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Italy is one of the Chinese students’ top ten destinations for studying abroad.()

Italy is one of the Chinese students’ top ten destinations for studying abroad.()

更多“Italy is one of the Chinese students’ top ten destinations for studying abroad.()”相关的问题


Which one is in the central Italy?A.VolsciansB.SanmitesC.UmbriansD.Bruttians,

Which one is in the central Italy?







One of the following events played an important part in Chaucer’s writing:

A、his marriage with a girl of noble family

B、his visit to Italy

C、his duty as a controller of the Customs

D、his participation in the Hundred Years’ War



Who designed the first helicopter? Who(1)one of the most famous pictures in th

e world? Who knew more about the human body than most(2)? There is an answer

(3)all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇),Leonardo may have been the greatest genius(4)have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn' t(5)a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked. But Leonardo(6)an inventor. He was one of the greatest a rtists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master painter, and as he got older he became(7)more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways(8)he was ready to paint.Many of Leonardo' s wonderful paintings are still with(9) today. You may know one of his most famous works the(10)woman known as theMona Lisa.

1.A. took












4.A.the scientists

B.the artists

C.the world






6.A.was just

B.wasn't just


D.was no longe



















Write the verbs in the correct form. of the Present Simple.(用括号中所给动词的一般现在

Write the verbs in the correct form. of the Present Simple.(用括号中所给动词的一般现在时形式填空。)

Alex 1_________ (be) 21 years old.He 2_________ (live) in the South of Italy, in a small city called Lecce and he 3_________ (work) in a bank.He’s got one brother but he 4_________ (have not got) any sisters.His parents 5_________ (be) doctors.He 6_________ (get up) at half past seven every day, 7_________ (have) a shower, gets dressed and walks to work.He 8_________ (not go) to work on Saturdays or Sundays.



A gesture which means one thing in one country may well mean something quite different to those living in another.

A gesture which means one thing in one country may well mean something quite different to those living in another.The ring gesture,where you form. an “O” by holding me tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb,means in Britain that you think something is good.Take a trip to France,and you may fail to impress your French host when you use it to tell him your opinion of his new car, for in France it means zero or worthless.Travel further south and you are in even greater trouble,for in Tunisia it means “I’ll kill you!” Similar problems occur on the other side of the Atlantic.Although in the US the ring gesture has the same meaning as in Britain,it is used as an insult in Latin America.Unfortunately former US President Richard Nixon was unaware of this.Landing on a visit to one South American country he came out of the aircraft with both hands held high showing the ring gesture.Having just been told to go to hell by their visitor,his hosts gave the puzzled President a somewhat frosty reception.Had he used the same gesture in Japan,his hosts would have been puzzled,for it means money there.

Try to avoid these misunderstandings by using another gesture to indicate that you think something is good and you may still find yourself in trouble.In Britain and the US the thumbs—up sign is used when you think something is good, but elsewhere,as in Sardinia,it is an insult.In Britain the gesture is also used for hitch—hiking.But if you attempt using it to request a lift from a passing motorist in Greece or Italy,you had better stand well back from the edge of the road.It is quite likely that he will knock you down,for in Greece it is an insult.

Pulling down the lower lid of your eye with one finger is usually used to indicate alertness.In France and Greece it means much the same as“My eye!” in England,meaning “Don’t you think I can see it?”In Spain and Italy it is also related to being alert,but there it is used as a warning:“Keep your eyes open."In South America,it means you think that a woman is “eyeful,”very attractive.

26.The passage mainly discusses_____.

A.the benefits of using gestures

B.how gestures came into being

C.the problems in using gestures

D.how to avoid using gestures

27.If an Englishman uses the ring gesture,he will be correctly understood in_____.



C.the US


28.Richard Nixon used the ring gesture in the South American country as a sign of_____.





29.You can ask for a lift by using the thumbs-up sign in_____.





30.If you want to express your appreciation of a woman,you can_____.

A.use the ring gesture in Italy

B.use the ring gesture in France

C.pull down your lower eye lid in Greece

D.pull down your lower eye lid in South America



“Fingers were made before forks” when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to eating food touched with fingers, “Seeing all men‘s fingers are not alike clean.” English travellers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show-offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600‘s did using a fork become a common custom.

76. The custom of eating with a fork was _______.

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians

To English travellers in Italy, the use of forks seemed _______.A.clever


C.good manner


By the fifteenth century forks were used _______.A.all over Italy

B.only in Constantinople

C.widely in Europe

D.In England

In England, people who used forks at that time were considered ______.A.well mannered


C.show-offs and overnice

D.both B and C

The English thought that Italians used forks in order to ________.A.imitate the people of the East

B.keep their food clean

C.impress visitors with their good manners

D.amuse the English




Part BDirections: In the following article, some sentences ]tare been removed. For Questio

Part B

Directions: In the following article, some sentences ]tare been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blank, There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET I. (10 points)

On the ground floor of a five story building in Rome, Italy, a lead aproned man carefully places a 400-year-o. ld painting on a table. Then he steps back and flips the switch of a 50,000-volt X-ray machine. Nearby, another painting is being wheeled into a special oven. Elsewhere the buzz of a power saw is heard from behind a closed door. Two workers are cutting the back off a 500-year-old wood panel painting.

Such things happen every day at Rome' s Institute of Restoration. 41)____________In terms of an treasures, Italy is one of the richest countries in the world. Yet until 1939, when Italy' s government founded the Institute, the country" s museums had to hire private restorers for cleaning and repair jobs. Says Doctor Urbani, "Most of the restorers did not have proper training. They often did more harm than good."

No wonder they did harm. 42)____________.

43)____________. Sometimes they even changed the picture.

Any number of things can damage 'an art work. Smog eats away at stone and metal. Insects chew wood. Moisture causes wood and canvas to swell, shrink and finally rot. For one art show, a painting was flown from England to Rome. During the flight, the canvas shrank so much that the paint lost its grip and began peeling. When the box was opened in Rome, there was a halfbare painting——and a pile of tiny colored flakes.

Doctor Urbani remembers, "The painting was rushed to us. It looked hopeless. But we never give up on a case." After months of slow, careful work, every piece of paint had been puzzled back together and glued on a new canvas. The job was so well done that no damage could be seen.

When a painting arrives at the art hospital, it goes to the laboratory, where scientific work is done. Infrared and ultra- violet photographs are taken. 44)____________.Newer coats of paint stand out as dark spots against older coats of paint, if there seems to be a different picture beneath the one showing on the surface, the painting is finally X-rayed.

Paintings on wood are then carried into a boxcar sized room. 45)____________.For 24 hours, a deadly gas seeps into all the cracks in the wood to kill hidden bugs and their eggs. Paintings on torn canvas go to a room where new cloth hackings are glued and ironed on. Finally the paintings are ready to be given new life by one of the restorers.

[A] Instead of just touching up damaged spots, most early restorers painted over them with a heavy hand.

[B] Using these photographs and an analysis of the paint, it began removing dirt and old, yellowed varnish with cotton dipped in a special liquid.

[C] Headed by Doctor Giovanui Urbani, the men and women here work at keeping works of art in good health.

[D] These photographs make it possible to see through the thin top coats of paint to find out if the painting has been touched up or painted over in the past.

[E] They often cleaned paintings with strong black soap, or scrubbed them with raw onions and green apples.

[F] Tile door is sealed shut.

[G] After cleaning, they began the job of filling in the spots where paint was missing.




A recent survey has revealed that the country with the shortest holidays and the long
est working hours in Europe is the UK. In the UK, a worker puts in over 43.6 hours a week on average - far higher than any other European country. The average in the European Union (EU) is around 40 hours a week. Astonishingly, in the UK, one in ten workers spends more than 61 hours a week at work. In addition, a British worker only has 20 days’ holiday a year.Interestingly, however, despite the fact that the British have the shortest holidays and the longest working hours in the EU, the UK's GDP per worker is one of the lowest in Europe. Mediterranean countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy have some of the longest holidays in Europe, ranging from 33 to 36 days. Although Austria has the longest holiday time of all in Europe (38 days on average), it has an above-average GDP per worker.

1. UK Workers have the shortest holidays () .A. in the world

B. in Europe

C. in western Europe

D. in the Mediterranean

2. On average workers in the UK puts in ()hours more than those in the European Union.A. 3.6 hours

B. 17.4 hours

C. 20 hours

D. 21 hours

3. In the UK, () works more than 61 hours a week.A. one in five

B. one in ten

C. one in 20

D. one in 40

4. The second paragraph mainly tells us that ().A. the British have the shortest holidays

B. the British have the longest holidays

C. the British have the longest working hours

D. the UK’s GDP per worker is one of the lowest in Europe

5. () has the longest holiday time of all in Europe.A. Spain

B. Portugal

C. Austria

D. Greece



Why So Many ChildrenIn many of the developing countries in Africa and Asia, the population

Why So Many Children

In many of the developing countries in Africa and Asia, the population is growing fast. The reason for this is simple : Women in these countries have a high birth rate——from 3.0 to 7.0 children per woman. The majority of these women are poor, without the food or resources to care for their families. Why do they have so many children? Why don"t they limit the size of their fami-lies? The answer may be that they often have no choice. There are several reasons for this.

One reason is economic. In a traditional agricultural economy, large families are helpful. Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age. In an industrial economy, the situation is different. Many children do not help a family; instead, they are an expense. Thus, industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate. This was the case in Italy, which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly. In the early part of the twentieth century, Italy was a poor, largely agricultural country with a high birth rate. After World War Ⅱ, Italy"s economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized. By the end of the century. the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman, the world"s lowest.

However, the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate. Saudi Ara-bia, for example, does not have an agriculture-based economy, and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Nevertheless, it also has a very high birth rate (7.0). Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand, are poor countries, with largely agricultural economies, but they have recently reduced their population growth.

Clearly, other factors are involved. The most important of these is the condition of women. A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women. This would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia. There, the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home. On the other hand, the improyed condition of women in Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries. Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and oppor-tunities for women.

Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control. Women may want to limit their families but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive, birth rates have gone down. This is the case in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and India, as well as in Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, and Brazil. In these countries, women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.

These trends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not have to depend on better economic conditions. It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet their needs. Only then, in fact, does it have any real chance of success.

In a traditional agricultural economy, a large family __________. 查看材料

A.can be an advantage

B.may limit income

C.isn"t necessary

D.is expensive



"Fingers were made before forks" when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinpole brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to rating food touched with fingers, "Seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean." English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show - offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600's did using a fork become a common custom.

The custom of eating with a fork was ______ .

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians


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