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He read a play of mine and, though he did not much like it, he thought it might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind could be produced

更多“He read a play of mine and, though he did not much like it, he thought it might just run for the six…”相关的问题


Just as I settle down to read or watch television, he demands that I play with him. If I get a telephone call, he screams in the background or knocks something over. I always have to hang up to find o

A.Just as I settle down to read or watch television, he demands that I play with him.

B.Babysitting with my little brother is no fun.

C.Then, when he finally grows tired,it takes about an hour for him to fall asleep.



Read the paragraph from the introduction [paragraphs 1-4]. Andrew Luck shocked the sports world on August 24. He plays for the Indianapolis Colts. He is the team’s quarterback. Which question is answe

A.What team does Andrew Luck play for

B.What injury did Andrew Luck get

C.How did Andrew Luck shock the sports worl

D.How old is Andrew Luck



听力短文3:Dr。 Ben Carsen grew up in a poor single parent house-hold in Detroit。

Dr。 Ben Carsen grew up in a poor single parent house-hold in Detroit。 His mother, who had only a 3rd grade education helds two jobs cleaning bathrooms。 To his classmates and even to his

teachers he was thought of as the dummest kid in his class。 According to his own not so fond memories。

He had a terrible temper, and once threatened to kill another child。 Dr。 Carsen was headed down part of seld distraction until a critical moment in his youth。 His mother convinced that he had to do something dramatic preventing leading a life of failure laid down some rules。 He could not

watch television except for two programs a week, could not play with his friends after school

until he finished his homework。 And had to read two books a week, and write book reports about them。 His mother’s strategy worked。 “Of course, I didn’t know she couldn’t read。 So there I was

submitting these reports。” he said。 She would put check marks on them like she had been reading them。 As I began to read about scientists,economists and philosophers。 I started imaging myself in their shoes。 As he got into the hobbit of hard work, his grade began to soar。 Ultimately he received a scholarship to attending Yale

University, and later he was admitted to the University of Michigan Medical School。

He is now a leading surgeon at Johns Hopkins Medical School and he is also the author of the three books。

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard。

Q23 What do we learn about Ben Carsen ?

Q24 What did Ben Caren’s classmates and teachers think of him whenhe was first at school?

Q25 What did Ben Carsen’s mother tell him to do when he was a school boy?



听力:What do we learn about Ben Carson?

Doctor Ben Carson grew up in a poor single parent household in Detroit. His mother, who had only a third-grade education, worked two jobs cleaning bathrooms. To his classmates and even to his teachers, he was thought of as the dumbest kid in the class, according to his own not so fond memories. He had a terrible temper, and once threatened to kill another child. Doctor Carson was headed down a path of self-destruction until a critical moment in his youth. His mother, convinced that she had to do something dramatic to prevent him from leading a life of failure, laid down some rules. He could not watch television except for two programs a week, could not play with his friends after school until he finished his homework, and had to read two books a week and write book reports about them. His mother’s strategy worked. “Of course, I didn’t know she couldn’t read, so there I was submitting these reports.” He said. “She would put check marks on them like she had been reading them. As I began to read about scientists, economists and philosophers, I started imaging myself in their shoes. As he got in the habit of hard work, his grades began to soar. Ultimately, he received a scholarship to attend Yale University. And later, he was admitted to the University of Michigan Medical School. He is now a leading surgeon at John’s Hopkins Medical School, and he’s also the author of three books.

Q: What do we learn about Ben Carson?

A.He had only a third-grade education.

B.He once threatened to kill his teacher.

C.He grew up in a poor single-parent household.

D.He often helped his.



Jim Thorpe was a Native American. He was born in 1888 in an Indian Territory(印第安人保护区)that is now Oklahoma. Like most Native American children then, he liked to fish, hunt, swim, and play games outdoors. He was healthy and strong, but he had very ltte formaleducation. In 1950,Jim Thorpe was named the greatest American football player. He was also an Olympic gold medal winner. But Thorpe had many tragedies in his life. Jim had a twin brother who died when he was nine years old. By the time he was 16, his mother and father were also dead, Jim then went to a special school in Pennsylvania for Native American children. There, he learned to read and write and also began to play sports. Jim was poor, so he left school for two years to earn some money. During this time, he played ona baseball team. The team paid him only $15 a week. Soon he returned to school to complete his education. Jim was a star athlete (运动员) in several sports, including baseball, running, and fooball. He won many awards for his athletic abllity, mainly for football. In many games, he scored all or most of the points for his team. In 1912, when Jim Thorpe was 24 years old, he became part of the U.S Olympic team. He competed in two very ifficult events: the pentathlon and the decathlon. Both require greatability and strength. The pentathlon has five track and fleld events, including the long jump and the 1500-meter race. The decathlon has ten track and field events, with running, jumping and throwing contests. People thought it was impossible for an athlete to compete in both the pentathlon and the decathlon. So everyone was surprised when Thorpe won gold medals in both events. When the King of Sweden presented Thorpe with his two gold medals, he said, "Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world." Thorpe was a simple and honest man. He just answered, "Thanks, King."

1. From the passage we learn that Jim Thorpe was born in().

A. India

B. Pennsylvania

C. Oklahoma

2. According to the passage, most American Indian children loved all the fllowing EXCEPT().

A. fishing

B. singing

C. swimming

3. Jim Thorpe started to play sports().

A. before he was 9 years old

B. when he was 16 years old

C. when he was 24 years old

4. The word decathlon in paragraph 3 probably means().

A. jumping

B. five track and field events

C. ten track and field events

5. Which of the fllowing is NOT TRUE()?

A. In 1912, Thorpe went back to finish his college education.

B. Thorpe won two gold medals in the 1912 Olympic Games.

C. Thorpe once played on a baseball team for money.



We are learning English. But how can we (31) English well? A student can know a lot ab

We are learning English. But how can we (31) English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe he can't speak English.

If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the (32)and if you want to be a football (33), you must play football.

So you see, you can learn English only by (34) it. You must listen to your teacher in class. You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your classmates and also you must write something sometimes. Then one day, you may find your English very (35).

A. river B. good C. player D. using E. learn



(阅读理解题)A few years ago I was shopping with a friend and his 12-year-old daughter

(阅读理解题)A few years ago I was shopping with a friend and his 12-year-old daughter in downtown San Francisco. A street musician, whom my friend happened to know from his own musician days, was playing the saxophone (萨克斯管) on a street corner. His name was Clifford, and he had attracted a large crowd with his performance. After he finished, my friend introduced him to me and his daughter. Clifford asked her if she played any instrument. When she replied that she was taking trumpet (小号) lessons and played in her junior high school band, he said, “That is fine, little lady. Learn your instrument well and you can play anything.” Somehow these simple yet wise words struck me as appropriate not only for a trumpet player but also for a reader. If you learn to read well, you can read anything you want—not just newspapers and magazines, but more difficult material like philosophy, file criticism, military history—whatever interests you as your confidence grows. You would not be limited in any way. If you have the vocabulary—or at least a good dictionary near at hand—you can pick up a book, concentrate on it, and make sense of the author's words. In the United States, reading instruction often ends at elementary school, so students sometimes have difficulty as they progress through school. They must take their assignments armed only with their elementary school reading skills. The result, too often, is frustration and loss of confidence. And the assigned reading in your college courses will be even greater than they were in high school. Developing Reading Skills is designed to accomplish several tasks to show you the skills that will enable you to read with greater comprehension, to help you cope with reading assignments with confidence, and to teach you to become an active reader.

(1).The author develops his point by starting with ______.

A、an example

B、an accident

C、a statement

D、a contrast

(2).Which of the following statements is implied in Paragraph 1?

A、Clifford was good at playing the saxophone

B、The author’s friend was once a street musician

C、The 12-year-old girl played the trumpet very poorly

D、Clifford was a good music teacher

(3).How does the author think about Clifford’s words?

A、humorous, correct, simple

B、ridiculous, incorrect, ludicrous

C、wise, plain, correct

D、stupid, useless, incorrect

(4).With good reading skills, you can ______.

A、understand anything you read with few difficulties

B、work out the author's meaning if only you concentrate on the book

C、understand what you read with the help of a good dictionary

D、concentrate on whatever you read

(5).It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Developing Reading skills ______.

A、is directed to elementary school students

B、centers around vocabulary building skills

C、offers elementary reading skills

D、aims at helping students read better



I came away from my years of teaching on the college and university level with a convictio
n that enactment (扮演角色), performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching. Students must be incorporated, made, so far as possible, an integral part of the learning process. The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case. Of Ezekiel Cheever, the most famous schoolmaster of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, his onetime student Cotton Mather wrote that he so planned his lessons that his pupils "came to work as though they came to play", and Alfred North Whitehead, almost three hundred years later, noted that a teacher should make his/her students "glad they were there"

Since, we are told, 80 to 90 percent of all instruction in the typical university is by the lecture method, we should give close attention to this form. of education. There is, I think, much truth in Patricia Nelson Limerick's observation that "lecturing is an unnatural act, an act for which God did not design humans. It is perfectly all right, now and then, for a human to be possessed by the urge to speak, and to speak while others remain silent. But to do this regularly, one hour and 15 minutes at a time.., for one person to drag on while others sit in silence? ... I do not believe that this is what the Creator.., designed humans to do".

The strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that many professors, just as they feel obliged to write dully, believe that they should lecture dully. To show enthusiasm is to risk appearing unscientific, un-objective; it is to appeal to the students' emotions rather than their intellect. Thus the ideal lecture is one filled with facts and read in an unchanged monotone.

The cult (推崇) of lecturing dully, like the cult of writing dully, goes back, of course, some years. Edward Shils, professor of sociology, recalls the professors he encountered at the University of Pennsylvania in his youth. They seemed "a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform. in their bearing; they never referred to anything personal. Some read from old lecture notes and then haltingly explained the thumb-worn last lines. Others lectured from cards that had served for years, to judge by the worn edges... The teachers began on time, ended on time, and left the room without saying a word more to their students, very seldom being detained by questioners... The classes were not large, yet there was no discussion. No questions were raised in class, and there were no office hours" .

The author believes that a successful teacher should be able to______.

A.make study just as easy as play

B.improve students' learning performance

C.make inspired play an integral part of the learning process

D.make dramatization an important aspect of students' learning



Jim Thorpe was a Native American. He was born in 1888 in an Indian Territory(印第安人 保

Jim Thorpe was a Native American. He was born in 1888 in an Indian Territory(印第安人 保护区)that is now Oklahoma. Like most Native American children then, he liked to fish, hunt, swim, and play games outdoors. (76) He was healthy and strong, but he had very little formal education. In 1950, Jim Thorpe was named the greatest American football player. He was also an Olympic gold medal winner. But Thorpe had many tragedies in his life. Jim had a twin brother who died when he was nine years old. By the time he was 16, his mother and father were also dead, Jim then went to a special school in Pennsylvania for Native American children. There, he learned to read and write and also began to play sports. Jim was poor, so he left school for two years to earn some money. During this time, he played on a baseball team. (77)The team paid him only $ 15 a week. Soon he returned to school to complete his education. Jim was a star athlete (运动员) in several sports, including baseball, running, and football. He won many awards for his athletic ability, mainly for football. In many games, he scored all or most of the points for his team. In 1912, when Jim Thorpe was 24 years old, he became part of the U.S Olympic team. He competed in two very difficult events: the pentathlon and the decathlon. Both require great ability and strength. The pentathlon has five track and filed events, including the long jump and the 1500-meter race. The decathlon has ten track and field events, with running, jumping and throwing contests. People thought it was impossible for an athlete to compete in both the pentathlon and the decathlon. So everyone was surprised when Thorpe won gold medals in both events. When the King of Sweden presented Thorpe with his two gold medals , he said, “Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world. ” Thorpe was a simple and honest man. He just answered, “Thanks, King. ” From the passage we learn that Jim Thorpe was born in _______.







If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this, and nobody would think of questioning this fact. Yet there are many people who do not seem to know that the memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough opportunity to become strong. The position is exactly the same as that of two persons, one of whom exercises his arms and legs by playing tennis, while the other sits in a chair or a motorcar all day.

If a friend complains that his arms are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to be blamed, or that he is just unlucky, and few of us realize that it is just as much his own fault. Not all of us can become extremely strong or extremely clever; but all of us can, if we have ordinary bodies and brains, improve our strength and our memory by the same means——practice.

Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have better memories than those who can? Why is this? Of course, because those who cannot read or write have to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember dates, times and prices, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.

So if you want a good memory, learn from the poor and humble: practice remembering.

6. Which of the following is true, according to the first paragraph?()

A、It is a fact that some people do not use their arms or legs.

B、To have a good memory, one has to exercise it regularly.

C、Everybody knows that memory of words is the same way as the arms or legs.

D、To keep fit, one should not sit in a chair or a motorcar.

7. In the author's opinion, poor memory results from().

A、poor health

B、lack of remembering practice

C、unlucky fortune

D、insufficient education

8. The author seems to advice us().

A、to play tennis to improve our memory

B、to complain about nothing but our health

C、to blame ourselves rather than our parents for the poor memory

D、to learn from those who cannot read or write

9. The author comes to the conclusion that().

A、the poorer one is, the better his memory

B、memory can be improved by practicing it

C、the poor and humble people may help you remember things

D、if you want a good memory, do not read or write anything

10. Which of the following may best serve as the title of the article?()

A、Poor and Good Memory.

B、How to Improve Your Memory.

C、Your Arms, Legs and Brain.

D、Learn from the Poor and Humble.


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