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Caring For the ElderlyCaring for the elderly is not an easy task, and there are no hard and fast rules on how it should be done. Here are some tips you can apply to make life easier and happier for both yourself and the elderly person in your care.Establish a Routine.Organize the performance of daily activities in a routine manner, so that they are performed in the same way and at the same time every day. This routine will establish a sense of structure and increase feelings of control and safety. However, this routine can be broken with unplanned events occasionally, as elderly people may find the routine structure too boring and restrictive.Get to Know Them.It is important that you get to know the elderly in your care, their daily habits, likes and dislikes, etc. The better you know the person, the higher quality of care you can provide.Treat Them with Respect.If elderly people do not have your respect, they will feel like they are being pushed around or asked to do things that they don't want to. This can lead to a bad relationship. By treating elderly persons in your care with respect, you can develop a strong bond with them. Besides, you can talk to them like adults, show your love and respect, which will not only make them feel good, but may also gain you their respect in return.Mental Stimulation.It is better to try to keep them occupied with challenging games, like crosswords or chess, which will keep their minds sharp. They like to discuss world events and their life histories with you. This will give the elderly people a feeling of self-worth and make them feel needed.Social Interaction.Organize and encourage social interaction. Remaining connected to other people and the world is important for the elderly. It helps the elderly feel more engaged. Encourage them to talk to other residents or participate in games, discussions or day trips. Help them to develop a strong relationship with a neighbor. It is important for the elderly to talk to others and make friends.1. The elderly people will always obey the routine structure.()2. We need to know the elderly people more to provide them with better care.()3. We needn’t respect the elderly people when caring them.()4. Discussion can’t make the elderly people feel needed.()5. It is necessary for the elderly people to make friends.()

更多“Caring For the ElderlyCaring for the elderly is not an easy task, and there are no hard and fast rul…”相关的问题


Who do you feel holds the responsibility of caring for the elderly?
Who do you feel holds the responsibility of caring for the elderly?



_______ people need more and more time and caring from their children when they are getting older and older.

A. Young

B. rich

C. elderly

D. poor



听力原文:When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available communi

听力原文: When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services such as adult daycare centers. If the caregivers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home. Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care and attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. However, even when care-giving is satisfying, it is hard work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to state their needs and opinions clearly and ask for help from others especially brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do.


29. Why are adult children more likely to use community services to help care for elderly parents?

30. Why are most wives unwilling to put their dependent husbands into nursing homes?

31. According to the passage,what must caregivers learn to do?


A.They think they should follow the current trend.

B.Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.

C.Adult day-care centers are easily accessible.

D.They have jobs and other commitments.



It was a chilly November evening in New York City, and my daughter and I were walking
up Broadway.Nora noticed a guy sitting inside a cardboard box next to a newsstand.She pulled at my coat sleeve and said, “That man's cold, Daddy.Can we take him home?”

I don't remember my reply, but I do remember a sudden heavy feeling inside me.I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her world, whether it was birds in flight or children playing.But now she was noticing suffering and poverty.She wasn't even four.

A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who delivered meals to elderly people.The volunteers went to a nearby school on a Sunday morning, picked up a food package, and delivered it to an elderly person.I signed us up.Nora was excited about it.She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how valuable our job was.When Sunday came, we picked up the package and phoned the elderly person we'd been assigned.She invited us right over.

The building was depressing.When the door opened, facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress.She took the package and asked if we would like to come in.Nora ran inside.I reluctantly followed.Our hostess showed us some photos of her family.Nora played and laughed.I accepted a second cup of tea.When it came time to say good-bye, we three stood in the doorway and hugged.I walked home in tears.

Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something enjoyable that's good for yourself as well as for others? Indeed, the poverty my daughter and I helped lessen that Sunday afternoon was not the woman's alone — it was in our lives, too.Now Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and collect clothes for the homeless.Yet, as I've watched her grow over these past four years, I still wonder — which of us has benefited more?

26.The man Nora noticed on that evening was probably ______.

A.asking for food

B.one of those homeless

C.taken home by the author

D.buying a newspaper

27.The author had a sudden heavy feeling (Para.2), because ______.

A.his daughter had noticed the dark side of life

B.he did not want to take the guy home

C.he felt a deep sympathy for the guy

D.his daughter was afraid of what she saw

28.Their volunteer job was to ______.

A.visit poor homes

B.serve meals at a nearby school

C.pick up packages for poor, elderly people

D.deliver food to needy, elderly people

29.The word “us” in the last paragraph refers to ______ .

A.the author and the old woman

B.the giver and receiver of the help

C.the author and his daughter

D.the author and the guy in the box

30.The best title for this passage might be “______.”

A.A Loving Kid

B.A Lesson in Caring

C.Volunteers at Work

D.How to Help the Needy



Roby Mini is just 40 centimeters tall, has a large round screen for a head and has bee

n designed to help senior citizens living alone.

Manufactured by robotics company Shanghai PT Info, the brightly colored robot, which costs 5,000 yuan ($790), was launched on Aug 14 to help entertain and monitor elderly people.

In Shanghai last year, the number of registered residents at least 60 years old was 4 million. That was nearly 30 percent of the population. By 2018, the figure is projected to rise to 5 million.

With many living alone, robots such as Roby Mini can help play a crucial role in caring for the elderly. "It will change the way people interact with digital products," Hong says.

Founded in May, Shanghai PT Info had already done the groundwork. In fact, the research team spent three years developing the speech recognition system before the firm was officially launched.

With 360-degree wheels hidden under its body, Roby Mini can follow a person through face recognition and strike up a conversation, tell jokes or provide information.

The robot also works as a computer terminal, supplying weather information, ordering groceries online and even booking taxis. Roby Mini can be connected to other gadgets as well, such as smart wristbands or magnetic devices on doors.

Roby Mini can also connect an elderly owner to a doctor through its high-definition screen.Already Shanghai PT Info is talking to three community hospitals in Shanghai's Minhang district. Since the robot is linked to the Internet, it can support long-distance audio and video calls.

Mass production started this month and Shanghai PT Info plans to manufacture 200,000 units this year.

But the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info. Earlier this year, Flyingwings Intelligent Robot Technology (Shanghai) introduced a machine with sensors that will ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down.Tianjin ShangjiuShengyuan Technology Group also developed a robot for seniors in 2014. Owners can turn on the lights and air-conditioning units by pressing buttons on the machine.It can also remind elderly owners to take pills, and inform. them of hospital checkups and family birthdays.

1. Roby Mini is the name of.{A; B; C}

A. a robotics company

B. a robot

C. a senior citizen living alone

2. Roby Mini is designed to.{A; B; C}

A. help look after children living alone in senior high school

B. help entertain and monitor senior citizens

C. change the way people interact with digital products

3. According to this passage, the number of registered residents at least 60 years old will be. {A; B; C}

A. 4 million next year

B. 30 percent of the population

C. increase to 5 million by 2018

4. The writer thinks “the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info” because.{A; B; C}

A.there are too many elder people in Shanghai

B. Roby Mini cannot ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down.

C. the company will face tough competition in the marketplace

5. The best title for this passage is.{A; B; C}

A. How to Use a Robot

B. Elder People Increase in Shanghai

C. Robot Gives Help to Older People



There are places in the world where people are alleged (被认为) to live much longer and re

There are places in the world where people are alleged (被认为) to live much longer and remain more vigorous in old age than in most modern societies. I have visited the best known of these regions, all relatively remote and mountainous. A striking feature common to all three cultures is the high social status of the aged. Each of the very elderly persons I saw lived with family and close relatives—often an extensive household—and occupied a central and privileged position within this group. The sense of family continuity is strong. There is also a sense of usefulness. Even those well over 100 for the most part continue to perform. essential duties and contribute to the economy of the community. These duties included weeding in the fields, feeding the poultry (家禽), tending flocks, picking tea, washing the laundry, cleaning house, or caring for grandchildren, all on a regular daily basis. In addition, the aged are esteemed for the wisdom that is thought to derive from long experience, and their word in the family group is generally law. In none of the three communities is there any forced retirement age, and the elderly are not shelved, as occurs in most of our industrialized society. Khfaf Lasuria, the former tea picker, had retired only two years before I met her. When I asked Seliac Butba, age 121, if he was helping in the construction of a new house springing up next to his own, he responded, "Of course, they cant do without me. " Many of the centenarians emphasized the importance of being independent and free to do the things they enjoyed and wanted to do, and of maintaining a placid (平静的) state of mind free from worry or emotional strain. "Now everywhere people dont live so long because they dont live a free life," commented Sonia Kvedzenia of Atara, age 109. "They worry more and dont do what they want. " Gabriel Chapnian, 117, of Gulripshi expressed a similar thought when told that few Americans attain his age. His response: "Hmm...too literate. " Expectation of longevity may also be important. In America the traditional life-span is three score and ten years. But when we asked the young people of Abkhazia how long they expected to live, they generally said, "To a hundred". Dr Georgi Kaprashvili of Gulripshi confirmed that the public has the notion that the normal life-span of man is 100 years. For exaggeration, when proposing toasts, they say 300 years, but everyone expects to be 100.

What does the word "centenarian" (Line 1, Para. 6) mean in this passage?

A.Person who has 100 family members.

B.Person who is 100 or more years old.

C.Person who is the central figure.

D.Leader of a unit of 100 soldiers.



文化关怀(cultural caring)

文化关怀(cultural caring)



They can be as() as caring for children.







These days lots of young Japanese do omiai, literally, "meet and look. " Many of them do s
o willingly. In today's prosperous and increasingly conservative Japan, the traditional omiai kekkon , or arranged marriage, is thriving.

But there is a difference. In the original omiai, the young Japanese couldn't reject the partner chosen by his parents and their middlernan. After World War II, many Japanese abandoned the arranged marriage as part of their rush to adopt the more democratic ways of their American conquerors. The Western ren'ai kekkon , or love marriage, became popular; Japanese began picking their own mates by dating and falling in love.

But the Western way was often found wanting in an important respect: it didn't necessarily produce a partner of the right economic, social, and educational qualifications. "Today's young people are quite calculating," says Chieko Akiyama, a social commentator.

What seems to be happening now is a repetition of a familiar process in the country's history, the "Japanization" of an adopted foreign practice. The Western ideal of marrying for love is accommodated in a new orniai in which both parties are free to reject the match. "Omiai is evolving into a sort of stylized introduction," Mrs. Akiyama says.

Many young Japanese now date in their early twenties, but with no thought of marriage. When they reach the age—in the middle twenties for women, the late twenties for men—they increasingly turn to omiai. Some studies suggest that as many as 40% of marriages each year are omiai kekkon. It's hard to be sure, say those who study the matter, because many Japanese couples, when polled, describe their marriage as a love match even if it was arranged.

These days, doing omiai often means going to a computer matching service rather than to a nakodo. The nakodo of tradition was an old woman who knew all the kids in the neighborhood and went around trying to pair them off by speaking to their parents; a successful match would bring her a wedding invitation and a gift of money. But Japanese today find it's less awkward to reject a proposed partner if the nakodo is a computer.

Japan has about five hundred computer matching services. Some big companies, including Mitsubishi, run one for their employees. At a typical commercial service, an applicant pays $80 to $ 125 to have his or her personal data stored in the computer for two years and $ 200 or so more if a marriage results. The stored information includes some obvious items, like education and hobbies, and some not-so-obvious ones, like whether a person is the oldest child. (First sons, and to some extent first daughthers, face an obligation of caring for elderly parents. )

According to the passage, today's young Japanese prefer______.

A.a traditional arranged marriage

B.a new type of arranged marriage

C.a Western love marriage

D.a more Westernized love marriage



专业关怀(professional caring)

专业关怀(professional caring)


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