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________good manners to eat quietly.

A.It is

B.They are

C.He is

D.This is

更多“________good manners to eat quietly.”相关的问题


Table Manners and CustomsIn Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with

Table Manners and Customs

In Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with the mouth closed; not letting any of the food fall off the plate; using the knife only for cutting; and not trying to take food across the table.______【46】. Indeed, what are considered good table manners in some other countries are what British people try hardest to avoid. ______【47】.

______【48】. Tables and chairs have raplaced the cushions of the past, and the lady of the house presides at one end of the table in the same way that Western women do. Many Japanese, however still feel it would be wrong to eat unless they were sitting on a cushion before a low table with a tray of food on it. In many parts of the world both traditional and Western styles of eating exist side by side.

______【49】. In North America it is polite to cut up meat and then put the knife down, take the fork in the right hand and eat with it. Most European people, like the British, keep the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right all the time when they are eating food that has to be cut. In the British Isles and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland) special knives and forks are used for eating fish. ______【50】.

A. In France, Belgium and Italy, however, it is correct to keep the same knife for every course , wiping it on a piece of bread.

B. In other parts of the world there are also rules for people to follow when they are eating, but they are not the same as those of Britain.

C. The richer and more educated people in the East have, however, to a great extent taken up

the table manners and customs of Western people.

D. In Arabia, for instance, the people at a feast take pieces of food with their fingers and belch loudly to show that they have appreciated it.

E. Table manners and customs have changed a lot with the time.

F. In the West there are differences between table manners in various countries, although they are not so marked.




Keep your elbows off the table. Don't eat or drink noisily. Say “please.”

Keep your elbows off the table. Don't eat or drink noisily. Say “please.” Most of us have heard our parents say these phrases many times. Did our parents simply enjoy enforcing these rules, or do good manners actually have a purpose in life? As we grow, manners, or the socially correct way of acting, become more and more important. Good manners are necessary in business, social, and family situations.

In the work place, good manners can make the difference between getting a job and staying unemployed. When calling to set up an interview, one should be polite and professional to the person answering the phone. Arriving at the interview on time and well dressed is another way to impress the boss. Wearing jeans or shorts is not appropriate. Several days after the interview it is polite to send a letter thanking the interviewer for his or her time. Having good manners like these will impress people in business situations, and can increase one's success.

Manners are also important in social situations. When a friend calls with a party invitation, one should check the date and either accept or decline. Responding promptly to an invitation is an example of good social manners. When attending the party, one should not bring along people who weren't invited. A guest who shows up with five or six uninvited people will probably embarrass the host. When you leave the party it is polite to thank the host and ask if he needs any help cleaning up. Friends feel appreciated when they are treated this way.

It is easy to forget about good manners with family members, but manners become very important when people live together. We can be considerate to relatives by remembering to relay phone messages. It can be upsetting when messages are forgotten or written down wrong. Another problem can result from borrowing things without asking or returning them. One should always ask permission to borrow something, like clothes or even toothpaste. Being polite and returning borrowed things quickly will keep family members happy. Another way to respect family members is to knock on the door before entering a room because everyone appreciates having privacy. This type of behavior. will improve relationships and keep the house peaceful.

Many people believe that having good manners is not important, or is an old-fashioned way of behaving. However, parents realize that manners are important and they teach their children how to be polite so they can achieve many things. Although sitting up straight and remembering to say “thank you” may seem like a lot of trouble, having good manners will keep employers, friends, and family members happy.

51. Which of the following statements best summarises the second paragraph?

A. Wearing suitable clothes to a job interview is important.

B. To impress the interviewer, you must be punctual.

C. Good manners may help you secure a job.

D. Your success in business depends on good manners.

52. Which of the following is considered bad manners when you are invited to a party?

A. Telling the host whether you accept the invitation.

B. Bringing with you people the host has not invited.

C. Expressing how you enjoyed the party.

D. Offering to help with the cleaning up.

53. It is implied in the fourth paragraph that when people live together

A. they should respect each other's privacy.

B. they shouldn't keep borrowed things too long.

C. they shouldn't borrow each other's toothpaste.

D. they should write down phone messages for each other.

54. The writer of the article believes that

A. parents no longer insist that children should be polite.

B. saying “thank you” is too much trouble.

C. only old people say “thank you”.

D. people benefit from being polite.

55. The best title for this passage is

A. What Good Manners Mean.

B. How to Become a Courteous Person.

C. The Importance of Good Manners.

D. Courtesy in Society.



Manners in every country are different. What is polite in China may not be () in the U
Manners in every country are different. What is polite in China may not be () in the U

nited States. These basic rules will help you enjoy western food () your American friends. Always put the napkin on your lap first. Before you leave the table, refold your napkin and put it () your

plate.As the meal is served, use the silverware farthest from the plate first. When () something in a bowl, dot not leave the spoon in the bowl. Put it on the plate beneath the bowl. When you have finished your meal, () your knife and fork side by side on the plate. Wait () everyone has been () to begin eating. Everyone begins to eat at the same time.While eating, remember not to talk with your mouth () food During the meal, the hostess will () you a second () of foo Sometimes she will ask you to help yourself. When she offers you food, give her a direct answer. If you refuse the first time, she might not ask you again. At the table, ask others to pass you dishes that are () your reach. Good phrases now are: “Please pass the …..,” or “Could you hand me the ……, please?”Sit up () ()the table. Bring the food up to your mouth. Do not lean down to your plate.Cut large pieces of meat, potatoes and vegetables into bite-size pieces. Eat the pieces one () .When eating spaghetti, wind the noodles up on your fork. The spaghetti on your fork should be eaten in one bite. It is very () to eat half your noodles and allow the other half to fall back on your () .Do not lean on your arm or elbow while eating. You may () your hand and wrist on the edge of the table.In America, people do not use toothpicks at the table.The () way to learn good manners is () others. Observe the way your western friends eat. This is the best way to avoid making mistakes when you are unsure of () to do.

1、A.polite B.pleasure C.please D.progress

2、A.which B.that C.with D.together

3、A.near B.at C.on D.beside

4、A.eat B.eating C.eaten D.having

5、A.funny B.eager C.plate D.place

6、A.until B.due to C.has D.as

7、A.story B.served C.serve D.service

8、A.fill with B.of C.full of D.lot of

9、A.offer B.help C.give D.serve

10、A.feed Bo.ffer C.help D.helping

11、A.out of B.without C.with D.at

12、A.down B.straight C.rest D.relaxed

13、A.on B.by C.at D.in

14、A.at a time B.all time C.at all times D.at times

15、A.impolite B.polite C.nice D.rude

16、A.please B.place C.plate D.pleasure

17、A.put down B.rest C.get on D.let

18、A.worse B.better C.worst D.best

19、A.to watch B.watches C.watching D.watched

20、A.what B.which C.that D.there



From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners.(从婴儿时开始我们就被教

From the time we were babies we have been taught our manners.(从婴儿时开始我们就被教以礼貌规矩。) We are taught how to hold a knife and a fork and not to talk with our mouths full. We are taught how to shake hands and when to stand and when to sit and the way to introduce people.

Sometimes good manners in one place are very bad manners somewhere else. Almost everywhere eating together means that you are very friendly to each other. But in parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all. They politely turn their backs on each other when they are taking food.

Some East Africans spit four times as a kind of blessing(祝福). They do it to show that they want a sick person to get well, or to bless a new born baby. In most other places, spitting means just something completely different. It's something to do to show that you hate someone.

When we go to visit someone we say "Hello" and "How are you" and things like that. If you were visiting an East African village, everyone would be very careful not to pay any attention to you. The polite thing there would be for you to go quietly, without speaking to anyone, and sit beside your friend. You would wait until he had finished what he was doing and then he would begin talking to you.

In a village in Arab, a visitor walks behind all the tents until he gets to the one he wants to visit. If he passed in front,he would be invited into each tent and asked to eat. It was rude to refuse.

1.We have been taught________.

A.it's bad manners to stand and to sit

B.it's good manners to hold a knife and a fork

C.it's good manners not to talk with our mouths full

D.how to shake hands when we introduce people

2.In parts of Polynesia it's not polite________.

A.to be eating alone

B.to stand eating

C.to be seen eating

D.to take food away

3.In most places,spitting means________.

A.a kind of blessing

B.you want a sick person to get well

C.you give a new-born baby the blessing

D.you hate someone

4.If you visit an East African village, you________.

A.had better say "Hello" or "How are you" to others

B.will keep quiet and not to speak to anyone

C.should be very careful and not to pay any attention to others

D.must wait until the villagers have finished their work and then begin to talk to them

5.If you pass in front of the tents in Arab, ________.

A.you would be invited in and eat in each tent

B.you just refuse to go into the tent

C.you can walk behind all the tents

D.you can't get to the one you want to visit



“Fingers were made before forks” when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to eating food touched with fingers, “Seeing all men‘s fingers are not alike clean.” English travellers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show-offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600‘s did using a fork become a common custom.

76. The custom of eating with a fork was _______.

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians

To English travellers in Italy, the use of forks seemed _______.A.clever


C.good manner


By the fifteenth century forks were used _______.A.all over Italy

B.only in Constantinople

C.widely in Europe

D.In England

In England, people who used forks at that time were considered ______.A.well mannered


C.show-offs and overnice

D.both B and C

The English thought that Italians used forks in order to ________.A.imitate the people of the East

B.keep their food clean

C.impress visitors with their good manners

D.amuse the English




"Fingers were made before forks" when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and
fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying.

The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinpole brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe.

By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to rating food touched with fingers, "Seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean." English travelers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.

Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show - offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600's did using a fork become a common custom.

The custom of eating with a fork was ______ .

A.brought to Europe from America

B.begun when forks were invented

C.brought to Europe from Asia

D.invented by Italians



Good manners may be varied ()cultural backgrounds.A、 sinceB、 becauseC、 due to

Good manners may be varied ()cultural backgrounds.

A、 since

B、 because

C、 due to



It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and () knowledge.







It is ______to be invited to speak here. A. good manners B. an honour C. a pride D.

It is ______to be invited to speak here.

A. good manners

B. an honour

C. a pride

D. a respect


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