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Directions: Try to decide whether the following statement is true or false.3.Onlywhenyouha

veanunderstandingoftheliteralorfactualcontentcanyougobeyondliteralmeaningand formulateinferences.A. True B.False()

更多“Directions: Try to decide whether the following statement is true or false.3.Onlywhenyouha”相关的问题


Directions: Write a letter of application for the position an Director of a Compute
r-Aided Learning Center. Try to make the letter interesting and show that you have enthusiasm for the job. Also state the qualifications you have for the job and your work experience. (10points)



写作:write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend

Part I Writing (30 minutes) 2016年6月英语六级卷1真题

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in the virtual world instead of interacting in the real world. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



Directions: Translate the following text from English to Chinese.Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET2.I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was, what happened in the news and even the day of the week, I' ve been able to do this, since I was 4.I never feel overwhelmed with the amount of information my brain absorbs.My mind seems to be able to cope and the information is stored away neatly.When I think of a sad memory, I do what everybody does – try to put it to one side.I don' t think it' s harder for me just because my memory is clearer.Powerful memory doesn' t make my emotions any more acute or vivid.I can recall the day my grandfather died and the sadness I felt when we went to the hospital the day before.I also remember that the musical Hair opened on Broadway on the same day – they both just pop into my mind in the same way.


Directions:Read the text below.Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should su


Read the text below.Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use you own words.

It&39;s the graduation season again. According to a latest survey, most Chinese graduates have high salary expectations, and thus prefer working for foreign companies or state-owned enterprises in first-tier cities.

The survey was conducted by renren.com, a Chinese social media site similar to Facebook.The results show that among 1,510 respondents, more than 64.7 percent want to work in first-tier cities.

In addition, 29.4 percent of the graduates who were born in the 1990s want to work for foreign companies, 25.5 percent for SOEs and 23.5 percent for private companies.

One interesting revelation is that although there are less than 100 days before graduation and more than half of the respondents have yet to get a job offer, they are not lowering their salary expectations. Apparently, 41.2 percent aim for 8000-10000 yuan ($1279- $1599) per month and 31.4 percent for 4000-6000 yuan.

According to the data released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the average monthly salary in Beijing was 5826 yuan($ 931 ) last year, while the numbers for Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing were 5380, 4058 and 3995 yuan respectively.

A sample of comments in Weibo: "Are the survey results only jokes for April Fools&39; Day? Don&39; t daydream anymore! Please check if you have a good command of English and professional skills that deserve a decent job with a high pay. " On other comments says:" Some of my classmates got offers from foreign banks, international accounting firms and other famous foreign companies. They are told their yearly salary can reach 100,000 yuan ($15,990). "



Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C
and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, (21) many tourists can (22) public places that are also enjoyed (23) the inhabitants(居住者) of a coun- try: If tourists (24) too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed and (25) . They begin to dislike tourists and to (26) them impolitely. They (27) how much tourism can help the country's economy. It is important to (28) about the people of a tourist attraction and how tourism affects it. Tourism should help a country (29) the customs and beauty that attract tourists.

Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism (30) too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This (31) that other parts of the country's economy can suffer.

On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can (32) jobs. Business can also lose money. It (33) a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminal, first class roads, and other support facilities(设施) (34) by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism (35) can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.


A. so

B. how

C. too

D. rather



根据以下材料回答 1~20 题: Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) f

根据以下材料回答 1~20 题:


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are___(1)___the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly __(2)__to live shorter lives. This suggests that __(3)___ bulbs burn longer, that there is a(n)___(4)___in not being too terrifically bright.

Intelligence, it ____(5)_ , is a highpriced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow___(6)___ the starting line because it depends on learning—a (an) ____(7)_ process—instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to __(8)____.

Is there an adaptive value to __(9)___intelligence? That’s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance__(10)____at all the species we’ve left in the dust I.Q.wise, it implicitly asks what the real____(11)__of our own intelligence might be. This is__(12)___the mind of every animal we’ve ever met.

Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animals would__(13)___on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, ___(14)___, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. We believe that__(15)____animals ran the labs, they would test us to___(16)___the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really__(17)__, not merely how much of it there is.__(18)___, they would hope to study a__(19)__question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?__(20)____the results are inconclusive.

第 1 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案()。







Task 3Directions: Read the following passage is about a survey conducted by Corvallis Clin

Task 3

Directions: Read the following passage is about a survey conducted by Corvallis Clinic. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 48 to 52 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

Thank you for selecting the Corvallis Clinic (诊所 ) for your recent healthcare needs. To continue delivering the highest possible level of service, we survey our patients to learn about their experiences at our clinic. The comments and suggestions you provide about your visit will help us evaluate (评价 ) our services and improve our care.

This survey takes only a few minutes to complete. Your comments and suggestions are very important to us, and they will be kept confidential (保密 ). A postage-paid reply envelop is enclosed for your convenience. If you have any questions about this survey, please call our Service Center at 541-754-1374.

Thank you for helping us as we continually try our best to improve the quality of medical care. Please drop your completed survey in the mail as soon as possible.

Patient’s Survey

Survey conducted by: Corvallis Clinic

Aim of the survey: to deliver the highest possible level of service

Values of patients comments and suggestions:

1) helping to evaluate the clinic 48 ______ ‘s

2) helping to improve the clinic 49______‘s

Promise by the clinic: comments and suggestions to be kept 50 ______

Enclosure: a 51 ______reply envelop

Contact: to call Service Center at 52 ______



Directions: Read the following passage carefully. ...

Directions: Read the following passage carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passag Feeling lonely? Why not go to the mall? You'll find plenty of company, and yes, a new pair of shoes or maybe even a new computer game. It's quick and effortless; and you don't need special equipment. You just get in your car and drive to a store. They're everywhere, and they're open 24 hours in any weather. Most of people think of shopping as something we do when we need to buy things, but some people shop for different reasons. In fact, if shopping is your favorite hobby, something you can easily do to change your mood, you might feel great. However, if you are not careful, the total on your credit card bills will soon be more than you have in your bank account. Because shopping is so enjoyable and convenient, people get into the dangerous habit of spending money to try to feel good. They become trapped in a cycle of self-defeating behavior. that leads to debt and dissatisfaction. How do you know if you are a compulsive spender? There is no easy answer. But ask yourself this: Do you have clothes in your closet that you never wear or that still have the price tags on them? Do you ever hide your purchases from your family? These are some of the warning signs. Most compulsive spenders are unaware of their habits or strongly deny them. Compulsive spenders prefer to avoid the issues that force them to shop, so the problem is not just that they spend more than they earn. Spending problems may result from deep personal problems that compulsive spenders have. Some spontaneous spending is natural: flowers to brighten a rainy day, or a treat for a job well done. To be spontaneous means to act without planning. However, a compulsive spender will shop in response to stress and follow a real physical urge to go out and spend money. When this type of spending causes serious problems for you and your family, you have a compulsive spending problem. Question 11 is based on the above passage. According to the passage, people usually go shopping ________.

A、when they want to hang out with friends

B、when they feel lonely and bored

C、when they need to buy things

D、when they want the pleasure of spending money



Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are two passages iⅡthis part. Each passage is follow

Reading Comprehension

Directions:There are two passages iⅡthis part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice.

Questions 56- 60 are based on Passage One:

Passage One

The law says that women should have the chance of doing the same jobs as men and earn the same as them.

The reality is very different.Women lose because, 25 years after the Equal Pay Act,many of them still get paid less than men.

They lose because they do lower-paid jobs which men just won't consider.And they lose because they are the ones who interrupt a career to have children.

All this is reported in an independent study ordered by the Government's Women's Unite.

The biggest problem isn't equal pay in workplaces such as factories.It is a sort of work women do.Make a list of the low-paid jobs, then consider who do them.

Try nurses, secretaries, cleaners, clerks, teachers in primary schools, dinner ladies,and child care helpers. Not a lot of men among that group, are there?

Yet some of those jobs are really important.Surely no one would deny that about nurses and teachers, for a start.

So why do we reward the people who do them so poorly? There can be only one answer—because they are women.

This is not going to be put right overnight. But the Government which employs a lot of them, and other bosses have to make a start.

It is disgraceful(可耻的) that we have gone into the 21st century but still treat women as second-class citizens.

Women should have the chance of doing the same jobs and be paid equally as Men().

A. after 25 years

B. according to the law

C. as a result of the Equal Pay Act

D. because women are as strong as men



Directions: There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questio
ns or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Questions are based on the following passage.

As prices and building costs keep rising, the"do-it-yourself"(DIY) trend (趋势) in the U.S.continues to grow.

"We needed furniture(家具) for our living room," says John Ross,"and we just didn't have enough money to buy it.So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs."(76) John got married six months ago, and like many, young people these days, they are straggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a two-week course for $280 at a night school.Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.

Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died.He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoemaking factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $420."I was deeply upset about

it.Now I've finished a car repair course. I should be able to fix the car by myself."

John and Jim are not unusual people.In order to save money, most families in the country are doing everything they can so that they can fight the high cost of living.If you want to become a

"do-it-yourselfer," you can go to DIY classes.And for those who don't have time to take a course,

there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.

We can learn from the text that many newly married people__________ 查看材料

A.find it hard to pay for what they need

B.have to learn to make their own furniture

C.take DIY courses run by the government

D.seldom go to a department store to buy things


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