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At first we didn't reolize the___ of her wounds.



更多“At first we didn't reolize the___ of her wounds.”相关的问题


They didn’t want to come with us at first but we ()persuade them.


B、be able to



We can infer that Robert Todd Duncan didn't at first want to try for the part mainly because_______()

A.he was too busy to do it

B.he was not interested in it

C.he was not confident enough

D.he didn't want to become famous



Sharing Silence Deaf teenagers Orlando Chavez and German Resendiz have been friends since

Sharing Silence

Deaf teenagers Orlando Chavez and German Resendiz have been friends since kindergarten(幼儿园). Together the two boys,who go to Escondido High School in California,have had the difficult job of learning in schools where the majority of the students can speak and hear.

Orlando lost his hearing at the age of one.German was born deaf,and his parents moved from Mexico to find a school where he could learn sign language.He met Orlando on their first day of kindergarten.

“We were in a special class with about 25 other deaf kids,”German remembers.“Before then,I didn’t know I was deaf and that I was different.”

“Being young and deaf in regular classes was very hard,”signs Orlando.“The other kids didn't understand us and we didn't understand them.But we”ve all grown up together,and today,I'm popular be cause I'm deaf.Kids try hard to communicate with me.”

Some things are very difficult for the two boys.“We can't talk on the phone,so if we need help,we can't call an emergency service,”German signs.“And we can't order food in a drive-thru.”

Despite their difficulties,the two boys have found work putting food in bags at a local supermarket. They got their jobs through a“workability”program,designed for teenagers from local schools with different types of learning disabilities.

German has worked in the supermarket since August,and Orlando started in November.

“The other people who work here have been very nice to us,”Orlando signs.“They even sign some times.At first,we were nervous,but we've learned a lot and we’re getting better.”

The opportunity to earn money has been exciting,both boys said.After high school,they hope to attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in New York.

0rlando and German have been______.

A.to Mexico together.

B.deaf since they were born.

C.to different high schools.

D.friends since they were very young.



I was 15 when I met my first real teacher, Mrs Geurin. I didn’t know her well at the time
but I thought I hated her.In her first class, she asked us to write a piece about an influencial person, place or memory. I chose to write my lake house, a topic I had already written about and received a vast amount of praise for. Put simply, it was the place that my parents met and fell in love.This teacher knew about my original piece and she was not happy. Throught the school year,we would pass each other in the hall, never saying a word to each other.It was not until February of 2012 that we spoke at the most unusual of places, my father’s funeral. At first, I was angry that she showed up. Did she even care? She didn’t even know him! I stood, watching her give a deep bow to my father’s coffin, completely confused!It was not until she approached me that I realized she was crying even harder than I was.“Kali,” she said, “I am so sorry. My own father passed away just three weeks ago, and I completely feel your pain.” I was shocked. I understood that she had also lost her father, but I didn’t see the connection between us just yet. She had rejected my writing. That was not something that I was willing to so early forgive.A couple of weeks later, she went into my study hall and placed an envelope on my desk.In the letter, she told me her father, also had cancer, also passed away in six months’ time and he was her best friend too. It was not just this letter, but this act of kindness that taught me my,greatest life lesson. Losing has taught us both how to appreciate life. For that lesson, I am always grateful.

39. Why did the author hate Mrs. Geurin at first?

A. Mrs. Geurin said somethig bad about the author’s father.

B. Mrs. Geurin gave the author a hard topic to write about.

C. Mrs. Geurin didn’t appreciate the author’s writing.

D. Mrs. Geurin didn’t like the author’s lake house.

40. Hearing what Mrs. Geurin said at the funeral, the author _____.

A. was grateful to her

B. still didn’t forgive her

C. felt ashamed of herself

D. found they had a lot in common

41. What changed the relationship between Mrs. Geurin and the author?

A. Her apology to the author.

B. Her visit to the lake house.

C. Both losing a good friend

D. A similar sad experience

42. What’s best title for the text?

A. My first teacher

B. My beloved father

C. Seeking common ground

D. Breaking down the emotional barrier



When I first met Nina, I disliked her at once. She was wearing skintight pedal pushers, a flashy, floppy top, and sneakers with no socks - bizarrely inappropriate even at our very informal

When I first met Nina, I disliked her at once. She was wearing skintight pedal pushers, a flashy, floppy top, and sneakers with no socks - bizarrely inappropriate even at our very informal company. Soon, Nina was doggedly pumping me for information about the new department I was

running, where she hoped to get a permanent job. Not a chance, I thought. Not if I have anything

to say about it However, I didnt Within a few days she wastrying outfor me. I gave her a moderately difficult, uninteresting, and unimportant project that I didnt need for months. It took that long for her successor to put in order the mess she had made out of ft Although I couldnt have prediction exactly what Nina would doin three minutes I had assessed her as someone who could not be relied on to get a job done.

We all make quick judgments about strangers. Within seconds after we meet someone, We take in a host of details and draw rather large conclusions from them. We may decide in a minute whether it is someones nature to be warm or cold, friendly or hostile, anxious or calm, happy or troubled. Unconsciously, we often ask and quickly answer certain questions: Will I enjoy talking to him at this party? Will she make an interesting friend? Will he/she make a good boss / sales manager / secretary for me? If we get to know the person better, we may change our minds. But

we may not have the chance.

From Ninas inappropriate dress and aggressive behavior. toward me, Id decided she was pushy. stupid and had poor judgment. I also had a lot of vague impressions I couldnt explain. It was as if a warning bell went off in my head. Its message: this person was not to be trusted; her behavior. would be unpredictable; she was motivated by a peculiar agenda of her own that I would never understand.

I was using a combination of observation, inference and intuition.

59.Why did the author dislike Nina?

ABecause of her badly looking sneakers.

BBecause of her inappropriate dress and aggressive behavior.

CBecause of her special uniform.

DBecause of her dirty words to the author.

60.Why did the author give Nina anunimportant projectthat hedidnt need for months

ABecause the author wanted to play trick on her.

BBecause he had no other job for her to do at the moment.

CBecause the author believed she was the right person for the job.

DBecause the author thought she couldnt be relied on to get a job done.

61.According to the passage, which of the following is not true?

APeople tend to make quick judgment about strangers.

BThe authors first judgment about Nina was totally wrong.

CNina behaved rather pushy when she first met the author.

DThe author actually disliked Nina at the first sight.

62.The authors judgment about Nina was based on ().

Aa combination of observation, inference and intuition

Ba combination of imagination and observation

Ca combination of observation, intuition and imagination

Da combination of inference, analysis and imagination



听力原文:My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans du

听力原文: My first semester of college was the worst I've been through. I had made plans during the summer to share an apartment with two of my close friends from high school. But before we moved in,problems started developing.

One of the two girls I was to share an apartment with was going to work instead of going to college。 However,a week before we were to move in,she found out that she didn't get the job. She is forced to live at home and look for work. The rest two of us lasted for a month and then agreed that we couldn't make it with the higher monthly rent payments. I started looking around.

I found another apartment and the rent wasn't bad. The place was noisy,but it was the best I could afford for the time. However,one day when I returned,I saw smoke coming from the back of the house. The cottage had caught fire,and my room was a burned mess。I was once more out of a place to stay.

I finally gave up looking around and moved home. I had to drive forty miles to school every day,so I almost spent as much on gas as I would have on lodging. I was very bored I almost lost the will to study. It had been really a bad semester!


A.To look for two of her close friends.

B.To stay at home and study.

C.To share an apartment with friends.

D.To move out and live alone.



I remember my first night on campus, __1__ on a hard and slightly stained mattress, surr
ounded by four blank walls and listening to the heartbeat of a _2__city outside my window. I felt very small. It was as if I had literally been __3__ into another world, and in a way I had: One day I had been at home in the suburban town where I’d lived for 18 years and knew everyone, and the next day I had moved into a tiny room in a huge city across the country where I didn’t know anyone. I had always thought there would be a neat __4__ between my previous self and my college self, but it turns out identity is more __5__ than that.

It was strange to feel my past life almost __6__ away as I entered this brand-new phase of my life. I didn’t know how to __7__ myself during my first couple of months at Penn because everything that defined me was back in California. I felt __8__ from my college friends because they only knew the college me. How could they really know me without knowing what Mission Boulevard looked like late at night with the Niles hills in the background? How could they know me without knowing the friends who I had __9__ to Japan with or the friends I had gone to school with since kindergarten? How could they know me if they hadn’t met my family? How could they know me, or I them, if we didn’t know one another’s __10__ experiences?

A. drop B. journeyed C. unique D. define

E. complex F. realizing G. disconnected H. self-defining

I. drifted J. lying K. transition L. adjusted

M. fast-moving N. transported O. lack



______ I didn’t believe her but then I realized that she was telling the truth.


B.At first

C.First of all




HENRY: Good afternoon! Lucy, I am telling you something urgent. We have found several cases of golden staph infected in our patients. They were caused by your products.

LUCY: Are you sure? Our bandages are very safe.{A; B; C; D; E}.

HENRY: I know that. But only patients who have used your bandages are infected.

LUCY: All of our products were made with the utmost care.{A; B; C; D; E}. And why didn’t you put the bandages into the sterilizer before you used them?

HENRY: Lucy,{A; B; C; D; E}. I’ve already asked the hospital to do a re-examination of your supplies right now.

LUCY: Henry, you’re making things difficult.

HENRY: The safety of our patients is most important,{A; B; C; D; E}.

LUCY: But I have already posted your recent order. They are now on the way.

HENRY: Sorry, Lucy. As soon as they arrive,{A; B; C; D; E}.

A. May be they were polluted in your hospital.

B. so I will stop all orders with your company.

C. This is the first time we’ve received a complaint of this nature.

D. they will be returned to your factory immediately.

E. it’s your job to do that, not ours.



Interviewer: Jane, you've recently returned from Japan. How long did you live there? Jane: For five years.

Interviewer: Jane, you've recently returned from Japan. How long did you live there?

Jane: For five years.

Interviewer: And why did you go to Japan in the first 21?

Jane:Well, a Japanese exchange student was living with my family, and he got me interested in going to Japan. He encouraged me 一 22一 to get a teaching job there and even offered me a place to stay until I found an apartment—at his mother's house in Tokyo.

Interviewer: So you went?

Jane: I did. When I arrived his mother was very helpful, but she didn't speak much English and I didn't speak any 23 .We managed to communicate, somehow, with gestures and mime, or sometimes we would both use dictionaries.

Interviewer: In what ways is life in Japan —24— from life in the United States?

Jane:In just about every aspect. A big change was using public transportation in Tokyo instead of a car. Trains, subways, and other transportation in Japan are very good, though crowded. You get used 一 25一 more often, because, without a car, you have to carry your groceries home. But I was really glad to be rid of my car. Another thing is the low crime rate in Tokyo and other big cities in Japan. I always felt —26— and never worried about crime. That's pretty unusual in almost any big city in the world today.

Interviewer: Did you have any difficulties adjusting?

Jane: Well, at the beginning it was hard not knowing the language. At first I learned survival Japanese, so I could get by in everyday situations, but anything technical was difficult for me to understand. I took classes, but it was slow going, and I didn’t always express myself because I was afraid of —27— mistakes. I wish I had taken more risks一I would probably have learned the language faster. Another thing I had to get used to was living in a culture where the majority of people looked different from me. I knew I'd always be an —28— in some ways.

Interviewer: What about Japanese food?

Jane: Overall, the diet there is a healthy one-low fat. Oh, there were many Japanese specialties that I liked, and others that I didn't like so much. The food wag very different, but I didn't expect to eat American style. there. I expected to eat Japanese style. and though,—29— Japanese products. I think Japanese food preparation takes a long time and I didn't have a lot of time to prepare food, so much of my experience comes from eating in restaurants.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone going to live overseas for the first time?

Jane: Do some of the things I didn't do: Before you go, read as much as you can. Find out about the culture, the customs, the holidays, the traditions. Learn a little bit of the language if you can and the way people express politeness. Be flexible. Living in another culture is like seeing the world through a new pair of glasses—at first everything—30—confusing. But if you keep your eyes open,eventually everything becomes clear. Unfortunately, a lot of people just close their eyes.

21. A. place B. idea C. opinion D. view

22. A. try B. to try C. trying D. to trying

23. A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. Spanish

24. A. differ B. different C. the same D.differentiate

25. A. to shopping B. shopping C. go shopping D.to shop

26. A. good B. happy C. easy D.safe

27. A. make B. to make C. making D. doing

28. A. visitor B. passenger C. passers-by D.outsider

29. A. buying B. to buying C. to buy D.bought

30. A. look B. looks C. is looked D. is looking


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