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How to Build Team Spirit and Get Best Sales Performance A.It is a well-known fact that an

How to Build Team Spirit and Get Best Sales Performance

A.It is a well-known fact that an organisation can achieve a greater success if a few peo-ple get united and work towards a goal together. An ordinary team can perform. betterprovided they are motivated. There are many instances, where a team approach has succeeded better compared to an organisation which is riddled with politics and manag-ers who only think about themselves. In fact this is a basic problem among Indians asthey always tend to develop "Frog Syndrome". The frog syndrome does not allow othercolleagues to go up in the ladder, which leads the organisation to become an ordinaryorganisation. Today the biggest problem in India many companies are facing is how todevelop team spirit among people. This is a very crucial point for the organisation tomake difference in today"s highly competitive environment. How can we develop suchthings today? Of course, there are many ways which are given below.

Develop Team Not Individual Only

B.The role of manager is to ensure that the people become cohesive (有凝聚力的) andfeel proud to be the member of the team. It is quite possible provided the manager him-self is a team leader. He has to set the right target, create enthusiasm among the people,develop a positive attitude among the people and motivate them at the right time. Ifdone, it is nothing succeeds like success.

Right Team Spirit

C.Right team spirit brings within the organisation a vibrant feeling to an insider as well asoutsider. There is always willingness to walk an extra mile among people to achieve theset objective. This leads to more congenial (令人愉快的) atmosphere within the organi-sation. How many companies have succeeded in doing the same? Does it bring smile toan ordinary person working in the organisation? If yes, that organisation really can sur-vive for a longer time.

SMILE Within the Organisation

D.A happy employee always tends to achieve better. Many companies tend to take careof external customers but tend to forget the internal customers. Hence, companiesshould do retrospective analysis on satisfaction level of the internal employees. Buthow many companies bother to do that? A real smile can help the organisation toachieve better sales.

SMILE = Sell More In Less Effort

E. How many people can bring a smile on the face of a person? Therefore, there are feworganisations which excel. However, this is possible provided the manager becomes

a mentor.Manager Should Be a Mentor to the People

F. People always look towards a manager as mentor who can correct, guide and give con-structive criticism. Manager should go where the colleagues working under him requirehim to go. He should help his colleagues during the need of the hour. Can a managerdevelop himself to be a mentor so that people can rely on his advice? A manager, if re-develop himself as a mentor, can definitely bring the team spirit among the people. Buthow many managers can be a mentor? Many times a manager himself is a grumbler (爱发牢骚的人) and creates a polluted environment within the organisation as his person-ality may not be fit to do a particular job. Therefore, a manager should analyse his ownpersonality along with his colleagues" and ensure that his personality along with hiscolleagues" personality be suited to do the particular job. Application of sales grid (网)approaches will definitely help him to understand his own personality as well as his col-leagues". This analysis can help to take corrective action and will create a greater senseof responsibility and motivation among the people. We must motivate ourselves to mo-tivate others.

G. This is possible provided a manager make the job more challenging. In fact during therecent survey conducted by the author in India, the No.1 motivator factor is job enrich-ment. How many managers try to create innovations in their job fimctions of their col- leagues and associates? How many managers remove the fear of instability? How manymanagers ask themselves what new things they or their teams have done? If this is doneregularly, the demotivation does not arise. Ordinary people can perform. extraordinarythings provided they bring the motivation and team spirit among the people. This is quite possible and a manager has a role to play. He should be proactive (主动的) inbuilding team spirit and take action.

Recognise Team Destroyers and Take Corrective Measures

H. There are certain people who because of the past experience can destroy the team spirit. Therefore, it is suggested that managers should identify "this grumbler" at right time and take corrective measures immediately. The cancerous cell should not be allowed to develop or proliferate (扩散). Proper counselling can help the manager to correct the situation. He should not develop a dual personality. For example, in the office the tap is leaking, however, he does not bother as he feels that it is the job of administration but when he goes home he makes sure that the leakage of the tap is corrected. The dichoto- my (分裂) behaviour of the person cannot help him to develop team spirit. The manager should develop fatherhood of a spastic (痉挛的) child who is very caring, understand- ing his child. He has to therefore correct him, mend him with hope that the future will be bright.

Educate the Colleague Doing the Work in a Positive Manner

I. Managers must educate a colleague while working. The recent study among the field force revealed that the field representatives like to have a leader who is good at product knowledge and selling skills. During the visit of a leader if he ensures that he gives one or two new points to his colleagues, then the interaction between the two becomes more fruitful. Fox example, if a zonal manager visits his team he may take up the product training in the conference or during the field work followed by a written test of the same subject. This concept was tried by the author in one of his client"s companies wherein he noticed that the representative never used to respect his senior because of his lack of knowledge on the product. This process of inculcating (教授) the habit of interactions between the two brought a better team spirit and respect for each other. This activity re- suited into higher productivity of the area.

One influence the analysis about a manager‘s personality and his colleagues may have on them is that they will be more responsible and motivated.


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Tips for Team Building

When you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing games or hanging from ropes? Traditionally, many organizations approach team building in this way but, then, they wonder why that wonderful sense of teamwork that had been displayed at the retreat or the seminar fails to impact long term beliefs and actions back at work.

I'm not averse to retreats, planning sessions, seminars and team building activities — in fact I lead them — but they have to form. part of a much larger teamwork effort. You will not build teamwork by “retreating” as a group for a couple of days each year, instead you need to think of team building as something you do every single day.

• Form. teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes. Provide training in systematic methods so the team expends its energy on the project, not on trying to work out how to work together as a team to approach the problem.

• Hold department meetings to review projects and progress, to obtain broad input, and to coordinate shared work processes. If there is friction between team members, examine the work processes they mutually own — the problem is not usually their personalities; instead, it is often the fact that the team members haven't agreed on how they will deliver a product or service, or the steps required to get something done.

• Build fun and shared occasions into the organization's agenda — hold pot luck lunches, take the team to a sporting event, sponsor dinners at a local restaurant, go hiking or go to an amusement park. Hold a monthly company meeting, sponsor sports teams and encourage cheering team fans.

• Use ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings — these help team members get to know each other, share details about each others lives, and have a laugh together.

• Celebrate team successes publicly. There are many ways you could do this, for instance by buying everyone the same T-shirt or hat, putting team member names in a draw for company merchandise and gift certificates. The only thing limiting you is your imagination.

If you do the types of teamwork building listed above, you'll be amazed at the progress you will make in creating a teamwork culture, a culture that enables individuals to contribute more than they ever thought possible — together.


1.Team building event is traditionally related to playing games at resort.

2.The author claims that playing games together is as important as form. teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes for team building.

3.“Retreat” in the first paragraph means withdrawal of troops after a defeat.

4.Ice breaking motivates team members compete with each other.

5.A good teamwork culture enables individuals make more efforts together.



Living in an urban area with green spaces has a long-lasting positive impact on people
’s mental well-being, a study has suggested. UK researchers found moving to a green space had a sustained positive effect. Co-author Mathew White, from the University of Exeter, UK, explained that the study showed people living in greener urban areas were displaying fewer signs of depression or anxiety. “There could be a number of reasons,” he said, “for example, people do many things to make themselves happier; they strive for promotion or pay rises, or they get married. But the trouble is that within six months to a year, people are back to their original baseline levels of well-being. So, these things are not sustainable; they don’t make us happy in the long term. ” Dr. White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas has a lasting positive effect on people’s sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time. To do this, the team used data from the British Household Panel Survey compiled by University of Essex. “What you see is that even after three years, mental health is still better, which is unlike many other things that we think will make us happy.” He observed that people living in green spaces were less stressed, and more sensible and communicated better. With a growing body of evidence establishing a link between urban green spaces and a positive impact on human well-being, Dr. White said “There’s growing interest among public policy officials, but the trouble is who funds it.”

1.According to a study, what do green spaces do to people()

A、Improve their work efficiency.

B、Add to their sustained happiness

C、Help them build a positive attitude towards life.

D、Lesson their concerns about material well-being.

2.What do people usually do to make themselves happier()

A、Earn more money.

B、Settle in an urban area.

C、Gain fame and popularity.

D、Live in a green environment.

3.What does Dr. White try to find out about living in a greener urban area()

A、How it affects different people.

B、How strong its positive effect is.

C、How long its positive effect.

D、How it benefits people.

4.What did the research reveal about people living in a green environment()

A、Their stress was more apparent than real.

B、Their decisions required less deliberation.

C、Their memories were greatly strengthened.

D、Their communication with others improved.

5.What should the government do to build more green spaces in cities()

A、Find financial support.

B、Improve urban planning.

C、Involve local residents in the effort.

D、Raise public awareness of the issue.



As if you needed another reason to hate the gym, it now turns out that exercise can exhaust not only your muscles, but also your eyes. Fear not, however, for coffee can perk them right up again

. During vigorous exercise, our muscles tire as they run out of fuel and build up waste products. Muscle performance can also be affected by a phenomenon called "central fatigue," in which an imbalance in the body's chemical messengers prevents the central nervous system from directing muscle movements effectively. It was not known, however, whether central fatigue might also affect motor systems not directly involved in the exercise itself—such as those that move the eyes. To find out, researchers gave 11 volunteers a carbohydrate solution either with a moderate dose of caffeine—which is known to stimulate the central nervous system—or as a placebo without, during 3 hours of cycling. After exercising, the scientists tested the cyclists with eye-tracking cameras to see how well their brains could still control their visual system. The team found that exercise reduced the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8%, preventing their ability to capture new visual information. The caffeine—the equivalent of two strong cups of coffee—was sufficient to counteract this effect, with some cyclists even displaying increased eye movement speeds, the team reports today in Scientific Reports. So it might be a good idea to get someone else to drive you home after that marathon.



The biggest mistake a workplace leader can make with office culture is failing to devise one at all. How do you know if your office culture is helping, or hurting, your employees, and as a result

The biggest mistake a workplace leader can make with office culture is failing to devise one at all. How do you know if your office culture is helping, or hurting, your employees, and as a result your bottom line? Designing a thoughtful(周到的)office culture is so important for a new company. Here are some aspects where a leader should be careful not to make mistakes. A cohesive (和谐一致的) office culture starts at the top and is built with intention. Face book’s founder projects a laid -back vibe (氛围). That sets the tone for his $200 billion company, Where he visits weekly Q and A sessions from his staff, loads up the perks, and courts a young team that closely mirrors his target market, positioning Face book are especially designed for their wants and needs.

Strict dress code or early start time may seem like an easy way to build professionalism (职业化)in your workplace, but is there a good reason for it? Strict requirements that work in a law office may erode the work ethic at a hip tech startup. Make sure to back up your rules with reason. For example, at Culture Studio, a T -shirt design and printing company, you’d better believe there’s no place for ties. Employees are encouraged to dress down in their brand’s merchandise or their competitors’ Leadership shouldn’t abandon culture development there. Good employees tend to be goal­oriented over-achievers, so put your budget on that with team -building activities, contests, and incentives for the best. Think critically about the ideal employees for your team, what makes the tick, and how you can support them, within and outside of their role in the company’s goals.

Setting the tone for your workplace starts with each hire and at every level in the company. At digital marketing firm Mabbly, every hiring decision is made with the company’s vision in mind: a creative and young team of approachable(伸手可及的) guides that help clients to understand the seemingly mysterious world of PR public relations in this internet age.

26. What is the main topic of this article?

A. How to write business emails and memos.

B. How to design a thoughtful office culture.

C. How to set rules for employees to follow.

27. The example of Facebook is to show().

A. one should built a cohesive office culture on purpose

B. how you can use Q and A sessions from your staff

C. office culture must reflect your own wants and needs

28. It is suggested that one should()in the third paragraph.

A. set the tone for one’s company

B. drop strict dress code or early start time

C. back up office rules with reason

29. What does “put your budget on that” means in the fourth paragraph?() .

A. To withdraw the money.

B. To pay more attention to it.

C. To invest money and efforts.

30. Mabbly is targeted in().

A. helping clients to understand the PR world

B. attracting as many investments as possible

C. making a link between selling and buying



Teamwork is extremely important for the success of a company.Teamwork Multiplies Succe
ss Teamwork has often been described as one plus oneequals three.On teams, people can work together and accomplish much more than they couldby themselves.Your company can also accomplish great things when everyone is workingtogether toward a common goal.Teamwork Makes the Job Easier Employees now specialize in areas and contributeto the team through the work they produce.By specializing in areas like merchandisingor accounting, they become more expert at their tasks and make your team more effectiveas a result.Working in teams also teaches your associates to work together moreeffectively and frequently.The new ways of doing things are discovered by team membersworking together to solve a problem.Teamwork Maximizes Strengths and Reduces Weaknesses Individual weaknesses canbe minimized through the efforts of the team.In your company, you place your peoplewhere their strengths can be best used.Weaknesses can be reduced when your peopleconcentrate on their areas of strength.Teamwork Makes Work Fun Work is more fun when you are a part of a team.Youcan build on other peoples ideas and share in completing the assignment together.Youalso have another pair of eyes to look at the work, which further reduces mistakes.Studies have also shown that laughter and fun reduce stress, which can also increaseeffectiveness on the job.Teams that enjoy working together can accomplish great thingsfor your company.

1.Whats function of the phrase “one plus one equals three” inPara.2()

A.It shows that teamwork has its advantages and disadvantages

B.It triesto explains that working in a teamwork is better than working individually

C.It isa humorous way to explain how important the teamwork is in a company

2.The word “associates” can probably be replaced by the word “________”in the sentence “Working in teams also teaches your associates to work together ”in Para.3.




3.Which of the following statements is TREUE according to the passage()

A.Personal shortcomings can be reduced through the efforts of the wholeteam

B.Working in a team you might be replaced by a salesman oraccountant

C.Weaknesses can be increased when your team members focus attention ontheir strength

4.Which of the following statements is FLASE according to the passage()

A.Working in a team you can share in completing the assignmenttogether

B.Working in a team you can improve effectiveness on the job

C.Workingin a team you must be careless because you know somebody can help you

5.Whats the best title for this passage?()

A.The Tips forTeamwork

B.The Importance of Teamwork

C.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork



What is suggested being done to build up rapport or good relationship in a team?A.Shar

A.Sharing personal true stories with the others in real lif

B.Giving great pressure to everyone on the team.

C.Holding more team meetings to discuss work.

D.Encouraging everyone to communicate through the Internet.



Who said the only way to learn about a country you can't visit is by reading a book? Dan E
ckberg's television students at Hopkins High School know better. They're seeing countries and learning about cultures with the aid of electronic communications.

Using computers, satellite hookups, and telephone hotlines, Eckberg's students have already followed a team of cyclists 11,500 miles across the continent of Africa, sat atop Mount ilimanjaro, and sweltered in the Sahara Desert.

This winter they'll interact with an expedition exploring Central America in search of the classic Maya culture.

You can join them.

How? By following Eckberg and his class as they track the adventures of Dan and Steve Buettner, two world-class bicyclists from U.S.A. Starting last month these two bicyclists, joined by archaeologists and a technical support team, are interacting with students via the Internet, the worldwide computer network.

From classroom or home computer, students can make research proposals to the Buettners or the archaeologists at the various Central American locations they've been exploring as part of their Maya Quest expedition.

"We hope that someone will ask a question that can't readily be answered," says Hopkins High School student Barry Anderson. "and through the online activities, an answer will be found — a discovery!"

Having students "discover" why a civilization as advanced as the Maya collapsed in the 9th century is one key goal for the leaders of the Maya Quest expedition. The more important goal is using interactive learning to discover the cause of the decline and compare it to issues we face today — natural disasters, environmental problems, and war.

Ten lesson plans — on topics ranging from the Maya language to the Maya creation myth — have been developed for the interactive expedition.

"Through a combination of live call-in television and the Internet," says Eckberg, "we're hoping to build excitement and engagement in learning in our school."

Dan Eckberg and his students learn about Africa by______.

A.reading books.

B.watching video tapes.

C.interacting via the Internet.

D.cycling 11,500 miles.



There are still many things to straighten out before we can build this factory. First,
there is the problem of money. Second, we need to import some of the key equipment. Third, we must set up a strong team to run the factory.()




A bird knows()instinct how to build a nest.







●Interfacing with the customer after project go-ahead is the responsibility of:AProject sp

● Interfacing with the customer after project go-ahead is the responsibility of:

A Project sponsor

B Project team

C Project manager

D Functional manager

E All of the above are possible, based upon the size and complexity of the project


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