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Contrary to what many people believe, highly intelligent children are not necessarily

Contrary to what many people believe, highly intelligent children are not necessarily bound to have an academic success. In fact, so-called gifted students may fail to do well because they are unusually smart. Ensuring that a gifted child reaches his or her potential requires an understanding of what can go wrong and how to satisfy the unusual learning requirements of extremely bright young people.

One common problem gifted kids face is that they, and those around them, place too much importance on being smart. Such an emphasis can breed a belief that bright people do not have to work hard to do well. Although smart kids may not need to work hard in the lower grades when the work is easy, they may struggle and perform. poorly when the work gets harder because they do not make the effort to learn. In some cases, they may not know how to study, having never done it before. In others, they simply cannot accept the fact that some tasks require effort.

If the scholastic achievement of highly intelligent children remains below average for an extended period, many teachers will fail to recognize their potential. As a result, such students may not get the encouragement they need, and may further be depressed to learn. They may fall far behind in their schoolwork and even develop behavior. problems. Boys may turn aggressive or become class clowns(小丑).Girls often develop performance anxiety and other symptoms such as stomachaches.

One way to avoid such difficulties is to recognize that IQ is just one of the elements for success. Children do well or struggle in school for a host of reasons apart from IQ, according to psychologist Franz Monks of the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. These include motivation and persistence, social competence, and the support of family, educators and friends. Emphasizing the importance of persistence and hard work, for example, will help a child avoid the laziness trap. Gifted children also need intellectual challenges-to teach them how to work hard.

26. According to the first paragraph, the author believes that _.

A. intelligent students may fail to do well in their schoolwork

B. gifted students are too smart to do well in their schoolwork

C. intelligent students are bound to succeed in their schoolwork

D. gifted students understand what can go wrong and how to learn

27. When too much emphasis is placed on students' intelligence, people are likely to take it for granted that _.

A. smart students may not do well in the lower grades

B. intelligent students know how to avoid laziness trap

C. clever students require more intelligence than hard work

D. bright students may succeed even if they do not work hard

28. It is observed in the third paragraph that _.

A. highly gifted students show a great desire to learn

B. highly gifted students tend to fall ill with no reason

C. highly intelligent students also need encouragement

D. highly intelligent students score higher than average students

29. According to the author, a student's IQ is _.

A. one of the factors of success

B. the only factor for his success

C. directly related to persistence

D. closely associated with competence

30. This passage aims to tell people about _.

A. the academic performance of gifted students

B. the proper attitudes toward gifted students

C. the difficulties in recognizing gifted students

D. the motivation students need for their studies

更多“Contrary to what many people believe, highly intelligent children are not necessarily”相关的问题


In the sentence “Partial shipment is not allowed in conformity with the contract”, what does "in conformity with" mean______?

A.in contrast to

B.in contrary to

C.in control of

D.in line with



Contrary to Saussure, Chomsky thinks that what linguists should study is the ideal sp


What you have done is () the doctor's orders.

A.attached to

B.responsible to

C.resistant to

D.contrary to



_____ to what they had expected, the film ended up a total failure.







Nobody believed him()what he said.A.even thoughB.in spiteC.no matterD.contrary to

A.even though

B.in spite

C.no matter

D.contrary to



What you have done is _____ the doctor's orders.

A.attached to


C.responsible to

D.contrary to



What you have done is () our expectations.

A、attached to

B、responsible to

C、contrary to

D、on the contrary



Overall,men are more likely than women to make excuses.Several studies suggest that me
n feel theneed to appear competent in all 26,while women worry only about the skills in which they'veinvested _ 27_.Ask a man and a woman to go diving for the first time,and the woman is likely tojump in,while the man is likely to say he's not feeling too well.

Ironically,it is often success that leads people to flirt with failure.Praise won for _ 28_a skillsuddenly puts one in the position of having everything to lose.Rather than putting their reputation on theline again,many successful people develop a handicap—drinking,_ 29_,depression—that allowsthem to keep their status no matter what the future brings. An advertising executive 30_ fordepression shortly after winning an award put it this way:“Without my depression,I'd be a failure now;with it,I'm a success 'on hold.’”

In fact,the people most likely to become chronic excuse makers are those 31 _ with success.Such people are so afraid of being 32a failure at anything that they constantly develop onehandicap or another in order to explain away failure.

Though self-handicapping can be an effective way of coping with performance anxiety now and then,in the end,researchers say,it will lead to_ 33_. In the long run,excuse makers fail to live up to theirtrue_ 34_and lose the status they care so much about. And despite their protests to the _35they have only themsclves to blame.

A) contrary F) labeled K) potential

B) fatigue G) legacies L) rcalms

C) heavily H) mastering M) reciprocal

D) heaving l) momentum N) ruin

E) hospitalized J) obsessed o) viciously



What s right for you may be wrong for me, and() .


B、on the contrary

C、vice versa

D、on the other hand



(阅读理解题)Advertising is a form. of selling. It makes you want to buy a product or

(阅读理解题)Advertising is a form. of selling. It makes you want to buy a product or a service. In order to attract your interest it uses various approaches. One is the emotional approach. For example, consider an advertisement for a blanket. It is beautifully printed in full color. It shows a young woman looking dreamily at a pretty blanket. “To you a blanket is more than a source of warmth,” it says. “You need beauty as well as a good night’s sleep.” Looking at the advertisement, you may feel flattered. You may feel yourself different from those who buy blankets simply for warmth. And so you may want to have one yourself. In the same way, a man may buy a certain make of car just because he wants to impress his friends. This seems ridiculous, of course, since people buy a car as a means of transportation. But there are many people who secretly feel that a certain car will give them prestige. To realize this, you have only to look at TV commercials in which nice-looking cars are shown together with people everyone admires. On the contrary, when a man buys a delivery truck for his business that is not the case. Here he will not try to seem important as he may when he buys a luxury car. What he has in mind is a truck that will do its job efficiently. Similarly, a woman buying a refrigerator will not be led by her emotions so easily. She wants to know such facts as how much food it can hold and whether the food is easy to reach. In such cases, advertising is generally straightforward. It gives you the facts about a product rather than an idea. Generally, advertisements use either the emotional or the rational approach, or a combination of the two. Advertising reflects our way of living. This is one reason why an American university has recently set up a place storing historical records for TV commercials that have been used in the past. They will be useful in learning why people really behaved, thought, and acted as they did in the days when these commercials appeared on TV.

(1).What does advertising sell?

A、A product or a service

B、Emotion or ration

C、Facts or ideas

D、Impression or prestige.

(2).What will you feel when looking at the advertisement at which a beauty is looking dreamily?

A、to be worried

B、to be relaxed

C、to be praised and pleased

D、to be cheated

(3).Which “make” in the following sentences is the same as the one (underlined) in Para. 2?

A、My parents always make me do my homework before I go out

B、With blood pouring from his leg, he made it to a nearby house

C、It’s one of the most popular makes of satellite phone on the market

D、None of the above

(4).Which of the following commodities should use the emotional approach in advertising according to the passage?

A、delivery truck



D、washing machine

(5).According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?

A、Advertising can help us to know how people live in the past

B、The emotional approach focuses on the customers’ feelings while the rational approach concentrates on the products’ functions

C、What you buy should make others think highly of you

D、To some degree, TV commercials can help people make decisions.


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