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Of all the foods we know, fruit is one of the most healthful. It is also one of the most t

asty foods. Almost everyone enjoys fruit. Fruit is grown in almost every part of the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of fruits. And there are thousands of different varieties. In the United States alone, there are several hundred types of apples.

In general, though, there are three separate groups. There are tropical fruits. These are most important. In this group, we have bananas and pineapples. They are shipped from tropical countries and are eaten all over the world.

Next come the subtropical fruits. The most important of these are the citrus fruits. Oranges, tangerines, limes, and grapefruit are favorites. Other fruits in this class are figs, dates, and olives.

The last group comes from the temperate zone. In this group are pears, apples, grapes, and plums. Many kinds of berries fit this group, too.

Fruits are very important to the human diet. Besides being tasty, they provide important acids, salts, and vitamins. Also, they are easy to digest. Nutrition experts say that the more fruit people eat, the healthier they become.

Down through the centuries fruit has played a part in tales and history. In a Greek myth, Hercules sent Atlas to pick "golden apples" to pay for a crime. Today we believe these golden apples were oranges. During the 1700's, British ships began to carry limes. It was found that sailors who drank the lime juice did not get sick. Since that time, British sailors have been called "limeys."

The peach also has an exciting history. It has been a world traveler. Its journey began many, many centuries ago. Peaches were first grown in China. From China, traders of long ago carried peach trees to Persia. From there, Alexander the Great brought the fruit to Europe. From Europe, Spanish ships carried peaches to the New World.

Through the years, fruit trees and plants have been improved. Today's fruits are bigger. They also taste better. Different kinds of fruits are often being bred. We now have fruit that can travel to all parts of the world and still stay fresh. Even after traveling for some time, these new fruits keep the vitamins and minerals that are so good for our diet. Fruit will always be prized as a basic food that now can be enjoyed the whole year round.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A.Most people enjoy eating fruit.

B.Fruit can be grown almost all over the world.

C.There are less than a hundred kinds of fruits.

D.There are three groups of fruits.

更多“Of all the foods we know, fruit is one of the most healthful. It is also one of the most t”相关的问题


From paragraph one, we know that economics isA.same with other social sciences in all the

From paragraph one, we know that economics is

A.same with other social sciences in all the rubbish about it.

B.opposite to other social sciences in the way of research.

C.similar to all other sciences in trying to foretell man's. activities.

D.different from most sciences in its attempt to avoid misguidance.



We now know that about ____ of all the kinds of seaweed are animals.A: one fourB: once

We now know that about ____ of all the kinds of seaweed are animals.

A: one four

B: once four

C: once fourth

D: one fourth



One assumption of rationality is that we cannot know all of the alternatives.()


We have to accept the fact()most of us have been raised with certain foods and we stick
to them all our lives

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. for that



We grow all our fruit and vegetables, ______saves money, of course.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.su

We grow all our fruit and vegetables, ______saves money, of course.







Eight Tips for Eating WellA healthy balanced diet contains a variety of typos of food, inc

Eight Tips for Eating Well

A healthy balanced diet contains a variety of typos of food, including lots of fruit, vegetables and starchy (淀粉类) foods such as wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereals; some protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs and lentils; and some dairy foods.

1. Base your meals on starchy foods

Starchy foods such as bread, cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes are a really important part of a healthy diet. Try to choose wholegrain varieties of starchy foods whenever you can.

Starchy foods should make up about a third of the food we eat. They are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet. As well as starch, these foods contain fiber, calcium, iron and B vitamins.

Most of us should eat more starchy foods —try to include at least one starchy food with each of your main meals. So you could start the day with a wholegrain breakfast cereal, have a sandwich for lunch, and potatoes, pasta or rice with your evening meal.

Wholegrain foods contain more fiber and other nutrients than white or refined starchy foods. We also digest wholegrain foods more slowly so they can help make us feel full for longer.

2. Eat lots of fruit and vegetable

Most people know we should be eating more fruit and vegetable. But most of us still aren't eating enough.

Try to eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetable every day. It might be easier than you think. Try adding up your portions during the meals throughout the day. You can choose from fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced, but remember potatoes count as a starchy food, not as portions of fruit and vegetable.

3. Eat more fish

Most of us should be eating more fish —including a portion of oily fish each week. It's an excellent source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals.

Aim for at least two portions of fish a week, including a portion of oily fish. You can choose from fresh, frozen or canned —but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt.

What are oily fish?

Some fish are called oily fish because they are rich in certain types of fats, called omega 3 fatty acids, which can help keep our hearts healthy.

How much oily fish?

Although most of us should be eating more oily fish, women who might have a baby one day should have a maximum of 2 portions of oily fish a week (a portion is about 140g). And 4 is the recommended maximum number of portions for other adults.

Anyone who regularly eats a lot of fish should try and choose as wide a variety as possible.

4. Cut down on saturated (饱和的) fat and sugar


To stay healthy we need some fat in our diets. What is important is the kind of fat we are eating. There are two main types of fat:

- saturated fat —having too much can increase the amount of cholesterol (胆固醇) in the blood, which increases the chance of developing heart disease

- unsaturated fat—having unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat lowers blood cholesterol

Try to cut down on food that is high in saturated fat and have foods that are rich in unsaturated fat instead, such as vegetable oils, oily fish, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Foods high in saturated fat are: meat pies, sausages, meat with visible white fat, hard cheese, butter and lard, pastry, cakes and biscuits, cream, soured cream and creme fraiche, coconut oil, coconut cream or palm oil.

For a healthy choice, use just a small amount of vegetable oil or a reduced-fat spread instead of butter, lard or ghee. And when you are having meat, try to choose lean cuts and cut off any visible fat.


Most people are eating too much sugar. We should all be





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