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It's the break time. Let's have ______ rest. A.a ten minutes' B.a ten minute's C.

It's the break time. Let's have ______ rest.

A.a ten minutes' B.a ten minute's C.a ten minutes D.a ten minute'

更多“It's the break time. Let's have ______ rest. A.a ten minutes' B.a ten minute's C.”相关的问题


If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt at any time.This sentence means if you have something that you don’t understand,you can make a break in at any time.()


Robert Kohout, 39, was working outside his home last October when he heard a frightening n
oise. He turned round and saw Walter Graham’s car sinking into 8 feet of water of the swimming pool a little distance away from his yard.

Kohout immediately called to Graham’s wife, Evelyn, to telephone 911. Then he ran back to his house to get Terence Reif and Glenn Fajardo to help,who were at work inside the house. “There was no time for second thoughts,” said Reif,a farmer’ s son. “The only thing to do was to get in the pool.”

The car doors were locked. Graham,73, was unconscious (失去知觉),and his Mercury was rapidly filling with water. Reif struggled to break the driver’ s side window with a hammer but had trouble getting it done underwater.

Finally—some four minutes after the car had fallen into the pool—the glass was broken. By then,Graham was floating at the top of the flooded passenger compartment (车厢).

The three men pulled Graham out through the broken glass. He wasn’ t breathing and his heart stopped beating,so they performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The rescue(急救)team arrived in no time. Doctors supplied him with advanced life support on the way to the hospital.

“ These people were getting to Graham through the glass,’’ said Dr. Jeff Messinger. “ All three acted without regard for their own safety. ’’Added Evelyn Graham,“They were truly angels(天使)watching over us.” Immediately after Robert found the car sinking into the pool, he ____.

A.jumped into the pool

B.shouted to let Evelyn call the rescue team

C.ran to the nearest telephone

D.rushed into Graham’s house to find his wife

What does the word “resuscitation” refer to in the story?A.A way of saving people who have stopped breathing

B.A way of helping people who have heart trouble

C.A way of saving people who have got drunk

D.A way of helping people who need water

Which of the following would be the best title for this story?A.The Underwater Gar.

B.Angels around Us.

C.Rescue Team in Time

D.Safety First.




Time Pattern in America A.Susan Anthony has an eight-to-five job with two 15-minute coffee

Time Pattern in America

A.Susan Anthony has an eight-to-five job with two 15-minute coffee breaks, a one-hour lunch break, scheduled appointments and weekly deadlines. Every time she enters and leaves her office building she "punches" the clock. Although she is not aware of it, her workday is strongly influenced by her culture"s attitudes toward time.

B.When travellers lack an awareness of how time is regulated in a foreign country, they can expect to feel somewhat confused. Since most people take time for granted, the effects of values, customs, and social manners on the use of time are seldom examined. A culture that values achievement and progress will discourage people from "wasting" time. Highly efficient business people from these cultures may feel frustrated in a country where work proceeds at a low pace. In religious societies, customs specify times of the day, week, or year for prayer and religious celebrations. If an individual tries to make an appointment during a sacred holiday, he or she could unknowingly offend a religious person. Social manners determine appropriate times for visits, meetings, and even phone calls. Arriving two hours late for an appointment may be acceptable in one culture, whereas in another, keeping someone waiting fifteen minutes may be considered rude.

C.Promptness is important in American business, academic and social settings. The importance of punctuality is taught to young children in school. Slow slips and the use of bells signal to the child that punctuality and time itself are to be respected. An amusing report of a schoolchild"s experience with time appeared in a recent newspaper article: As a child, my mother used to tell me how crucial it was to be at school when the first bell rang. Preparation for my "on-time" appearance began the night before. I was directed to go to bed early so I could wake up wide-eyed at 7 a.m. with enough time to get ready. Although I usually managed to watch my share of TV cartoons, I knew that in one hour I had to get dressed, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and be on my way to school or I would be violating an important rule of Mum"s, the school"s, or of the world"s. It was hard to tell which.

D.People who keep appointments are considered dependable. If people are late tojob interviews, appointments, or classes, they are often viewed as unreliable and irresponsible. In the business world, "time is money" and companies may fine their executives for slowness to business meetings. Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals. Calling on the telephone if one is going to be more than a few minutes late for scheduled appointments is considered polite and is often expected. Keeping a date or a friend waiting beyond ten to twenty minutes is considered rude. On the other hand, arriving thirty minutes late to some parties is acceptable.

E. Respecting deadlines is also important in academic and professional circles. It is expected that deadlines for class assignments or business reports will be met. Students who hand in assignments late may be surprised to find that the professor will lower their grades or even refuse to grade their work. Whether it is a question of arriving on time or of meeting a deadline, people are culturally conditioned to regulate time.

F. Time is "tangible (有行资产)": one can "gain time", "spend time", "waste time", "save time", or even "kill time"! Common questions in American English reveal this concrete quality as though time were a possession. "Do you have time?Can you make some time for this?" "How much free time do you have?" The treatment of time as a possession influences the way time is carefully divided.

G. Generally, Americans are taught to do one thing at a time and may be uncomfortable when an activity is interrupted. In businesses the careful scheduling of time and the separation of activities are common practices. Appointment calendars are printed with 15-,30-, and 60-minute time slots. A 2:30-3:00 interview may end in time for a brief break before 3:15-4:00 meeting. The idea that "there is a time and place for everything" extends to American social life. Visitors who "drop by" without prior notice may interrupt their host"s persona! time. Thus, calling friends on the telephone before visitingthem is generally preferred to visitors" "dropping by". To accommodate other people"s schedules, Americans make business plans and social engagements several days or weeks in advance.

H. Cultures tend to favour either a past, present, or future orientation with regard to time. A future orientation, including a preference for change, is characteristic of American culture. The society encourages people to look to the future rather than to the past.

Technological, social and artistic trends change rapidly and affect people"s lifestyles and the relationships. Given this inclination toward change, it is not surprising that tradition plays a limited role in the American culture. Those who try to support traditional patterns of living or thought may be seen as rigid or "old-fashioned". In a society where change is so rapid, it is not uncommon for every generation to experience a "generation gap". Sometimes parents struggle to understand the values of their children. Even religious institutions have had to adapt to contemporary needs of their followers. Folk singers in church services, women religious leaders, slang versions of the Bible, all reflect attempts made by traditional institutions to "keep up with the times".

I. High rates of change, particularly in urban areas, have contributed to a focus on the future rather than the past or present. Some Americans believe that the benefits of the future orientation are achievement and progress which enable them to have a high standard of living. Others believe that high blood pressure and stomach ulcers are the results of such a lifestyle. As individuals in a culture, we all have an intuitive (直觉的) understanding about how time is regulated. Usually we do not think about the concept of time until we interact with others who have a different time orientation. Although individuals from any two cultures may view time similarly, we often sense that in another culture, life seems to proceed either at a slower or faster pace. Knowing how time is regulated, divided and perceived can provide valuable insights into individuals and their cultures.

Tradition plays a limited role in the American culture because Americans prefer rapidchanges.




You probably know about the Titanic, but it was ac...

You probably know about the Titanic, but it was actually just one of three state-of-the-art (先进的) ocean ships back in the day. The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company. The Olympic class included the Olympic, the Britannic and the Titanic. What you may not know is that the Titanic wasn't even the flagship of this class. All in all, the Olympic class ships were marvels of sea engineering, but they seemed cursed to suffer disastrous fates. The Olympic launched first in 1910, followed by the Titanic in 1911, and lastly the Britannic in 1914. The ships had nine decks, and White Star Line decided to focus on making them the most luxurious ships on the water. Stretching 269.13 meters, the Olympic class ships were wonders of naval technology, and everyone thought that they would continue to be so for quite some time. However, all suffered terrible accidents on the open seas. The Olympic got wrecked before the Titanic did, but it was the only one to survive and maintain a successful career of 24 years. The Titanic was the first to sink after famously hitting a huge iceberg in 1912. Following this disaster, the Britannic hit a naval mine in 1916 and subsequently sank as well. Each ship was coal-powered by several boilers constantly kept running by exhausted crews below deck. Most recognizable of the ship designs are the ship's smoke stacks, but the fourth stack was actually just artistic in nature and served no functional purpose. While two of these ships sank, they were all designed with double hulls (船体) believed to make them "unsinkable", perhaps a mistaken idea that led to the Titanic's and the Britannic's tragic end. The Olympic suffered two crashes with other ships and went on to serve as a hospital ship and troop transport in World War I. Eventually, she was taken out of service in 1935, ending the era of the luxurious Olympic class ocean liners. 1.What does the passage say about the three Olympic class ships?()

A、They performed marvellously on the sea.

B、They could all break the ice in their way.

C、They all experienced terrible misfortunes.

D、They were models of modern engineering.



To defend his Committee's decision to hold the Games again in four years's t



Tennyson's _____ expresses his optimistic attitude towards death when he is old.

A. Break, Break, Break

B. Crossing the Bar

C. The Princess

D. Maud



Multimedia can save a teacher's time.


以下程序的输出结果为______________。 s=1 for i in range(1,10): s=s*i if s>20: break print(i)


It's the break time.Let's have ______ rest. A.a ten minutes' B.a ten minute's C.a

It's the break time.Let's have ______ rest.

A.a ten minutes' B.a ten minute's C.a ten minutes D.a ten minute'


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