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Executives from Imagine Pictures______.A.failed to tell actors about the seriousness of to

Executives from Imagine Pictures______.

A.failed to tell actors about the seriousness of tobacco use

B.should have informed actors of the bad effects of smoking

C.didn't admit the existence of tobacco use scenes in their films

D.didn't know there were smoking scenes in their movies at first

更多“Executives from Imagine Pictures______.A.failed to tell actors about the seriousness of to”相关的问题


We learn from Paragraph 2 that outside directors are supposed to be______.A.generous inves

We learn from Paragraph 2 that outside directors are supposed to be______.

A.generous investors

B.unbiased executives

C.share price forecasters

D.independent advisers



What is Apple’s Mission Statement?A.There is an extraordinary breadth and depth and tenu
What is Apple’s Mission Statement?

A.There is an extraordinary breadth and depth and tenure among the Apple executive team, and these executives lead over 35,000 employees that I would call “all wicked smart".

B.They recognize each person’s contribution to Apple’s success, and they share the financial rewards that flow from high performance.

C.The attitudes and behaviors of managers toward their people are of primary importance.

D.Teamwork is essential to Apple’s success, for the job is too big to be done by one person.



A flexible work life such as telecommuting, is good for your health, researchers said. The
y found that if people have the ability to work from home and to compress work weeks, they are more likely to make healthier lifestyle. choices, to exercise more and to sleep better.

While the primary driver behind the flexibility movement was to help people, especially women, combine work and family, evidence suggests this is clearly not only a women's issue, Grzywacz, who reported the findings in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, said.

The researchers looked at Health Risk Appraisals from employees in jobs ranging from warehouse and production workers to executives at a large multinational pharmaceutical company.

The firm used for the study is consistently recognized by Working Mother magazine as among the most family-friendly employers in the United States.

He said the research shows public health departments and organizations that they could get something out of giving their employees more flexibility.



Conventional wisdom about conflict seems pretty much cut and dried. Too little conflict br
eeds apathy (冷淡) and stagnation (呆滞). Too much conflict leads to divisiveness (分裂) and hostility. Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way.

Recent research by Professor Charles R. Schwenk, however, suggests that the optimal level of conflict may be more complex to determine than these simple generalizations. He studied perceptions of conflict among a sample of executives. Some of the executives worked for profit-seeking organizations and others for not-for-profit organizations.

Somewhat surprisingly, Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as a function of the type of organization. Specifically, managers in not-for-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.

Managers of for-profit organizations saw a different picture. They believed that conflict generally was damaging and usually led to poor-quality decision making in their organizations. Schwenk interpreted these results in terms of the criteria for effective decision making suggested by the executives. In the profit-seeking organizations, decision-making effectiveness was most often assessed in financial terms. The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict enhanced financial indicators.

In the not-for-profit organizations, decision-making effectiveness was defined from the perspective of satisfying constituents. Given the complexities and ambiguities associated with satisfying many diverse constituents executives perceived that conflict led to more considered and acceptable decisions.

In the eyes of the author, conventional opinion on conflict is ______.







Sport is heading for an indissoluble marriage with television and the passive spectator wi
ll enjoy a private paradise. All of this will be in the future of sport. The spectator(the television audience) will be the priority(优先) and professional clubs will have to readjust their structures to adapt to the new reality: sport as a business.

The new technologies will mean that spectators will no longer have to wait for broadcasts by the conventional channels. They will be the ones who decide what to see. And they will have to pay for it. In the United States the system of the future has already started: pay-as-you-view. Everything will be offered by television and the spectator will only have to choose. The review Sports Illustrated recently published a full profile of the life of the supporter at home in the middle of the next century. It explained that the consumers would be able to select their view of the match on a gigantic, flat screen occupying the whole of one wall, with images of a clarity which cannot be foreseen at present; they could watch from the trainer's bench, from the stands just behind the batter in a game of baseball or from the helmet of the star player in an American football game. And at their disposal will be the same options the producer of the recorded program me has: to select replays, to choose which camera to use and to decide on the sound—whether to hear the public, the players, the trainer and so on.

Many sports executives, largely too old and too conservative to feel at home with the new technologies, will believe that sport must control the expansion of television coverage in order to survive and ensure that spectators attend matches. They do not even accept the evidence which contradicts their view: while there is more basketball than ever on television, for example, it is also certain that basketball is more popular than ever.

It is also the argument of these sports executives that television is harming the modest teams. This is true, but the future of those teams is also modest. They have reached their ceiling. It is the law of the market. The great events continually attract larger audiences.

The world is being constructed on new technologies so that people can make the utmost use of their time and, in their home, have access to the greatest possible range of recreational activities. Sport will have to adapt itself to the new world.

The most visionary executives go further. Their philosophy is: rather than see television take over sport, why not have sports taken over television?

What does the writer mean by the use of the phrase "an indissoluble marriage" in the first paragraph?

A.Sport is combined with television.

B.Sport controls television.

C.Television dictates sport.

D.Sport and television will go their own ways.



•Read the following article about career development and the questions on the opposi
te page.

•For each question 15-20,mark one letter(A,B,C or D)on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

How to get to the top

Marketing used to be the route to the chief executive's chair,but the world has changed.Now,says Monika Hamori.professor of human resources at Instituto de Empresa in Madrid,it is finance chiefs who are most likely to get the top job,though experience in opera-tions-running parts of the companyis also essential.CFO Magazine found in 2005 that onefifth of chief ex-ecutives in America were former chief financiaI officers,almost double the share of a decade earlier.The importance of quarterly financial reporting,and closer scrutiny since the imposition of the Sarbanesoxley corporategovernance act,have put CFOs in the limelightand given them the chance to shine.

Another factor in reaching the top is whether you stay with the company you joined as a youngster.Ms.Hamori's research looked at companies in the S&P 500 and the FTSEurofirst 300.She finds that‘lifers’get to the top in 22 years in America and 24 years in Europe:‘Hoppers’who jump between four or more companies,by contrast,take at least 26 years on average to become chief executives.Insiders get promotions that reflect their potential,because their bosses have enough information to be reasonably confident about their ability.When executives switch from one company to another,however,they tend to move less far up the hierarchy,the researchers found.

The time taken to reach the top is falling.The average time from first job to chief executive fell from 28 years in 1980 to 24 in 2001.Successful executives are spending less time than they used to in each intermediate joban average of four yearsand they fill five posts on the way up.down from six.One reason for this acceleration is that company hierarchies are flatter than they used to be.Another important shift is the advent of female chief executives. 1n 2001 women accounted for 11%of bosses at leading American companies.ac-cording to the Hamori/Cappelli survey;in the early 1980s there were none.

America is usually regarded as the home of raw capitalism.with youthful managers hopping from firm to firm and pushing their way to the top.But the HamorL/Cappelli study and another by Booz & Company,a consultancy,show that Europe is a more dynamic and harsher environ-menl than America or Japan for chief executives.For a start,European chief executives are younger,with an average age of 54.compared with over 56 in America.The Hamor/Cappelli study shows that 26%of American bos-ses were lifers,compared with only 18%in Europe.

The Europeans also have a harder time once they get to the top.Booz & Company's annual survey of chiefexecutive succession shows that 17.6%of European bosses moved on last year.compared with 15%of Americans and 10%of Japanese.Chief executives.the survey found,last longer in America:the average tenure over the past decade was just over nine years.But in Europe the average tenure over the same period was less than seven years.

Moreover.a whopping 37%of changes at the top in Europe were more or less firings,according to Booz,compared with only 27%in America and 12%in Japan.Booz puts this down to the more recent tightening of corporate governance in Europe,Another Booz finding is common to both sides of the Atlantic:looking back over recent years,board disputes and power struggles lie behind a third of chiefexecutive firings.In short,shareholder activism is making its presence felt,putting pressure on bosses to perform.

What is true according to the first paragraph?

A.CFOs'hard work leads to their increasing chances of promotion.

B.CFOs usually have no experience in management.

C.Marketing directors no longer have the chance to get a top position.

D.Chief executives used to be promoted mainly from the marketing department.











Conventional wisdom about conflict seems pretty much cut and dried. Too little conflict br
eeds apathy (冷漠) and stagnation (呆滞). Too much conflict leads to divisiveness (分裂) and hostility. Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way.

Recent research by Professor Charles R. Schwenk, however, suggests that the optimal level of conflict may be more complex to determine than these simple generalizations. He studied perceptions of conflict among a sample of executives. Some of the executives worked for profit seeking organizations and others for not-for-profit organizations.

Somewhat surprisingly, Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as a function of the type of organization. Specially, managers in not-for-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.

Managers of for-profit organizations saw a different picture. They believed that conflict generally was damaging and usually led to poor-quality decision making in their organizations. Schwenk interpreted these results in terms of the criteria for effective decision making suggested by the executives. In the profit-seeking organizations, decision-making effectiveness was most of ten assessed in financial terms. The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict enhanced financial indicators.

In the not-for-profit organizations, decision-making effectiveness was defined from the perspective of satisfying constituents. Given the complexities and ambiguities associated with satisfying many diverse constituents executives perceived that conflict led to more considered and acceptable decisions.

In the eyes of the author, conventional opinion on conflict is ________.







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