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Most of time French women eat slowly. They enjoy their food. They also eat many different kinds of food. French women eat three meals a day, but they won’t skip breakfast and they seldom eat sna

A.French women love to eat different kinds of foo

DB.French women love to eat, yet they look great.

C.French women don’t get fat because they have good eating habits.

D.French women eat less than others.

更多“Most of time French women eat slowly. They enjoy their food. They also eat many different kinds of f…”相关的问题


– Which language do you speak at home? – ().

A.I speak English very well

B.I can speak English and French

C.English, most of the time

D.English is my mother tongue



Most of time French women eat slowly. They enjoy their food. They also eat many differ

Most of time French women eat slowly. They enjoy their food. They also eat many different kinds of food. French women eat three meals a day, but they won’t skip breakfast and they seldom eat snacks between meals. It’s important to eat more fruit and vegetables. French women often drink wine with dinner, but they have a glass of water, too. So French women don’t get fat. The main idea of the passage is ______.

A.French women love to eat different kinds of foo

DB.French women love to eat, yet they look great.

C.French women don’t get fat because they have good eating habits.

D.French women eat less than others.



Tim: Hi, Lucy! Where are you going to spend your summer holiday Lucy:____________________

Tim: Hi, Lucy! Where are you going to spend your summer holiday Lucy:________________________________ Tim: ________________________________ Lucy: France, and then I’ll go to England. Tim: Which part do you want to see most in France Lucy: ________________________________ Tim: Yes, Paris is also the capital of france. Lucy: Have a pleasant journey! Tim: ______________________Bey! A. Yes, I will go to spend my summer holiday. B: I’m going to Europe. 2. A. Which countries do you want to visit B. Where will you live 3. A. I like French food very much. B. Paris. Many people say it’s a beautiful city. 4. A. Have a good time! B. Thank you.



Some of the notebooks George Washington kept as a young man are still in existence. They s
how that he was learning Latin, was very interested in the basics of good behavior in society, and was reading English literature. At school he seems only to have been interested in mathematics. In fact, his formal education was surprisingly brief for a gentleman, and incomplete. For unlike other young Virginian of that day, he did not go to the College of William and Mary in the Virginia Williamsburg. In terms of formal training then, Washington contrasts sharply with some other early American Presidents such as John Adams. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. In later years, Washington probably regretted his lack of intellectual training. He never felt comfortable in a debate in Congress(国会), or on any subject that had not to do with everyday, practical matters. And because he never learned French and could not speak directly to the French leaders, he did not visit the country he admired so much. Thus, unlike Jefferson and Adams, he never reached Europe. Why didn’t Washington go to college? A. His family could not afford it

B. A college education was rather uncommon in his time

C. He didn’t like the young Virginian gentlemen

D. The author doesn’t give any reason

Washington felt uncomfortable in Congress debates because he__________.A.lacked practice in public speaking

B.felt his education was not good enough

C.didn’t like arguing and debating with people

D.felt that debating was like intellectual training

The reason why Washington didn’t visit France was probably that he__________.A.didn’t really care about going

B.didn’t know French leaders

C.couldn’t communicate directly with the French leaders

D.was too busy to travel

According to the author, __________.A.Washington’s lack of formal education placed him at a disadvantage in later life

B.Washington should have gone to France even though he could not speak French

C.Washington was not as good a president as Adams, Jefferson or Madison

D.Washington was a model for all Virginian gentlemen

The main idea of the passage is that Washington’s education __________.A.was of great variety, covering many subjects

B.was probably equal to those of most young gentlemen of his time

C.may seem poor by modern standards, but was good enough for his time

D.was rather limited for a president




By the Treaty of Paris of 1763, which ended the war with the French and the Indians, Engla
nd gained possession of Canada and all the territory east of the Mississippi River. French influence on this continent thus came to an end; England now controlled most of North America. But the war had been long and expensive. England had many debts. GeorgeⅢ, king of England, after consulting with his advisers, decided that the American colonists (殖民地) should help pay some of the expenses of this war. A standing English army of 10 000 men had been left in the colonies(殖民地)for protection against the Indians. The English government also felt that the colonists should share in the expenses of maintaining this army. The result was a series of measures, the Grenville Program, passed by Parliament and designed to raise money in the colonies. Some of these measures were accepted by the colonists, but one in particular, the Stamp Act, was met with great protest. The Stamp Act required that stamps, ranging in price from a few cents to almost a dollar, be placed on all newspapers, advertisements, bills of sale, wills, legal papers, etc. The Stamp Act was one of the causes of the American Revolution. It affected everyone, rich and poor alike. Some businessmen felt that the act would surely ruin their businesses.

Of all the voices raised in protest to the Stamp Act, none had greater effect than that of a young lawyer from Virginia -Patrick Henry. Henry had only recently been elected to the Virginia Assembly. Yet when the Stamp Act came up for discussion, he opposed it almost single-handedly. He also expressed, for the first time, certain ideas that were held by many Americans of the time but that never before had been stated so openly. "Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be bought at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty(万能的 ) God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

From the text we learn that______.

A.Britain took over Canada from the Indians in 1763

B.there had been a war between the French and the Indians which ended in 1763

C.France used to have control of Canada and some areas east of the Mississippi River

D.the French still kept some influence in North America through the Treaty of Paris



Coco Chanel, a French woman, is very famous for her success in the fashion world. The
life of Coco Chanel is a classic rags-to-riches story. Born in 1883, she was abandoned by her father after her mother died. She was raised by her aunts who taught her to sew and gave her the nickname Coco, which means "little pet".

Starting out as a hat designer, Coco went against the fancy hats being worn at the time. "How can a brain function under those things," she wondered. Instead, she created simple, but beautiful designs which became popular with fashionable young women of Paris.

Strangely enough, World War I gave her the chance to develop her idea of simple elegance from hats to clothing. Due to the shortage of material during the war, she took the opportunity to show that less can truly be more, introducing turtle-neck(叠领)sweater and pants for women.

In 1923, Coco launched her line of perfumes. "A woman who does not wear perfume has no future!" she said, and women believed her. Since its first appearance, Chanel No. 5 has been the world's most popular perfume, with another bottle being sold every 30 seconds. And Coco herself inspired generations of women designers and businesswomen to pursue their dreams.

1、The world famous brand "Chanel" is named after ________ .

A.a little animal

B.a hat company

C.the nickname of a French woman

D.the surname of a French girl

2、Coco had her hats ________ those of her time at the beginning of her designing.

A.fancier than

B.different from

C.similar to

D.more expensive than

3、According to the passage, Chanel's designs can be best described as ________ .



C.simple and elegant

D.A and C

4、The launch of Chanel perfumes is based on the belief that _________ .

A.a woman who does not wear perfume has no future

B.it will be the world's most popular perfume

C.it will be sold every 30 seconds

D.women are fond of all kinds of perfumes

5、Coco Chanel's success story tells us that ________ .

A.becoming rich is not so difficult

B.women are more likely to succeed

C.people can pursue their dreams

D.the poor are more likely to succeed



In 1955, a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership with two brothers named McDona
ld. They opened a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, French fries, and cold drinks were the main food there. Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name, "McDonald's", and they were an instant success. He later took over the company, and today it is one of the most famous and successful "fast-food" in America and the world. Why was his idea so successful? Probably the most important reason was that this timing was right. In the 1950s, most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. In the 1960s, many women returned to the workplace. This meant they had less time and energy to do housework and preparation of meals, so they relied more on "TV dinners" and fast-food restaurant. Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone also depend on this type of food, since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.

Fast-food is not part of the diet of all Americans. Another trend of the 1960s, sometimes called the back-to-nature movement influenced many people to avoid food that was packaged or processed(处理). This preference for natural food continued to this day.

From the success of Raymond Kroc’s fast-food business, we can say that social economic trends influence where and what we eat.

1.The main idea of the reading is that ().

A、Raymond Kroc is the most successful fast-food business owner in the world

B、social and economic changes affect eating habits

C、fast-food is easy to prepare and serve quickly

D、Americans eat either fast food or natural food

2.Why was McDonald''s idea so successful? It was mainly because ().

A、people living alone depend on fast food

B、single parents have little time to spend in the kitchen

C、many women returned to the workplace in 1960s

D、his timing was right

3.Americans had the "movements"().

A、in 1955

B、in 1950s

C、in 1960s

D、both in 1950s and 1960s

4."Cooking for one is more trouble than it is worth" means ().

A、cooking for several people is worth more money

B、it is not necessary to take too much time to cook for one person

C、there are more problems when one person cooks

D、there are a lot of housework and preparation to do when one person cooks

5.An idea implied but not directly stated (陈述) in the reading is that ().

A、many married women began to work in the 1960s

B、natural foods are still popular today

C、fast food is not part of the diet of all Americans

D、divorce causes people to change their eating habits



Which language is ________, English, French or Chinese?


B.the difficult

C.more difficult

D.the most difficult



() that in Africa French is one of most widely used languages.

A.It is no doubt

B.It is not doubt

C.There is no doubt


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