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We have time and again()that we will never be the fist to use nucler weapons.





更多“We have time and again()that we will never be the fist to use nucler weapons.”相关的问题


I think this is the first time tht we hve met.___nywhere.Before hve we never seen ech othe
rI think this is the first time tht we hve met.___nywhere.Before hve we never seen ech other B.Never before we hve seen ech other C.Ech other hve we seen never before D.Never before hve we seen ech other

A.Before have we never seen each other

B.Never before we have seen each other

C.Each other have we seen never before

D.Never before have we seen each other



If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say tha
t we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written on it an aceount(记录) of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question.

It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes people did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write.

Sometimes, of course, even if the people can not write, they may know something of the past. For most people can tell proudly what their fathers did in the past. This we may call "remembered history". Some of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is, because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. But where there are no written re- cords, such spoken stories are often very helpful.

Which of the following ideas is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Remembered history, compared with written history, is less reliable.

B.Written records of the past play a most important role in our learning of the human history.

C.A written account of our daily. activities helps us to be able to answer any questions.

D.Where there are no written records, there is no history.



Take jealousy for example. Remember that time your partner spent so (1) extra time wi

Take jealousy for example. Remember that time your partner spent so (1) extra time with that tall blonde at your best friend’s party? When you mentioned it, he got angry and yelled: ―You’re always so jealous! You have to learn to trust me. He made you feel so foolish —like an insecure little girl- and you vowed you (2) jealous again.

It doesn’t work that way. Jealousy isonly a symptom, and trust isn’t the issue. Fear is. (3) you figure out what you’re afraid of, you’ll find yourself on that merry-go-round again and again. So sit down and (4) why you feel so fearful about the attentions your significant someone shines on someone else.

Some fears are obvious. Will he find someone else more attractive? If he finds (5) more attractive, will he leave you? If he leaves you, what will you do? We stay in unhappy or destructive relationships and jobs for far longer than is emotionally healthy (6) we fear change. And we don’t trust ourselves to (7) the right decisions.

Goleman says (8) literate people have learned how to express their emotions at the right time and place and in the right way. They’re also aware (9) how their emotions affect others, keeping the (10) on cooperation instead of competition or compliance.

(1) A、many




(2)A、will be

B、will never be

C、would be

D、would never be












D、no one























What will man be like in the future—in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slo

189. What will man be like in the future—in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time. Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more—and eventually we shall need larger ones. This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger. On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life. But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald. Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at. This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own. [共5题]

(1) Future man is likely to be different from us ________.

(A) in quite a few ways (B) in almost every way

(C) in great many ways (D) in one or two ways

(2) The reason for believing that future man will be different is that man ________.

(A) began to change five hundred years ago

(B) never stops changing

(C) never stops growing

(D) has recently begun to change

(3) People’s heads will eventually grow larger. This is because their brains ________.

(A) will grow faster than at present

(B) will need more room than at present

(C) will play an important part

(D) will be in constant use

(4) Future man will probably ________.

(A) have bigger eyes (B) get weaker eyes

(C) see better (D) have to wear better glasses

(5) Future man’s hair will ________.

(A) grow darker (B) stop growing completely

(C) fall out more often (D) get longer



A fling marriage begins when two people make time together their No. 1 priority.If we ho
pe to find love, we must first find time for loving. Unfortunately, current psychology rests on the model of the independent ego. To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. We must go beyond what psychologist Abraham Maslow called "elf- actualization" to "us-actualization". We have to learn to put time where love is. The lasting marriage is never sure of the separate "selves" that make it up. But it has complete confidence that the relationship will grow in a never- ending process of learning There is a powerful healing energy that emanates from loving. Lasting love can learn to sense it, send it and make it grow. We are energized by love if we put our energy into loving.(英译中)



I told my friend Graham that I often cycle the two miles from my house to the town centre
but un fortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, "You mean fortunately." He explained that I should be glad of the【C1】______ exercise that the hill provided.

My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to【C2】______ as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will【C3】______ my heart and lungs and help me to lose weight and get【C4】______ . It will mean that I live longer. Finally as I wend my way up the incline I【C5】______ myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on【C6】______ exercise bicycles when I can get the same【C7】______ for free. I have a smug smile of satisfaction【C8】______ I reach the top of the hill.

Problems are there to be faced and【C9】______ . We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a University degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote, "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.【C10】______ through experiences of trial and【C11】______ can the soul be strengthened,【C12】______ cleared, ambition inspired and success【C13】______ "

One of the main determinants of success in life is our attitude towards【C14】______ . From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents,【C15】______ and difficulties. Some are of our making but many confront us【C16】______ no fault of our own. Whilst we cannot choose the adversity we can choose our attitude towards it.

Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs amputated following a flying accident. He was 【C17】______ to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces in the Battle of Britain. He was a(n) 【C18】______ to others during the war. He said, "Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do this or that.【C19】______ up your mind, you'll never use crutches or a stick, then have a go at everything. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them 【C20】______ you that things are too difficult or impossible."








One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre wo
uld be air-conditioned and I couldn't face my【56】apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the【57】between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the【58】every time she leaned over to talk to him,【59】he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such【60】in a public place? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but【61】it turned out, it was an Italian movie.【62】about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and【63】on my popcorn. I've never understood why they give you so much popcorn ! It tasted pretty good,【64】. After a while I heard【65】more of the romantic sounding Italians. I just heard【66】of the popcorn crunching between my teeth. My thought started to【67】. I remembered when I was in South Korea, I【68】to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed,【69】like a good friend to me. I saw him again in New York speaking【70】English instead of perfect Korean. He didn't even have a Korean accent and I【71】like I had been betrayed. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English.【72】we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very【73】and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring not to【74】in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it【75】out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it I We've been speaking Korean at home ever since.








When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was badly crippled (跛脚), and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare, I would be ashamed of the unwanted attention. If ever noticed or bothered, he never let on.

It was difficult to walk together—and because of that, we didn’t say much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said, “You set the pace. I will try to follow you.”

Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was how he got to work. He went to work sick, and even in bad weather. He almost never missed a day, and would make it to the office even if others could not. It was a matter of pride for him.

When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help... Such times my sister or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, N.Y., on a child’s sleigh to the subway entrance. Once there, he would try to grasp handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice free. In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.

When I think of it now, I am surprised at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to suffer from shame and disability. And I am also surprised at how he did it—without bitterness or complaint.

He never talked about himself as an object of pity, not did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. What he looked for in others was a “good heart”, and if he found one, the owner was good enough for him.

Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though I still don’t know exactly what a “good heart” is. But I know the times I don’t have one myself.

He has been away for many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if he sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks. If he did, I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was, how unworthy I was, how I regretted it. I think of him when I complain about my troubles, when I am envious of another’s good fortune, when I don’t have a “good heart”.

小题1:How did the man treat his father when he was young?

A.He helped his father happily.
B.He never helped his father.
C.He helped his father, but not very happily.
D.He only helped his father take a walk after supper.
小题2:As a disabled man, his father____.
A.didn’t work very hard
B.didn’t go to work from time to time
C.hated those who had good fortune
D.was happy and satisfied, and never lost hope
小题3:What does the underlined word “reluctance” mean in the article? It means ____.
小题4:How did the father get to work usually?
A.By subway.B.By bus.C.By wheelchair.D.By bike.


Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words on the topic given below. Topic:

One day Jim gave some money to a man on the street who claimed that he had lost all his money and couldn't afford a train ticket to be back home. Some time later, Jim met the same man again who told the same story. Jim got very angry with this and decided not to give any more help to anyone whom he did not know.

One response to this story is that we should help whoever in need of it even if we might have the risk of being cheated. What is your opinion? State what you think is proper and give your reasons for your viewpoint.



Read the following paragraph and select the irrelevant sentence.Physical gestures and bo

Read the following paragraph and select the irrelevant sentence.

Physical gestures and body language have different meanings in different cultures, and misunderstanding these signals can sometimes be embarrassing.So we must learn how to tolerate.Although I had spent a lot of time among non-Americans, I had never realized what this could mean in practical terms.I had an experience that taught me well, however.Some years ago, I organized and accompanied a small group of visiting foreign students to New York for four days of sightseeing by bus.Because these students were rather young, and because New York was such an overwhelming city, I was constantly counting heads to be sure we hadn't lost anyone.In the USA , it is very common to count people or things by pointing the index finger and, of course, I used this method.One young man became extremely quiet and pensive, and I thought that perhaps he wasn't enjoying himself.When I asked him what the matter was, he replied, In my country, we count people with our eyes.We use our fingers to count pigs.

A.Physical gestures and body language have different meanings in different cultures, and misunderstanding these signals can sometimes be embarrassing

B.So we must learn how to tolerate

C.Although I had spent a lot of time among non-Americans, I had never realized what this could mean in practical terms

D.I had an experience that taught me well, however



There are three kinds of goals : short-term , medium-range and long-term goals. Short-rang

There are three kinds of goals : short-term , medium-range and long-term goals.

Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possible months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The intermediate goals bulked (延伸) on the foundation of the short-range goals. They might deal with just one-term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.

Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static (静止的) thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

Our long-term goals mean a lot______.

A.if we complete our short-range goals

B.if we cannot reach solid short-term goals

C.if we write down the dates

D.if we put forward some plans


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