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One hot summer day, a young couple and their four-year-old daughter Emily

One hot summer day, a young couple and their four-year-old daughter Emily were on their way to the mountains for a few weeks' vacation. Suddenly, a truck in the oncoming lane collided head-on with the family's car. The three of them were seriously injured and immediately taken to the nearest hospital, where Emily was brought to the children's ward and her parents were taken to the intensive care unit. As could well be imagined, Emily was not only in great pain, but she was also very frightened because her parents were not nearby to give her comfort.

Martha, the nurse who was assigned to Emily, was a single, middle-aged woman. She understood Emily's feelings of fear and insecurity and became very devoted to her. When Martha finished her shift, instead of going home, she would volunteer to stay with Emily at night. Emily grew very fond of her and depended on her for her every need. Martha brought her cookies, picture books and toys. She sang songs to her and told her countless stories.

As soon as Emily could be moved, Martha took her to visit her parents in a wheelchair every day. After months of hospitalization, the family was let out. Before they left the hospital, the parents blessed Martha for her devoted and loving care and invited her to visit them. Emily would not let ho of Martha, and insisted that she come to live with them. Martha also did not want to be parted from her little Emily, but her life was in the children's ward of the hospital, and she could not think of leaving. There was a tearful parting as Emily and the loving nurse said good-bye to each other. For a few months the family kept up a close relationship with Martha through phone calls only, since they lived quite a distance away. When they moved abroad, however, they lost contact with each other.

Over thirty years passed. One winter Martha, who was now in her seventies, became seriously ill and was hospitalized in a hospital near her home. A nurse noticed that Martha had very few visitors. She gave the elderly lady special care.

One night when the nurse was sitting near her patient and they were chatting quietly, she confided in her as to what and prompted her to become a nurse. When she was four years old, she explained, she and her parents had been injured in an automobile accident; there had been a wonderful nurse who had brought her back to health with her loving, caring devotion. When she grew up, she determined that one day she, too, would become a nurse and help others — from the young to the old — just as that nurse had done for her.

After she graduated from a nursing school overseas, she met a young man from America, and when they married, they moved to the States. A few months earlier hey had moved to this city, where her husband had been offered a very good job, and she was happy to get a position as a nurse in this hospital. As the nurse told her story, tears flowed from Martha's eyes, as she realized that this must be her little Emily, whom she had cared for after the accident.

When the nurse finished her story, Martha said softly, “Emily, we are together again, but this time you are nursing me!” Emily stared at Martha, suddenly recognizing her. “Is it really you?” she cried out. “How many times I have thought about you and prayed that someday we would meet again!”

When Martha recovered, Emily did not beg her to come and live with her family. Instead, she just packed up Martha's belongings and took her home with her. She has lived with Emily to this day, and Emily's husband and children have taken care of her like a most special grandmother.

56. In the hospital, Martha gave little Emily special care because

A. Emily was only four years old.

B. Emily's parents were seriously injured.

C. Martha w as a single woman who loved children.

D. Martha knew how Emily felt, away from her parents.

57. Why didn't Martha go and live with Emily's family?

A. She preferred to live in the children’s ward.

B. She loved Emily but she belonged to t he ward.

C. She thought Emily might change her mind.

D. She didn't want to move to a new place.

58. Martha lost contact with Emily's family

A. after Emily's family went to live in another country.

B. when she retired and moved to another city.

C. because Emily's family lived too far away to visit.

D. as it was expensive to make long-distance phone calls.

59. Martha and Emily met again thirty years later,

A. Martha, the old nurse and Emily, the young nurse.

B. Martha, the patient and Emily, the caring nurse.

C. Emily, the grateful child and Martha, the loving adult.

D. Emily, the mother and Martha, the childless old woman.

60. Emily moved to the city where Martha lived

A. to work in the hospital in which she had regained health.

B. to find Martha so as to look after her in her old age.

C. to return to the place where she had been brought up.

D. to be with her husband who had obtained a good job there.

更多“One hot summer day, a young couple and their four-year-old daughter Emily”相关的问题


Tour No.G5A8 Days/7 Nightsday Arrival in BeijingTourists’ arrival in Beijing by themselves

Tour No.G5A

8 Days/7 Nights

Tour No.G5A8 Days/7 Nightsday Arrival in BeijingToday Arrival in Beijing

Tourists’ arrival in Beijing by themselves.Transfer to the hotel by the local guide.

Tour No.G5A8 Days/7 Nightsday Arrival in BeijingTodays Beijing

One full day sightseeing including the Great Wall,the Ming Tombs and the Summer Palace.Another full day visit to Tiananmen Square,the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven.

Tour No.G5A8 Days/7 Nightsday Arrival in BeijingTodays Beijing-Xi’an

Departure for the ancient city Xi’an. One full day visit to the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang with thousands of Terracotta Warriors,the Huaqing Hot Spring,the Banpo Village and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.Leisyre for self exploration.

Tour No.G5A8 Days/7 Nightsday Arrival in BeijingTodays Xi’an-Guilin

Flight for Guilin in the morning.A relaxing full day for Li River Cruise the next day. Leisure for self exploration.

Tour No.G5A8 Days/7 Nightsday Arrival in BeijingToday Guilin-Beijing

Back to Beijing.Either for departure home or for stay in Beijing.

Who will take the tourists to the hotel after they arrive in Beijing?_____________.

How many scenic spots(景点) will the tourists visit on the second day?_____________.

How will the tourists get to Guilin on the morning of the 6th day? They will get there by_____________.

Where will the tourists enjoy the magnificent Terracotta Warriors? In the ancient city_____________.

What will the tourists do after they return to Beijing? Either for departure home or for_____________.




________ can be better than having a cold drink in the hot summer day.



C.No one




The author suggests that on hot summer days one should drink ______()

A.hot water

B.iced tea

C.cold CocaCola

D.hot coffee



The title of the short story “Early Autumn” may give a hint to the reader that ______.

A.both Mary and Bill are now middle-aged people

B.there is an emotionally bitter and long winter awaiting Mary

C.it is still the bright time of one’s life, like early autumn

D.the love between them is not as “hot” as summer days



After a long walk on a hot day, one feels ().







The sentence "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" is the beginning line of one of Sha
kespeare's ______.







The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth.The weather is friendly.The tempe
rature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long.It's a little warmer in summer,and a little cooler in winter,but every day is a beach day for somebody.


The sentence "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?" is the beginning lin
e of one of Shakespeare’s ________ .







The British SummerBritain is well known for its rainy climate. People joke that even in
The British SummerBritain is well known for its rainy climate. People joke that even in

The British Summer

Britain is well known for its rainy climate. People joke that even in the summer time the country never gets any sun and that the skies stay disappointingly grey even during the months of July and August. Last summer though, it was so hot that people could hardly believe it. British people weren't used to such high temperatures, so every day on the news there were stories about people struggling to work in such unusual weather conditions. Radio and television programmers also reminded everyone to drink more water and not to stay too long in the sun.

When the sun comes out, British people tend to spend time in their garden if they have one. It’s common to invite friends and neighbours around for a barbecue, where everyone sits outside and eats food like grilled meat (烤肉)and salads. There's always a back-up plan in case of rain though, and the meal sometimes has to be cooked in the kitchen and eaten indoors. People also spend a lot of time in parks during the summer, having picnics or playing sports. In every green area, there’s always at least one ice cream van, a kind of car that plays children’s music and sells ice creams. Towns like Blackpool and Brighton are popular for their beaches and amusement arcades(游乐场).People go there to swim, sunbathe and eat fish and chips. The water can be quite cold, though, and that’s why quite a lot of people prefer to go abroad for their summer holiday instead. Popular destinations include Spain, Germany and France: all countries that promise a lot of sunshine!

1、There is little sunshine in Britain in summer.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

2、British people like to tell jokes about each other.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

3、It was unusually hot last summer in Britain.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

4、British people enjoyed the high temperatures of last summer.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

5、The media advised people to enjoy the sunshine.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

6、Most British people have a garden of their own.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

7、People having a barbecue often have a plan against the rain.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

8、Children like the music from the ice cream vans.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

9、Blackpool and Brighton are known for their beaches.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

10、People go to Spain in summer to enjoy the cooler sea water.()

A. True

B. False

C. Not Given



If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are proba
bly a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year. A famous scientist concluded that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities, and that cool weather is much more favourable for creative thinking than in summer heat. This does not mean all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large members of people tend to be lowest in the summer.

Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature. Autumn is the next best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking.

Generally speaking, it is far fitter for creative thinking when the weather is ______ .

A.sunny and fine

B.windy and rainy

C.warm and wet

D.neither cold nor hot



BMr. Richards has worked in a small seaside town for about ten years and he and his wife h
ave a comfortable house near the sea.

During the winter they would be quite happy, but every summer a lot of their relatives used to spend holiday in their house, and it was much cheaper than staying in hotel. Finally one day in June Mr. Richards complained to a clever friend of his who lived in the same place. “One of my wife’s cousins is going to bring her husband and children and spend ten days with us next month again. How have you prevented all your relatives from coming to live with you in summer?” “Oh,” the friend answered, “that is not difficult. I just borrow money from all the rich ones, and lend it to all the poor ones. After that, they seldom come again.” Hearing this Mr. Richards smiled.

第40题:The relatives preferred to stay in Mr. Richards’ house because ________.

[A] it was cool in summer

[B] they might spend less money

[C] they were more welcome

[D] it was a comfortable place


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