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Human's Hands Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and carvings of humans engaged

Human's Hands

Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and carvings of humans engaged in activities involving the use of hands--indicate that humans have been predominantly right - handed for more than 5,000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork, for example, the fight-hand is depicted as the dominant one in about 90 per cent of the examples. Fracture or wear patterns on tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were fight - handed.

Cro-Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing one hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Children today make similar out lines of their hands with crayons on paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Manganese are displayed on cave walls, indicating thai the paintings were usually done by right-handers.

Anthropological evidence pushes the record of handedness nearly human ancestors back to at least 1.4 million years ago. One important line of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in tool making: implements flaked with a clockwise motion (indicating a right- handed toolmaker) can be distinguished frp, those flakea wan a counter- clockwise rotation (indicating a left -handed toolmaker).

Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present -day Inuit. Occasionally the knives slip and leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left - to - right stroke direction (by right-handers) are more common than scratches in the opposite direction (made by left-handers).

Still other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical differences between the right and left sides of the interior of the skull indicate subtle physical differences between the two sides of the brain. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which side of the body is used to perform. specific activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right - or left – sided dominance is not exclusive to modem Homo sapiens. Populations of Neanderthals, such as Homo erects and Ho mo habilis, seem to have been predominantly right -handed, as we are.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Human ancestors became predominantly right- handed when they began to use tools.

B.It is difficult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use,

C.Human and their ancestors have been predominantly right -handed for over a million years.

D.Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modem humans.

更多“Human's Hands Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and carvings of humans engaged”相关的问题


Human' s Hands Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged

Human' s Hands

Archaeological records--paintings, drawings, and drawings of humans engaged in activities involving the use of hands--indicate that humans have been predominantly right - handed for more than 5,000 years. In ancient Egyptian artwork, for example, the fight-hand is depicted us the dominant one in about 90 per- cent of the examples. Fracture or wear patterns on tools also indicate that a majority of ancient people were fight - handed.

Cro - Magnon cave paintings some 27,000 years old commonly show outlines of human hands made by placing one hand against the cave wall and applying paint with the other. Children today make similar. out- lines of their hands with crayons on paper. With few exceptions, left hands of Cro-Manganese are displayed on cave wails, indicating that the paintings were usually done by right-handers.

Anthropological evidence pushes the record of' handedness nearly human ancestors back to at least 1.4 million years ago. One important line of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in toolmaking: implements flaked with a clockwise motion (indicating a right -handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from those flaked with a counter- clockwise rotation (indicating a left- handed toolmaker).

Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present - day Inuit. Occasionally the knives slip and leave scratches on the users' teeth. Scratches made with a left - to - right stroke direction (by right- handers) are more common than scratches in the opposite direction (made by lefthanders).

Still other evidence comes from cranial morphology: scientists think that physical differences between the right and left sides of the interior of the skull indicate subtle physical differences between the two sides of the brain. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which Side of the body is used to perform. specific activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right - or left - sided dominance is not exclusive to modern Homo sapiens. Populations of Neanderthals, such as Homo erects and Homo habilis, seem to have been predominantly right -handed, as we are.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Human ancestors became predominantly right- handed when they began to use tools.

B.It is difficult to interpret the significance of anthropological evidence concerning tool use.

C.Human and their ancestors have been predominantly right - handed for over a million years.

D.Human ancestors were more skilled at using both hands than modern humans.



According to Sir Richard Paget, the right order of development of human communication
is _________.

A. sounds, food, hunting, writing, gambling, online chatting

B. gestures of the hands, gestures of the mouth, whispered speech, voiced speech

C. gestures, eye movements, writing, speech, telegraph, internet

D. shouting, whispers, hands movements, horse riding, computers



Question 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Like fingerprints, no two faces

Question 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Like fingerprints, no two faces are exactly the same. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the characters that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child---even an animal, such as a bird ------ can learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted.

We also tell two people apart by how they behave. A person’s personality means the ways in which he acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make him different from others.

Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing a person’s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face, if you were asked to describe what a “nice face” looks like, you would have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a “nice person”, you might begin to think about someone who is kind, thoughtful, warm, and so on.

There are many words that can be used to describe how a person thinks, feels, and acts. Gordon Allport, a U.S. scientist who studies the human mind, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in human behavior. And many of us use these words to describe different types of people ---- bookworms (书呆子), fools, workaholics(工作狂).

21. According to the passage, a very young child can _______.

A. learn to recognize faces

B. describe how a person thinks

C. learn to recognize fingerprints

D. describe what a “nice person” is like

22. According to the passage, we can tell two people apart by ________.

A. their behavior

B. their names

C. their hands

D. their clothes

23. Describing a “nice face” _________.

A. is quite easy

B. is a difficult task

C. is not as difficult as describing a “nice person”

D. may remind you of someone who was kind, thoughtful and friendly

24. It can be concluded from the passage that _________.

A. a “nice person” is very complex

B. it’s hard to describe a “nice person”

C. a “nice person” is considerate and kind

D. when we tell one person from another, we often refer to their face

25. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Gordon Allport?

A. He describes himself as a bookworm.

B. He does research on the human mind.

C. He found about 18,000 English words to describe human behavior.

D. The words he found are being used by many people to describe a person.



In the next century we'll be able to alter our DNA radically, encoding our visions and van
ities while concocting new life-forms. When Dr. Frankenstein made his monster, he wrestled with the moral issue of whether he should allow it to reproduce, "Had I the right, for my own benefit, to inflict the curse upon everlasting generations?" Will such questions require us to develop new moral philosophies?

Probably not. Instead, we'll reach again for a time-tested moral concept; one sometimes called the Golden Rule and which Kant, the millennium's most prudent moralist, conjured up into a categorical imperative, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; treat each person as an individual rather than as a means to some end.

Under this moral precept we should recoil at human cloning, because it inevitably entails using humans as means to other humans' ends and valuing them as copies of others we loved or as collections of body parts, not as individuals in their own right. We should also draw a line, however fuzzy, that would permit using genetic engineering to cure diseases and disabilities but not to change the personal attributes that make someone an individual (IQ, physical appearance, gender and sexuality).

The biotech age will also give us more reason to guard our personal privacy. Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, got it wrong: rather than centralizing power in the hands of the state, DNA technology has empowered individuals and families. But the state will have an important role, making sure that no one, including insurance companies, can look at our genetic data without our permission or use it to discriminate against us.

Then we can get ready for the breakthroughs that could come at the end of the next century and the technology is comparable to mapping our genes: plotting the 10 billion or more neurons of our brain. With that information we might someday be able to create artificial intelligences that think and experience consciousness in ways that are indistinguishable from a human brain. Eventually we might be able to replicate our own minds in a "dry-ware" machine, so that we could live on without the "wet-ware" of a biological brain and body. The 20th century's revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st century's revolution in biotechnology. But this is science fiction. Let's turn the page now and get back to real science.

Dr. Frankenstein's remarks are mentioned in the text

A.to give an episode of the DNA technological breakthroughs.

B.to highlight the inevitability of a means to some evil ends.

C.to show how he created a new form. of life a thousand years ago.

D.to introduce the topic of moral philosophies concerning biotechnology.



Do you know that all human beings have a "comfortable zone" regulating the distance they s
tand from someone when they talk? This distance varies in interesting ways among people of different cultures.

Greeks, others of the Eastern Mediterranean, and many of those from South America normally stand close together when they talk, often moving their faces even closer as they warm up in a conversation. North Americans find this awkward and often back away a few inches. Studies have found that they tend to feel most comfortable at about 21 inches apart. In much of Asia and Africa, there is even more space between two speakers in conversation. This greater space subtly lends an air of dignity and respect. This matter of space is nearly always unconscious, but it is interesting to observe.

This difference applies also to the closeness with which people sit together, the extent which they lean over one another in conversation, how they move as they argue, or make an emphatic point. In the United States, for example, people try to keep their bodies apart even in a crowded elevator; in Paris they take it as it comes!

Although North Americans have a relatively wide "comfortable zone" for talking, they communicate, a great deal with their hands—not only with gestures but also with touch. They put a sympathetic hand on a person's shoulder to demonstrate warmth of feeling or an arm around him in sympathy; they nudge a man in the ribs to emphasize a funny story; they pat an arm in reassurance or stroke a child's head in affection, they readily take someone's arm to help him across a street or direct him along an unfamiliar route. To many people—especially those from Asia or the Moslem countries—such bodily contact is unwelcome, especially if inadvertently done with the left hand. (The left hand carries no special significance in the U.S. Many Americans are simply left handed and use that hand more. )

In terms of bodily distance, North Americans ______.

A.are similar to South Americans

B.stand farthest apart

C.feel ill at ease when too close

D.move nearer during conversations



Parenting is not an easy task. Becoming a parent is the easiest part, whereas, being a c
onscious and positive parent is a momentous task. Parenting is the most important role one faces in a lifetime. Parents who provide an encouraging environment for their children are rewarded when, as adults, their children realize a successful fit into the culture and society.

Parenting concepts are deeply rooted in the majority of families in that country, because of a strong, sustained tradition of educating and training young parents to accept perform. and establish enduring relationships and responsibilities with their children. Generally, the young mother is introduced to the nuances of parenting by way of the “hands on” method at her parental home, and under the guidance of her mother or an experienced family member.

This practice could be the reason why the need for professional parent education usually is not expressed.

Effective parenting enables children to build and develop positive behavior. and good, solid self-concepts that are important for functioning fully as a healthy adult. Parenting, as such, is greatly dependent on intra-familial issues that play a significant role in parental performance. However, parenting skills can be strengthened if parents learn about themselves as a “parent” and about children’s development. Learning about the stages of human development helps parents understand about their ever changing roles in the lives of their children and also what is expected of a parent at each stage. Finally, a father’s love and influence is as important as a mother’s in the life of a child. Fathers should overcome the internal and external barriers that exist to fulfill the duties of fathering.

6.According to the author, ________.

A. becoming a parent is a very difficult task

B. parenting is a difficult and important task

C. becoming a parent is an important task

D. parenting is an easy taskA B C D

7.Nuance in the second paragraph means_______.

A. very slight things

B. very basic things

C. very important thing

D. very special thingsA B C D

8.Why are parenting concepts deeply rooted in the majority of families in that country?

A. Because there is a tradition in which young parents are properly educated and trained.

B. Because young parents have established enduring relationships and responsibilities with their children.

C. Because enduring relationships and responsibilities with their children are performed by the young parents.

D.Because enduring relationships and responsibilities with their children are accepted by the young parents.A B C

9.What is the ultimate aim of effective parenting according to the author?

A. It is to build and develop positive behavior.

B. It is build and develop good, solid self-concepts.

C. It is to build a physically and mentally healthy adult for the society.

D. It is to build and independent character.A B C D

10.According to the author, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Parents’ roles in the lives of their children are changing.

B. There are several stages in human development.

C. Different roles are expected at different stages.

D. Parents’ role in the lives of their children do not change.



Now elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Eu
rope's last pristine wildness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can't do anything about. But the truth is, once you're off the beaten paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they're all bad, so Iceland's natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhabitants. For them the land has always just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited—the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the " Mona Lisa".

When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enter into a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter (冶炼厂), those who had been dreaming of something like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world's richest countries, with a 99 percent literacy rate and long life expectancy. But the project's advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to be the country's century upon century of want, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark, which officially ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh. For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope, children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegetation and livestock, all spirit— a world revolving almost entirely around the welfare of one's sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.

Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dying regions— the remote and sparsely populated east— where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotas were imposed in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many individual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostly in the hands of a few companies and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands, and the people were seeing everything they had worked for all their lives turn up worthless and their children move away. With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be perceived, wisely or not, as a last chance. "Smelter or death."

The contract with Alcoa would infuse the region with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off service industries. It also was a way for Iceland to develop expertise that potentially could be sold to the rest of the world; diversify an economy historically dependent on fish; and, in an appealing display of Icelandic can-do verse, perhaps even protect all of Iceland, once and for all, from the unpredictability of life itself.

" We have to live," Halldor Asgrimsson said. Halldor, a former prime minister and longtime member of parliament from the region, was a driving force behind the project. "We have a right to live. "

According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something of______.

A.environmental value

B.commercial value

C.potential value for tourism

D.great value for livelihood



Weinstein's body,with hands and feet______,was discovered by a hiker on March 17. A. bound

Weinstein's body,with hands and feet______,was discovered by a hiker on March 17.

A. bound

B. bind

C. binding

D. bounded



Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, the
re has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define "wisdom" and consider means of promoting it. There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.

This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say) as

modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowing the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more dramatic example, which is in everybody's mind at the present time, you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested (无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.

Therefore, with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments (增强) our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise.

Disagreement arises when people try to decide ______ .

A.how much more wisdom we have now than before

B.what wisdom is and how to develop it

C.if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age

D.whether wisdom can be developed or not



A robot machine can turn instruments _____ ways a doctor's hands cannot.A、inB、toC、

A robot machine can turn instruments _____ ways a doctor's hands cannot.






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