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Text 2William Shakespeare described old age as" second childishness"-no teeth, no eyes, no

Text 2

William Shakespeare described old age as" second childishness"-no teeth, no eyes, no taste. In the case of taste he may, musically speaking, have been more perceptive than he realised. A paper in Neurology by Giovanni Frisoni and his colleagues at the National Centre for Research and Care of Alzheimers's Disease in Italy, shows that frontotemporal dementia can affect musical desires in ways that suggest a regression ,if not to infancy,then at least to a patient's teens.

Frontotemporal dementia, a disease usually found with old people, is caused, as its name suggests,by damage to the front and sides of the brain. These regions are concerned with speech, and with such"higher"functions as abstract thinking and judgment.

Two of such patients intrigued Dr Frisoni. One was a 68-year-old lawyer, the other a 73-year- old housewife. Both had undamaged memories, but displayed the sorts of defect associated with frontotemporal dementia-a diagnosis that was confrrmed by brain scanning.

About two years after he was first diagnosed, the lawyer, once a classical music lover who re-ferred to pop music as"mere noise" , started listening to the Italian pop band "883". As his command of language and his emotional attachments to friends and family deteriorated, he continued to listen to the band at full volume for many hours a day. The housewife had not even had the lawyer's love of classical music, having never enjoyed music of any sort in the past. But about a year after her diagnosis she became very interested in the songs that her ll-year-old granddaughter was listen ing to.

This kind of change in musical taste was not seen in any of the Alzheimer's patients, and thus appears to be specific to those with frontotemporal dementia. And other studies have remarked on how frontotemporal-dementia patients sometimes gain new talents. Five sufferers who developed artistic abilities are known. And in another case, one woman with the disease suddenly started composing and singing country and western songs.

Dr Frisoni speculates that the illness is causing people to develop a new attitude towards novel experiences, Previous studies of novelty-seeking behaviour suggest that it is managed by the brain'sright frontal lobe. A predominance of the right over the left frontal lobe, caused by damage to the

latter,might thus lead to a quest for new experience. Alternatively, the damage may have affected

some specific nervous system that is needed to appreciate certain kinds of music. Whether that is a

gain or a loss is a different matter. As Dr Frisoni puts it in his article, there is no accounting for


46. The writer quotes Shakespeare mainly to

[A] praise the keen perception of the great English writer.

[B] support Dr. Frisoni 's theory about a disease.

[C] start the discussion on a brain disease.

[D] show the long history of the disease.

更多“Text 2William Shakespeare described old age as" second childishness"-no teeth, no eyes, no”相关的问题


Handshaking is very common in Russia.It is a firm grip with several quick shakes between________.







It’s the training that ______ your speed, not the trainers.A: improvesB: promisesC: tea

It’s the training that ______ your speed, not the trainers.

A: improves

B: promises

C: teaches

D: shakes



The expression he shakes hands like a dead fish refers to a limp handshake, a sign in

A.a weak character

B.a strong character

C.a flexible character

D.a moral character



When people shake hands, three shakes seem to be about right, but a lingering handshak
e is necessary to indicate you are comfortable with the person.()




How long should a handshake last()?
A.Three shakes seem to be about right

B.A lingering handshake is necessary

C.Let go of your hand as quickly as possible

D.It relies on your best sense of social timing




Before Christmas, all the children bring presents for 1.______ (他们的) teacher.

In the class, a lovely boy gives the teacher a gift. His 2.______(父亲) has a flower shop. The teacher

shakes it, thinks for a moment and says, "I know what it is some 3.______(漂亮的) flowers!" "Yes, you're

right!" says the lovely boy 4.______(快乐地).

Then a girl gives the teacher a gift. The girl's family has a candy shop. The teacher takes it over, shakes

it and says,"I know what it is —it's a 5.______(盒子) of candy!" "That's right!" says the little girl.

The 6.______(第三) gift is from another boy. His family sells all 7.______(种类) of drinks. The teacher

sees that it is leaking (漏, 渗出). She touches a drop with her finger and 8.______(品尝) it. "Is it wine?" she

asks quietly. "No, it isn't." She touches another drop and puts it into her mouth 9.______ (再, 又), "Is it beer?"

"No." the boy says. "OK. 10.______(能) you tell me what it is?"

The boy answers, "It's a lovely little dog."



Space is filled with radiant energy and beyond earth's atmosphere this energy flow steadil
y and intensely from the sun. An abundant and essential【C1】______of energy would be used in space by developing satellite solar【C2】______stations. To live in space, humans must be protected【C3】______the fierce intensity and penetrating sunlight. The colony will have to have enough energy to【C4】______a fairly uniform. temperature. The sun is not dimmed【C5】______an atmosphere. Shaded materials not【C6】______to direct sunlight will almost be absolute zero, while the temperature can soar above the【C7】______point. The colony will need to have both heaters and【C8】______Fortunately, sun's energy can be converted【C9】______electricity. Converting sun's energy, we would【C10】______stations in the space that would intercept【C11】______sunlight. The stations intercept enough sunlight to【C12】______five nuclear reactors and they could be as【C13】______as nine miles long and four miles wide while they weigh twenty thousand tons. This is a【C14】______free way to generate electricity and cost no【C15】______than coal or nuclear energy. Solar cells do the actual converting. A useful material found in lunar soil is silicon which is used to make solar cells.【C16】______we can produce a large amount of these cells and then we avoid any problems of【C17】______the material from earth. A solar cell is made from two thin layers of silicon. Sunlight【C18】______on the cell shakes the electrons【C19】______, and then these electrons move off into an outside circuit, which is detected as an electrical current. Things are arranged【C20】______most of the work involved in generating the electricity is done by forces associated with the atoms themselves.








Melinda Smith's got a job at Qiaoxiang Community S

Melinda Smith's got a job at Qiaoxiang Community Service Center. Today is her first day at work.George, the Director of the Administration Department, is introducing her to Wendy and Helen.

George: Hello, everyone. I'd like you to (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} our newcomer, Melinda.

Melinda: Hi, I'm Melinda Smith, nice to meet you all here.

Wendy: Nice to meet you, too, Melinda. I'm Wendy Brown, just (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} me Wendy.

Helen: Hi, I'm Helen Clinton. Welcome.

Melinda shakes hands with everyone.

Wendy: Would you come over, please, Melinda? This is your desk.

Melinda: Thank you very much. Could you please tell me what's the telephone 回答

on my desk?

Helen: Oh, it's 8633-2788. If you have any questions here, please tell us. We'll all be ready to help.

Melinda: Thanks for everything. You're (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} helpful.

Wendy: When you are free, I'll show you around our center and introduce you to other colleagues.

Melinda: That's great! I'll be looking (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} to it.



填空:After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake

scientists had good news to report: The damage and death toll(死亡人数) could have been much worse. More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, and earthquake of similar __1__ that shook America in 1998 claimed 25,000 victims.

Injuries and deaths were __2__ less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m. On a holiday, when traffic was light on the city's highway. In addition, __3__ made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city's buildings and highways, making them more __4__ to quakes.

In the past, making structures quake-resist-ant meant firm yet __5__ materials, such as steel and wood, that bend without breaking. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to __6__ the impact of ground vibrations. The most __7__ designs give buildings brains as well as concrete and steel supports, called smart buildings, the structures respond like living organisms to an earthquake's vibrations. When ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would __8__ the building to shift in the opposite direction. The new designs should offer even greater __9__ to cities where earthquakes ofen take place.

The new smart structures could be very __10__ to build. However, they would save many lives and would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.


















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