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His first job in hairdressing came when he was fourteen, when he got a job in a salon ___4_____an assistant.





更多“His first job in hairdressing came when he was fourteen, when he got a job in a salon ___4_____an as…”相关的问题


My brother got his first job at__________age of 30.






In 1868, Thomas Edison received his first () for an automatic vote recorder for the House of Representatives.







Where did Mike get his first job?



Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?()A、He was educated in school.B、His first job is

A.He was educated in school.

B.His first job is telegraph operator.

C.He had many patents.

D.He invented electric light bul



What did the writer learn about from his first job? 查

A.A.He could work as hard as possibl

B.B.He could go to work on tim

C.C.He should never fail to go to work.

D.D.He should be respectful and loyal to the people he works for.



There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is on specialization. You
find these careers in engineering, in production, in statistical work, and in teaching. But there is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance, people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field. There is, in other words, a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees, of making general judgement. We can call these people "generalists". And these "generalists" are particularly needed for positions in administration, where it is their job to see that other people do the work, where they have to plan for other people, to organize other people’s work, to begin it and judge it.

The specialist understands one field; his concern is with technique and tools. He is a "trained" man; and his educational background is properly technical or professional. The generalist -- and especially the administrator deals with people; his concern is with leadership, with planning, and with direction giving. He is an "educated" man; and the humanities are his strongest foundation. Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator. And very rarely is a good generalist also a good specialist in a particular field. Any organization needs both kinds of people, though different organizations need them in different proportions. It is your task to find out, during our training period, into which of the two kinds of jobs you fit, and to plan your career accordingly.

Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you--but this is pure accident. Certainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious of your ability to hold any job. At the same time you should not look upon the first job as the final job; it is primarily a training job, an opportunity to understand yourself and your fitness for being an employee.

There is an increasing demand for _______.

A.people whose job is to organize other people’s work

B.generalists whose educational background is either technical or professional

C.all-round people in their own fields

D.generalists whose chief concern is to provide administrative guidance to others



In 1920, barely out of his teens, Alfred Hitchcock went to work for an American film company which had opened a studio in Islington, London. His first job at the studio was writing captions (脚本) for silent movies. Within two years, he was writing scripts(剧本) and working as an assistant director.

For the rest of the 1920s, Hitchcock worked on one film after another in Britain and Germany. Filming was often a rough-and-ready(匆忙做成的) affair and the assistant director was required to step in and plug gaps. A cameraman went missing, Hitchcock became a cameraman. A scene needed rewriting, Hitchcock rewrote it. Someone needed to be in charge of money when the film crew was on location, Hitchcock looked after the money.

At the same time, this being the era of silent movies, Hitchcock was learning the language of cinema: telling a story-not through dialogue, but through visual images(视觉影象). This led to his success later.

When he began to direct his own films, first in Britain and later in Hollywood, he was determined to make films that held the audience's attention and kept tension(紧张感). He succeeded. Hitchcock's ability to put you on the edge of your seat makes him one of the greatest makers of suspense(悬念) movies.

211.Alfred Hitchcock's first job at the studio was().

A.writing scripts

B.working as an assistant director

C.writing captions for silent movies

D.directing his own films

212.According to the context, "step in and plug gaps" (in Line 3, Para.2) means().

A.take one's place to do something

B.ask for one's help

C.make up one's mind to do something

D.congratulate someone on something

213.() prepared Hitchcock for his success later.

A.Telling a story through dialogue

B.Telling a story through visual images

C.Directing silent films

D.Rewriting scripts

214.He was determined to() in his film-making.

A.tell stories that move the world

B.show people the meaning of life

C.show what is affecting the nature

D.draw the audience's attention and keep tension

215.Which of the following about Hitchcock is TRUE?

A.He didn't go to work until he was twenty.

B.He had taken up different jobs before he succeeded.

C.He first directed his own films in Hollywood.

D.He is the greatest maker of suspense movies.



In some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant se
eks to persuade the employer to employ him or her. A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining(确定) certain types of information prior to the interview. First, the applicant knows what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective. It is important that the applicant be able to state his reasons for wishing to work for a particular company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plans for expansion, and company philosophy, information about most major corporations available in reference books and periodicals(期刊).

After gathering information concerning the company, the applicant is ready for the interview. The interviewer's first impression comes from the interviewee's appearance. For most interviews, appropriate dress for men is a conservative dark colored suit with a long sleeve white or light blue shirt. For women a conservative, tailored suit or dress is appropriate. Both men and women should have neat, conservative length of hair.

Although hairstyle. and dress are matters of taste, many personnel directors form. initial impressions from these characteristics. For example, one recent college graduate, who felt himself qualified, interviewed for a public relations job. However, the personnel manager considered this young man's long hair, sloppy dress, and overly casual manner unsuited for this particular position.

For whom is the passage most likely written?

A.An employee.

B.An employer.

C.An interviewee.

D.An interviewer.



I had two jobs growing up and they all helped shape my lifeWhen I was about12,1 started

I had two jobs growing up and they all helped shape my life

When I was about12,1 started caddying(当球童) at a nearby country club.All the kids in the neighborhood did it, and I liked it a lot.I got to watch people who were generally pretty wealthy.They were businessmen and doctors.I would listen to them talking about things and see how they behaved with each other.It was like a fly on the wall at a meeting.

The second job was at a shoe store.I constant ly met people from all walks of life and the challenge was exciting.I’d start bringing them different kinds of shoes and get right down there and put them on their feet.If they didn' t like a certain shoe,I always tried to be thinking ahead to a pair they might like better.It was like stepping up to the plate in a baseball game.Every tine someone walked into that store, I was going to bat and taking a swing.I never wanted to let a customer get out of that store without buying a pair of shoes to his satisfaction

This job helped teach me an important business lesson: You have to take risks in business.If you take a risk and fail get up to bat and swing again.

21.The author thinks what he has learned from his first job is()

A.how to learn to like a job

B.how to talk and behave properly

C.how to become weal thy

22.The phrase people from all walks of life in the third paragraph means people()

A.walking in different ways

B.having different interests in life

C.working in different occupations

23.The author thinks his second job is()




24.The author compares his second job is()

A.a fly on the wall at a meeting

B.stepping into a golf course

C.joining a baseball game

25.The business lesson the author gets from selling shoes is()

A.thinking ahead of the customers

B.trying every possible way to satisfy a customer

C.never be afraid of taking risks



In 1920, barely out of his teens, Alfred Hitchcock went to work for an American film co
mpany which had opened a studio in Islington, London. His first job at the studio was writing captions (脚本) for silent movies. Within two years, he was writing scripts(剧本) and working as an assistant director. For the rest of the 1920s, Hitchcock worked on one film after another in Britain and Germany. Filming was often a rough-and-ready(匆忙做成的) affair and the assistant director was required to step in and plug gaps. A cameraman went missing, Hitchcock became a cameraman. A scene needed rewriting, Hitchcock rewrote it. Someone needed to be in charge of money when the film crew was on location, Hitchcock looked after the money. At the same time, this being the era of silent movies, Hitchcock was learning the language of cinema: telling a story-not through dialogue, but through visual images(视觉影象). This led to his success later. When he began to direct his own films, first in Britain and later in Hollywood, he was determined to make films that held the audience's attention and kept tension(紧张感). He succeeded. Hitchcock's ability to put you on the edge of your seat makes him one of the greatest makers of suspense(悬念) movies. (以下为试题题干)He had taken up different jobs before he succeeded.()


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