agree on it and all the permanent members approve of it

D.all the permanent members pass it

The passage introduces all things about the Security Council EXCEPT____.A.mission




The last paragraph of this passage may be concluded with the statement that ____.A.UN gives priority to peaceful settlement of the conflicts among countries

B.the peacekeeping troops are most powerful in the conflicts between countries

C.economic sanction will be imposed on the countries involved in war

D.joint military action is the last resort of the Security Council in dealing with conflicts between among countries




Traditional superstitions and beliefs 【C1】______ disappear altogether; they assume new for
ms and 【C2】______ to contemporary conditions. 【C3】______ in the 21st century, people may dismiss their forefather's customs and practices 【C4】______ superstition, many are still current. A Friday which falls on the 13th of a month is widely feared as 【C5】______ , and so are spilling salt and walking 【C6】______ a ladder. Belief 【C7】______ the power of mascots is far from 【C8】______ ;the lucky rabbit's foot, like the horseshoe, is a popular charm. Certain foods, too, 【C9】______ their ancient lore. Many people, for example, accept the old adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". One aspect of traditional 【C10】______ which is still very much 【C11】______ today is folk medicine. When the causes of illness were totally 【C12】______ , and disease seemed to 【C13】______ without any reason, it was often 【C14】______ to evil spirits taking over the body. To 【C15】______ the patient, the demons of disease must be driven put, and many "cures" were spells and charms intended to exorcise these. Until 【C16】______ modem limes, even "official" medicine was very unpleasant, with no anaesthetics or pain-killers, and a 【C17】______ success rate. Few people, in any case, could afford it, and most relied on folk healers and magic. There was an enormous range of herbal 【C18】______ , some of which have since been found to have actual healing properties. 【C19】______ were worn to ward off disease, and a wide variety of seemingly strange objects, such as church furnishings, were 【C20】______ with powers of healing.








It is undeniable that English is beginning to become a global language in most parts of t
he world by and large. It is spoken frequently specially in【M1】______ developed countries. This is an inescapable process of globalization. However, according to many experts in linguistics, English is dominating todays modern world and thus, disregard most minority languages.【M2】______ Therefore, it is essential to consider the history of how English gradually becomes dominant down to the present time.【M3】______ The key to English globalization and extension up to the current is basically due to the three eras where English had undergone in the past.【M4】______ English benefited from three overlapping eras of world history. The first era was the imperial expansion of European powers which spread the use of English so well as of other languages, like Spanish, French and Portuguese【M5】______ around the world. The second is the era of technological revolution, begun【M6】______ with the industrial revolution which the English-speaking nations of Britain【M7】______ and United States made a leading part, and the later electronic revolution,【M8】______ led above all by the USA. The third is the era of globalization. The mentioned three eras are pertinent to one another, for example the second era, namely as the electronic revolution has introduced the Internet【M9】______ technology including e-mail, e-commerce, e-business and other e-activities which support the third era, the globalization era likely to take place.【M10】______ Further development of the globalization era leads to the commonness of English in several fields such as science, technology and world trade.




Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined s

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

There is a marked difference between the education which every one gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association.46It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive. Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc. 47Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution. Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.

But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance.48 While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults. The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account. 49Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability. If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.

50 We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group.

46It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.



Naturalists and casual observers alike have been struck by the special relationship bet

Naturalists and casual observers alike have been struck by the special relationship

between squirrels and acorns (the seeds of oak trees). Ecologists, though, cannot observe

These energetic mammals scurrying up and down oak trees and eating and burying acorns

without wondering about their complex relationship with trees. Are squirrels dispersers

(5) and planters of oak forests or pesky seed predators? The answer is not simple. Squirrels

may devour many acorns, but by storing and failing to recover up to 74 percent of them

(as they do when seeds are abundant), these arboreal o\rodents can also aid regeneration

and dispersal of the oaks.

Their destructive powers are well documented. According to one report, squirrels

(10) destroyed tens of thousands of fallen acorns from an oak stand on the University of

Indiana campus. A professor there estimated that each of the large while oaks had.

Produced between two and eight thousand acorns, but within weeks of seed maturity,

Hardly an intact acorn could be found among the fallen leaves.

Deer, turkey, wild pigs, and bears also feed heavily on acorns, but do not store them,

(15) And are therefore of no benefit to the trees. Flying squirrels, chipmunks, and mice are

Also unlikely to promote tree dispersal---whose behavior. of caching (hiding) acorns below

The leaf litter often promotes successful germination of acorns---and perhaps blue jays,

Important long-distance dispersers, seem to help oaks spread and reproduce.

Among squirrels, though, there is a particularly puzzling behavior. pattern. Squirrels

(20) pry off the caps of acorns, bite through the shells to get at the nutritious inner kernels,

and then discard them half-eaten. The ground under towing oaks is often littered with

thousands of half-eaten acorns, each one only bitten from the top. Why would any animal

waste so much time and energy and risk exposure to such predators as red-tail hawks only

to leave a large part of each acorn uneaten? While research is not conclusive at this point,

(25) one thing that is certain is that squirrels do hide some of the uneaten portions, and these

acorn halves, many of which contain the seeds, may later germinate.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

A.The ecology of oak trees

B.Factors that determine the feeding habits of Squirrels

C.Various species of animals that promote the dispersal of tree seeds

D.The relationship between squirrels and oak trees



Eye contact is a nonverbal technique that helps the speaker "sell" his or her ideas to an
audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listeners' interest. A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good rapport (关系) with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus exclusively on their notes. Others gaze over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience interest and esteem. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium (演讲台) or from across the table are "regarded not only as exceptionally well-disposed by their target but also as more believable and earnest."

To show the potency of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passersby behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those people who feel obliged to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel awkward and immediately look away. To make eye contact, it seems, is to make a certain link with someone.

Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor the listeners. It is, in fact, essential for analyzing an audience during a speech. Visual cues (暗示) from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging, that the speaker is dwelling on a particular point for too long, or that a particular point requires further explanation. As we have pointed out, visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered.

This passage is mainly concerned with ______.

A.the importance of eye contact

B.the potency of nonverbal techniques

C.successful speech delivery

D.an effective way to gain visual feedbacks



In some jurisdictions, the judge's powers may be shared with a ().A、lawyersB、solici

In some jurisdictions, the judge's powers may be shared with a ().







The powers of a judge are () by law.

A.to define





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