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His family () came from France.





更多“His family () came from France.”相关的问题


No one knows where he came from. There is something ______ (mystery)about his family background.

No one knows where he came from. There is something ______ (mystery)about his family background.



He called his family _____ he came back.

A.as soon as






John gearhart’s early years were full of hardship. his father died when he was only si
x. after his father’s death,his mother placed him and one of his brothers in gerard college,an all-male orphanage where he stayed until he graduated and entered pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚)state university.

his memories of the family farm led him into horticulture(园艺).the study habits he had acquired in the orphanage helped him a great deal because he did not care for the life outside his university, and gearhart saw many of his former classmates fall behind, then, as he puts it, he “fell in love with genetics.”

after earning his b. sc. in biological(生物的)science at penn in 1964,he moved to the university of new hampshire(新罕布什尔州),where he got his m. sc in genetics in 1966. he received his ph.d. degree in genetics, development&embryology(胚胎学)from cornell university in 1970.

through all these years gearhart had only occasional contact with his mother . his studies had led him far from the farming concerns of his family in pennsylvania,when his mother became seriously ill,she came to johns hopkins hospital for treatment, and it was only then, in her last months of life, that gearhart felt he finally came to know the mother who had been forced to give him up so many years before.

on november 10, 1998, john gearhart reported his important findings in genetics. he is now one of the most famous scientists in the united states, a leader in the field of genetics research..

51、John Gearhart was sent to the orphanage because______.

A.his mother was ill

B.his father died

C.his father couldn't support his family

D.his mother didn't like him

52、it can be learned from the passage that ____contributed a lot to his success.

A.one of his brothers

B.his classmates in the orphanage

C.his memories of the family farm

D.his study habits developed in the orphanage

53、John Gearhart attended all the following universities EXCEPT____.

A.Cornell University

B.Pennsylvania State University

C.University of New Hampshire

D.Johns Hopkins University

54、John Gearhart is well-known for his important findings in______.





55、John Gearhart didn't understand why his mother gave him up so many years before until ___

A.his mother’s death

B.his great success in his work

C.his mother's last months of life

D.his graduation from Cornell university



When I begin to look back on all friends whom I have had, I quickly came to the conclu
sion that Jerry was the most important and had the greatest effect upon my life. His family moved to my block when I was only 10. Jerry was 15 at the time, but the fact that he was so much older than me seemed to make no difference to him. I was very glad that he liked me. We took long walks together, on which he would tell me stories he had heard form. TV and radio programs.

But as months went by, a change came into our friendship. Jerry almost stopped coming by the house, and every time I went to his house or telephoned, he put me off with some excuses such as "I'm studying now" or "I've got some jobs to do for Mum". When we passed on the street, he would still give me a warm smile and friendly wave with a "Hi, kid", but he would hardly ever stop to talk. Finally I realized that he was no longer interested in me and that his,taste had changed. I noticed him with a girl once in a while and several times saw him going out in his family's car on a Friday or Saturday night. I simply couldn't understand what was so great about girls and parties.

But I was hurt when he finally made me know that our friendship was at an end. Of course he didn't really mean to hurt me, but it was a long time before I realized that it was an age problem that caused the break. There were a world of differences between the ideas and interests of a 17-year-old and a 12-year-old. Now that I'm over sixteen myself, I realized this, and the hurt I got then has become happy memories of the good times we were once together. I wonder if millions of other boys and girls have had a similar experience.

(1)、When the writer and Jerry first met, Jerry was ______.

A:10 years old

B:5 years older than the writer

C:of the same age as the writer

D:the writer's classmate

(2)、Their friendship lasted for ______.

A:a few years

B:a few weeks

C:a few months

D:a few hours

(3)、Jerry stopped playing with the writer because ______.

A:the writer had changed

B:he was busy with his study

C:he has some jobs to do

D:he was not interested in the writer

(4)、When a change came in their friendship, the writer ______.

A:accepted it at once

B:couldn't understand his friend for a long time

C:stopped visiting his friend

D:started going to parties with girls

(5)、The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A:the age difference plays a part in friendship

B:friendship is the most important thing for children

C:many boys and girls have a similar experience as the writer

D:"friends are made in wine and tested in tears"



Li Qiu is a boy of fifteen and studying in Grade Three at Oak school. His family live
s outside the town. His parents have a farm and grow a lot of vegetables on it and they often sell them in the town. These years they've built a new building and bought a tractor, a motorbike,a color television,a fridge and other things.

Two years ago,Li Qiu began to study in a middle school. He does well in all his lessons and now he's becoming more and more interested in science. He likes to try out new ideas and hopes to be an inventor. This term he's learned electricity (电学). He always watches TV carefully. Last Saturday,when he came back home,his parents were working in the fields. He looked at the new color TV for a while. Then he began to take apart (拆) it. Three hours later his mother came in and saw him fixing the TV set. She was surprised and asked,“What are you doing here,Li Qiu?”

“I took apart the TV just now.”

“Don't worry about it,Mummy,” said the boy “I only want to know how it works.”

“Have you refixed it together?” asked Mum.

“No,Mum,” the boy said in a hurry. “Look,there are some parts left. I don't know where to put them.”

1)、Li Qiu's house is outside the town.



2)、Li Qiu is in Grade Two now.



3)、Li Qiu becomes interested in science because he wants to be an inventor.



4)、Li Qiu thought he could refix a television.



5)、In fact,Li Qiu has broken their TV down.





完型填空On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past


On May 27, 1995, our life was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three, when my husband, Chris, fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence. Chris was paralyzed (瘫痪) from the chest down, {able; unable; suitable} to breathe normally. As he was thrown from his horse, we entered into a life of disability with lots of unexpected challenges. We went from the “haves” to the “have-nots”. Or so we thought.

Yet what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties. We came to learn that something {terrible; practical; wonderful} could happen in a disaster. All over the world people cared for Chris so much that letters and postcards poured in every day. By the end of the third week in a medical center in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of {news; paper; mail} had been received and sorted. As {patients; a family; nurses}, we opened letter after letter. They gave us comfort and became a source of strength for us. We use them to encourage ourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked with “funny” if we need a laugh, or to the “disabled” box to find advice from people in wheelchairs or even in bed living happily and {successfully; bitterly; weakly}. These letters, we realized, had to be shared. And so here we offer one of them to you. "



Edward rose early on the New-year morning.He looked in every room and wished a Happy N
ew Year to his family.Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet.

When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars .

His face lighted up as he took them.He had wished for a long time to buy some petty books that he had seen at the bookstore.

He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books.As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family.

“I wish you a happy New Year.” said Edward, as he was happily passing on.The man shook his head.

“You are not from this country? ” said Edward.The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language.But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children shaking with cold, as if (好像)to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time”

Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble.He took out his dollars, and gave one to the man and the other to his wife.

They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, “We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.”

When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought.He hung his head a moment, but quickly looked up.

“I have bought no books,” said he, “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry then.” He went on, “I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.”

“My dear boy,” said his father, “Here are some books, more as a reward for your goodness of heart than as a New-Year gift”.

“I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family.It was nice for a little boy to do so.Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.”

1.Edward expected to ________ with the money he got from his father.

A.help the poor family

B.buy something to eat

C.buy some pretty books

2.Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him?()

A.He couldn’t understand the boy

B.He wouldn’t accept the money

C.He didn’t like the boy’s language

3.How much did Edward give the poor family?()

A.One dolla

B.Two dollars

C.Three dollars

4.We know that Edward ________.

A.got a prize for his kind heart

B.got more money from his father

C.bought the books at the bookstore

25.What is the best title for the passage?()

A.New Year's Gift

B.Story of Buying Books

C.Father's Words



One day in 1965, when I was a library worker at school, a teacher came to me. She had
a student who finished his work before all the others and needed something more difficult for him to do. "Could you help me in the library?"she asked. I said, "Send him along."

Soon, a golden-haired boy appeared. "Do you have a job for me?" he asked. I told him about a system for sorting books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him some cards for some unreturned books that I thought had been returned but not recorded. Maybe some books were put on wrong places. He said, "Is it a kind of a detective(侦探) job?" I answered yes, and then began his work.

He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and said, "Time for rest!" he argued for finishing the finding job, but the teacher won.

The next morning, he arrived early, "I want to finish these books," he said. At the end of the day, when he asked to work with me more often, it was easy for me to say yes.

After a few weeks I found a note on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boy's home. At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother declared that the family would be moving to another school. Her son's first concern, she said,was leaving the library. "Who will find the lost books?" he asked. When the time came, it was hard to say goodbye.Though at the beginning he had seemed an ordinary boy, his strong feeling of interest had made him different.

Do you know who he is? This boy became a great man of the Information Age: Bill Gates.

(1)、Why did the teacher go to the library to find a job for Bill Gates?

A:Because the teacher found the librarian quite busy.

B:Because Bill Gates wanted to find a job.

C:Because Bill Gates finished his study quickly and had more free time than the others.

D:Because the library needed a new worker.

(2)、What do you know from the passage?

A:Library work was very difficult for Bill Gates.

B:Bill Gates did his job without any difficulty.

C:The librarian was too busy to have a rest.

D:His mother hoped that Bill Gates would stay for his job.

(3)、The sentence "He picked up the idea immediately" means that ______.

A:he learned that system quickly

B:he collected that system quickly

C:he lifted up that system quickly

D:he improved that system quickly

(4)、What was Bill Gates expected to do in the library?

A:Finding the lost cards.

B:Learning the system.

C:Helping the worker with everything in the library.

D:Finding books with wrong cards.

(5)、How did Bill Gates feel when his family would move to another school area?







When Walt Disney was drawing one night, he suddenly heard a strange sound. The sound came
from the waste basket. Walt looked at it and saw a family of mice eating pieces of bread in it. For many nights, they played there. And Walt began to like them.

Walt liked one little mouse better than any of the others. This little animal gave him some new ideas for his drawing. He began to draw it. But in the picture, it did not look like a mouse, but more like a funny man. He showed it to his wife and she liked it very much, too.

Walt named this little mouse "Mickey Mouse". He hoped his Mickey Mouse would be different from the other pictures of his. He wanted to make Mickey talk. He put his fingers on his nose and made a strange sound. Then he recorded the voice this way. Later he sold his sound pictures to a cinema. When the film was shown, many people went to see it. Mickey Mouse in the film sang and danced and did all kinds of fun ny things. People couldn't help laughing when they saw it. It's a great success. Ever since then, Walt's Mickey Mouse has been one of the most famous film stars in the world.

Walt was ______ when be heard the strange sound.







The political career of Cicero, a great Roman statesman and the most well-known speech mak
er of his time, was a remarkable one. At the time, high political offices in Rome, though technically achieved by winning elections, were almost exclusively controlled by a group of wealthy noble families that held them for many generations. Cicero’s family, though noble, was not one of them, nor did it have great wealth. But Cicero had a great deal of political ambition; at a very young age he chose as his basic belief the same as Achilles was said to have had: to always be the best and overtop the rest. Lacking the advantage of a proper family origin, there were especially only two career options open to them. One was a military career, since military success was thought to result from exceptional personal qualities and could lead to popularity and therefore political opportunity as was the case much later for American presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Cicero, however, was no soldier. He hated war, and served in the military only very briefly as a young man.

Instead, Cicero chose a career in the law. To prepare for this career, he studied law, rhetoric, and philosophy. When he felt he was ready, he began taking part in legal cases. A career in the law could lead to political success for several reasons, all of which are still relevant today. First, a lawyer would gain a great deal of experience in making speeches. Second, he could also gain exposure and popularity from cases. Finally, a successful lawyer would build up a network of political connections, which is important now but was even more important in Cicero’s time, when political competition was not conducted along party lines or on the basis of doctrine, but instead was based on loose, shifting networks of personal friendships and commitments. Cicero proved to be an excellent speech-maker and lawyer, and an outstanding politician. He was elected to each of the principal Rome offices on his first try and at the earliest age at which he was legally allowed to run for them.

To win an important office in Cicero’s time, a candidate should______.

A.be born of a wealthy family

B.possess political experience

C.launch a national campaign

D.convince the general public

Cicero came from a family with ______.

A.great wealth

B.remarkable fame

C.political ambition

D.noble background

Unlike Cicero, Ulysses Grant attained his political position due to ______.A.his strong beliefs

B.his personal relations

C.his military achievements

D.his powerful speeches

A Roman politician’s career prospects were strongly influenced by ______.A.their party’s support

B.their social connections

C.their political doctrine

D.their public popularity

Cicero was elected to the principal offices when______.

A.he got support from his friends

B.he began his career as a lawyer

C.he was committed to social services

D.he was just old enough to run for them



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