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___ that she would make greater progress in her study of Italian.

A.she is hoped

B.it is hoped

C.she was hoped

D.it was hoped

更多“___ that she would make greater progress in her study of Italian.”相关的问题


I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to ()a message?A. keepB. restC. leave

I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to ()a message?

A. keep

B. rest

C. leave



I’m sorry my mother didn’t want to go to the department store with me. ____ willing to go, I would have bought her a sweater.

A) Was she B) Being

C) Had she been D) She has been



Mary doesn't look happy today. She would rather Bob and Linda () each other any m

Mary doesn't look happy today. She would rather Bob and Linda () each other any more.

A、don't see

B、didn't see

C、havn't seee

D、won't see



听力原文:M: Did you buy a birthday present for your sister, Susan?W: Not yet, but I've bee

听力原文:M: Did you buy a birthday present for your sister, Susan?

W: Not yet, but I've been thinking about getting her a tape. She is fond of classical music.

Q: Which tape would Susan like best?


A.The Best of Jazz.

B.Classical Favorites.

C.Christmas Carols.

D.Rock Music Collection.



In this small town there was not a single man of importance who would dare to have a house
keeper younger than sixty, for fear of what people might say about them. I was【56】, however. When I needed a housekeeper I【57】a girl called Bridie Casey, a lovely little girl of seventeen from a village up the coast. But I【58】my choice carefully. I drove out there one day when she was at home, and I had a look at the cottage and a【59】with her mother and a cup of tea, and after that I did not need anyone to say that she was 【60】. I knew if there was anything Bridie did not do【61】her mother would not【62】long to correct her. After that, there was only one【63】to rise.

"Have you a【64】Bridle ?" said I.

"No, doctor, I have not," said she with a simple expression that did not【65】me a bit. As a doctor you soon get used to innocent (无邪的)【66】.

"Well, you'd better【67】and get one," said I,"【68】. I'm not going to take you."

【69】this she laughed.

【70】she started working at my house. She proved to be very【71】and efficient (高效率的). Of course, she was so good-looking that people who came to my house used to pass a【72】about us. But that didn't matter. They did not dare to hire a pretty girl themselves for【73】of what people would say. But I knew as long as a girl had a man of【74】to look after she would give me 【75】.


A.an inclusion

B.a conclusion

C.an exception

D.a succession



For years, I’ve been fighting against what feels natural to me because I felt pressure
to it. When I used to get dressed to go out I would put on a T-shirt and sneakers and feel great, but when I would walk into a bar and every girl around me was in heels and a mini dress, I often felt like the odd girl out. Anytime I was “dressed down” I would be told that I’d look better if I had makeup on, or was asked, “Is that really what you’re wearing?” So I learned to qualify it. “Oh, I didn’t bring anything nicer with me.” "Sorry I’m not really dressed. I came straight from work." The truth is that I feel comfortable in jeans and I don’t like to change before I go out. There's nothing wrong with that. Then why did I feel like there was? Part of it has to do with clothing options marketed to women and girls. What was available “for just us girls”? Usually it’s pink, frilly, or feminine. But I never felt those things were made for me or appealed to me. I decided to stop letting it get to me. In the past when I would get dressed for a date, I would try on multiple outfits. The first was what I wanted to wear on my date. The second was what my friends would tell me to wear. As I stood in front of the mirror, I would feel the frustration well up. I never want a guy that would want me in heels all the time. So I’d take off the dress that I had on — the one I thought I should wear — and put on what I was actually most comfortable wearing. And you know what? As soon as I did, I realized how great I looked. Girls who look unapologetically themselves are the best type of girls.

(1)What message does the author mainly convey?

A. Girls should wear like girls in a bar or a party.

B. Jeans and sweaters will be the new fashion for girls.

C. Girls in any type of clothes with confidence are the best.

D. Wearing pink and frilly clothes is odd and out of fashion.

(2)How did the author feel when she walked into a bar dressed down?

A. She felt herself quite different from other girls in the bar.

B. She felt at ease when other girls commented on her dress style.

C. She felt proud for not wearing high-heels like other girls.

D. She felt there was always discrimination around in the bar.

(3)What did the author use to do for a date?

A. She used to put on what she liked quickly.

B. She used to buy some girls’ dress to put on.

C. She used to try on multiple outfits.

D. She used to dress what others suggest her dressing.

(4)The followings are what the author qualifies for her casual dressing style. EXCEPT .

A. I didn’t bring anything nicer with me.

B. I came straight from work.

C. Sorry, I’m not really dressed.

D. I prefer jeans and sneakers.

(5)Which of the following adjectives can best describe the author’s attitude towards clothes options marketed for girls?

A. Ironic.

B. Uninterested.

C. Approving.

D. Objective.



Mr. Young ran his own business and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he woul
d get sick if he continued like that, so she often tried to get him to take a vacation. At last she managed to persuade him to do so, and she hoped that he would be able to enjoy his vacation without any disturbance, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husband's secretary. She said to her, "My husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens, please don't bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while we are away. Just wait till we get back."

After Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, Mr. Young received a letter from his secretary which said, "Something terrible happened to your business, but I'm not going to bother you with it while you are enjoying your vacation."

1)、Mr. Young was the owner of a private business.



2)、Mrs. Young worried about her husband's business.



3)、Mrs. Young was afraid that her husband's vacation might be spoilt.



4)、The secretary didn't explain in her letter what had happened to Mr.Young's business, because she didn't want to spoil Mr. Young's vacation.



5)、You can learn from the story that Mr. Young had a stupid secretary.





Hi, Sharon, I've only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe I've alread
y been here for a year? There's so much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. At least I don't have to find somewhere else to live. I'm going to spend a few days with friends. He is letting the whole flat because Mary is moving just before her marriage. The time has gone so quickly. I cannot believe that I've been here for a whole year. And I must start packing too - I have bought a lot since I came, and I need another suitcase. I'll give some things to charity shops I think. Anyway, I'm really writing to say that I'll be back in Shanghai on the 27 April, and it would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. I'll phone as soon as I get back How are things with you?Love Xiaoyan

(1). When will Xiaoyan leave England?A

A、month later.

B、10 days later.

C、A year later.

(2). Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out?

A、 She will stay in her friends' place.

B、She will be on the plane to Shanghai.

C、She will have to find a hotel to live in.

(3). What will happen to Franco's flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out?

A、 It will be sold at a good price.

B、It will be rented to other people.

C、It will be kept for Xiaoyan when she comes back.

(4). Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase?

A、 She has got more things than she came with.

B、Her old suitcase is broken.

C、She has to give things to charity shops.

(5). What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon?

A、 To ask Sharon to show her around Shanghai.

B、To talk about what happened to them recently.

C、To show Sharon her new clothes.



No one in my family could believe Allegra had any disability

, much less one as severe as hers. To them a disability was physical, something you could see. They knew her as a happy, normal child. That's how it is with a learning disability -you don't see obvious physical symptoms.

But as she grew out of preschool, she would pretend to read-I knew she was pretending because the book was upside down. She withdrew into her own world where she could fantasize about being a ballet dancer, a Broadway actress or a figure skater. In the real world, ballet classes and music lessons led only to confusion, frustration and, ultimately, disappointment.

As for school, there was no way she could be included in a mainstream classroom. I went through every special school in New York, only to be told over and over: "She doesn't belong here." The last blow came a few months after the diagnosis, when I was at a pay phone on 72nd Street, waiting for an answer from the very last school on my list. Finally a cold voice came on-I can still hear it-and said: "I'm sorry, but we feel this isn't the place for her." I hung up and stared at the phone in tears.

I had lived my life as the daughter of Henry Ford II, and for the first time in my life I faced a problem that neither money nor position could solve. I nearly gave up, but I knew I couldn't. Without me, my daughter stood no chance of making it.

21 .According to the first paragraph, Allegra's problem was _ .

A. psychological B. obvious C. physical D. invisible

22. Allegra was disabled in that _.

A. she was unable to learn like a normal child

B. she was always reading with her book upside down

C. she isolated herself from other children in her class

D. she was living in her dreams in conflict with the real world

23 .The expression "a mainstream classroom"(para. 3) refers, to _.

A. the last blow B. the last school

C. special schools D. normal education

24. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.

A. the author would ask Henry Ford II for help

B. the author would continue to help her daughter

C. the author would leave New York for the sake of her daughter

D. the author had to use money or position to deal with the problem

25.The phrase "making it" (para. 4) probably means _.

A. becoming a figure skater B. becoming a ballet dancer

C. becoming successful D. getting proper treatment



I'd been living with my wife for eight years and one night. Morn says, "I guess you guys a
re never going to get married. I mean, you've been through jail together, you're living together, but…, oh, forget it."

"Oh, well," I said," put it like that and I'll marry your daughter tomorrow."

Actually, I don't know what we were waiting for, except that for a guy it's never the right time to get married. I' m also suspicious of any two people who don't struggle with that decision. Part of my problem was that I was still lusting in my heart after other ladies. But somehow I knew that I wasn't going to find another woman remotely as great as my soon-to-be wife. It's a good thing my mother-in-law finally spoke up.

I finally gathered my courage one day when we were having a picnic, and popped the question. I also gave my wife a big tourist pamphlet about Switzerland. I wasn't taking any chances.

She said no.

It killed me. I felt sick to my stomach. I lost my appetite. Our dog just stared at me, thinking, "If you're not going to eat your lunch, I will." Finally, I said, "But the Switzerland trip is yours if you say yes."

"Switzerland , "she said, "is filled with precise, humorless people."

"Maybe I should have suggested Paris?"

For a minute it seemed as if my change in travel plans would rate a solid "maybe". But she said no again. When we woke up the next morning, she told me that she'd slept on my proposal. "I guess I was a little rude to you last night," she explained. Meanwhile, I'm figuring I'm off the hook for this marriage thing for at least another eight years. I could afford to be generous.

"I asked, you said no. It's okay," I said. I might have looked a little too relieved because later that day she gave me a little box. Inside was a gold watch. On the back was inscribed. "Yes. I've reconsidered."

I liked the watch, so I did the right thing.

The reason why the man had waited so long for his marriage was that he ______.

A.didn' t think eight years was long enough

B.suspected that husband and wife would often quarrel

C.didn't think he was ready to propose to her

D.was waiting for his mother-in-law's approval



One day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had worry on her face. He knew she was thinking of(101). "It's bad out there. Black clouds are coming from the sea," Jamie said. "Yes. I'm thinking of those fishing boats at sea," she said. At that moment(102)went out. Jamie and his mother were in the dark. "The coastline will be in the dark," Jamie's mother said. She got more worried.(103)always come in threes. I broke my best glasses this morning, and my sister has the cold. "Now, don't worry, mum. They're right. They're(104)to come through this all right." But Jamie really worried about those fishing boats himself. The fishing boats would(105)the cove(海湾)in the dark. Jamie took flares and rushed into the wind. There was a cliff by the sea. He started to climb. He pulled himself up hand over hand. At last he reached the top.

101.A.the wind  B.the clouds  C.the rain  D.the weather

102.A.Jamie  B.his mother  C.the fire  D.the lights

103.A.Messages  B.Accidents  C.Troubles  D.Questions

104.A.sure  B.lucky  C.safe  D.ready

105.A.lose  B.miss  C.leave  D.forget 


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