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We want our children to have more than job skills; we want their lives to be() and their perspectives to be broadene.





更多“We want our children to have more than job skills; we want their lives to be() and their perspective…”相关的问题


We want our children to have more job skills; we want their lives to be __________ and the







听力原文:W: It's really a big problem to teach our children how to behave. When I'm angry,
I say things I don't mean.

M: If you want your kids to be polite, you have to be polite to them.

Q: What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?


A.Children learn by example.

B.Children must not tell lies.

C.Children don't like discipline.

D.Children must control their temper.



There is a special life stage that our generation goes through.It is the (1) period,du

There is a special life stage that our generation goes through.It is the (1) period,during which we move from teenage to adolescence.We learn who we are and what we stand for and what inspires us.Also, in this period we are (2) with a lot of pressure from our parents who want us to make something out of ourselves.My parents have already expressed feelings of (3) over my future with academics and life.When I expressed to them recently that I would not mind graduating in five years instead of four in order to study abroad to (4)myself with the world, they seemed so shocked.That idea sounded foreign and to them was (5) to lack of ambition.Apart from that, my mother has (6) to me that she is worried that I am not searching for a boyfriend.I (7)this stupid idea of marrying out of college since it does not suit me one bit.Women today can get what they want out of life without a man, even children, as it becomes more (8)for women to adopt children.I personally want to stay in school as long as I can to (9) my academic work, possibly complete a law degree and start a career, and then after, and only after, begin to think about (10)to marriage.If my math is correct, that means I will be more or less "ready" for marriage at the age of 29 or 30, the age when my mother had me.



How often do you talk with people and notice that their words say one thing while their action says another? A facial expression, crossed arms or the way they behave can show what is really in their mind. This is body language, and we must teach our children to understand and use it. 

 We often teach children to be thoughtful when they speak and write, and we also need to teach them to be thoughtful in their body language. Giving examples is one of the ways to do that. Help children understand that people use body language most of the time in their life. Where they're looking when they speak, how they turn their bodies, how they place their arms and so on can give others important information.

 There will be times that people want and need to use their body language. In school or job situations, understanding body language can make a difference. And using body language in other situations is also helpful to personal safety and sometimes stops misunderstandings(误会).

1. The first paragraph tells us that ().

A. it's important to teach children body language

B. children often use body language

C. a facial expression is good for children

D. crossed arms are not good for children

2. What does the underlined word "thoughtful" mean?()

A. Talking quietly.

B. Looking directly.

C. Speaking loudly.

D. Thinking deeply.

3. Which of the following is NOT the advantage (好处) of using body language?()

A. Making a difference in school.

B. Being helpful to personal safety.

C. Getting something you want.

D. Stopping misunderstandings.

4. Which of the following is NOT true?()

A. Both a facial expression and crossed arms are body language.

B. Giving examples is the only way to teach children body language.

C. Body language can give people important information.

D. People sometimes want to use their body language.

5. Where can we read the passage?()

A. In a cartoon. 

B. In a magazine.

C. In a travel book. 

D. In a storybook.



填词补文Life is DifficultWhat makes life difficult is that the process of facing and sol


Life is Difficult

What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems cause (1) , anger, fear or despair. These are (2) feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life (3) an endless series of problems, it is (4) difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.

Yet it is in this process of (5) and solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems call forth our (6) and our wisdom. It is only because of problems that we grow (7) and spiritually. When we want to encourage the (8) of the human spirit, we encourage the human capacity to solve problems, just as in school we deliberately (9) problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of confronting and resolving that we learn. It is for this reason that (10) people learn not to fear but actually to welcome problems and actually to welcome the pain of problems.

A. meeting

B. courage

C. careful

D. growth

E. wiseI. poses

F. takesJ. always

G. sadness

H. setL. mentally

K. uncomfortable



(阅读理解题)How often do you talk with people and notice that their words say one th
(阅读理解题)How often do you talk with people and notice that their words say one th

ing while

their action says another? A facial expression, crossed arms or the way they behave can show what

is really in their mind. This is body language, and we must teach our children to understand and

use it.

We often teach children to be thoughtful when they speak and write, and we also need to teach

them to be thoughtful in their body language. Giving examples is one of the ways to do that. Help

children understand that people use body language most of the time in their life. Where they're

looking when they speak, how they turn their bodies, how they place their arms and so on can give

others important information.

There will be times that people want and need to use their body language. In school or job

situations, understanding body language can make a difference. And using body language in other

situations is also helpful to personal safety and sometimes stops misunderstandings(误会).

(1). (单选题) The first paragraph tells us that ________.

A、it's important to teach children body language

B、children often use body language

C、a facial expression is good for children

D、 crossed arms are not good for children

(2). (单选题) What does the underlined word "thoughtful" mean? ()

A、Talking quietly.

B、 Looking directly.

C、Speaking loudly.

D、 Thinking deeply.

(3). (单选题) Which of the following is NOT the advantage (好处) of using body language? ()

A、Making a difference in school.

B、Being helpful to personal safety.

C、Getting something you want.

D、 Stopping misunderstandings.

(4). (单选题) Which of the following is NOT true?()

A、Both a facial expression and crossed arms are body language.

B、Giving examples is the only way to teach children body language.

C、Body language can give people important information.

D、People sometimes want to use their body language.

(5).(单选题) Where can we read the passage? ()

A、In a cartoon.

B、In a magazine.

C、In a travel book.

D、 In a storybook.



“You’re trying to control my life,” says my nine-year-old son. (我9岁的儿子说:“你在试

“You’re trying to control my life,” says my nine-year-old son. (我9岁的儿子说:“你在试着控制我的生活,”)“I don’t know why you think you can do that, but you can’t.” I received this bit of information after I asked Gabriele to put his dirty socks in the basket. And I get no sympathy from my mother, who says,“You let him have his way from the beginning.”

It’s true. I have always asked Gabriele’s opinion, found out how he felt about things - treated him as my peer, not my child. And what have I got from my troubles? A lot of back talk. At least I’m not alone; it’s a complaint heard among parents across the country.

It’s not just that we’re confused by the contradictory advice offered in parenting books. The fact is, in an effort to break away from how we were raised - to try something more liberal than our parents’ “do it because I say so”approach - our generationhas gone too far. “Today’s parents want to be young, so they try to be friends with their children,”says Kathy Lynn, a parenting educator.

“When it comes to discipline, our society has gone from one extreme to the other,”says Ron Moorish, a behavior. specialist. “We used to use the strap, to intimidate. Then we had permissiveness, and now it’s about giving children choices and allowing them to learn from their own experiences.”

Real discipline, says Moorish, is about teaching. “By correcting our children when they do something wrong, we teach them how to behave properly,”he says. But this only works, he emphasizes, if parents regain their position of authority. Children will always be children. The key is for parents to choose to take the time to guide and teach their kids.

Rita Munday, a mother of four children, couldn’t believe the dramas that played out in the children’s shoe store she operated. She often saw children insist on having the high-priced, brand-name shoes. And even when the mother didn’t want to spend the money, she would give in when the kid started acting up and throwing shoes around.

Rhonda Radice, Munday’s younger colleague, is one parent who has bucked the trend and is proud of it. “I don’t negotiate with them. You can’t. I’ve seen parents come into the store and bribe their children to behave. You shouldn’t have to buy love and respect.”

1.The author’s way of treating her son ____________.

A.is shared by many parents

B.is encouraged by her mother

C.proves to be quite successful

D.shows little concern for the child

2.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

A.parents should learn to make friends with their children

B.parents need to follow the advice of parenting books

C.today’s children enjoy more freedom than the previous generation

D.today’s parents are better at raising children than the previous generation

3.According to the passage, to have “discipline”means that parents should ___________.

A.adopt the “do it because I say so”approach

B.teach their children to understand the rules

C.negotiate with their children for a decision

D.never allow their children to have their ways

4.If Ronda Radice is the parent who has “bucked the trend”, which of the following can also be cited as the example for “bucking the trend”?

A.Parents buy whatever their children want.

B.Parents treat their children as their equals.

C.Parents make decisions for their children.

D.Parents maintain authority over their children.

5.The main point of the passage is to __________.

A.compare different ways of raising children

B.analyze the problems faced by today’s parents

C.explain the importance of understanding children

D.point out the mistakes made by the older generation



Patience is a quality of heart that can be greatly enhanced with deliberate practice.
An effective way that I have found to deepen my own patience is to create actual practice periods periods of time that I set up in my mind to practice the art of patience. Life itself becomes a classroom, and the curriculum is patience. You can start with as little as five minutes and build up your capacity for patience, over time. Start by saying to yourself, Okay, for the next five minutes I won’t allow myself to be bothered by anything. I'll be patient. What you’ll discover is truly amazing. Your intention to be patient, especially if you know it's only for a short while, immediately strengthens your capacity for patience. Patience is one of those special qualities where success feeds on itself.

Once you reach little milestones five minutes of successful patience you’ll begin to see that you do, indeed, have the capacity to be patient, even for longer periods of time. Over time, you may even become a patient person.

Being patient will help you to keep your perspective. You’ll see even a difficult situation, say your present challenge, isn't life or death but simply a minor obstacle that must be dealt with. Without patience, the same scenario can become a major emergency complete with yelling, frustration, hurt feelings, and high blood pressure. It's really not worth all that. Whether you’re needing to deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation if you don’t want to sweathe small stuff, improving your patience level isa great way to start.

(1)The best title for this selection is ________.

A、The Art of Patience

B、Patience and Perspective

C、Become More Patient

D、The Effective Ways to Patience

(2)Which of the following is not TRUE?

A、Creating actual practice periods is the only effective way to deepen patience.

B、Our intention may strengthen our capacity for patience.

C、Success feeds on patience.

D、We can deepen our patience by practice.

(3)According to the passage, if we want to be patient, ________.

A、we should have 5-minute practice everyday

B、we should reach little milestones—five minutes of successful patience first

C、we could create actual practice periods and practice

D、We should be perspective

(4)With patience, ________.

A、we will see a difficult situation as death

B、we will see a difficulty situation as a minor obstacle

C、we can deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation easily

D、we would never be hurt

(5)Without patience, when we see the same difficult situation, _______.

A、we will cry

B、we regard it as a major emergency

C、we will sweat

D、we will improve our patience level



Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. 威克斯老师正在读报纸上的一个故
事给她班上的学生听。 The story said:

"Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel?" The doctors in Children's Hospital are asking for money for children's toys. Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep the sick children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital.

After Mrs. Weeks read the story,she said,"This story gave me an idea."

"You want us to bring some money for the toys." "We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital, "said the boys and the girls one after another.

"Well, your ideas would be nice, "Mrs. Weeks said, "but mine is different."

"We could make some toys, "shouted one of them.

Mrs. Weeks smiled. "Do you think you could make toys?" she asked.

"Yes, yes, "the whole class answered.

"Great! Let's begin to make toys tomorrow, "said Mrs. Weeks.

On Saturday afternoon,Mrs. Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys. So did the children in the class.

A few days later,Mrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:

Some school pupils brought toys to Children's Hospital last week. The toys were made by the pupils of Grade Three in Green Street School. The doctors said,"We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very happy with them. They say,'THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.'"

(1)、The first newspaper story was mainly about sick children in children's Hospital.



(2)、Let the class make some toys and give them to the children in the hospital was in Mrs. Weeks' mind.



(3)、At first,the doctors in Children's Hospital wanted to get some money to buy toys for the sick children.



(4)、From the passage we can learn that what Mrs. Weeks really wanted to do is to ask her class to save money for toys.



(5)、The author's tone in this passage is enthusiastic.





We want to give all children a world violence.

A.make it

B.strip off

C.free of

D.throw away


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