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People use science knowledge to understand and change nature.英译汉

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Although modern science and technology have proved that such methods are absurd, there are still millions of people use such methods in many remote places nowadays.(英译中)



阅读题:There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method of answering theoretical questions

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniques, and procedures for implementing the finding of science.

Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.

Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comprehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy and certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover may shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of refusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice of refusing to hear the sonic boom produced by a supersonic aircraft flying overhead; we do not have the option of refusing to breathe polluted air; and we do not have the option of living in a non-atomic age. Unlike science progress, technology must be measured in terms of the human factor. The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve people in general, not merely some people; and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves. Technology must be humanistic if it is to lead to a better world.

21. The difference between science and technology lies in that _____.

A) the former provides answers to theoretical questions while the latter to practical problems

B) the former seeks to comprehend the universe while the latter helps change the material world

C) the former aims to discover the inter-connections of facts and the rules that explain them while the latter, to discover new designs and ways of making the things we use in our daily life

D) all of the above

22. Which of the following may be representative of science?

A) The improvement of people's life.

B) The theory of people's life.

C) Farming tools.

D) Mass production.

23. According to the author, scientific theories _____.

A) must be strictly objective

B) usually take into consideration people's likes and dislikes

C) should conform. to popular opinions

D) always appear in perfect and finished forms

24. The author states that technology itself _____.

A) is responsible for widespread pollution and resource exhaustion

B) should serve those who wish to gain advantage for themselves

C) will lead to a better world if put to wise use

D) will inevitably be for bad purpose

25. The tone of the author in this passage is _____.

A) positive

B) negative

C) factual

D) critical



改错:We use language every day

We use language every day. We live in a world of words. Hardly any moment passes with someone talking, writing or reading. Indeed, __1__languages is most essential to mankind. Our lives increasingly depend on fast and successful use of language. Strangely enough, we know __2__more about things around us than on ourselves. For example, language __3__is species specific, that is, it is language that differs human from __4__animals. However, we do not know yet how exactly we inquire language __5__and how it is possible for us to perceive through language; nor we __6__understand precisely the combinations between language and thought, __7__language and logic, or language and culture; still less, how and when language started. One reason for this inadequate knowledge of language is that we, like language users, take too many things for granted. __8__Language comes to every normal person so naturally that a few __9__

of us stop to question what language is, much less do we feel the necessity to study it. Language is far more complex than most people have probably imagined and the necessity to study it is far greater than some people may have assured. Linguistic is a branch of science which __10__takes language as its object of investigation.



Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were【S1】______. The study of how genes and environment interact to influence【S2】______activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important【S3】______to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain and behavior.Any research that suggests that【S4】______to perform. certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are limitations to what you can【S5】______based on something that is beyond your control, such as your genes? It is easy to accept that genes control physical characteristics such as sex, race and eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how【S6】______they are, or what career they are likely to choose? A concern of psychological scientists is the【S7】______to which all of these characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture(养育) , by genetic makeup and the environment. Increasingly, science【S8】______that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective, people are born【S9】______like undeveloped photographs: The image is already captured, but the way it【S10】______appears can vary based on the development process. However, the basic picture is there from the beginning.

A) abilities I) extent

B) achieve J) indicates

C) appeal K) proceeds

D) complaints L) psychological

E) contributions M) raised

F) displayed N) smart

G) essentially O) standard H) eventually














Television ,the modern wonder of electronics,brings the world into your own home in sigh
t and sound,1. And the word "television" means "seeing far".

Television works in much the same way as radio. In radio,sound is changed into electromagnetic (invisible light) waves which are sent through the air. Experiments leading to modern television took place more than a hundred years ago. By the 1920s inventors and researchers had turned the early theories into working models.Yet it took another thirty years for TV to become an industry.

The influence of TV on the life of people is incalculable:it can influence their thoughts and their way of life. It can also add to their store of knowledge. Educational TV stations offer teaching in various subjects. Some hospitals use TV for medical students to get close-up views of operations. At first television programs were broadcast in black-and -white. With the development of science and technology,the problem of how to telecast them in full color was solved and by the middle 1960s the national networks were broadcasting most of their programs in color.

The programs that people watch are not only local and national ones. Since the launching of the first communications satellite,more and more programs are telecast "live" from all over the world. People in San Francisco were able to watch the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo. And live telecasts now come from outer space. In 1969,the first astronauts to land on the moon televised their historic "moon walk" to viewers on the earth. Since then,astronauts have regularly sent telecast to the earth.

56. Television is said to be the modern wonder of electronics,because _______.

A. it is an industry

B. it broadcasts most of the programs in color

C. it brings the world into people's own home in sight and sound

D. it influences people's thoughts

57. Television became an industry in _______.

A. 1920

B. 1969

C. the l920s

D. the 1950s

58. The word "incalculable" means______.

A. very great

B. uncertain

C. hard to tell

D. very small

59. The development of science and technology made it possible for television programs to _______.

A. be telecast again

B. be kept for later use

C. be put on video tape

D. be telecast in full color

60. The launching of communications satellites made it possible for people to _______.

A. get close up views of operations

B. learn various subjects

C. watch the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo

D. watch local programs



Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 i
Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 it will not matter. They will turn themselves off—and on again when you return. A sensor will detect the presence of a human and turn the systems on, and when the humans leave, it will turn them off again.

The sensors will work through the central home computer, and they will do much more than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you. They will detect faulty electrical appliances, isolate them so that they cannot harm anyone, and then warn you that they need repair. They will detect fire and if you are out of the house, the computer will call the firemen. It will also call the police should the sensors detect an intruder. You will open the door using your personal card—the one you use for shopping—maybe using a number known only to you.

The author intends to tell the readers that in year 2040 _____.

A. they will live without lights and heaters

B. they will use much more lights and heaters

C. lights and heaters will be on and off automatically

D. there will be no switches of lights and heaters

According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. People often forget to turn off the lights and heaters.

B. People will have a servant to work for them in 2040.

C. People are afraid of year 2040.

D. People will save much trouble with the help of advanced technology.

According to the author, in 2040, new technology _____ .

A. will turn everything into sensors

B. will free us from the keys we use today

C. will make the locks out of date

D. will eliminate crimes

Thanks to computers, in 2040 people ____ .

A. will replace TV with computers

B. will have much fewer fire accidents

C. will be controlled by computers

D. will have more fun at home

The best title for the passage might be _____ .

A. Life in Year 2040

B. Sensors and Computers

C. The Development of Science and Technology

D. Lights and Heaters in the Year 2040



Text 3Vinton Cerf, known as the father of the Internet, said on Wednesday that the Web was
outgrowing the planet Earth and the time had come to take the information superhighway to outer space.

“The Internet is growing quickly, and we still have a lot of work to do to cover the planet.” Cerf told the first day of the annual conference of Internet Society in Geneva where more than 1500 cyberspace fans have gathered to seek answers to questions about the tangled web of the Internet.

Cerf believed that it would soon be possible to send real-time science data on the Internet from a space mission orbiting another planet such as Mars. “There is now an effort under way to design and build an interplanetary Internet. The space research community is coming closer and closer and merging. We think that we will see interplanetary Internet networks that look very much like the ones we use today. We will need interplanetary gateways and there will be protocols to transmit data between these gateways, ” Cerf said.

Francois Fluckiger, a scientist attending the conference from the European Particle Physics Laboratory near Geneva, was not entirely convinced, saying: “We need dreams like this. But I don’t know any Martian whom I’d like to communicate with through the Internet.”

Cerf has been working with NASA’s Pasadena Jet Propulsion Laboratory—the people behind the recent Mars expedition—to design what he calls an “interplanetary Internet protocol.” He believes that astronauts will want to use the Internet, although special problems remain with interference and delay.

“This is quite real. The effort is becoming extraordinarily concrete over the next few months because the next Mars mission is in planning stages now,” Cerf told the conference.

“If we use domain names like Earth or Mars...jet propulsion laboratory people would be coming together with people from the Internet community.” He added.

“The idea is to take the interplanetary Internet design and make it a part of the infrastructure of the Mars mission.”

He later told a news conference that designing this system now would prepare mankind for future technological advances.

“The whole idea is to create an architecture so the design works anywhere. I don’t know where we’re going to have to put it but my guess is that we’ll be going out there some time,” Cerf said.

“If you think 100 years from now, it is entirely possible that what will be purely research 50 years from now will become commercial 100 years from now. The Internet was the same—it started as pure research but now it is commercialized.”

第31题:According to Cerf, the purpose to design interplanetary internet is to _____.

[A] send real-time science data

[B] communicate with astronauts

[C] lay foundation for future technological advances

[D] commercialize the technology



Millions of people around the world cook their food over a smoky fire every day. It is
often difficult to find wood for the fire. People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel. However, there is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun. Solar cookers, or ovens, have been used for centuries.

Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot. The rest is up to your imagination! Once you have collected or bought your solar oven, you can use it to prepare hot meals in the backyard, at a campground or wherever your heart desires.

Of all the inventions that could benefit humankind, a reliable solar cooker remains one of the most necessary. Countless people across the developing world still cook their food by burning wood or even cow dung, causing breathing problems and severe pollution in some regions.

The searching for a practical solar cooker has gone on for decades and produced dozens of models. But none of them have caught on importantly for use in the developing world because they can’t store heat. Without the ability to store heat, a cooker cannot be used, for example, on cloudy days.

But now a group based at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is reporting a discovery in solar cookers. They say it will lead to the production of practical solar cookers within a year and a half and it can store enough heat during a sunny day to work for an entire additional day, even if it is cloudy.

1.People who do not have wood must spend small amounts of money on cooking fuel.()

2.There is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun.()

3.Solar cookers, or ovens, have not been used for centuries.()

4.Solar ovens consist of a system of reflectors and a cooking pot.()

5.Without the ability to store heat, a cooker can be used, for example, on cloudy days.()



Organic food is now a huge market segment, driven by consumer demand for food that’s hea

The biggest misconception held by many organic lovers is that organic produce is not grown with fertilizers (肥料) or pesticides (杀虫剂). That’s simply wrong. Organic fertilizers and pesticides are manufactured by all the major producers. Pests attack crops whether they’re certified organic or not; and all plants take nutrients (营养物) out of the soil that have to be replaced.

Many think organic farms handle that through soil management. And so they do, but so do all farms. Every farm rotates crops as much as possible to keep the soil healthy and reduce the spread of pest; by no means is this unique to organics. It’s been a farming fundamental for centuries.

Chemicals are one of a farm’s biggest expenses, and both organic and conventional farms strive to reduce that expense. Modern agriculture depends on efficient fertilizers that deliver the needed nutr

1What is a traditional method used to keep the soil healthy?

A、Avoiding too much use of chemicals.

B、Replacing soil nutrients with fertilizers.

C、Using the soil for organic produce only.

D、Rotating crops as much as possible.

2What is one characteristic of organic practices?

A、They use no fertilizers or pesticides.

B、They use more efficient fertilizers.

C、They ban the use of new seed strains.

D、They adopt the latest farming techniques.

3From Paragraph 6 (the paragraph beginning with “at the end of the day, …”), we can infer that ______________.

A、organic food is no different from conventional produce

B、the quality of organic produce can be highly unstable

C、the results of the tests in the videos are not fair enough

D、volunteers participating in these tests are not qualified

4At the end of the passage, the writer tends to suggest that _____________.

A、the benefits of organic food are overstated by marketing

B、organic practice involves no scientific knowledge at all

C、people should be practical and consume less organic food

D、it is easy for people to be fooled by bad science today

5What is the main purpose of the passage?

A、To compare organic food with conventional produce.

B、To correct people’s wrong beliefs about organic food.

C、To explain why organic food is so popular with people.

D、To convince that conventional produce is better for health.



Television, the modern wonder of electronics, brings the world into your own home in sig
ht and sound.And the word ‘television’ means seeing far.

Television works in much the same way as radio.In radio, sound is changed into electromagnetic waves which are sent through the air.Experiments leading to modern television took place more than a hundred years ago.By the 1920s inventors and researchers had turned the early theories into working models.Yet it took another thirty years for TV to become industry.

The influence of TV on the life of the people is incalculable: it can influence their thoughts and their way of life.It can also add to their store of knowledge.Educational TV stations offer teaching in various subjects.Some hospitals use TV for medical students to get close-up views of operations.At first television programs were broadcast in black-and-white.With the development of science and technology, the problem of how to telecast them in full color was solved and by the middle 1960s the national networks were broadcasting most of their programs in color.

The programs that people watch are not only local and national ones.Since the launching of the first communications satellite, more and more programs are telecast ‘live’ from all over the world.People in San Francisco were able to watch the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo.And live telecasts now come form. outer space.In 1969, the first astronauts to land on the moon televised their historic ‘moon walk’ to viewers on the earth.Since then, astronauts have regularly sent telecast to the earth.

1.The launching of communications satellites make it possible for people in San Francisco to ________.

A.get close-up views of operations

B.watch the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo

C.store knowledge

D.watch national programs

2.The development of science and technology made it possible for television programs to ______.

A.be telecast in San Francisco B.be telecast in full color

C.be telecast in Tokyo D.be telecast in black-and-white

3.The word ‘incalculable’ means _____.

A.easy to tell

B.difficult to tell

C.very great

D.very small

4.Television is said to be the modern wonder of electronics, because_____.

A.it influences people’s way of life

B.it brings the world into people’s own home in sight and sound

C.it works as radio

D.it makes people see far

5.Television became an industry in ______.


B.the 1950s

C.the 1920s

D.the 1960s


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