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A lot of houses were seriously damaged in the earthquake, so that thousands of people were

left homeless.

更多“A lot of houses were seriously damaged in the earthquake, so that thousands of people were”相关的问题


The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coasta

l villages: several fishing boats were _____ and many houses collapsed.

A) wrecked B) spoiled C) torn D) injured



Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards,that is to say of accommodating(居住) a considerable proportion of its population in high blocks of flats.It is said that the Englishman objects to this type of existence,but if the case is such,he does in fact differ from the inhabitants of most countries of the world today.In the past our own blocks or flats have been associated with(把……同……联系起来) the lower-income groups and they have lacked the obvious provisions,such as central heating,constant hot water supply,electrically operated lifts from top to bottom,and so on,as well as such details,important notwithstanding(然而),as easy facilities for disposal(处理) of dust and rubbish and storage places for baby carriages on the ground floor,playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings,and drying grounds for washing.It is likely that the dispute regarding flats versus individual houses will continue to rage(风行) on for a long time as far as Britain is concerned,and it is unfortunate that there should be hot feelings on both sides whenever this subject is raised.Those who oppose the building of flats base their case primarily on the assumption that everyone prefers individual home and garden and on the high cost per unit of accommodation.The latter ignores the higher cost of providing full services to a scattered(分散)community and the cost in both money and time of the journey to work for the suburban resident.

1.We can infer from the passage that().

A.English people,differently from most people in other countries,dislike living in flats

B.people in most countries of the world today are not opposed to living in flats

C.people in Britain are forced to move into high blocks of flats

D.modern flats still fail to provide the necessary facilities for living

2.What is said about the blocks of flats built in the past in Britain?

A.They were mostly inhabited by people who did not earn much.

B.They were usually not large enough to accommodate big families.

C.They were sold to people before necessary facilities were installed.

D.They provided playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings.

3.Some people oppose the building of flats because().

A.this living expenses for each individual family are higher

B.it involves higher cost compared with the building of houses

C.they believe that people like to live in houses with gardens

D.the disposal of rubbish remains a problem for those who lives in flats

4.The author mentions that people who live in suburban houses().

A.do not have access to easy facilities because they live away from the city

B.have to pay a lot of money to employ people to do service work

C.take longer time to know each other because they are a scattered community

D.have to spend money and time going to work every day

5.The word"rage"means().

A.be ignored

B.develop with great force

C.encourage people greatly

D.be in fashion



It seems like Americans use credit cards for everything. It's a lot easier to spend money
that you don't see, isn't it? Many Americans spend money that isn't even there and get deeper and deeper in debt. Why do so many people spend more than they have? "Buy now, pay later" has become an American way of life. Recently, American households spent nearly 11 billion dollars more than they earned, creating a negative saving rate.

There are two ideas—one, living within your means, and the idea that living on debt is a great equalizer(平衡装置). They both have validity because it is important that someone live within their means over their lifetime. When people are young and they are earning money, but they have very little savings, they almost have to borrow in order to own a house or own a car. But as they grow older, they should develop the habit of saving, so that by the time they reach the end of their earning life, they have savings to live on in retirement, and live within their means.

"Buy now, pay later" worked very well for us in the 1990s, but one suspects it won't work forever. The only thing that concerns me is that Americans are so contented, so optimistic, so unconcerned about any bumps in the road that many American households, not all of them, but many American households are very heavily extended in personal credit, a lot of credit card debt. People are paying very high prices for houses and borrowing heavily against those prices; and if we do run into a bump in the road, a recession, there are going to be a lot of households, not all of them, but many households that Ml be severely squeezed. That means we're more vulnerable to serious financial distress than Japan is. Japan has been in financial distress for ten years, but one reason it's been able to weather that is that the households had been very conservative, had a lot of savings, were very liquid, and were able to weather difficult times. And many American households would now be less able to do that because they are so heavily in debt.

We know from the passage that credit cards

A.make Americans get deeper and deeper in debt

B.are likely to be abandoned by more Americans

C.will soon become a symbol of American life

D.will help solve potential financial problems



As they approached the village, they saw a lot of new houses being built()




D.came near



2. 8月份中国的一些省份发生了洪灾, 导致大量房屋、农田等受损。() A. Floods hit some provinces in China in August, damaging a lot of houses, farmlands and so on. B. Floods hit some provinces in China in August, which damaging a lot of houses, farmlands and so on. C. Floods hit some provinces in China in August, and thus damaging a lot of houses, farmlands and so on.







When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by car. B
efore they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation (住所). I suggested that they should stay at ‘bed and breakfast’ houses, because this kind of accommodation gives a foreign visitor a good chance to speak English with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.

“We didn’t stay at bed and breakfast houses,” they said, “because we found that most families were away on holiday.”

I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friends spoke little English, and they thought ‘VACANCIES’ meant ‘holidays’, because the Spanish word for ‘holidays” is ‘vacations’. So they did not go to house where the sign outside said ‘VACANCIES’, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to house where the sign said ‘NO VACANCIES’, because they thought this meant the people who owned the house were not away on holiday. But they found that these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!

We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made in reading other signs. In Spanish, the word ‘DIVERSION’ means fun. In English, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and that you must take a different road. When my friends saw the word ‘DIVERSION’ on a road sign, they thought they were going to have fun. Instead, the road ended in a large hold.

English people have problems too when they learn foreign languages. Once in Paris. when someone offered me some more coffee, I said ‘Thank you’ in French. I meant that I would like some more, However , to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away! Later I found out that ‘Thank you’ in French means ‘No, thank you.’

11. My Spanish friends wanted advice about ______.

A. learning English

B. finding places to stay in England

C. driving their car on English roads

D. going to England by car

12. I suggested that they stay at bed and breakfast houses because ______.

A. they would be able to practise their English

B. it would be much cheaper than staying in hotels

C. it would be convenient for them to have dinner

D. there would be no problem about finding accommodation there

13. “NO VACANCIES” in English means ______.

A. no free rooms

B. free rooms

C. not away on holiday

D. holidays

14. If you see a road sign that says ‘Diversion’, you will ______.

A. fall into a hole

B. have a lot of fun and enjoy yourself

C. find that the road is blocked by crowds of people

D. have to take a different road

15. When someone offered me more coffee and I said ‘Thank you’ in French, I ______.

A didn’t really want any more coffee

B. wanted them to take the coffee pot away

C. really wanted some more coffee

D. wanted to express my politeness



The large houses are being painted, but ().

A.of great expense

B.at a great expense

C.in a lot of expenses

D.by high expense



The workers have built a lot of new houses in Shanghai ________.

A. in the past ten years

B.for ten years

C. last year

D.ten years ago



The houses in Westmoreland were like chalets which were very beautiful.()


The farmers, ______ houses had been destroyed by the serious flood, were given help by the






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