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How do you show your interest in the job when your interview is about to be put an end

A.Raise questions about the employer or job.

B.Express your thanks to the interviewer(s).

C.Try to establish contact with the interviewer(s).

D.Restate your interest to the interviewer(s).

更多“How do you show your interest in the job when your interview is about to be put an end”相关的问题


- Let me show you how to use the printer. -()

A、Thanks for your help.

B、I’ll do my best.

C、No, I can use it myself.



—As you know, I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online. —It’s a piece of cake! I’ll show you how to do it.()

A.First of all, you should find a good e-commerce site.

B.Next, add the items in your shopping cart and place the order.

C.Then compare the prices and features of the goods you like.



Researches show that many people do not leave all organizations but leave a boss.So it
is vital that when you apply for a position, you not only look at the organization and the role, but also interview your future boss.Applying for a new job is a two-way street—they select you and you select them. Before you go to the interview, write clown what your selection standards are for an effective boss.You can make a list of selection criteria, such as: What made your last boss "good" for you? How do you like to be trained? How do you like your boss to communicate with you?

Then you place them in order of importance.The most important should be on top of the list.Once you are clear on your standards, you may get some idea of how your future boss operates by the way the interview is conducted.For example, did it start and finish on time? How formal or informal was the room?

When the interview gets to the "Do you have any questions?" stage, you might like to ask some questions.With well-prepared questions, you can develop a very good idea of your future boss's management style.

36、Many people leave an organization because ______.

A.the boss doesn't like the employees

B.they don't like the boss

C.the organization is not good

D.the organization is not important

37、If you place your questions in order of importance, you ______.

A.put the least important first

B.put the longest question first

C.put the most important last

D.put the most important first

38、You can judge your future boss by the following EXCEPT ______.

A.whether the interview started on time

B.whether the interview room was formal

C.whether the boss played funny jokes

D.whether the interview finished on time

39、From this passage we get to know ______.

A.the interviewee can ask any question to the interviewer

B.the interviewer asks many difficult questions to the interviewee

C.the interviewer asks questions first

D.the interviewee asks questions first

40、The best title for this passage might be ______.

A.How to Get Along with Your New Boss

B.How to Ask Your New Boss Questions

C.How to Select Your New Boss

D.How to Prepare for Interview



Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Don' t mistakenly think that your interviewers want to know about you. They are interested only in that small part of you that can or can' t do the job they have advertised.

sadly , many of us are so flattered by questions such as "Tell me about your strengths" that we take it as an invitation to chatter and make fools of ourselves.

Never think that lots of enthusiasm is enough. sit down with a pen , paper and the job description ,and work out the skills and qualities they are looking for.

Itemize your technical or professional skills as they match the requirements of the job. Then recall an incident to illustrate each of these skills. When you have done this

, you will be in a position to begin justifying your ability and suitability.

Remember that very few questions are lightly asked.

If your interviewers are interviewing more than a couple of candidates , they have probably worked up a list of eight to ten questions to put to each person. In well-organized businesses , they will be making marks in their notebooks as you give your replies. An imprecise answer will show that you do not appreciate the value of the question. s0 think through how you can give strong

, specific answers to questions such as "Can you work well in a team or on your own or in a small business?"

Avoid giving them reasons to exclude you. You want to appear the sort of person who will help out in a crisis. make the tea sometimes even if it is not your job. be tolerant of others. whatever their age ,sex , race or religion ,

and be easy to manage. Don't attack your previous employer as it suggests you might attack your now one.

Try asking them a few questions. If you ask what sort of projects you would be likely to start work on ,you might then get back some very useful feedback. If they start opening Up

to you , you can get into a more equal conversation and may have an opportunity to show that you can deal with the sort of situation they are describing.

31. The passage is to show the applicant how to ()

A. prepare for a job interview

B. do their best at a job interview

C. impress the interviewers at a job interview

32. The applicant should not attack his previous boss at the interview because ()

A. the interviewer and the applicant' s previous boss may be birds of a feather

B. a man who speaks ill of somebody else in the back is not reliable and trustworthy

C. the interviewer may think that, if one attacks his previous employer now , he might attack his new one later

33. Why is it good for the applicant to ask the interviewer a few questions? ()

A. He can have more chance of demonstrating his ability.

B. He can learn more about the interviewer' s likes and dislikes.

C. He can make the interview run in the way in his favor.

34. According to the passage , which of the following is true? ()

A. Y ou should answer every question raised by the interviewer as thoroughly as possible.

B. You should try your best to flatter the interviewer and never disagree with him.

C. It is foolish to take the question "Tell me about your strengths" as an invitation to chatter.

35. It can be inferred from the passage that ()

A. interviewers always want to know as many as possible about the applicant

B. a careful analysis of your qualifications will better prepare you for the interview

C. one should give more attention to questions like ‘Can you work well in a team?"



根据以下材料回答题 Most of you would probably say that what makes you truly happy is yo


Most of you would probably say that what makes you truly happy is your family and the loveyou share in your relationships, and I couldn&39;t agree more.But money comes into play inthose relationships.

When I talk about money this way to a group, there is always someone who comes up to meand says, "Suze, you are so wrong.Money isn&39;t the key to life--this is!" At which point their wal-let flies open and they show me a photo of their family.

That&39;s when things get interesting, because I start asking them questions: Did you take thatphoto with your own camera? It looks like a beautiful beach, was the photo taken on a family va-cation? Do you hope to help those beautiful boys and girls go to college?

As their answers are"yes", I ask them how they provide all of that for their.family.That&39;swhen they understand that I had it fight.

I totally agree that family and friends are of great importance to our well being;without mean-ingful relationships, there&39;s no chance of ever being truly happy.That&39;s why, every Saturdaynight, I end my CNBC show with the following words:" People first.Then money.Then things."

How we deal with the money we have also plays into our happiness.Over the past few decades (十年), the percentage of Americans who say they&39;re happy hasn&39;t changed much, while at thesame time the average income has doubled.So we have more money, but we&39;re not much happieron average.

A paradox(悖论) ? Far from it.My sense is that while we&39;re making more money, we arent&39;tmaking more of the money we make.We have to pay for a lot of things, and we have to worry a-bout saving for retirement(退休) in a way that our parents and grandparents never did.And as man-y of you know, it&39;s really hard to increase your happiness when you&39;ve got a lot of money worries.

Do you agree, or am I way off base? I&39;d love to know what do you think about the money/happiness connection.

Why do people often show the author their family photos? 查看材料

A.They hope to show money is very important.

B.They want to prove they can afford a holiday.

C.They think a good family makes them truly happy.

D.They believe a happy person considers people first.



听力原文:M: Good morning! What can I do for you, Madam?W: Good morning! I'm looking for a

听力原文:M: Good morning! What can I do for you, Madam?

W: Good morning! I'm looking for a coat.

M: What color would you like?

W: Could you show me some? I'd like a middle-sized red coat.

M: Sorry. We haven't anything in your size.

W: Do you have a smaller size?

M: I'm sorry. The small size coats have just been sold out. What about the blue one? It looks nice and maybe fits you.

W: Well, may I try it on?

M: Yes, please.

W: It seems nice on me. How much is it?

M: 168 yuan.

W: OK. Here is 170 yuan, please.

M: Your change, please. Thanks.

W: You may keep the change. Good-bye.

M: Thank you ! Good-bye !

What was the woman going to buy?

A.A sweater.

B.A shirt.

C.A coat.



Arabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government officials always take extra time to be polite and offer refreshments. No matter how busy

195. Arabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government officials always take extra time to be polite and offer refreshments. No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this hospitality. The conference visit is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world. Frequently, you will have to discuss your business in the presence of strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with your business. Do not be surprised if your meeting is interrupted several times by people who come into the room unannounced, whisper, or speak softly to the person with whom you are talking, and leave. Act as though you do not hear, and never show displeasure at being interrupted. When an Arab says “yes”, he may mean “maybe”. When he says “maybe”, he probably means “no”, you will seldom get a direct “no” from an Arab because it is considered impolite. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshallah”, which means, “if God is willing”. On the other hand, ‘‘yes” does not necessarily mean “yes”. A smile and a slow nod might seem like an agreement, but in fact, your host is being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to disagree with a guest. [共5题]

(1) The main purpose of this article is to explain ________.

(A) why you need extra time when you visit Arab countries

(B) how to be polite when doing business in the Arab world

(C) why Arab officials are so busy

(D) what Arabs say when doing business

(2) According to the passage, which of the following would be considered polite?

(A) You leave angrily because of interruptions.

(B) You demand an immediate decision.

(C) You refuse a cup of tea and show pictures of your product right away.

(D) You look out of the window while a stranger comes in to speak with the host.

(3) From the passage, we know that ________.

(A) when an Arab wants to say “yes”, he often says “maybe”

(B) all Arab seldom disagrees with a guest to his face

(C) when an Arab agrees, a smile and a slow nod will be given

(D) “inshallab” is an English word

(4) Which of the following is NOT an Arab custom?

(A) To dislike being interrupted during their meeting.

(B) Often to give you a vague answer.

(C) Seldom to say “no” directly.

(D) Seldom hesitate to start talking business in the presence of strangers.

(5) The writer of this passage has probably ________.

(A) never been to the Arab world

(B) been against the Arab customs

(C) worked in the Arab world

(D) liked the Arab customs



If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handshake is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first

If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again! A handshake is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Since we all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shaking hands manners.

Stand up and maintain eye contact while shaking hands. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, stand up and shake his or her' hand. It is impolite to be still seated. Keep right distance between the two of you; not too close, but enough distance to shake your hands well. Keeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable.

Keep a handshake brief and firm. You let go of each other's hand after 2-3 seconds. Make sure your handshake ends before your conversation does. One's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmth. The hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweed. Then, how firm should a handshake be'? Just grasp the person's hand completely and do not press it too hard.

21. Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?

A. Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting.

B. Handshakes are more than a way of greeting

C. Handshakes can show our personality.

22. If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should().

A. stand up and shake his or her hand

B. keep seated and shake his or her hand

C. bow and say hello to him or her

23. Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes, the other person feel.

A. nervous

B. comfortable

C. afraid

24. How long does a handshake usually last?

A. As long as the conversation lasts.

B. 5 minutes.

C. 23 seconds.

25. Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake?

A. brief and strong

B. brief and firm

C. brief and soft



听力原文:W: Hey, Tom. Whats up? Where are you off to? M: Im on my way to the bank. I have
to open a savings account. Want to come? W: Sure. Wait a minute. M: OK.(a little while later) W: You just said you wanted to open a savings account? M: Yes. W: They usually have two kinds of deposit — time deposit and current deposit. M: What is the minimum deposit for a savings account? W: Sorry, I dont know, but how much money do you want to deposit to start with? M: Two thousand dollars. W: Thats big enough for both, Im sure. M: You know the interest rate, dont you? W: For current deposit it is very low. M: I dont mind that. I want to put my money in the bank just to be on the safe side. W: Good idea. M: Is it convenient to withdraw money from my savings account here? W: Its very easy. You just need to fill out a withdrawal form. and hand in your chequebook together with it, and everything will be OK. M: Do they use a password? W: Yes, you can if you like. M: Do I have to show anything as proof of identification? W: No. They want nothing. Just tell them your name and address. Thats all. M: Thank you. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. How much money does the man want to deposit to start with? 10. What does the man want to do in the bank? 11. How can the man withdraw money from his savings account? 12. According to the conversation, what do we know about the interest rate?9.

A.To buy some national savings bonds.

B.To open a savings account.

C.To inquire about the interest rate.

D.To withdraw some money.



How can you verify that you have correctly configured SSH access to your Junos device?()

A. user@router# show system services

B. user@router> show configuration services

C. user@router# show configuration system services

D. user@router# show system login


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