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The dog days are the hottest, most uncomfortable part of Southern summer.()

The dog days are the hottest, most uncomfortable part of Southern summer.()

更多“The dog days are the hottest, most uncomfortable part of Southern summer.()”相关的问题


Prince was an intelligent dog and a slave to Williams. From morning till night

Prince was an intelligent dog and a slave to Williams. From morning till night, when Williams was at home, Prince never left his sight. The dog had a number of clearly defined duties, for which Williams had patiently trained him and, like the good pupil he was, Prince lived for the chance to demonstrate his abilities. When Williams wanted to put on his boots, he would murmur“Boots”and within seconds the dog would drop them at his feet. At nine every morning Prince ran off to the general store in the village, returning shortly not only with Williams daily paper but also with a halfounce packet of Williams favorite tobacco. A gundog by breed, Prince possessed a large soft mouth specially evolved for the safe carrying of hunted creatures, so the paper and the tobacco came to no harm, never even showing a tooth mark.

Williams was a railway man, and he wore a blue uniform. that smelled of oil fuel. He had to work at odd times,“days,”“late days”or“nights.”Over the years Prince got to know these periods of work and rest, and knew when his master would leave the house and return. If Williams overslept, Prince barked at the bedroom door until he woke, much to the annoyance of the family.

A curious thing happened to Williams during the snow and ice of last winter. One evening he slipped and fell on the icy pavement somewhere between the village and his home. He was so badly shaken that he stayed in bed for three days; and not until he got up and dressed again did he discover that he had lost his wallet. The house was turned upside down in the search, but the wallet was not found. Two days later,Prince dropped the wallet into Williams hand. Very muddy, stained and wet through,the little case still contained fiftythree pounds, his driving license and a few other papers. No one could tell where the dog had found it. Perhaps he had found it by the faint oily smell on the worn leather.

(1). The dog performed his duties .

(A). out of curiosity

(B). out of devotion

(C). to show his abilities

(D). to get something to eat

(2). The passage tells us that gundogs .

(A). are easily trained

(B). carry things safely

(C). have no sharp teeth

(D). are the fastest runners

(3). The word“annoyance”(line 5, para. 2) implies that Williams family felt .

(A). very amazed

(B). a bit angry

(C). very pleased

(D). a bit disappointed

(4). Williams eventually found that he had lost his wallet after .

(A). two days

(B). three days

(C). four days

(D). five days

(5). We can infer from the passage that .

(A). Williams was hard on his dog

(B). Williams was a loving dog owner

(C). Prince was intelligent and faithful

(D). Prince was trustworthy but annoying



Mr. And Mrs. MacGregor live in a village near Inverness in the north of Scotland. One mo

rning, they found a dog in their garden. They took the dog in, gave it some meat, and watched it go into a corner and go to sleep. They decided to let the animal stay overnight, and to look for its owner in the morning. Then they left home to pay a visit to their daughter in Inverness.

They came home at about eleven. As they opened the front door, they were welcomed by a snarling (狂吠的) boxer, standing with bared teeth. Any attempt to calm the animal met with angry barking. Soon all the neighbors were awake, and came out to offer helpful advice.

Then the fire brigade was called. They arrived at midnight. But all their attempts only made the dog more violent. They couldn’t get near it. The fire brigade gave up and called the police. When they arrived, it was one in the morning, and nearly all the villagers were gathered in MacGregor’s garden. The police thought about it. They advised that the dog should be shot.

However, someone went for an expert dog handler. This expert arrived at two in the morning with a huge Alsatian. He said, “This won’t take long”.

But it did. Two animals stood and stared and snarled at each other. It was a draw.

Then a vet (兽医) was sent for. By the time he arrived, it was 4 a.m. He borrowed a rope, made a lasso (套索), and threw the loop over the boxer’s head.

He dragged it into the garden, stuck a needle in it, and put it to sleep. The police removed it.

MacGregor said, “This animal will make a wonderful watchdog. But the new owners must be prepared to stay indoors for a few days until the dog gets to know them.”

16. What breed is the dog in the story?

A. Alsatian. B. Lasso. C. Boxer. D. Watchdog.

17. What did Mrs. MacGregor do with the dog before they left home to visit their doughter?

A. They tied it in the garden. B. They kept it in a lockd room.

C. They let it loose in their house. D. They put it to sleep with medicine.

18. What did the dog do when Mr. And Mrs MacGregor returned from their visit to their


A. The dog welcomed them home.

B. The dog bit them because it was hungry.

C. The dog wanted to get out of their house.

D. The dog did not let them enter their own house.

19. What did the neighbors do when they were woken up?

A. They used their own dogs to help.

B. They complained and called the police.

C. They tried to help the couple out with advice.

D. They were very angry and wanted to kill the dog.

20. Who finally succeeded in keeping the dog under control?

A. The vet. B. The fire fighters.

C. The police. D. The expert dog handler.



“In the old days”, as one wife said, “the husband was the husband and the wife was the
wife and they each had their own way of going on.Her job was to look after him.” The wife wouldn't stand for it nowadays.

Husbands help with the children now.They stay more in the home and have more interest in the home.We shall give some examples of what husbands do in consequence, firstly, in sharing work with their wives, and secondly, in their largely independent domain (领域,范围) of house repairing.

Some husbands, as well as doing much of the heavy work in the home, carrying the coals and emptying the rubbish, act as assistants to their wives for at least part of the day.Mr.Hammond washes up the dishes every night and lays the breakfast for the morning.Mr.Clark said that on Sunday mornings “I usually hover(徘徊;转悠) around for her while she does a bit of washing.” Mr.Davis polishes the floors and helps to make the beds at the weekends, and during the week takes the dog out for one of his twice-daily walks.So it goes on ....

36.“In the old days” means ()

A.in the winter

B.in the past

C.when you are old


37.“The husband was the husband”means ()

A.there was a clear division of roles in the family

B.most couples were married

C.most men stayed at home

D.there were two husbands in one family

38.“In consequence” means ()

A.job by job

B.as a rule

C.as a res ult

D.at last

39.“Act as assistants to their wives”means ()

A.they read plays aloud

B.they are paid by their wives

C.they help their wives

D.they teach their wives

40.“To make the beds”means ()

A.to make the bedclothes tidy

B.to work in the bed

C.to produce beds out of wood, etc

D.to go to bed



We all love a hero, and rescue dogs are some of the biggest heroes of all. You will often
find them going above and beyond duty to save someone, risking--and at times losing--their lives in the process.

Rescue dogs are generally found in the Sporting and Hunting Groups, or from the traditional Herding Group. These types include the Bloodhound, Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Belgian Malinois--all of which are chosen for search-and-rescue duty because of their amazing physical strength, loyalty, and their tendency for mental stability.

These types also have a keen sense of hearing and smell--to better locate lost individuals—and are often able to access hard-to-reach areas. As highly trained animals, they serve in many different fields, including specialist search, snow slide rescue, dead body location, and tracking.

To overcome obstacles and succeed when performing the demanding duties of a search-and-rescue worker, a dog must display certain qualities. In addition to intelligence and strength, the dog must be swift, confident, easily trainable, adaptable, and have a high level of stamina (耐力) and endurance. A strong sense of group cooperation and an ability to engage in friendly play during "down" time is also required of search-and-rescue dogs.

A rescue dog goes through many, many hours of intensive training to be fit for duty. Training is not for the faint-hearted. Certification training can take from two to three years, working three to four hours a day, three to six days a week, often in group,team-oriented sessions.

Each search-and-rescue field requires different types of training. Rescue training, for instance, includes "air scenting"--where dogs are trained to smell the air for the victim&39; s scent (气味) and then follow the scent to the person. This ability is crucial to finding victims trapped under collapsed buildings and snow slide.

40. Rescue dogs are chosen probably because__

A.they are loyal

B.they are brave

C.they have amazing appearances

D.they have good eyesight

What does "faint-hearted" in Paragraph 5 mean?A.Courageous.




Which ability is most important for dogs to rescue people trapped in snow?A.Sharp hearing

B.Swift movement

C.Extraordinary smelling

D.A strong memory

What is the passage mainly about?A.Selection process of rescue dogs

B.Qualities and training of rescue dogs.

C.Risks rescue dogs are faced with

D.Types of tasks rescue dogs can perform




Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory:m
eaningfulness, organization, association, and visualization.It is useful to know how there principles work.

Meaningfulness affects memory at all levels.Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember.There are several ways in which we can make material more meaningful.Many people, for instance, learn a rhyme to help them remember.Do you know the rhyme "Thirty days has September, April, June, and November..."? It helps many people remember which months of the year have 30 day s.

Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information.One example of organization is chunking.C hunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.For example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467, 13, 63.Categorizing is another means of organization.Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of wor ds: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair.Many people will group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man, woman, child; cat, dog, horse; bench, chair, desk.Needless to say, the second list can be remembered mo re easily than the first one.

Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately.In memorizing a number, you might try to associate it with familiar numbers or events.For example, the heigh t of Mount Fuji in Japan -12,389 feet -might be remembered using the following associations: 12 is the number of months in the year, and 389 is the number of days in a year (365) added to the number of months twice (24).

The last principle is visualizati on.Research has shown striking improvements in many types of memory tasks when people are asked to visualize the items to be remembered.In one study, subjects in one group were asked to learn some words using imagery, while the second group used repetiti on to learn the words.Those using imagery remembered 80 to 90 percent of the words, compared with 30 to 40 percent of the words for those who memorized by repetition.Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental pict ure can help us to preserve a memory.

1.What kind of information is easy for us to remember?()

A.Information that does not make any sense to us

B.Information that we are not familiar with

C.Information that is meaningful to us

D.Information that we are not interested in

2.Which of the following pairs are rhymes?()





3.The second list of words in para.3 is organized according to().

A.the rhyme

B.the word category

C.th e first letters of words

D.the meanings

4.Books are kept in a library().

A.according to their size

B.in random order

C.in a jumbled way

D.in different categories

5.What method can better help form. a whole mental picture about the ti ngs to be remembered?()







SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:W: How can I help you?

M: I'd like to return this sweater for a refund. I bought it a week ago.

W: Well, what seems to be the problem?

M: Isn't it obvious by just looking at it? The first time I washed and dried it, the thing shrank at least five sizes.

W: I see what you mean, but did you follow the washing instructions? I think it says here ... right here on the label to hand wash it and then to dry it on low heat.

M: How was I supposed to know that? The label is written in Chinese! And something else i The stitching is coming undone and the color faded from a nice dark blue to a seaweed green.

W: Listen, sir. What I can do is allow you to exchange the sweater for another one.

M: I don't want to exchange it for anything! I just want my money back!

W: Well, I can give you credit on your next purchase, and since the item you purchased was on clearance, we can't give you a refund. Anyway, you can only return items with a receipt within six days, and unfortunately, that was yesterday in your case.

M: But, your store was closed yesterday because of the national holiday. Listen, I give up. Your store policies are completely unreasonable, and how do you expect people to shop here?

W: You did... Ha, ha...

M: Take your sweater. You should open up a pet store and sell it as a dog sweater.

What is among the reasons why the man wants to return the item?

A.It is the wrong size.

B.The fabric is coming apart.

C.It is stained.

D.It has no label.





B.Dog d1=new Dog();

C.d1=new Dog();

D.Dog d1=Dog();





B.Dog d1=new Dog();

C.d1=new Dog();

D.Dog d1=Dog();




A.red dog

B.blue dog

C.yellow dog

D.green dog



I’m Sally and this is dog, Cody.

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