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Before I knew it, I had spent ________ on the journey as had been planned.A. twice as

Before I knew it, I had spent ________ on the journey as had been planned.

A. twice as much

B. twice more

C. twice much more

D. twice much

更多“Before I knew it, I had spent ________ on the journey as had been planned.A. twice as”相关的问题


It is not until he came back _______ I knew it.A、whenB、afterC、beforeD、that

It is not until he came back _______ I knew it.







My DreamMy dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishi

My Dream

My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years beforegraduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashiondesign course. However, during that course I realised that I was not good enough in this area to compete with16

other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying foruniversity I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favouriteactivities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream -I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!



I don’t often lose things and I’m especially careful with money, so I was quite surprise
d when I reached for my wallet and it wasn’t there. At first, I thought it was possible that I could have left it at home. Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi, so I knew I had it with me just before I walked into the restaurant. I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped out of my pocket while I was eating dinner. Thinking about that possibility, I turned and walked back to the table where I had been sitting. Unfortunately, there were several people sitting at the table at the time, so I called a waiter and explained to him that my wallet had fallen out of my pocket while I was sitting at the table a few minutes earlier. I had the waiter go over to the table to see if my wallet was on the floor. While the waiter was looking for it, the manager of the restaurant came up to me and asked me if anything was wrong. I didn’t want to get a lot of people involved in the problem, but I knew I had to get the wallet back. I told the manager what had happene

D.He had me describe the wallet to him, and then he insisted that I report the missing wallet to the police. I told him that I didn’t particularly want to get the police involved in it; besides, I was in a hurry because I had an appointment with my doctor in just a few minutes ... I explained to him that my biggest worry at the moment was how I was going to pay the check. He told me not to worry about that. He had me write down my name and address, and he said he would send me a bill.

6. When he walked back to the table, the writer asked the people at the table about his wallet.



7. The manager came up pretty soon to see what had happene.



8. Why was the writer so sure he had brought his wallet with him?

A.He remembered that he didn’t leave it at home.

B.He always felt his pocket for the wallet before he left home.

C.He believed his own memory.

D.He had taken it out to pay the taxi-driver.

9. According to the passage, the writer most probably lost his wallet when .

A.he took it out to pay for the taxi

B.he walked into the restaurant

C.he was eating dinner

D.he was ordering his dish

10. Why did the writer walk back to the table where he had been sitting?

A.He was sure his wallet was still there.

B.It was possible that he could find his wallet there.

C.He could ask someone there about his wallet.

D.He saw the wallet lying on the floor near the table.



In my long life I have seen many changes in our habits and customs and conditions in gener
al. I think that you might be interested if I told you some of them.

The world I entered at the age of eighteen when I became a medical student was a world that knew nothing of such advanced things as planes, films, radios or telephones. It was a very cheap world. Prices were stable. When I entered St. Thomas' hospital I rent a set of rooms in Vincent Square for which I paid 18 shillings a week. My landlady provided me with a very good breakfast before I went to the hospital and a dinner when I came back at half past six. I only had to pay for the breakfasts and dinners twelve shillings a week. For four-pence I lunched at St. Thomas' on bread and butter and a glass of milk. I could be able to live very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself, and have a lot of fun on fourteen pounds a month. And I could always pawn (当掉) my microscope for three pounds.

I spent five years at St. Thomas' hospital. I was a bad student, for my heart, as you might have guessed, was not in it. I wanted, I had always wanted to be a writer, and in the evenings, after my dinner, I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel called "Liza of Lambeth" , which I sent to a publisher and was accepted. It came out during my last year at the hospital and it was successful. It was of course an accident, but I didn't know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I left for Spain to write another book. I did not realize, at that time, that I was taking a great risk.

The text is a talk given by the author when______.

A.he was 18

B.his first novel was published

C.he graduated from the school of medicine

D.he was at an advanced age



改错:Yesterday afternoon John and I were walking along a road where we heard someone shout "Help! Help!"

Yesterday afternoon John and I were walking along a road where we heard someone shout "Help! Help!" He was in __1__a lake, about a hundred feet from the shore. There was a __2__small boat nearby. We knew immediately what happened. __3__

He had fallen out of the boat and could not swim good enough __4__to reach it or to get to the shore. As we ran towards the lake I saw him sunk, and I was certain that he would drown. But in __5__a moment his head appeared again. Quickly John took out his __6__shoes, jumped into the water and started swimming toward the drowned man. He reached him just as the man went down __7__again. He was close enough as to stretch out his hand and try __8__to take hold of the man's clothes or his hair before he sank.But the man threw out his arms in fear, caught John across the __9__neck, and began to draw him down under the water. John fought to keep his head above the water and at the same time tried to swim toward the boat, pulled the man with him. __10__



Go for It! While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across quite a sight. It wa
s not a world record broken, but a show of determination. The event was swimming and started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another, two of them false started so they were disqualified(取消资格). That left only one to compete. It would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to race against, even though the time on the clock is what's important. I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that he was not out for gold. His arms were flailing(乱摆)in an attempt at freestyle. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor. I listened to the crowd begin to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally be made his turn to start back. You could tell he was tired out. But in those few difficult strokes(划动), the crowd had changed. No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shouted things like, "Come on, you can do it!" and "Go for it!" He did. When this young man finally finished his race, the crowd went wild. You would have thought that he had won the gold, and he should have. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in Olympic history, this man did his best. Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone raced. His country had been asked to Sydney as a polite gesture. But this man gave his all; he knew that he had no chance, but he competed because of the spirit of the game. I saw a world record being broken while watching the Olympics the other night.A.True


C.Not Given

The man became very tired when he turned to swim back.A.True


C.Not Given

When the man finally finished his race, the crowd became angry with him.A.True


C.Not Given

The man came from a small country far away from Sydney.A.True


C.Not Given

The man did his best even if he was aware that he had no chance to win.A.True


C.Not Given

Two swimmers were disqualified because they had started before the official signal was given.A.True


C.Not Given

The man felt sad when he knew he made one of the slowest Olympic records..A.True


C.Not Given

It's easy for an athlete to perform well when having nobody to race against .A.True


C.Not Given

I knew that the man was not able to compete for the medals.A.True


C.Not Given

The crowd laughed at the man from beginning to end.A.True


C.Not Given




Frank knew he was very ill. He spent days walking, (1 ) as far as thirty miles (2 )

Frank knew he was very ill. He spent days walking, (1 ) as far as thirty miles (2 ) a day, trying to reason with the pain, and strange thoughts in his mind. Then, one night, he made up his (3 ) that he would go to the hospital and ask them to admit him. He reported to out-patients and asked to see a psychiatrist.A junior doctor eventually examined him and (4 ) to Frank's confused account of having been in hospital before, of how he thought he ought to (5 ) again because he was so confused and knew something was very wrong with him. The doctor did not admit him. Frank cannot (6 ) whether he was told that the hospital was full or that they simply did not believe him. "I felt I was completely alone. I thought there was (7 ) there to help." So Frank went back on to the streets to find a future of sleeping outside, the occasional shelter in hospitals, and sometimes prison (8 ) he was picked up for being drunk: drunk because it was the (9 ) way he could forget his condition. Frank had sought help and been turned away. Thousands of others (10 ) him can find no help either. They are the sufferers from long-term mental illness that confuse the minds of their victims.



C、some time














(5).A、be admitted


C、be admitting

D、have been admitted























After working long hours On her feet everyday in the operating ,room, Taryn Rose' knew a l
ot about foot pain. But unlike most of her colleagues(同事),she turned her pain into money: Today she is the boss of Taryn Rose International, a $528 million company that makes nice and comfortable shoes.

At the beginning, Rose realized the only thing that could stop her was fear of ,failure. "I couldhear my friends and family saying, 'Why did you leave a good job?' If I failed, would I be okay facing them? And: t thought, 'So what? I can go back for further study in medicine.' I started to accept that it would be okay to say, 'I failed, but I tried.' Once I was comfortable with that th6fight, the fear came to an end. I realized I feared regret more than failure. And after you turn to the path you choose, there is nothing acceptable but Success"

Now, Rose has no regrets about leaving medicine. "What I'm doing is not all that different from: what I Was doing as a doctor. The goal is the same: to relieve (减轻) pain. A former professor told me: 'You're helping hundreds of thousands of women with your shoes. As a doctor, you would have helped only the few who went to your office. You're having a much greater effect.'

Looking back, Rose admits she caught a couple of lucky breaks. "To me, luck is about being prepared for those opportunities (机会) that come knocking. You have to have an open mind, the right skilis and all your senses working 'to see what opportunities present themselves. Luck can open the door, but you still have to walk through it."

36. Before starting:her shoe business, Taryn Rose was a _

A. nurse B. worker C. doctor D. boss



I could not afford to eat in restaurants, and_______.

A.so could anyone I knew

B.nor could anyone I knew

C.so anyone I knew could

D.nor anyone I knew could



Not until recently_____ what he had done.

A.do I knew

B.had I know

C.did I knew

D.have I learned


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