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Cancer is a group of diseases in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of_____





更多“Cancer is a group of diseases in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of_____”相关的问题


Whenever I see anyone buying a National Lottery ticket I want to stop them and ask if th
ey know just where their money is going.

The lottery money is supposed to go to charity-but it makes me angry to see some of the so-called “good causes” it?s being used to support. Also, Camelot, the organizers, have made a profit of £10.8 million in five months. We hear now that a lot of that money is boosting the pay packets of the company?s bosses.

For the past 10 years I?ve been helping to raise funds for cancer research charity called Tenovus. My husband, Sandy, died from cancer 11 years ago-he was only 51, There?s been a long line of deaths in our family through cancer and it?s been devastating, I?ve also lost two sisters-in-law, my brother, Michael, my father-in-law and my father, That?s apart from several close friends.

The charity is 50 years old now and raises money mainly for breast cancer research. It also runs a support line for the families of cancer sufferers. Our local group raise money through dances, sales and coffee mornings, and all the funds go directly to cancer research. In 1993 Tenovus raised £3 million-and half that money came from sales of our own lottery tickets at supermarket, But our income has dropped by half since the National Lottery was introduced.

I?m not against people playing the National Lottery, but they should think about what they?re doing. The chances of winning the jackpot are so small; they might as well throw their money away. The Government tells us that the proceeds are going to things like the arts and sports, but what about the National Health Service? They should give some cash to that, too. How can they justify spending ridiculous amounts of cash on so-called works of art-like displays of potatoes-or buying up Winston Churchill?s papers at a cost of £12 million?

So who really are the winners in the National Lottery? When I think of all that money people could be donating to cancer research, I could weep. It?s time people realized how charities across the country are suffering because of the National Lottery. It?s disheartening and so infuriating.

1. The writer seems to hope that___________.

A. people will spend more money on the National Lottery

B. people will give more money to charity

C. most of the lottery money will go to charity

D. most of the lottery money will be used for cancer research

2. The reason why the writer raises funds for cancer research is that ______________.

A. she herself is suffering from cancer

B. the cancer is the most frightening disease

C. a number of her relatives died of cancer

D. some cancer research needs more money than other research

3. In this text the writer is expressing____________.

A. her personal opinions

B. the opinions of the general public

C. her feelings about cancer sufferers

D. some ideas of fund-raising

4. The organization “Tenovus” is _____________.

A. run by a group of people in the writer?s town

B. a charity organization which has some local groups

C. set up to collect money for people who lose their relatives

D. set up to assist the National Lottery

5. From the text we can conclude that ____________.

A. the writer is enthusiastically supporting the National Lottery

B. the writer has objections to the National Lottery

C. the writer believes that the lottery money should be used for cancer research

D. the writer is just expressing her feelings about collecting money for charity



Questions are based on the following passage. If you smoke--particularly cigarettes--you a

Questions are based on the following passage.

If you smoke--particularly cigarettes--you are far more likely than a non-smoker to suffer or die from several major diseases--notably lung cancer.

One smoker in four dies prematurely (过早地) because of his smoking. The risk of dying for a heavy smoker (between the ages of 35 and 55) is roughly equal to the risk run by a non-smoker 10 years older.

Cigarette smoking--and to a lesser degree pipe and cigar smoking-may aggravate(使恶化)or be partly responsible for the development of a wide variety of other diseases, which include

cancers of the mouth and throat, peptic ulcers (胃溃疡), and loss of teeth.

(78) Women who smoke during pregnancy produce babies on average about 5 to 8 ounces lighter than those who don&39;t.

Take lung cancer for example:

Britain&39;s lung cancer figures are the highest in the world, and still rising. Ninety people die every day, 33,000 in 1969. Almost all these deaths can be attributed directly to tobacco smoking.

(79)The prospects of a cure for lung cancer are, at present, remoter ,and it is impossible to estimate when, if ever, someone will find one. You would be foolish to rely on someone finding a cure before you needed it.

One man in eight who die between the ages of 35 and 64 is killed by lung cancer. The figures for women in this age group are lower, about 1 in 20. This is partly because women smoke less, and have not smoked as long. But the figures are still very high.

According to the passage, lung cancer __________ 查看材料

A.is the major cause of death between the ages of 35 and 55

B.is most often caused by smoking

C.never affects non-smokers

D.has nothing to do with smoking



For decades many U. S. veterans who took part in atmospheric nuclear tests have wondered whether their exposure to radiation might ultimately cost them their lives. Their private fears became a public issue in 1976 after a veteran claimed his leukemia was caused by radiation from a 1957 test series.

The atomic veterans and their families, as well as researchers and policy-makers, continue to struggle for definitive answers. These have been elusive, at least in part, because a crucial piece of information has been difficult to get-the radiation dose that each individual received.

In the largest study to date, researchers from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) have come up with some partial answers. But they too were limited in their ability to draw conclusions by the lack of usable information on radiation exposure.

The new study focused on participants in five series of nuclear tests, all of which took place either in the Nevada desert or the South Pacific. Nearly 70, 000 soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines were involved in at least one of these, and about 30 percent of them have now died. For comparison, researchers selected a group of 65, 000 military people serving at the same time under similar conditions, except that they did not take part in nuclear tests.

After an intensive review of service and death records, researchers found no difference between the two groups in overall death rates or in total deaths from cancer. Had there been a dramatic radiation effect, it would have shown up in this comparison.

The researchers also analyzed specific causes of death, including diseases linked in other studies to radiation. Here there were some differences. Among the nuclear test veterans, 14 percent more died from leukemia than those in the comparison group, although the difference lacked statistical significance and could have resulted from chance.

When comparisons were made based on whether the veterans participated in nuclear tests in Nevada or in the Pacific Ocean, the differences were sharper: a 50 percent higher leukemia death rate among Nevada atomic veterans than among the comparison group. This was not true among Pacific test participants, who actually had a slightly lower, though not statistically significant leukemia death rate than those in their comparison group.

81.The passage tells us that researchers wish that they could find out______.

A.when and where the veterans received the nuclear radiation

B.why the amount of radiation cannot be accurately measured

C.who was responsible for the veterans' deaths

D.how much radiation each veteran got during the nuclear tests

82.The latest study includes a comparison made between______.

A.healthy veterans and unhealthy veterans

B.nuclear test participants and those with no radiation exposure

C.the veterans who are still alive and those who have died

D.people who died of cancer and people who took part in atomic tests

83.What can we learn about the result of the latest study?

A.There was a significant difference in total deaths from cancer between the two groups.

B.There was no significant difference in death rates between the two groups.

C.The comparison group has a lower death rate.

D.More veterans died from leukemia than from other cancers.

84.One comparison mentioned in the last paragraph was made between______.

A.Pacific test participants and those who undertook the Nevada test

B.Nevada atomic veterans and those who didn't take part in any nuclear tests

C.Veterans in Nevada and Pacific atomic tests and the comparison group

D.half of Nevada test participants and half of the group of no test participants

85.How different is the group of Nevada test participants from their South Pacific counterparts?

A.The former shows a higher leukemia death rate than the comparison group.

B.The former shows a lower leukemia death rate than the comparison group.

C.The former shows a higher death rate than the latter.

D.The former shows a lower death rate than the latter.



Passage Two Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. Yoga induces a feeling

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

Yoga induces a feeling of well-being in healthy people, and can reverse the clinical and biochemical changes associated with metabolic syndrome, according to results of studies from Sweden and India. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity and high blood sugar.

Dr. R.P. Agrawal, of the SP Medical College, Bikaner, India, and colleagues evaluated the beneficial effects of yoga and meditation in 101 adults with features of metabolic syndrome. In the study, 55 adults received three months of regular yoga including standard postures and Raja Yoga,while the remaining received standard care.

Waist circumference, blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglyceri HDL cholesterol levels were higher in the yoga group as compared joumal Diabetes REsearch and Clinicat Practice.

In the second study, published online December 19 in BioMed Central Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Dr. Anette Kjellgren from the University of Karlstad, Sweden and colleagues evaluated the beneficial effects of yoga-like breathing exercises on healthy volunteers.

55 adults were advised to practice "Sudarshan Kriya," which involves cycles of slow, normal and rapid breathing exercises. The exercises were practiced for an hour daily, six days a week for six weeks, while 48 controls were advised to relax in an armchair for I 5 minutes daily.

At the end of the study period, feelings of anxiety, stress and depression were significantly lower and levels of optimism significantly higher in the yoga group compared to the control group, Kjellgren and colleagues report.

Yoga induces a "relaxation response" associated with reduced nervous system activity and a feeling of well-being probably due to an increase in antioxidants(抗氧化剂) and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol(应激激素皮质醇 ), they suggest.

Yoga not only helps in prevention of lifestyle. diseases, but can also be "a powerful adjunct therapy when these diseases anse,” co-investigator Dr. Faahri Saatiglou, from the University of Oslo, told Reuters Health. "We do not emphasize this point enough in our Westem health care."

The studies of yoga from Sweden and India have shown that __

A. yoga will make patients recover more quickly

B. yoga can cure cancer gradually

C. yoga will lead the state of being healthy

D. yoga can keep people optimistic



Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. You’re in trouble if

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

You’re in trouble if you have to buy your own brand-name prescription drugs. Over the past decade, prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate. Treatments for chronic conditions can easily top $2,000 a month-no wonder that one in four Americans can’s afford to fill their prescriptions. The solution? A hearty chorus of “O Canada.” North of the border, where price controls reign, those same brand-name drugs cost 50% to 80% less.

The Canadian option is fast becoming a political wake-up call, “If our neighbors can buy drugs at reasonable prices, why can’t we? Even to whisper that thought provokes anger. “Un-American!” And-the propagandists’ trump card (王牌)—“Wreck our brilliant health-care system.” Supersize drug prices, they claim, fund the research that sparks the next generation of wonder drugs. No sky-high drug price today, no cure for cancer tomorrow. So shut up and pay up.

Common sense tells you that’s a false alternative. The reward for finding, say, a cancer cure is so huge that no one’s going to hang it up. Nevertheless, if Canada-level pricing came to the United States, the industry’s profit margins would drop and the pace of new-drug development would slow. Here lies the American dilemma. Who is all this splendid medicine for? Should our health-care system continue its drive toward the best of the best, even though rising numbers of patients can’t afford it? Or should we direct our wealth toward letting everyone in on today’s level of care? Measured by saved lives, the latter is almost certainly the better course.

To defend their profits, the drug companies have warned Canadian wholesalers and pharmacies (药房) not to sell to Americans by mail, and are cutting back supplies to those who dare.

Meanwhile, the administration is playing the fear card. Officials from the Food and Drug Administration will argue that Canadian drugs might be fake, mishandled, or even a potential threat to life.

Do bad drugs fly around the Internet? Sure-and the more we look, the more we’ll find, But I haven’t heard of any raging epidemics among the hundreds of thousands of people buying crossborder.

Most users of prescription drugs don’t worry about costs a lot. They’re sheltered by employee insurance, owing just a $20 co-pay. The financial blows rain, instead, on the uninsured, especially the chronically ill who need expensive drugs to live, This group will still include middle-income seniors on Medicare, who’ll have to dig deeply into their pockets before getting much from the new drug benefit that starts in 2006.

26. What is said about the consequence of the rocketing drug prices in the U.S.?

A) A quarter of Americans can’t afford their prescription drugs.

B) Many Americans can’t afford to see a doctor when they fall ill.

C) Many Americans have to go to Canada to get medical treatment.

D) The inflation rate has been more than doubled over the years.









breast cancer









癌症(cancer) 名词解释


食管癌(esophageal cancer)

食管癌(esophageal cancer)


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