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We' d better do something to prevent () in public.





更多“We' d better do something to prevent () in public.”相关的问题


Scientists hope that if we can discover __1__ the brain works, the better use we will
be able to put it to. For example, how do we learn language? Man differs most from all the animals in his ability to learn and use language __2__ we still do not know exactly how this is done. Some children learn to speak and read and write when they are very young compared to __3__ children. But scientists are not sure why this happens. They are trying to find out __4__ there is something about the way we teach language to children which in fact prevents children __5__ learning sooner.




























May be you have seen this in schools: some students are studying nearly all the time
but they just pass their exams, while some others may spend much less time on their books but do much better in exams. How could this happen? People used to think that hard work is the only way to success. But now they have understood that smart work can make them succeed too. Hard workers don’t mind working for long hours, while smart workers always think of several different answers to these questions, such as “Why should I suffer this? ” or “Isn’t there a way to do this? ” Thanks to these people, we can use computers instead of the abacus now. progress in every field is the direct result of “trying to find a better way ” by smart workers. There was a large soap factory in Japan. Once it received an unusual letter from someone who complained that there was no soap in the soap in the soapbox he bought.How could empty soapboxes go out of the factory? The engineers checked the producing and packing. The producing was fine, but in about ten thousand soapboxes, the packing machine let an empty soapbox go. There was no need to spend a lot of money repairing the machine for such a small problem. The engineer soon worked out a solution. He put a huge X-ray machine and two large computers to find out the empty soapboxes. After teaching the workers how to use it, he sat down in his seat, exhausted.

“Sir, we could have solved the problem in a much simpler and cheaper way, ” a worker sa id.

“Really? How?”

“We can put a huge fan near the packing machine. The wind coming from the fan will blow away the empty boxes, leaving the other boxes with soap. ”

See, this is smart work. In order to succeed, we should not only work hard like the engineer, but also think smart like this worker.

1. Some students spend less time on school work but do better in exams because they study longer.

A: F

B: T

2.The passage mainly tells us we should work hard like the engineer and think smart like theworker.

A: T

B: F

3.The soap factory could only put a huge fan near the packing machine to solve problem in amuch simpler and cheaper way.

A: F

B: T

4.The underlined phrase “blow away”means “停止” in Chinese.

A: T

B: F

5.Someone wrote to the soap factory and complained that the soapbox he bought was terrible.

A: F

B: T



听力原文:W: Dave. I'm going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturday's pi
cnic. Any suggestions?

M: Well, everyone has been talking about having a barbecue down by the river, so why don't you pick up some hamburger and hot dogs?

W: Okay, but how much hamburger are we going to need? And hot dogs too?

M: Uh, I don't know. How about three pounds of hamburger and a couple packages of hot dogs?

W: Oh, that's not going to be enough. Do you remember the last picnic we went on? Your roommate, Jim, ate about ten hamburgers by himself!

M: You're right. Let's see. I'd better write this down. Uh, let's see about nine pounds of hamburger meat and, uh .... seven packages of hot dogs.

W: And you'd better pick up some chicken for those who don't like hamburger or hot dogs.

M: Okay. How about five or six bags of potato chips?

W: Humm. Better make that eight or so.

M: All right. Oh, and we're gonna need some hamburger and hot dog buns, How about five packages a piece? I think that sounds about right.

W: Yeah, you'd better pick up some mustard, catchup, and mayonnaise too.

M: Okay. What else? Uh, we're gonna need some soft drinks. How about ten of those big 2-liter bottles?

W: Sounds fine, but be sure to buy a variety of drinks.

M: Okay. And what about dessert?

W: Well, maybe we could ask Kathy to make a few cherry pies like she did last time.

M: Well, I heard that she's been very busy working two jobs, so we'd better not ask her, uh... Hey, why don't you whip up some of your oatmeal cookies? Hey, you could even ask, uh... what's her name.., yeah that new girl, Susan, the one that moved in across the street! I bet she'd be willing to help you !

W: Nah, I don't think I could ask her, I haven't got a phone number. Anyway, I can try myself.


A.At a park.

B.At the beach.

C.At Dave's house.

D.By a river.



听力原文:W: May I help you?M: Yes, [22] my wife and I want to take a vacation this winter

听力原文:W: May I help you?

M: Yes, [22] my wife and I want to take a vacation this winter to some place warmer.

W: I understand. How much time do you have?

M: Only a week between Christmas and the New Year. That is the problem, you see.

W: Oh, no problem at all. I can get you on a flight to sunny Spain and Portugal leaving on Christmas and coming back New Year's Eve. And it will only cost you $500 a round trip.

M: Only $500? [23] We were thinking of something less. $1,000 is a lot to spend for such a short time. [23] If we had a month maybe, not just a week.

W: [24] Do you know about the Florida Fun tour the airline offers? Everything is reserved for you. Your flight, a reserved hotel room, meals, and they even get you to and from the airport in Miami.

M: Actually we don't go in much for arranged tours. We like to do all that for ourselves.

W: Well, in that case, maybe we could just arrange your flight and the rest to you.

M: What else do you have to offer? Florida is not exactly our idea of a great vacation. What about some place a little different where few tourists go?

W: Oh, some place like Arizona, right? [25] Or maybe New Mexico? Sunny, but quiet, relaxing.

M: Yeah, that sounds better—New Mexico. I'll talk to my wife about it and then return.


A.In a department store.

B.At a travel agency.

C.At an airport ticket counter.

D.At a hotel.



During one of my visits to Brooklyn not long ago,he and I were in the car,on our way to a supermarket,one of my father's weekly routines."You know,you're not as successful as you could be," he began as usual."You paid your dues in school.You deserve better restaurants,better clothes." Here we go,I thought,the same old staff.I'm sure every family has five and six similar big issues that are replayed like well-worn video tapes.I wanted to change this topic when we stopped at a red light.Just then,my father turned to me,solemn and intense."I envy you," he said quietly."For a man to do some thing he likes and get paid for it()that's fantastic." He smiled at me before the light changed,and we drove on.To thank him for the understanding,I bought the deodorant and shampoo.For once,my father let me pay.Which of the following statements can best summarize the end of the story?

A.The father was more interested in the son's stories.

B.The father was jealous of his son.

C.The father no longer cared about how much money the son made.

D.There was more understanding between the father and the son.



I found a tree frog in my studio some months ago. I took it to my g__________, as I th
ought it would be a better place for the frog. But it came back and insisted taking the r________ in the studio. Why? I couldn’t get an idea. Then, after five months of being together, we seemed to be able to c____________ with each other. It may sound w____, but I did feel I came to understand what it wanted me to do.

The frog came to me probably attracted by the h_________ tone of my computer, which sounded like that of other tree frogs, or with a m______ to tell me that frogs were dying around the world because of their s________ to the pollution and global climate change. As frogs are an “i________ species”, what has happened to them may happen to us, if we sit back and do nothing. We must act now, or it would be too late.



Here's a familiar story.You're sitting at the dinner table with a furry, four-
legged friend scratching at your feet.When you look down, those cute eyes are almost impossible to resist.

What is it about a dog's gaze that makes it so charming? A new study by Japanese scientist Miho Nagasawa seems to have found the answer, and it has to do with something called the cuddle(爱抚)chemical.

The cuddle chemical has another, more scientific name: oxytocin.Oxytocin is a substance in the blood that encourages bonding.Levels of oxytocin increase, for example, when a mother feeds her newborn baby.According to Nagasawa's study, the same is true when we look deeply into the eyes of a dog.

The results of this study can tell us a lot about the history of the bond between humans and dogs.It all started somewhere tens of thousands of years ago.Scientists believe that wolves used to follow humans who were hunting large animals.The wolves would eat the food left behind by the humans.

Humans realized that they could use the wolves to help with the hunt, and eventually both species began to work together toward survival.

Over time, the wolves that interacted with the humans began to change.They became more loyal to their human partners.The wolves and humans started to depend on each other and bond with each other.These changes are what caused some of the wolves to turn into what we now know as dogs, a new specie evolved to better survive in their environment.

This process depended a great deal on the bond humans formed with them.And according to Nagasawa's study, this bond was formed with the help of oxytocin, the cuddle chemical.

11.What do we know about oxytocin?()

A.It regulates blood flow

B.It promotes bonding

C.It is in the human gene

D.It is good for health

12.When we look deeply into a dog's eyes, the levels of our oxytocin ____.

A.reduce over time

B.go either up or down

C.are on the rise

D.remain unchanged

13.At the beginning wolves followed humans to ____.

A.eat the food left by humans

B.guard against large animals

C.take humans for food

D.hunt large animals together

14.Over time some wolves turned into dogs ____.

A.due to their loyalty

B.due to the changing environment

C.for better survival

D.for better cooperation

15.What does Nagasawa9s study aim to do?()

A.Explore the role of human-wolf partnership

B.Show the characteristics of the cuddle chemical

C.Explain the bond between humans and dogs

D.Understand the evolution of species



Dear Uncle Ric , We were very sorry to hear that you are in hospital again , but I feel sure you'll be out and about again soon. It doesn't sound very serious this time according to Auntie Ivy and in

26. It is certain that Uncle Ric is in hospital ().

A. again after having fully recovered from an operation

B. to get some treatment for a serious disease

C. to get an operation for some minor disease

D. to do some check-up after receiving an operation

27. It is who wants to study history.

A. Trevor's wife

B. Trevor' s younger son

C. James' s elder brother

D. Robin

28. In the second paragraph , the sentence "…he is sitting some examination…"'means that Malcolm is ().

A. sitting at his desk preparing lessons for some examinations

B. sitting at home busy reading for some examinations

C. sitting in an examination place

D. going to take some examinations

29. From the letter , we know that James wants to become a professional player ,()

A. yet the whole family don't like the idea

B. but Robin , his mother , does not like the idea

C. his father thinks it' s too bad that he gets bored with school

D. Malcolm feels sorry for his idea , wishing he knows better

30. This is a ().

A. business letter

B. private letter


D. telephone message



Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的)?We all know t

Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective(有效的)?We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long().This is very good, but it doesn’t () a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and exercise.Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places.It’s good for your study.

When you return () your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒)and you’ll learn more ()study better.Psychologists(心理学家) () that learning takes place this way.Here take English learning () an example.First you make a lot of progress and feel happy.Then your language study seems ()the same.So you will think you’re learning ()and you may give up.This can last for days or even weeks, yet you needn’t give up.At some point your language study will again take another big ().You’ll see that you really have been learning all along.If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and () .Don’t give up along the way.Learn slowly and you’re sure to get a good result.

















(5)A.have found

B.have taught







(7)A.to have

B.to make

C.to take

D.to stay















Many people like watching TV.Watching TV is one of the most important activities of th
e day. TV brings the outside closer to people's home. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.

What's going on in the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's life in the deepest part of the sea?

If you want to answer . Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.

TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds (思想) . TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something.

6.Some people say the world is smaller than before because TV brings the outside world closer to people.



7.We can answer many TV questions when we watch TV.



8.People learn better through TV than through radio because people can not only hear but also watch.



9.The sentence “TV also helps to open our minds” means something is wrong with our minds.



10.This passage tells us not to watch TV any more.




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